Do you have a lot of bookmarks and bookmarks folders in your Bookmarks Toolbar and need a way to make them fit better? See how nicely your bookmarks can be condensed with the Smart Bookmarks Bar extension for Firefox.
书签工具栏中是否有很多书签和书签文件夹,并且需要一种使它们更合适的方法? 查看用于Firefox的Smart Bookmarks Bar扩展插件可以很好地压缩您的书签。
Here is our test browser with an assortment of bookmarks not in folders. As you can see it does not take many to fill the visible area of the “Bookmarks Toolbar” therefore requiring the use of the drop-down menu at the end. Even if you have your bookmarks placed in folders they too can fill your toolbar up very quickly.
这是我们的测试浏览器,带有各种不在文件夹中的书签。 如您所见,填写“书签工具栏”的可见区域并不需要很多,因此需要在末尾使用下拉菜单。 即使您将书签放置在文件夹中,它们也可以很快填充您的工具栏。

As soon as you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox you will notice an immediate difference. As you can see here all of the bookmarks shown above have been “reduced” to just their favicons. Now your “Bookmarks Toolbar” can have a very clean, colorful, and highly condensed look to it.
安装扩展程序并重新启动Firefox后,您会立即发现差异。 如您所见,上面显示的所有书签都被“还原”为它们的收藏夹图标。 现在,您的“书签工具栏”可以具有非常干净,多彩和高度浓缩的外观。

Hovering your mouse over any of the favicons will make the text associated with the bookmark appear (slider type of motion). This is especially useful if you happen to have two bookmarks that use the same favicon.
将鼠标悬停在任何图标上都会显示与书签关联的文本(滑块的运动类型)。 如果您碰巧有两个使用相同图标的书签,这将特别有用。

As always clicking on any of the bookmarks opens those links just like before. This is definitely a great way to get those bookmarks under control and make them easier to use.
与往常一样,单击任何一个书签都会像以前一样打开那些链接。 这绝对是控制这些书签并使它们更易于使用的好方法。

If you prefer folders you can also have them condensed as well though they will all have the same favicon. One way to work with this might be to memorize “first folder = blogs, second folder = e-mail, etc.”.
如果您喜欢文件夹,也可以压缩它们,尽管它们都具有相同的图标。 一种解决方法是记住“第一个文件夹=博客,第二个文件夹=电子邮件等”。
Note: You may also have the names of folders permanently display if desired (see “Options”).

Just like before you can easily access bookmarks contained in the folders.

The options for the extension focus on small operational tweaks for your “Bookmarks Toolbar”…select what works best for you. It is advised to deselect “Hide bookmarks names with no favicon” so that you do not “lose sight” of any new bookmarks that lack a favicon. Or if you already have bookmarks without favicons you could place those in an appropriate folder to work around that minor problem.
扩展程序的选项着重于“书签工具栏”的细微操作调整...选择最适合您的方法。 建议取消选择“隐藏没有图标图标的书签名称”,以免丢失所有缺少图标图标的新书签。 或者,如果您已经有没有图标的书签,则可以将其放在适当的文件夹中以解决该小问题。

If you have been looking for a better way to organize and access bookmarks (and folders) on your Bookmarks Toolbar then this is one extension that you should definitely take the time to try.
Download the Smart Bookmarks Bar extension (Mozilla Add-ons)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/10123/condense-the-bookmarks-in-the-firefox-bookmarks-toolbar/