spotify 缓存_五种很棒的Spotify功能可制作完美的播放列表

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I love Spotify. I listen to hundreds of hours of music with it every year. While there are great tools like the Daily Mixes that make it easy to find music to listen to, sometimes you just want a playlist of your own design. With almost every song you could ever want at your fingertips, however, putting together an awesome playlist can be tricky. How do you remember all the songs you want to add? Here’s some useful Spotify features that can help.

我喜欢Spotify。 每年我都会听数百个小时的音乐。 虽然有一些很棒的工具,例如“ 每日混音” ,可以轻松找到要听的音乐,但有时您只想要自己设计的播放列表。 但是,几乎每首歌曲都触手可及,因此编排很棒的播放列表可能会很棘手。 您如何记住要添加的所有歌曲? 这里有一些有用的Spotify功能可以提供帮助。

用您最喜欢的100首歌曲添加您已经收听的歌曲 (Add What You Already Listen to with Your Top 100 Most Played Songs)

When you’re making a new playlist, there’s a pretty good chance you want to add some of your favorite songs. You can try and remember them off the top of your head, but there’s a better way to do it: at the end of every year, Spotify creates a playlist of your Top 100 most played songs. Use that as a starting point for your playlists.

制作新的播放列表时,很有可能要添加一些喜欢的歌曲。 您可以试着记住它们,但有一种更好的方法:每年年底,Spotify会创建一个播放列表,列出前100首最流行的歌曲。 以此作为播放列表的起点。

If you’ve been using Spotify for a couple of years, you’ll have a few of these playlists to dig through. The best thing to do is group your top songs into a few different playlists by genre. For example, I made Pop Punk Faves, Mellow Faves, Rap Faves, and Cheesy Pump Up Faves playlists.

如果您已经使用Spotify几年了,那么您将需要挖掘其中一些播放列表。 最好的做法是按流派将热门歌曲分组到几个不同的播放列表中。 例如,我制作了Pop Punk Faves,Mellow Faves,Rap Faves和Cheesy Pump Up Faves播放列表。

The end of year playlists aren’t the only ones you can use. Look through any playlists you’ve created yourself, or tracks you’ve saved or Shazam-ed. If you see something that fits one of your playlists, add it. You can always remove it later.

并非只有年终播放列表可以使用。 浏览您自己创建的所有播放列表,或浏览已保存或Shazam编辑的曲目。 如果您看到适合自己播放列表之一的内容,请添加它。 您以后可以随时将其删除。

伟大的艺术家从其他Spotify用户的播放列表中窃取了… (Great Artists Steal…From Other Spotify Users’ Playlists)

You aren’t the only one making playlists. Spotify has a dedicated team creating them for all different kinds of genres. You can also find playlists created by other regular people on

您并不是唯一一个制作播放列表的人。 Spotify拥有一支敬业的团队,为各种流派创建它们。 您还可以在Playlists.net上找到其他普通人创建的播放列表

Find another playlist that someone else has made that is similar to the one you want to make yourself and look through it for inspiration. Everyone’s music taste is a little bit different so they’ll likely miss songs you’d include and include ones you’d skip, but it should get your creative juices flowing.

查找其他人制作的播放列表,该播放列表与您要制作的播放列表相似,并从中寻找灵感。 每个人的音乐品味略有不同,因此他们很可能会错过您要添加的歌曲,并包含您要跳过的歌曲,但这应该会激发您的创意力量。

从Spotify的推荐歌曲中获得更多想法 (Get More Ideas From Spotify’s Recommended Songs)

Once your playlist starts to take shape, Spotify will be prepared to help you. At the bottom of every playlist in the desktop app, Spotify lists Recommended Songs.

一旦您的播放列表开始成形,Spotify将准备为您提供帮助。 在桌面应用程序中每个播放列表的底部,Spotify列出了“推荐歌曲”。

These recommendations are pulled from Spotify’s ridiculously deep music data. What songs are grouped together on playlists, how other people listen to music, which artists are frequently played one after the other, and much much more are all used by Spotify to get a picture of which songs are related or similar to each other.

这些建议来自Spotify可笑的深度音乐数据。 Spotify将哪些歌曲归类到播放列表中,其他人如何听音乐,哪些艺术家经常接连播放,Spotify则使用更多的这些来获取与哪些歌曲相关或相似的图片。

Look through these recommendations and click Add on any you want in your playlist. If none take your fancy, click Refresh to get a new batch of suggestions. It’s a really great tool for finding songs you’d otherwise have missed.

查看这些建议,然后在播放列表中的任何想要的地方单击“添加”。 如果您都不满意,请单击“刷新”以获取新的建议。 这是查找您否则会错过的歌曲的绝佳工具。

使用协作播放列表与其他人一起工作 (Work With Other People Using Collaborative Playlists)

One of my favorite Spotify features is collaborative playlists. You and one or more friends can all work together on a single playlist. They’re likely to remember songs you’ve forgotten about. My gym buddy and I have a collaborative playlist with hundreds of songs we love to work out to. Not only is it a killer playlist, but it was great fun to put together.

我最喜欢的Spotify功能之一是协作播放列表 。 您和一个或多个朋友可以一起在一个播放列表上一起工作。 他们可能会记得您忘记的歌曲。 我和我的健身伙伴有一个协作播放列表,其中包含数百首我们喜欢制作的歌曲。 它不仅是杀手级的播放列表,而且放在一起非常有趣。

在手机上快速添加歌曲 (Quickly Add Songs on Your Phone)

Once you start putting time into making your own playlists, you’ll get inspiration everywhere. You’ll hear a song on the radio, see something in the supermarket that reminds you of a particular band, or someone will mention an old album they used to love. Whatever triggers it, you want to add that song to your playlist as soon as possible; otherwise you’ll forget it.

一旦开始花时间制作自己的播放列表,您将在各处得到启发。 您会在广播中听到一首歌,在超市中看到使您想起某个乐队的东西,或者有人会提到他们曾经喜欢的一张旧专辑。 无论触发什么,您都希望尽快将该歌曲添加到播放列表中; 否则你会忘记的。

The best way to quickly add a song is through the mobile app. Just search for the song you want to add, tap the three dots next to, tap Add to Playlist and then just select the one you want to add it to.

快速添加歌曲的最佳方法是通过移动应用程序。 只需搜索您要添加的歌曲,点击旁边的三个点,点击添加到播放列表,然后选择要添加到的歌曲即可。

It’s not hard to build great playlists, it just takes a bit of time and thought. If you quickly throw 15 or 20 songs together, you’ll just get sick of them quickly. Instead, you need to go all in and use the tips in this article to build monster playlists with well over 100 songs. That way, when you put them on shuffle you’ll always here a different mix of music.

建立出色的播放列表并不难,只需要一点时间和思考。 如果您很快将15或20首歌曲放在一起,就会很快就厌倦了它们。 相反,您需要全力以赴,并使用本文中的提示来构建包含超过100首歌曲的怪兽播放列表。 这样,当您将它们随机播放时,总会出现不同的音乐混合。


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