


Batteries are dangerous—they’re practically a bomb—so you need to be careful when you buy them. Sure, they’re not likely to take down an airliner but a bad battery could definitely damage your camera. It also might not work as expected. Here’s what you need to know about buying batteries for your DSLR or mirrorless cameras.

电池很危险- 实际上是炸弹-因此购买时请务必小心。 当然,他们不太可能将一架客机降下来,但是电池电量不足肯定会损坏您的相机。 它也可能无法按预期工作。 这是为数码单反相机或无反光镜相机购买电池时需要了解的信息。

第一方和第三方电池 (First-Party and Third-Party Batteries)

The battery that came with your camera is called a “first-party” battery because it was made by the manufacturer of the camera (or at least by a licensee they supervise). It’s the battery with which your camera is designed to work. You can buy additional first-party batteries but they tend to be quite expensive.

相机随附的电池称为“第一方”电池,因为它是由相机制造商(或至少由他们监管的被许可人)制造的。 它是相机可使用的电池。 您可以购买额外的第一方电池,但是它们往往很昂贵。

Third-party batteries are made by a company other than your camera’s manufacturer. They range from high-quality batteries made by reputable camera manufacturers—like this third party battery made by Blackmagic—to cheap Chinese knock-offs, churned out by factories where safety standards and testing are foreign concepts. It’s a pretty wide range.

第三方电池由相机制造商以外的公司生产。 它们的范围从知名的相机制造商生产的高质量电池(如Blackmagic生产的第三方电池)到廉价的中国仿冒品,而这些仿冒品是由安全标准和测试是外国概念的工厂生产的。 范围很广。

第三方电池的(潜在)问题 (The (Potential) Problems With Third Party Batteries)

With first-party batteries, you always know what you’re getting (as long as you’re really getting a first party battery and not a counterfeit; more on that later). It’s the exact same as the one that came with your camera when you bought it. With third-party batteries, however, things aren’t quite as certain.

使用第一方电池,您将始终知道自己所得到的(只要您真正获得了第一方电池而不是假冒产品;以后再讲)。 这与您购买相机时随附的相机完全相同。 但是,对于第三方电池,情况还不确定。

Third-party batteries are almost always cheaper than original batteries. Canon’s LP-E6N battery costs $64 while Blackmagic’s—presumably high quality—replica costs $35. That’s a pretty steep difference. I’ve seen batteries from less reputable manufacturers cost as little as $10—and no, I won’t link to them.

第三方电池几乎总是比原装电池便宜。 佳能的LP-E6N电池售价64美元,而Blackmagic的高品质仿制电池售价35美元。 那是一个很大的差异。 我已经看到信誉较差的制造商生产的电池价格仅为10美元-不,我不会链接到它们。

The problem here is that money has to be saved somewhere. It definitely doesn’t cost Canon $60 to make a battery, but it costs them some fraction of that. Good third-party manufacturers deliberately make less profit to undercut Canon. Bad manufacturers, however, will just cut costs from materials, testing, design, and other places that reduce the overall quality of the battery.

这里的问题是必须在某个地方存钱。 佳能制造电池绝对不会花费60美元,但要花费它们的一小部分。 好的第三方制造商故意降低利润以削弱佳能。 但是,不良的制造商只会削减材料,测试,设计以及其他降低电池整体质量的地方的成本。

In the best case scenario, you end up with a battery that might not hold as much charge, won’t last as long, or maybe feels a bit plasticky but otherwise works as expected. There’s also a chance you might end up with a total dud that won’t work at all or won’t charge with the official charger. In the worst case, as we’ve seen with USB cables, you could get a battery that actively damages your camera.

在最好的情况下,您最终得到的电池电量可能不足,无法使用很长时间,或者感觉有点可塑性,但可以正常使用。 还有一种可能是您最终会完全无法使用或无法使用官方充电器充电。 在最坏的情况下, 就像我们在USB电缆上看到的那样 ,您可能会得到电池,该电池会严重损坏相机。

Now, I’m not saying all third-party batteries are bad. The odds are that they’ll work just fine—and the odds are even better if you go with a reputable manufacturer—but you do need to be careful, especially with where you buy them from.

现在,我并不是说所有第三方电池都坏了。 很有可能它们会很好地工作-如果您与信誉良好的制造商合作,可能性甚至更高-但您需要特别小心,尤其是从哪里购买它们。

不要从亚马逊购买 (Don’t Buy from Amazon)

Amazon has a lot of problems with scams at the moment—even our own Chris Hoffman was caught by one. Most of the issues are with “Fulfilled by Amazon” sellers; Amazon is doing very little to police their inventory and make sure that they’re not selling shoddy products or counterfeits. For most things, buying from Amazon is fine, but for batteries for your prized camera, you need to be a little more careful.

亚马逊目前存在很多诈骗问题,甚至我们自己的克里斯·霍夫曼也被一个人抓住了 。 大多数问题与“亚马逊物流”卖家有关。 亚马逊几乎没有采取任何措施来监管他们的库存,并确保他们没有出售伪劣产品或假冒产品。 对于大多数事情来说,从亚马逊购买是可以的,但是对于珍贵相机的电池,您需要多加注意。

We’ve considered it and, honestly, we recommend not buying any camera batteries from Amazon—including first-party batteries. The chance that you’ll get a bad third-party battery or a counterfeit first-party battery is just too high.

我们已经考虑过了,说实话,我们建议不要从亚马逊购买任何相机电池,包括第一方电池。 您会得到坏的第三方电池或伪造的第一方电池的机会太高了。

Instead, you should buy batteries from your local camera shop or a high quality, dedicated online photo store like B&H. Even if you decide to go with a third-party battery, at least you know it’s been ordered in by someone who knows about cameras. A good camera shop is much less likely to sell you a problem product than Amazon’s open, anyone can sell, marketplace.

相反,您应该从当地的相机商店或B&H之类的高质量专用在线照相馆购买电池。 即使您决定使用第三方电池,至少您也知道它是由了解相机的人订购的。 一家好的相机店向您出售有问题的产品的可能性要比亚马逊的公开市场(任何人都可以销售)便宜得多。

Personally, I prefer to stick with first-party batteries but that’s a luxury I have because taking photos is a big part of my job. If you need an extra battery but don’t want to pay top dollar, buy a third-party battery—just don’t go with the cheapest one you can find on Amazon.

就个人而言,我更喜欢坚持使用第一方电池,但这是我的奢侈,因为拍照是我工作的重要组成部分。 如果您需要额外的电池但又不想支付高昂的费用,请购买第三方电池,只是不要购买在亚马逊上可以找到的最便宜的电池。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/395172/should-you-buy-off-brand-camera-batteries/


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