
The radical transformation in how people across the world are living during the Coronavirus pandemic is having a significant impact on internet businesses. While some are seeing sales plummet, others are struggling to cope with growing demand. In this post, we’ll look at how the online marketplace is changing in the current circumstances.

在冠状病毒大流行期间,全世界人们的生活方式发生了根本性变化,对互联网业务产生了重大影响。 尽管有些企业的销售量直线下降,但另一些企业却在努力应对不断增长的需求。 在本文中,我们将研究当前情况下在线市场的变化。

1. 对流媒体服务的需求不断增长 ( 1. Growing demand for streaming services)

Millions of people are turning to movies and box-set series to keep them entertained while they are cooped up indoors. As a result, streaming services are seeing growth not just in the amount of time people are watching but in the numbers of new customers flocking to use their services. In Europe, Netflix has had to reduce its picture quality by 25% to ensure bandwidth capacity.

数以百万计的人开始看电影和盒装电影,以使他们在室内闲逛时保持娱乐。 结果,流媒体服务不仅在观看时间上获得了增长,而且在涌现使用其服务的新客户数量方面也取得了增长。 在欧洲,Netflix必须将图片质量降低25%,以确保带宽容量。

Increased demand means that in North America, Netflix is now forecast to more than double expected growth in new subscriptions, from 1.6% to 3.8% over the year – and that’s in a region where it is already well established. Internationally, growth is expected to rise by over 30%.

需求的增加意味着,在北美,现在预测Netflix的新用户增长将超过预期的两倍,从一年的1.6%增长到3.8%-这是一个已经建立良好的地区。 在国际上,增长预计将超过30%。

It’s not just Netflix that is benefitting. So too are other streaming services, like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Now TV. Recently launched services like Disney and the BBC-ITV venture, Britbox, which may have struggled to compete, might find opportunities that wouldn’t have arisen in normal circumstances.  

受益的不仅是Netflix。 其他流媒体服务也是如此,例如Amazon Prime Video,Hulu和Now TV。 迪斯尼(Disney)和BBC-ITV合资企业(Britbox)等最近推出的服务可能难以竞争,它们可能会发现正常情况下不会出现的机会。

2. 在线游戏起飞 (2. Online gaming taking off)

Although a narrower market, younger people forced to stay at home are driving up demand for gaming. This isn’t just increasing subscriptions for online gaming services but also helping retailers of downloadable PC games. PC gaming platform, Steam, for example, has seen its highest number of users in 16 years with traffic spikes of over 20 million at times. 

尽管市场狭窄,但被迫待在家里的年轻人正在推动对游戏的需求。 这不仅增加了在线游戏服务的订阅量,而且还帮助了可下载PC游戏的零售商。 例如,PC游戏平台Steam的用户数量达到16年来的最高水平,有时流量激增超过2000万。

3. 对PPC广告支出的巨大影响 (3. Big impact on PPC ad spending)

The travel industry has been one of the most affected sectors by the virus and this has resulted in a slump in advertising from travel-related businesses, with some market experts suggesting it could lead to 15 – 20% reduction in travel advertising revenue for Google and Facebook. This figure is likely to be compounded by all the other businesses that rely on tourism also cutting their ad spend.

旅游业一直是受病毒影响最严重的行业之一,这导致与旅游有关的企业的广告业务下滑,一些市场专家认为,这可能导致Google和Google的旅游广告收入减少15-20%脸书 所有其他依赖旅游业也削减广告支出的企业可能会加重这个数字。

It is not just travel-related businesses who are reducing advertising. With many companies forced to close due to the effects of social distancing, they too will be cutting back or suspending advertising altogether. In 2018, McDonalds spent over a billion dollars in advertising just in the US. It has now closed all its UK stores and is shutting thousands of others globally as the pandemic spreads. It obviously won’t be damaging its cashflow by spending huge amounts on ads over this period. With industries such as entertainment, high street retail, restaurants, etc., also affected, Google and Facebook could see ad revenue fall by up to 45% over the next few quarters.

减少广告的不只是与旅游相关的企业。 由于社交疏离的影响,许多公司被迫关闭,它们也将削减或暂停广告。 2018年,麦当劳仅在美国就花费了超过10亿美元的广告费用。 随着大流行的蔓延,它现在已经关闭了其在英国的所有门店,并在全球范围内关闭了数千家门店。 在此期间,它显然不会通过在广告上花费大量资金来破坏其现金流。 随着娱乐,高街零售,饭店等行业也受到影响,Google和Facebook在接下来的几个季度中可能会看到广告收入下降多达45%。

However, it is not all bad news. With fewer advertisers competing for ads, the cost per click in many sectors is likely to reduce, meaning those companies that can still derive value from advertising will see their budgets go further. In addition, consumers are clicking on more ads associated with employment, education, hobbies, leisure, arts and entertainment.  

但是,这也不是个坏消息。 随着越来越少的广告商争夺广告,许多领域的每次点击成本可能会降低,这意味着那些仍能从广告中获得价值的公司将看到他们的预算进一步增加。 此外,消费者正在点击与就业,教育,嗜好,休闲,艺术和娱乐相关的更多广告。

4. 假期预订不会枯竭 (4. Holiday bookings won’t dry up)

While travel is out of the question for most people at the moment, more than half of those who take frequent holidays are likely to book trips further into the future. Business travellers are even more likely to make long term bookings. While this is not the immediate relief those in the travel industry and all the depended industries need, the taking of deposits can help with current cashflow problems. Most of these bookings will take place over the internet.

虽然目前大多数人都无法旅行,但经常度假的人中有一半以上可能会在未来预订旅行。 商务旅客更有可能进行长期预订。 尽管这并不是旅行业和所有依赖行业所需要的立即救济,但收取存款可以解决当前的现金流问题。 这些预订大部分将通过互联网进行。

As the pandemic begins to recede, it is predicted that most holidaymakers will, initially, seek domestic holidays where there is likely to be less disruption caused by failing tour operators and airlines and where the impact of the virus is more certain than abroad. 


5. 全球网上购物增加 (5. Global increase in online shopping)

As fewer people go out, their shopping habits are moving online. Even retailers seeing a boom in sales, like supermarkets, are having more customers using their delivery service simply to avoid the risk of going to the store.

随着越来越少的人外出购物,他们的购物习惯正在网上转移。 甚至像超级市场一样,看到销售旺盛的零售商,也有更多的顾客在使用他们的送货服务,只是为了避免去商店的风险。

This rise is happening globally. An Ipso-Mori study found that 18% of UK consumers were shopping more online. In countries which have been more badly affected, the numbers of people increasing their internet shopping is even more substantial: 31% in Italy and 51% in China. However, the biggest increases are in countries like India 55% and Vietnam 57%. This rise has meant some companies are struggling to cope with demand. Amazon, for example, is so busy it is recruiting 100,000 additional staff, raising wages and making its employees work overtime to meet demand.

这种上升正在全球范围内发生。 Ipso-Mori的一项研究发现,英国18%的消费者在网上购物量更多。 在受影响最严重的国家,增加互联网购物的人数甚至更多:意大利为31%,中国为51%。 但是,增长最大的国家是印度55%和越南57%。 这种增长意味着一些公司正在努力应付需求。 例如,亚马逊非常忙,正在招募100,000名额外员工,提高工资,并使员工加班以满足需求。

One area of particular growth is in the use of grocery apps, which are seeing unprecedented numbers of downloads in the US. Instacart downloads during March are already more than triple that of February while Walmart’s app has seen a 160% rise.

杂货应用程序的使用是特别增长的领域之一,在美国,杂货应用程序的下载数量空前。 3月份Instacart的下载量已是2月份的三倍以上,而沃尔玛的应用程序已增长了160%。



Coronavirus is having a significant impact on consumer behaviour and this is affecting internet businesses in different ways. For many, there are challenging times ahead as consumers drop plans to travel and stop online bookings for local businesses. However, there has been a sharp increase in online shopping with some retailers having to expand their workforces to cope.

冠状病毒对消费者的行为产生了重大影响,并且以不同的方式影响着互联网业务。 对于许多人而言,随着消费者放弃旅行计划并停止本地企业的在线预订,未来将充满挑战。 但是,在线购物急剧增加,一些零售商不得不扩充其员工队伍以应对。


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