
Remember the Dashboard? It was the marquee feature of Mac OS X Tiger back in 2005, but these days basically no one uses it. Yet it’s still part of macOS Mojave.

还记得仪表板吗? 早在2005年,它就是Mac OS X Tiger的选框功能,但如今基本上没有人使用它。 但是它仍然是macOS Mojave的一部分。

We published an article explaining how to disable the Dashboard back in 2013—if my calculations are correct, that’s five years ago. Apple has since turned Dashboard off by default, but it’s still there: you can enable it in System Preferences > System Preferences, which is pretty strange but also kind of wonderful.

我们发表了一篇文章,解释了如何在2013年禁用仪表板 -如果我的计算正确,那就是五年前。 从那以后,Apple便默认关闭了Dashboard,但它仍然存在:您可以在“系统偏好设置”>“系统偏好设置”中启用它,这很奇怪,但也很不错。

Even weirder, Dashboard is more-or-less frozen in time, looking exactly the same now as it did back when Apple was still obsessed with skeuomorphs, which is software designed to look like real-world objects). Remember when the macOS and iPhone calendar app looked like a paper calendar? That’s a skeuomporh, and Dashboard still looks that way, which is really out of place in the modern macOS aesthetic.

甚至更奇怪的是,Dashboard或多或少都在时间上冻结了,现在看起来和当苹果仍然沉迷于skeuomorphs时的样子完全一样, skeuomorphs是一种设计成看起来像真实世界对象的软件。 还记得macOS和iPhone日历应用看起来像纸质日历吗? 那是一个巧合,而Dashboard仍然看起来像那样,在现代macOS美学中确实不合适。

Uluroo, a blogging kangaroo, recently compiled a collection of macOS artifacts still in the operating system. The article is wonderful, and you should read it, but here’s his thoughts on the Dashboard (found via Pixel Envy):

袋鼠博客Uluroo最近编译了仍在操作系统中的macOS工件集合。 这篇文章很棒 ,您应该阅读它,但这是他在Dashboard上的想法(可通过Pixel Envy找到):

Dashboard is still skeuomorphic. This surprises Uluroo a lot, given that iOS 7 killed skeuomorphism completely on the iPhone five years ago.

仪表板仍是拟态的。 鉴于五年前iOS 7完全消除了iPhone上的拟态,这使Uluroo感到非常惊讶。

Many of Dashboard’s built-in widgets have a refreshingly retro, though inconsistent, aesthetic: Stocks, Dictionary, Weather, Calculator, Calendar, and more all look like they’ve gone untouched since the days of Scott Forstall. The World Clock widget’s second hand moves in the same way as a real clock, rather than moving in a smooth, uninterrupted motion like in iOS and watchOS. Apple still has a built-in “Tile Game” widget. Uluroo wonders if Dashboard will ever be updated to behave more like the Mac’s version of Control Center, or if Apple just doesn’t care much about it anymore.

Dashboard的许多内置小部件都具有令人耳目一新的复古风格,尽管风格不一致,但美观:股票,字典,天气,计算器,日历等,自斯科特·福斯特(Scott Forstall)时代以来,似乎都未曾动过。 World Clock小部件的秒针以与真实时钟相同的方式移动,而不是像iOS和watchOS那样平稳,不间断地移动。 苹果仍然有一个内置的“瓷砖游戏”小部件。 Uluroo想知道Dashboard是否会进行更新,使其行为更像Mac版本的Control Center,或者Apple是否不再关心它了。

Apple has access to analytics, so they know if people are still using a given feature or not. My guess is enough people still use Dashboard to justify keeping it around, but not enough to justify actually updating it.

Apple有权使用分析功能,因此他们知道人们是否仍在使用给定功能。 我的猜测是,仍然有足够多的人使用Dashboard来证明保持它的合法性,但是不足以证明实际上对其进行更新。

Uluroo points out some other oddities, like how macOS still offers a DVD player, even though Macs haven’t offered DVD drives for a while now. Mac users should really check out the complete list—you’ll learn a few things, some of which are really useful.

Uluroo指出了其他一些奇怪之处,例如macOS仍然提供DVD播放器的方式,即使Mac暂时不提供DVD驱动器也是如此。 Mac用户应该真正查看完整列表-您将学到一些东西,其中有些非常有用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/why-does-the-macos-dashboard-still-exist/





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