cmd启用edge_如何在Microsoft Edge中启用和使用集合



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Web research just got a little easier, thanks to the Collections feature in the new Microsoft Edge browser. This built-in feature allows you to take snippets from web pages and store them in a notebook you can access in Edge itself.

借助新的Microsoft Edge浏览器中的“收藏夹”功能,网络研究变得更加轻松。 此内置功能使您可以从网页中获取摘要,并将其存储在可以在Edge本身中访问的笔记本中。

Collections is still a test feature, but it was previously available only to Microsoft Edge Insider test users. It is now included with the stable release of the new Chromium-based Edge, but it requires a bit of configuration to enable the feature.

集合仍是一项测试功能,但以前仅适用于Microsoft Edge Insider测试用户。 现在,它已包含在新的基于Chromium的Edge的稳定版本中,但要启用该功能需要一些配置。

创建自定义Edge桌面快捷方式 (Creating a Custom Edge Desktop Shortcut)

To access the Collections feature in Microsoft Edge, you’ll need to create and modify a desktop shortcut. Microsoft Edge will normally add a desktop shortcut during installation, so feel free to modify this.

要访问Microsoft Edge中的“收藏夹”功能,您需要创建和修改桌面快捷方式。 Microsoft Edge通常会在安装过程中添加一个桌面快捷方式,因此可以随时对其进行修改。

Otherwise, to create a new Edge shortcut, click on the Start menu and locate “Microsoft Edge” in your list of installed software. Drag Edge from your Start menu list to the desktop to create a new shortcut.

否则,要创建新的Edge快捷方式,请单击“开始”菜单,然后在已安装软件的列表中找到“ Microsoft Edge”。 将Edge从“开始”菜单列表拖到桌面以创建新的快捷方式。

Drag and drop the Start Menu entry for Microsoft Edge to the desktop to create a new shortcut

Once a shortcut to Microsoft Edge is in place, right-click on the shortcut and select the “Properties” option. From here, click the “Shortcut” tab.

设置Microsoft Edge的快捷方式后,右键单击该快捷方式,然后选择“属性”选项。 在此处,单击“快捷方式”选项卡。

Add --enable-features=msEdgeCollections immediately after the “msedge.exe” entry in the “Target” box.

在“目标”框中的“ msedge.exe”条目之后立即添加--enable-features=msEdgeCollections

A custom Microsoft Edge shortcut with the enable-features flag

Click “OK” to save the change and then close your Edge shortcut settings.


If the settings are correct, you’ll now be able to access the Collections feature in Edge. You’ll need to use this shortcut to be able to see it appear in your Edge browsing window.

如果设置正确,您现在就可以访问Edge中的“收藏夹”功能。 您需要使用此快捷方式才能看到它出现在Edge浏览窗口中。

创建新的Microsoft Edge集合 (Creating New Microsoft Edge Collections)

The Collections feature will appear as an icon in the top-right corner of the Microsoft Edge window, between the favorites and user profile icons.

“收藏夹”功能将作为图标显示在Microsoft Edge窗口的右上角,在收藏夹和用户配置文件图标之间。

Clicking on the Collections icon will bring up its feature menu.


Click the Collections icon in the top-right of the Edge window to bring up the feature menu

Click on either of the “Start New Collection” options to create a new Edge collection.


Click Start New Collection to start a new Edge collection

Give your new collection a name in the top entry box and then press the Enter key to confirm.


Name your new Edge collection and press enter to confirm

With your new Edge collection created, you can begin adding notes and web links to it.


将注释和链接添加到Edge集合 (Adding Notes and Links to an Edge Collection)

To add a link to the web page you’re currently on to a Microsoft Edge collection, click the “Add Current Page” option in the Collections feature menu.

要将链接添加到您当前正在Microsoft Edge集合上的网页,请单击“集合”功能菜单中的“添加当前页面”选项。

Click Add New Page to add a new page to an Edge collection

To add a note, click the New Note button to the right of the “Add Current Page” link.


Click the add note icon to add a note to an Edge collection

This will bring up a note box with formatting options. Type into this box to add a text note and then click off the note to save it.

这将显示一个带有格式选项的注释框。 在此框中键入以添加文本注释,然后单击注释以将其保存。

A Microsoft Edge Collections note with formatting options visible

You can also add text, images, and weblink snippets from web pages to your Edge collection.


Open a web page and right-click on an object (like an image or a weblink) or select a portion of text and then right-click. From here, select your Edge collection in the “Add to Collections” submenu.

打开网页并右键单击对象(例如图像或网络链接),或选择一部分文本,然后单击鼠标右键。 从此处,在“添加到集合”子菜单中选择您的Edge集合。

Right click an object or selected text, then select your collection under the Add to Collection subcategory to add that content to your Microsoft Edge collection

This will add the content you’ve selected as a note or link in your Edge collection.


编辑或删除已保存的便笺或页面 (Editing or Deleting Saved Notes or Pages)

To edit or delete a saved web page or note in a Microsoft Edge collection, right-click on the entry in your Collections menu to bring up the available options.

若要编辑或删除Microsoft Edge集合中的已保存网页或注释,请右键单击“集合”菜单中的条目以显示可用选项。

For web pages, right-click and select “Edit” to change the title for your saved page. You won’t be able to change the URL, so you’ll need to delete the page from your collection by clicking “Delete” instead. Re-add the page following the instructions above.

对于网页,右键单击并选择“编辑”以更改保存的页面的标题。 您将无法更改URL,因此需要通过单击“删除”来从收藏夹中删除页面。 按照上述说明重新添加页面。

The options for deleting or editing a saved web page n Microsoft Edge collections

For notes, right-click a note entry and click the “Edit” button to make changes to it. You can also double-click on the entry to begin editing it instead.

对于便笺,请右键单击便笺条目,然后单击“编辑”按钮进行更改。 您也可以双击条目以开始对其进行编辑。

To delete a note, right-click and select the “Delete” option.


The options to delete or edit a saved note in a Microsoft Edge collection

在集合之间切换 (Switching Between Collections)

The main Collections feature menu will display a list of your current collections. By default, clicking the Collections icon in the top-right corner of your Edge browser window will show the collection you last accessed.

收藏集主菜单将显示您当前收藏集的列表。 默认情况下,单击Edge浏览器窗口右上角的“收藏夹”图标将显示您上次访问的收藏夹。

To switch to another collection, click the left-pointing arrow to switch back to the main Collections menu.


Click the left-pointing arrow in the Collections menu in Microsoft Edge to return to the main feature menu

Click on another collection in the main Collections list to access the notes and pages saved to it.


If you want to edit the name of a collection, or otherwise delete it entirely, right-click on the entry in the main Collections menu.


From here, click “Edit Collection” to rename it or “Delete Collection” to delete the collection entirely.


Right-click on a Microsoft Edge collection and click Edit Collection or Delete Collection to rename or delete it

If you delete an Edge collection by accident, press the “Undo” button to reverse the action.


Click Undo to reverse the deletion of a Microsoft Edge collection

You’ll only have a short period of time in which to do this, as the option will disappear shortly afterward.








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