
WordPress is the most popular blogging platform on the Internet and is also widely used as a common CMS. As an open source application, you can rely on a community of millions of users who can provide you with assistance to make sure that your website specifications are fully met with WordPress, even if this means tapping into third-party sources. Managed WordPress hosting aims to build on the solid foundation provided by the open source application by providing a number of exclusive features and full support that will not only help you to make the most of the application, but will provide you with the hosting environment necessary to spur on and support online growth.

WordPress是Internet上最流行的博客平台,也被广泛用作常见的CMS。 作为开源应用程序,您可以依靠数百万用户的社区,他们可以为您提供帮助,以确保WordPress完全满足您的网站规范,即使这意味着要利用第三方资源。 托管WordPress托管旨在通过提供许多独有功能和全面支持,在开源应用程序提供的坚实基础上构建基础,这不仅可以帮助您充分利用该应用程序,还可以为您提供必要的托管环境刺激并支持在线增长。

使您的WordPress网站成为您的 (Making your WordPress site yours)

WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform and as a user you will have access to vast repositories of themes and plugins that have been contributed to the project by third-party developers. Whilst it may be the most popular in the world, this doesn’t mean that any two WordPress websites are the same.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的博客平台,作为用户,您将可以访问由第三方开发人员为该项目贡献的大量主题和插件存储库。 尽管它可能是世界上最受欢迎的,但这并不意味着任何两个WordPress网站都是相同的。

If WordPress is lacking a particular function when you first install it then you can probably find a third-party plugin that will be able to fulfill your needs. Whilst the WordPress documentation provides a good reference point if you want to create your own plugins, using a third-party plugin can save you a lot of time and these are generally well maintained to ensure compatibility with the latest stable version and to remove any bugs that are discovered.

如果WordPress在首次安装时缺少特定功能,则可能会找到能够满足您需求的第三方插件。 如果您想创建自己的插件,虽然WordPress文档提供了很好的参考点,但是使用第三方插件可以为您节省很多时间,而且这些插件通常都得到很好的维护,以确保与最新稳定版本的兼容性并消除所有错误。被发现。

On the other hand, with themes, if you already have an established brand identity that follows a particular design or colour scheme then you might find it more beneficial to create your own theme. Again, the API for themes is very well documented so if you have good knowledge of HTML and CSS then it really isn’t too hard to create your own theme. Alternatively, a third-party theme can provide a shortcut to the look that you want to achieve. With some adaptations, you can always customise one of these to suit your envisaged design

另一方面,对于主题,如果您已经具有遵循特定设计或配色方案的既定品牌标识,则可能会发现创建自己的主题会更有益。 同样,主题API的文档非常齐全,因此,如果您具有HTML和CSS的丰富知识,那么创建您自己的主题就不难了。 或者,第三方主题可以提供您想要获得的外观的快捷方式。 通过某些修改,您始终可以自定义其中之一以适合您的设想设计

开发一个安全的网站 (Developing a secure website)

The security of your website should be regarded as one of your top priorities. If your website isn’t secure then you could potentially be putting client data at risk and even the reputation of your business if you were to be successfully attacked. With managed WordPress hosting, you can develop a secure WordPress website that you can be sure is free from malware, Trojans, viruses, and will under most circumstances will be protected against common attacks such as SQL and code injections.

网站的安全性应被视为您的首要任务之一。 如果您的网站不安全,则可能会给客户数据带来威胁,甚至可能使您的企业声誉受到威胁。 使用托管的WordPress托管 ,您可以开发一个安全的WordPress网站,可以确保该网站免受恶意软件,特洛伊木马和病毒的侵扰,并且在大多数情况下都将受到保护,免受SQL和代码注入等常见攻击。

At the application level you can deploy plugins that have been designed to improve the overall security of WordPress websites. A good example of this would be All In One WP Security & Firewall, which features a firewall and blacklist, and will beef up the security of your database and file system. These features will help to prevent your WordPress website from web-based attacks and will remove any potential vulnerabilities by making sure that the latest stable version of WordPress is always being used.

在应用程序级别,您可以部署旨在提高WordPress网站的整体安全性的插件。 一个很好的例子就是“多合一WP安全性和防火墙”,它具有防火墙和黑名单,可以增强数据库和文件系统的安全性。 这些功能将帮助防止WordPress网站受到基于Web的攻击,并通过确保始终使用最新的稳定版本的WordPress来消除任何潜在的漏洞。

From an external point of view, MTvScan, our cutting edge website scanning tool, is included with our Standard and Professional WordPress plans and scans can be scheduled to be performed automatically or on-demand. MTvScan will scan your website to check for infections of malware, viruses, and Trojans along with any vulnerabilities that could be exploited through the means of an SQL or code injection. Once the scan has been completed, a report will be provided that includes any issues that have been found, along with recommendations for fixing these issues.

从外部角度来看,我们的标准网站和专业WordPress计划随附了我们最先进的网站扫描工具MTvScan,并且可以将扫描安排为自动执行或按需执行。 MTvScan将扫描您的网站,以检查是否感染了恶意软件,病毒和特洛伊木马,以及可以通过SQL或代码注入手段利用的任何漏洞。 扫描完成后,将提供一份报告,其中包含已发现的所有问题以及解决这些问题的建议。

24小时旺盛的技术支持 (24  hour exuberant technical support)

The ‘managed’ aspect of our managed WordPress hosting plans refers to the full 24 hour technical support that you can rely on for any questions of issues that you may have regarding your WordPress website. We take care of all aspects of the hosting platform to make sure that the only thing you need to focus on is developing content for your blog or website and installing the plugins that you need to add the functionality that you desire.

我们的托管WordPress托管计划的“托管”方面是指您可以全天候提供的24小时技术支持,以解决有关WordPress网站的任何问题。 我们会照顾托管平台的所有方面,以确保您唯一需要关注的就是为您的博客或网站开发内容并安装所需的插件以添加所需的功能。

 With a platform as flexible as WordPress, it is important for us to help you to get the most out of the application and platform. Our knowledgeable support team will be able to advise you on the best practices to optimise your website for the conditions that it is likely to face, whether this be a consistently high traffic load or frequent load spikes. As a customer-centric company focused on providing only the best service around, your website will also be backed by a 99.95% uptime guarantee for optimal availability.

有了像WordPress一样灵活的平台,对我们来说帮助您充分利用应用程序和平台至关重要。 无论是持续的高流量负载还是频繁的负载高峰,我们知识渊博的支持团队都将为您提供最佳实践方面的建议,以优化您的网站,使其可能面临的条件。 作为一家以客户为中心的公司,致力于只提供最好的服务,您的网站也将获得99.95%的正常运行时间保证,以实现最佳可用性。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/why-eukhost-managed-wordpress-hosting-is-the-best-for-websites/





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