


Handheld calculators don’t get as much love as they once did. That’s a damn shame, because they can be way more convenient than the calculator app on your computer.

手持式计算器不会像以前那样获得太多的爱。 真可惜,因为它们比您计算机上的计算器应用程序更方便。

I frequently keep a hard look at my finances, and use quite a few spreadsheets to keep track of our budget and bank accounts. While you can tap in a lot of different formulas to automatically do the math for you, there are still many things I like to calculate manually—it makes me more aware of our spending habits. Because of this (and because of my lack of math skills), I use a calculator a lot.

我经常仔细检查自己的财务状况,并使用许多电子表格来跟踪我们的预算和银行帐户。 尽管您可以输入许多不同的公式来自动为您做数学运算,但我仍然想手动计算很多东西,这使我更加了解我们的消费习惯。 由于这个原因(和因为我缺乏数学技能),我用计算器了很多

At first, I relied on the calculator app on my Mac, and even though I had enough screen real estate to have the spreadsheet and calculator side by side, it was still frustrating to have to click back and forth between them. Plus, my keyboard doesn’t have a numeric keypad, so entering numbers was just slow in general, almost like using one of those rotary dial phones—that top row of numbers on my keyboard just isn’t made for calculator use.

最初,我依靠Mac上的计算器应用程序,即使我有足够的屏幕空间来同时使用电子表格和计算器,但在它们之间来回单击仍然令人沮丧。 另外,我的键盘没有数字键盘,因此输入数字通常很慢,几乎就像使用那些旋转拨号电话一样-键盘上的第一行数字并不是供计算器使用的。

Granted, I still have to use that top row to enter in numbers into the spreadsheet, but it’s hardly a big deal compared to adding a ton of numbers together.


In any case, I soon upgraded to using the Alfred search bar as my calculator, which was a bit faster since I could instantly copy the result to my clipboard and paste it into the spreadsheet. However, I had to summon Alfred each and every time I needed to calculate something, by hitting Cmd+Space. And I was still stuck using the number row at the top of my keyboard.

无论如何,我很快就升级为使用Alfred搜索栏作为计算器,这会更快一些,因为我可以立即将结果复制到剪贴板中并将其粘贴到电子表格中。 但是,每次我需要计算某些东西时,我都必须通过按Cmd + Space来召唤Alfred。 而且我仍然无法使用键盘顶部的数字行。

“Gee, Craig, here’s an idea: Just get a keyboard with a numpad!” That is a great idea, except that a) most laptops don’t have numpads, b) numpads are actually ergonomically inferior to “tenkeyless” keyboards (since you have to reach your hand farther to use the mouse), and c) I’m just very picky about keyboards (not to mention left-handed). I suppose you could buy a separate USB numpad, but that’s clunky. There’s a better solution: a regular, physical calculator.

“ Gee,Craig,这是个主意:只要拿一个带小键盘的键盘即可!” 这一个好主意,除了a)大多数笔记本电脑没有数字键盘,b)在人体工程学上实际上不如 “无键”键盘(因为您必须更伸手才能使用鼠标),以及c)我我对键盘非常挑剔(更不用说左手了)。 我想您可以购买一个单独的USB数字键盘,但这很笨拙。 有一个更好的解决方案:常规的物理计算器。

Seriously, you probably have a calculator lying around somewhere anyway, most likely in a junk drawer next to the D batteries and some dull, orange-handled scissors. And if not, they’re dirt cheap. This one is four lousy dollars—that’s the cost of one of those fancy espresso milkshakes at your local coffee establishment.

严重的是,无论如何,您可能在任何地方都有一个计算器,很可能是在D电池和一些钝的橙色剪刀旁边的垃圾抽屉中。 如果没有的话,它们真便宜。 是四美元, 是您当地咖啡店里花式咖啡奶昔之一的费用。

The best part about having a real calculator is that I can make it as ergonomic as I need to—I have it sitting right next to the mouse, which makes going back and forth between calculator input and spreadsheet input super quick and easy. Plus, I can use my left hand for calculator input and my right hand for spreadsheet input, and when my left hand isn’t tapping in calculations, it’s using the mouse to click on spreadsheet cells.

拥有真正的计算器的最好之处在于,我可以根据需要使它符合人体工程学—我将它放在鼠标旁边,这使得在计算器输入和电子表格输入之间来回快速,轻松地进行。 另外,我的左手可以用于计算器输入,而右手可以用于电子表格输入,并且当我的左手没有点击计算时,它就是使用鼠标单击电子表格单元格。

“Why not just use your phone’s calculator, Craig? It can do exactly this.” That’s true. My phon’e calculator is just as mobile as the real calculator sitting next to it, but there’s nothing more annoying than being fully engaged in an intense spreadsheet session and getting a phone call or a text message on the same device I’m trying to do calculations on.

“为什么不只使用手机的计算器,克雷格? 它可以做到这一点。” 确实如此。 我的phon'e计算器和旁边的真实计算器一样具有移动性,但是没有比完全参与激烈的电子表格会话并在我尝试使用的同一设备上拨打电话或发送短信更令人讨厌的了做计算。

Plus, the physical buttons on a real calculator make entering in calculations so much more tactile than using a touch screen. It’s the same feeling when trying to play a first-person shooter on your phone using the touch screen controls—it just doesn’t work all that great, and it has you wishing you were using a gamepad with real buttons.

另外,真正的计算器上的物理按钮使输入计算的触觉比使用触摸屏要好得多。 尝试使用触摸屏控件在手机上播放第一人称射击游戏时,感觉是一样的-只是效果不佳,它希望您使用带有真实按钮的游戏手柄。

Now, I’m not saying that you should start using a real calculator for everything—the calculator app on your phone is super handy, and it’s great to have in a pinch when you’re extreme couponing at the grocery store or calculating the tip at a restaurant. But a real calculator is one device that you should at least keep handy at your desk, because it’s more convenient than you think.

现在,我并不是说您应该开始使用真正的计算器来处理所有事情,因为手机上的计算器应用程序非常方便,当您在杂货店极度优惠券兑换或计算小费时,可以紧握它真是太好了在一家餐馆。 但是,真正的计算器是您至少应该在办公桌上使用的一种设备,因为它比您想像的要方便得多。







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