

If you want to sell anything from your WordPress website, whether a physical product, a digital download or a membership, then you need to be able to take payments from your customers. To do this you will most likely need a payment gateway. In this post, we’ll give ten tips to help you choose the gateway which is right for your WordPress site.

如果您想从WordPress网站上出售任何商品,无论是实物产品,数字下载还是会员身份,那么您都需要能够从客户处付款。 为此,您很可能需要付款网关。 在本文中,我们将提供十个技巧,以帮助您选择适合您的WordPress网站的网关。

  • 1. Understand why you need a payment gateway


When you sell something online, there needs to be a way of transferring money from your customer’s account to yours. This is normally done using a payment gateway: a third-party tool that allows customers to submit payment information via your website, authorises the payment, and instructs the customer’s bank to transfer the money.

当您在线销售商品时,需要一种将资金从客户的帐户转移到您的帐户的方法。 通常,这是使用付款网关完成的:第三方工具,该工具可让客户通过您的网站提交付款信息,授权付款并指示客户的银行转帐。

Payment gateways offer online sellers a number of benefits. It makes selling quick, ensures that transactions follow PCI DSS compliance and gives your customer a choice of payment methods.

支付网关为在线卖家提供了许多好处。 它可以快速销售,确保交易符合PCI DSS要求,并为您的客户提供付款方式选择。

  • 2. Understand the cost implications


Payment gateways charge for their services and often this includes a fee for each transaction. PayPal, for example, charges 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive. When you are working on tight margins, 2.9% can put a sizeable dent in your profits, so it is worth searching for a competitive provider. You may need to adjust your pricing once you take these fees into account.

支付网关为其服务收费,通常每笔交易都包括费用。 例如,贝宝(PayPal)收取2.9%的费用,再加上您收取的金额的0.30美元。 当您以微薄的利润率工作时,2.9%的利润会给您带来可观的损失,因此值得寻找有竞争力的提供商。 考虑到这些费用后,您可能需要调整价格。

  • 3. Is an on-site or off-site gateway better for your business?


Some gateway providers enable you to place the payment gateway directly on your website whilst others require the customer to temporarily leave your site whilst the transaction takes place.


There are pros and cons to both these. When the gateway is on your site it makes the payment process much smoother for the customer. However, if the payment takes place away from your site, the responsibility for the security of the transaction lies with the gateway provider. This takes away some of the compliance regulations that online traders can be burdened with.

两者都有优点和缺点。 当网关在您的站点上时,它将使客户的付款过程更加顺畅。 但是,如果付款不在您的站点范围内,则网关提供商应承担交易安全性的责任。 这消除了一些在线交易者可以负担的合规性法规。

  • 4. Consider getting a merchant account


Most business bank accounts will let you pay in money by cash, cheque, direct debit or transfer. If you want to accept money from credit cards or debit cards, some payment gateway companies require you to have a separate merchant account into which the money is paid.

大多数商业银行帐户都可以让您通过现金,支票,直接借记或转账方式付款。 如果您想接受信用卡或借记卡中的钱,某些付款网关公司会要求您有一个单独的商人帐户,用于支付钱。

From a financial perspective, having a merchant account can be a shrewd move because payment gateways which deposit funds directly into your business bank account usually have higher processing fees than those that require a merchant account. Many payment gateway companies, unsurprisingly, offer merchant account services.

从财务角度来看,拥有商户帐户可能是一个明智的举动,因为直接将资金存入您的商业银行帐户的付款网关通常比需要商户帐户的处理费用更高。 毫不奇怪,许多支付网关公司都提供商家帐户服务。

  • 5. If you take payments, you need a secure site


To safeguard its users, Google now informs visitors how safe a website is. It does this by displaying icons at the beginning of the Chrome address bar.

为了保护用户,Google现在通知访问者网站的安全性。 它通过在Chrome地址栏的开头显示图标来实现。

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If your website does not display the green padlock icon, visitors may think twice about buying from you. Even if you are in the ‘Info or Not Secure’ category, the warning from Google is clear:

如果您的网站未显示绿色的挂锁图标,则访问者可能会三思而后行。 即使您位于“信息或不安全”类别中,来自Google的警告也很明显:

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To attain that green padlock and inspire trust in your visitors, the only solution is to get an SSL certificate. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypts any information that a user enters on your site, such as credit card details, so that they cannot be stolen. You can tell if a site has an SSL certificate because its URL begins with https rather than http.

为了获得绿色挂锁并激发对访客的信任,唯一的解决方案是获取SSL证书 。 SSL(安全套接字层)对用户在您的站点上输入的任何信息(例如信用卡详细信息)进行加密,以使它们不会被盗。 您可以判断一个站点是否具有SSL证书,因为它的URL以https而不是http开头。

If your payment gateway is housed on a third-party website, such as PayPal, you need to ensure that this site has an SSL certificate and that the green padlock is displayed.


  • 6. Make sure your gateway is compatible with your ecommerce plugin


The majority of WordPress websites use plugins such as WooCommerce or Paid Memberships Pro to create stores or membership sites. Not all these plugins, however, will operate with your preferred payment gateway. For UK businesses wanting to use a UK gateway, like WorldPay, you may need to purchase a WooCommerce extension to ensure your plugin and gateway are compatible. Make sure you check your plugin’s compatibility carefully before you sign up to a gateway.

大多数WordPress网站都使用WooCommercePaid Memberships Pro之类的插件来创建商店或会员网站。 但是,并非所有这些插件都可以与您首选的付款网关一起使用。 对于想使用英国网关的英国企业,例如WorldPay,您可能需要购买WooCommerce扩展以确保您的插件和网关兼容。 注册网关之前,请确保仔细检查插件的兼容性。

  • 7. You need a responsive gateway


The Centre for Retail Research estimates that by the end of 2017, 40% of all UK online sales will take place on a mobile device. That puts a value of £27 billion on UK mobile sales, a 26% increase on 2016 figures.

零售研究中心估计,到2017年底,英国所有在线销售的40%将通过移动设备进行。 这为英国移动销售带来了270亿英镑的价值,比2016年增长了26%。

If you don’t want to miss out on 40% of the market, it is essential that your payment gateway is mobile friendly. You need to make it as easy as possible for mobile customers to pay for your goods or services. If the payment process is too difficult to complete on a small screen, your customers will go elsewhere.

如果您不想错过40%的市场,那么付款网关必须适合移动设备。 您需要使移动客户尽可能轻松地为您的商品或服务付款。 如果付款过程很难在小屏幕上完成,您的客户将转到其他地方。

  • 8. Do you need your gateway configured for international trading?


If you sell on the internet, it is possible to have customers from all over the planet. If you intend to sell abroad, you need your payment gateway configured to accept different currencies and to display prices in the currency where a visitor is located. You also want the checkout instructions to be written in the language of the customer.

如果您在互联网上销售商品,就有可能吸引来自世界各地的客户。 如果您打算在国外销售,则需要将付款网关配置为接受其他货币,并以访客所在的货币显示价格。 您还希望结帐说明以客户的语言编写。

Before choosing a payment gateway, those seeking to sell to abroad should check that these services are available.


  • 9. Recurring payments options


If you sell anything which requires a recurring payment, whether an annual membership or monthly subscription, then you need to set up an automated payment option on your payment gateway so that these can be collected on the due date. If you do this, remember to give your customers the option to automatically renew after the initial minimum contract period is over.

如果您出售需要定期付款的任何产品(无论是年度会员还是按月订阅),则需要在付款网关上设置自动付款选项,以便可以在到期日收款。 如果这样做,请记住让客户选择在最初的最小合同期限结束后自动续订。

Make sure your gateway provider can enable recurring payments, if you require them.


  • 10. Adding shipping fees and VAT


If you’re VAT registered or charge a shipping fee, you need to be able to add these to your final bill. To ensure this goes smoothly, you want your payment gateway to be able to calculate the VAT amount for you and offer a range of shipping options (you may charge more for specific locations or extra for quick delivery, etc.) Again, if you need these services, check that your gateway can provide them.

如果您已注册增值税,或要收取运费,则需要将其添加到最终帐单中。 为确保此流程顺利进行,您希望付款网关能够为您计算增值税金额并提供一系列送货选项(您可能需要为特定地点收取更多费用或为快速交付收取更多费用,等等)。再次,如果您需要这些服务,请检查您的网关可以提供它们。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you are intending to sell things via your WordPress website, hopefully this post will have given you an overview of all the things you need to consider when choosing the right payment gateway.


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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/10-tips-for-choosing-a-payment-gateway-for-wordpress-websites/






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