ubuntu tweak_如何使用Ubuntu Tweak自定义Ubuntu

ubuntu tweak

ubuntu tweak


Ubuntu’s default configuration tools don’t expose a lot of options for customizing your Ubuntu desktop. Ubuntu Tweak fills the gap, exposing a wide variety of settings unavailable in the default interface.

Ubuntu的默认配置工具没有提供许多自定义Ubuntu桌面的选项。 Ubuntu Tweak填补了空白,暴露了默认界面中不可用的各种设置。

Want to tweak the way Unity works, customize the login screen, or even change the desktop icon theme independently from the main theme? Ubuntu Tweak can help. Unity does have a few exposed settings in Ubuntu 12.04, but not many.

是否要调整Unity的工作方式,自定义登录屏幕,甚至独立于主要主题更改桌面图标主题? Ubuntu Tweak可以提供帮助。 Unity在Ubuntu 12.04中确实有一些公开的设置,但没有很多。

安装 (Installation)

You’ll have to download Ubuntu Tweak from its website — it isn’t available in Ubuntu’s default software repositories. Double-click the downloaded DEB file to open it in the Ubuntu Software Center and install it.

您必须从其网站下载Ubuntu Tweak -Ubuntu的默认软件存储库中不提供该软件。 双击下载的DEB文件,在Ubuntu软件中心将其打开并安装。


You’ll find Ubuntu Tweak in Unity’s dash after installation.

安装后,您会在Unity的破折号中找到Ubuntu Tweak。


总览 (Overview)

The Ubuntu Tweak window contains four tabs — Overview, Tweaks, Admins, and Janitor. The Overview tab contains information about your system, the tweaks tab contains options for customizing your system, the Admins tab contains some administration tools, and the Janitor tab can free up space on your system by deleting unneeded files.

Ubuntu Tweak窗口包含四个选项卡-Overview,Tweaks,Admins和Janitor。 “概述”选项卡包含有关系统的信息,“调整”选项卡包含用于自定义系统的选项,“管理”选项卡包含一些管理工具,“管理员”选项卡可以通过删除不需要的文件来释放系统上的空间。


调整 (Tweaks)

The Tweaks tab contains a collection of tools for customizing everything from Unity and Ubuntu’s login screen to the theme, file manager, and desktop.



The default Appearance control panel only has a single theme option, so you can’t customize individual parts of the theme, like your icon theme. The Theme panel in Ubuntu Tweak actually lets you customize your theme’s individual components. The little icon to the right of each option in Ubuntu Tweak sets the option back to the default setting.

默认的外观控制面板只有一个主题选项,因此您无法自定义主题的各个部分,例如图标主题。 实际上,Ubuntu Tweak中的“主题”面板使您可以自定义主题的各个组件。 Ubuntu Tweak中每个选项右侧的小图标将选项设置回默认设置。


From the Login Settings pane, you can customize the login screen (also known as Unity Greeter, which runs on the LightDM display manager). Want to disable that grid of dots the login screen displays over your background image? Set the “Draw grid” option here to “No.” Changing these settings normally requires switching user accounts in a terminal and executing a variety of commands.

在“登录设置”窗格中,您可以自定义登录屏幕(也称为Unity Greeter,它在LightDM显示管理器上运行)。 是否要禁用登录屏幕在背景图片上方显示的点状网格? 在此处将“绘制网格”选项设置为“否”。 更改这些设置通常需要在终端中切换用户帐户并执行各种命令。


The Unity configuration panel exposes options in Unity that aren’t available in the Appearance control panel. If you don’t like the new HUD, you can disable it from here. (Press Alt to pull the HUD up if it’s enabled.)

Unity配置面板公开了外观控制面板中不可用的Unity选项。 如果您不喜欢新的HUD,则可以从此处禁用它。 (如果已启用,请按Alt向上拉动HUD。)


The Window pane allows you to customize window title bar options – for example, you can move the buttons back to the right side of the window with a single click.



From the Workspace pane, you can enable “hot corners” that perform special actions when you move your mouse cursor to them.



For example, you can open an Exposé-like window-picker screen by assigning the Show Windows option.



管理员 (Admins)

The Admins tab offers a variety of administration tools for everything from software management to desktop settings. The Application Centre allows you to easily browse and install popular applications, while the Source Centre offers a list of PPAs you can easily enable.

管理员标签为从软件管理到桌面设置的所有内容提供了多种管理工具。 “应用程序中心”使您可以轻松浏览和安装流行的应用程序,而“源中心”则提供了可以轻松启用的PPA列表。


The QuickLists Editor pane allows you to customize Unity’s quick lists – the options that appear when you right-click an application icon on the Unity launcher. You can disable options that come with the application or add your own options — particularly useful if you’re using an application that doesn’t come with quick list options.

“快速列表编辑器”窗格可让您自定义Unity的快速列表-右键单击Unity启动器上的应用程序图标时出现的选项。 您可以禁用应用程序随附的选项,也可以添加自己的选项-如果您使用的应用程序没有快速列表选项,则该选项特别有用。


You can add any command to an application’s quick list.



The Scripts panel is also interesting – it allows you to easily add scripts to the Nautilus file manager. Ubuntu Tweak comes with a variety of scripts that you can add. When you right-click a file in the file manager, you’ll see a Scripts submenu containing the scripts you’ve added here.

“脚本”面板也很有趣–它使您可以轻松地将脚本添加到Nautilus文件管理器。 Ubuntu Tweak附带了可以添加的各种脚本。 在文件管理器中右键单击文件时,您将看到一个“脚本”子菜单,其中包含您在此处添加的脚本。


看门人 (Janitor)

The Computer Janitor pane allows you to free up space by deleting cache files and old Linux kernels that are still installed on your system. Everything here should be safe to remove, but bear in mind that doing so won’t necessarily be a benefit – if you clear your browser cache, your browser will just have to redownload some of the cached files in the future, slowing down your browsing.

通过“计算机管理员”窗格,您可以通过删除仍在系统上安装的缓存文件和旧Linux内核来释放空间。 这里的所有内容都应安全删除,但是请记住,这样做并不一定会带来好处–如果您清除浏览器缓存,将来您的浏览器将只需要重新下载一些缓存的文件,这会降低浏览速度。

The Apt cache contains downloaded package files – when Ubuntu downloads packages and installs them, it keeps a copy of the packages. If you don’t plan on reinstalling the packages or backing them up, this is safe to delete.

Apt缓存包含下载的软件包文件– Ubuntu在下载软件包并安装它们时,会保留软件包的副本。 如果您不打算重新安装软件包或对其进行备份,则可以安全删除。


Ubuntu Tweak contains too many options to list here; these were just the highlights. Give it a try yourself – Ubuntu Tweak’s new search feature makes it easy to find the tweaks you want.

Ubuntu Tweak包含太多选项,无法在此处列出。 这些只是亮点。 尝试一下-Ubuntu Tweak的新搜索功能使查找所需的调整变得容易。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/112974/how-to-customize-ubuntu-with-ubuntu-tweak/

ubuntu tweak





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