倾斜摄影 镜头畸变校准_什么是风景摄影的最佳镜头?

倾斜摄影 镜头畸变校准

倾斜摄影 镜头畸变校准

Landscapes are one of the most popular subjects to shoot. Look out any window, and there’s something to photograph. It might not be the most majestic landscape, but there’s probably a photo to be made.

风景是最受欢迎的拍摄对象之一。 看着窗外,有东西要照相。 它可能不是最雄伟的风景,但是可能要拍张照片。

The good news is that landscapes are one of the most accessible subjects. Unlike portraits or sports, which generally need more specialized (and expensive) gear, you can take landscapes with any camera and lens combination.

好消息是风景是最容易接近的主题之一。 通常需要更专业(且昂贵)的装备的人像或运动不同 ,您可以使用任何相机和镜头组合拍摄风景。

您想要的风景镜头 (What You Want in a Landscape Lens)

Although you can use any setup and get great landscapes, there are certain attributes that will tend to make a lens better for capturing them. You can use a 200mm telephoto lens, but it’s not the most flexible option. And that there is the key: flexibility.

尽管您可以使用任何设置并获得出色的风景,但是某些属性会倾向于使镜头更好地捕捉它们。 您可以使用200mm远摄镜头 ,但这不是最灵活的选择。 关键在于:灵活性。

Landscapes are a lot more varied than people. We fit a fairly standard profile. Most of us are somewhere between four and seven feet tall. Most of us are between 50 and 400 pounds. A view of Mount Everest and the daisies in a local field, however, are both landscapes and they’re both very very different challenges photographically.

风景比人多得多。 我们符合一个相当标准的配置文件。 我们大多数人的身高在4到7英尺之间。 我们大多数人体重在50到400磅之间。 然而,珠穆朗玛峰和当地自然环境中的雏菊都是风景,而且在照相上它们都是截然不同的挑战。

Ideally, you want a lens that will work in as many situations as possible. This means you’ll want a zoom lens that covers a range of useful focal lengths.

理想情况下,您需要一种可以在尽可能多的情况下工作的镜头。 这意味着您需要一个能够覆盖有用焦距范围的变焦镜头

焦距和风景 (Focal Length and Landscapes)

For most landscapes, you’re generally going to want to use a wide angle lens. They let you get everything in the shot. How wide you want depends on the subject, but it is rare you’ll use something much longer than a normal lens.

对于大多数风景,通常都需要使用广角镜 。 他们让您一目了然。 您想要的广角取决于拍摄对象,但是很少使用比普通镜头更长的镜头

Small differences in focal length matter a lot more at shorter focal lengths than they do at longer focal lengths. The difference in field of view between 20mm and 22mm is a lot more than the difference between 100mm and 102mm. This means that a lens that’s got a slightly shorter focal length can make a huge difference.

焦距的细微差别在较短的焦距下要比在较长的焦距下重要得多。 的在视场差 20毫米和22毫米之间是很多大于100mm和102毫米之间的差异。 这意味着焦距略短的镜头会产生巨大的变化。

Below is a photo taken at 28mm. This is equivalent to 18mm on a crop sensor camera, which is the shortest focal length of most kit lenses. It’s a pretty wide field of view.

下面是在28mm处拍摄的照片。 这相当于作物传感器相机 18mm,这是大多数套装镜头中最短的焦距。 这是一个相当广阔的视野。

Next up, we’ve got a photo taken at 17mm. This is equivalent to about 10.5mm on a crop sensor camera.

接下来,我们拍摄了一张17mm的照片。 这相当于农作物传感器相机的约10.5mm。

You can see there’s a huge difference in the field of view. Going just 10mm wider means we can capture a huge amount more of the landscape. It’s not that one photo is necessarily better, but the second one makes the sense of scale seem more dramatic.

您会看到在视野上有巨大的差异。 宽10毫米意味着我们可以捕获更多的景观。 不是说一张照片一定更好,而是第二张照片使比例感看起来更加生动。

While you won’t always want to go super wide, it’s great to have the option. This means that for the most flexibility, you want a zoom lens that covers some really wide-angle focal lengths—about 10mm on a crop sensor camera and 17mm on a full-frame camera.

虽然您并不总是想超宽,但选择还是不错的。 这意味着为了获得最大的灵活性,您需要一个变焦镜头,该镜头可以覆盖某些真正的广角焦距-作物传感器相机约为10mm,全画幅相机约为17mm。

光圈和风景 (Aperture and Landscapes)

Aperture doesn’t matter that much for landscape photography unless you are also planning on shooting some photos of the stars. Most of the time, you’ll be using an aperture between f/8 and f/16 to maximize your depth of field. This means that even a lens that’s widest aperture is f/5.6 will work. My main landscape lens has a widest aperture of f/4, which works perfectly.

除非您还计划拍摄一些星星的照片,否则光圈对于风景摄影并不重要。 在大多数情况下,您会使用介于f / 8和f / 16之间的光圈来最大化景深 。 这意味着即使最大光圈为f / 5.6的镜头也可以使用。 我的主要风景镜头的最大光圈为f / 4,非常好用。

While a lens with a wider aperture will let you shoot in less light without a tripod, they tend to cost a good bit more. If you have the budget for a lens with f/2.8, buy it, but don’t consider it an essential feature of a landscape lens. You’ll often want to use a tripod anyway.

虽然具有较大光圈的镜头可以让您在没有三脚架的情况下以更少的光线拍摄,但它们的成本往往更高。 如果您有f / 2.8镜头的预算,请购买,但不要将其视为风景镜头的基本功能。 无论如何,您经常会想要使用三脚架。

一些好的风景镜头 (Some Good Landscape Lenses)

So we’ve established that the best flexible landscape lens is a wide-angle zoom lens. Your kit lens will work, but won’t have the extra wide field of view that’s often desirable. Let’s look at some of good options.

因此,我们确定最好的柔性景观镜头是广角变焦镜头。 套件镜头可以使用,但不会具有通常需要的超宽视野。 让我们看一些好的选择。

佳能 (Canon)

For Canon, if you’re using a crop sensor camera, I’d recommend the $279 Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS . Its focal length is the equivalent of about 16-30 on a full-frame camera. Combined with your kit lens, you’ll be able to capture a great photo of almost any landscape.

对于佳能,如果您使用的是农作物传感器相机,我建议您购买价格为279美元的佳能EF-S 10-18mm f / 4.5-5.6 IS 。 它的焦距相当于全画幅相机的约16-30。 结合您的套装镜头,您将可以捕获几乎所有风景的精美照片。

If you’re using a full-frame camera, I can praise the Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L highly enough. It’s my most used lens and, at $749, tremendous value.

如果您使用的是全画幅相机,我可以非常赞扬佳能EF 17-40mm f / 4L 。 它是我使用最多的镜头,价值749美元,物超所值。

尼康 (Nikon)

For Nikon, your options are similar. The $300 Nikon AF-P DX NIKKOR 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR is a solid buy and, along with your kit lens, will cover most of your landscape needs.

对于尼康,您的选择是相似的。 售价300美元的尼康AF-P DX尼克尔10-20mm f / 4.5-5.6G VR绝对值得购买,并且与您的套装镜头一起满足您大部分的风景需求。

The closest lens to by beloved 17-40mm for full-frame Nikon cameras is the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G. It, similarly, covers a pretty perfect range for landscape photography.

尼康AF-S FX尼克尔18-35mm f / 3.5-4.5G是最受全框尼康相机喜爱的17-40mm 镜头 。 同样,它涵盖了风景摄影的相当完美的范围。

You can take great landscapes with any lens: there are just so many different kinds of landscapes! However, if you want a lens that will enable you to take good landscapes in almost any situation, you won’t go wrong with a wide-angle zoom lens.

您可以使用任何镜头拍摄出色的风景:风景是如此之多! 但是,如果您想要一个可以使您在几乎任何情况下都能拍摄出良好风景的镜头,那么广角变焦镜头不会出错。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324467/what-is-the-best-lens-for-landscape-photography/

倾斜摄影 镜头畸变校准





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