微软界面设计 mfc 替换_如何在Microsoft Word中查找和替换文本

微软界面设计 mfc 替换

微软界面设计 mfc 替换

Have you ever finishing typing a letter, report or presentation only to discover that you misspelled a person’s name or had the wrong company listed multiple times throughout your document? No worries—it’s an easy fix. Using Word’s Find and Replace feature, you can quickly locate and replace text. Let’s see how it works.

您是否曾经只写过一封信,一份报告或一份简报,以发现您拼错了一个人的名字或在整个文档中多次列出了错误的公司? 不用担心,这很容易解决。 使用Word的“查找和替换”功能,可以快速查找和替换文本。 让我们看看它是如何工作的。

Switch over to the “Home” tab on Word’s Ribbon and then click the “Replace” button.


This opens Word’s Find and Replace window. In the “Find What” box, type the word or phrase you want to locate. If you only want to find text in your document, you can go ahead and click the “Find Next” button to have Word jump to the next occurrence of that word. Keep clicking it to browse through all the results.

这将打开Word的“查找和替换”窗口。 在“查找内容”框中,键入要查找的单词或短语。 如果只想在文档中查找文本,则可以继续并单击“查找下一个”按钮,以使Word跳至该单词的下一个出现位置。 继续单击以浏览所有结果。

If you want to replace the text you find with something else, type the replacement text into the “Replace With” box. You can enter up to 255 characters in the both the “Find What” and “Replace With” boxes, by the way.

如果要用其他内容替换找到的文本,请在“替换为”框中键入替换文本。 顺便说一下,您最多可以在“查找内容”和“替换为”框中输入255个字符。

In this example, let’s say we want to replace the name “Williams” with the name “Billingsly”, so we’ve typed that text into the respective boxes. Next, we’d click the “Find Next” button to have Word locate the first instance of the text in the “Find What” box.

在此示例中,假设我们要将名称“ Williams”替换为“ Billingsly”,因此我们已在相应的框中键入了该文本。 接下来,我们将单击“查找下一个”按钮,以使Word在“查找内容”框中查找文本的第一个实例。

Word jumps the document to that point and highlights the result in gray, still keeping the Find and Replace window on top for you. Click the “Replace” button to replace the currently selected result with whatever text is in the “Replace With” box.

Word将文档跳到该点并以灰色突出显示结果,但仍然为您保留“查找和替换”窗口的顶部。 单击“替换”按钮,将当前选定的结果替换为“替换为”框中的任何文本。

To replace all instances at once without stopping and reviewing each one, you can click the “Replace All” button.


Be careful when using “Replace All” because it will automatically replace all instances, including those you might not want to replace. In the example below, there are three more instances of “Williams,” but we only want to replace the next two. In this case, we would only click “Replace” for the second and third instance.

使用“全部替换”时请小心,因为它将自动替换所有实例,包括您可能不想替换的实例。 在下面的示例中,还有三个“威廉姆斯”实例,但是我们只想替换下两个。 在这种情况下,我们只需要对第二个和第三个实例单击“替换”。

If there is a particular instance where you don’t want to replace the text, click “Find Next” as many times as needed until you come to an example where you need to replace text.


To exit from Find and Replace, click the “Cancel” button.


Of course, since it is Word we’re talking about here, there are also lots of other things you can do to make your searches more sophisticated:


The basic of searching and replacing text in Word are pretty straightforward, but there’s a lot you can do with it once you start digging.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363017/how-to-find-and-replace-text-in-microsoft-word/

微软界面设计 mfc 替换





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