


When you’re at home with your favorite instruments, it’s easy to create a masterpiece. But, musical inspiration can strike anywhere. What do you then? The following websites will help you create digital music right in your browser. All you need are some skills (not always) and an internet connection.

当您在家中使用自己喜欢的乐器时,很容易制作出杰作。 但是,音乐灵感可以触及任何地方。 那你呢 以下网站将帮助您直接在浏览器中创建数字音乐。 您所需要的只是一些技能(并非总是如此)和互联网连接。

音带 (Soundtrap)


Soundtrap is a slick, easy to use, and a powerful DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that works in your browser. You’ll need to create an account to start using the browser-app, which will also give you a trial of their premium features. Once the trial expires, you’ll be downgraded to a free account that has certain limitations.

Soundtrap是一种光滑,易于使用的功能,并且功能强大,可以在您的浏览器中使用。 您需要创建一个帐户才能开始使用浏览器应用程序,这还将让您试用其高级功能。 试用期结束后,您将被降级为具有一定限制的免费帐户。

There are plenty of instruments and loops that you can experiment with and create music. You can also connect a MIDI-compatible instrument and record music in the app. Soundtrap also has sharing and collaboration features, using which you can share your musical projects with your friends, and they’ll be able to listen and even edit your music.

您可以尝试和制作音乐的乐器和循环很多。 您还可以连接兼容MIDI的乐器并在应用程序中录制音乐。 Soundtrap还具有共享和协作功能,您可以使用这些功能与朋友共享您的音乐项目,他们可以收听甚至编辑音乐。

音频工具 (AudioTool)


AudioTool is a fantastic music production site that has been around a while. Its interface has always been easy to use, but the regular updates keep polishing it even further. You can connect various virtual-devices like synthesizers, equalizers, effect pedals, and more to create a virtual mixing desk inside AudioTool.

AudioTool是一个很棒的音乐制作网站,已经存在了一段时间。 它的界面一直很容易使用,但是定期的更新使它更加完善。 您可以连接各种虚拟设备,例如合成器,均衡器,效果踏板等,以在AudioTool内创建虚拟调音台。

As powerful as it is, AudioTool has a steep learning curve. If you’re starting out or just want to have fun, then AudioTool might be overkill for your needs.

尽管功能如此强大,但AudioTool的学习曲线却陡峭。 如果您刚起步或只是想找乐子,那么AudioTool对于满足您的需求可能会显得有些过时。

发声 (Soundation)


Soundation is another easy-to-use website where you can create digital music. Similar to other websites, Soundation gives you access to a full-fledged Digital Audio Workstation right in your browser. The layout is a simple multi-track interface that is easy to use and not intimidating—even if you’re making music for the first time. A helpful guided tour explains the basics and gets you up to speed quickly.

Soundation是另一个易于使用的网站,您可以在其中创建数字音乐。 与其他网站类似,Soundation可让您直接在浏览器中访问成熟的数字音频工作站。 布局是一个简单的多轨界面,易于使用且不会令人生畏-即使您是第一次制作音乐。 有益的导览讲解基本知识,让您快速上手。

A free account comes bundled with over 700 loops and samples. While those might be enough for some people, there is an option to purchase additional sound packs from their store. If you enjoy using Soundation, you can also upgrade to a premium account ($6.99 a month, but intro accounts start at $1.99)

一个免费帐户捆绑了700多个循环和样本。 尽管对于某些人来说可能就足够了,但是可以选择从商店购买其他声音包。 如果您喜欢使用Soundation,还可以升级到高级帐户(每月6.99美元,而入门帐户的最低价格为1.99美元)

音频桑拿 (AudioSauna)


Even before you think about trying out AudioSauna, we must warn you that it’s not designed for beginners. Most music applications have a simple drag-and-drop interface, but AudioSauna has a keyboard synthesizer layout to which you can add beats, instruments, effects, and even your own music.

甚至在您考虑尝试AudioSauna之前 ,我们都必须警告您它不是为初学者设计的。 大多数音乐应用程序都具有简单的拖放界面,但是AudioSauna具有键盘合成器布局,您可以在其中添加节拍,乐器,效果甚至您自己的音乐。

While AudioSauna may not match up to the other tools we discuss in the number of effects or samples, it does make up for that with the uniqueness of its effects. If you can get the hang of the interface, you can create music you won’t be able to with the other tools. Even if you find it difficult or limiting to use, you can surely use AudioSauna to edit or enhance the music that you create elsewhere.

虽然AudioSauna在效果或样本数量上可能无法与我们讨论的其他工具相提并论,但它确实以其效果的独特性弥补了这一不足。 如果可以使用该界面,则可以创建其他工具无法播放的音乐。 即使您觉得使用困难或受到限制,也可以肯定地使用AudioSauna编辑或增强您在其他地方创建的音乐。

Chrome音乐实验室 (Chrome Music Lab)


The Chrome Music Lab is a fun and addictive way to learn and create music online. It was announced in 2016 with 12 different tools, and now it has 13. You can play around in the lab and learn about rhythm, chords, arpeggios, melody, harmonics, and more. You can then combine those skills and use the song maker to create, save, and share digital music.

Chrome音乐实验室是一种有趣且令人上瘾的在线学习和创作音乐的方式。 它于2016年宣布使用12种不同的工具,现在有13种。您可以在实验室中玩转,了解节奏,和弦,琶音,旋律,和声等。 然后,您可以结合这些技能,并使用歌曲制作器来创建,保存和共享数字音乐。

Unlike other websites we discussed, the Music Lab is designed to be used by everyone. Regardless of your age and skills with music production, you’re going to enjoy playing around in Music Labs and maybe learn a few things in the process.

与我们讨论过的其他网站不同,音乐实验室旨在为每个人使用。 无论您的年龄和音乐制作技能如何,您都将喜欢在Music Labs中玩耍,并在此过程中学习一些知识。

乐队实验室 (BandLab)


BandLab is another website where you can create digital music. It strikes a great balance between making the experience fun while also allowing great control over the music creation process. After you create an account, you’re taken to the DAW where you can create music by adding tracks to the multi-track editor. You can then add loops to each of the tracks to create music. Once you’ve created a track, you can save it and even make it public. You can also allow “forks” of your song, which lets other users build upon what you’ve created.

BandLab是另一个可以创建数字音乐的网站。 在使体验变得有趣的同时,还可以很好地控制音乐创作过程,这达到了很好的平衡。 创建帐户后,您将被带到DAW,在其中可以通过将曲目添加到多曲目编辑器来创建音乐。 然后,您可以向每个轨道添加循环以创建音乐。 创建曲目后,您可以保存它,甚至将其公开。 您还可以允许歌曲的“ fork”,这使其他用户可以基于您创建的内容进行创作。

These are our favorite sites for creating music. Check them out, create some music, and don’t forget to have fun!

这些是我们最喜欢的音乐创作网站。 签出它们,创作音乐,别忘了玩得开心!

Image Credit: PopTika/Shutterstock

图片来源: PopTika / Shutterstock







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