android 自定义通知_如何根据其内容自定义Android短信通知

android 自定义通知

android 自定义通知

The Android notification system is arguably one of the best things about the OS. But what if you could make it better? An app called Converbration can do just that by allowing you to completely customize notifications for your text messages based on a number of factors.

Android通知系统可以说是关于OS最好的东西之一。 但是,如果您可以做得更好呢? 名为Converbration的应用程序可以通过允许您基于多种因素完全自定义短信通知来实现此目的。

Converbration (horrible name, great app) hails itself as “intelligent notifications,” because it takes the notification system to a whole new level of customization (at least, for text messages). It uses the context of your messages—mostly conversations, as the name suggests—to customize the vibration or sound patterns of the message. It’s really pretty genius.

混响(可怕的名字,出色的应用程序)将自己称为“智能通知”,因为它使通知系统达到了全新的自定义级别(至少对于文本消息而言)。 它使用消息的上下文(顾名思义,主要是对话)来自定义消息的振动或声音模式。 这真是个天才。

It tries to mimic the inflection used in the specific message. For example, a question gets a sort of inquisitive vibration or sound pattern. A message with exclamation marks “feels” more exciting. Short messages get short vibrations or sounds, and longer ones are longer. It takes some getting used to, but it really does help you figure out what a message is without even looking at your phone.

它试图模仿特定消息中使用的变形。 例如,一个问题会产生一种好奇的振动或声音模式。 带有感叹号的消息使“感觉”更加激动。 短消息会发出短促的振动或声音,长消息会更长。 这需要一些时间来适应,但实际上确实可以帮助您甚至在不看电话的情况下就知道消息是什么。

Not only that, but the controls are incredibly customizable. Really, that’s all the app itself is: a series of customizations for other notifications. Once installed, Converbration will guide you through a simple setup where you’ll grant it notification access and permission to read your text messages. These are both required for Converbration to do what it does, so if you’re not cool with that, then this app is not for you.

不仅如此,但控制是令人难以置信的定制。 真的,这就是应用程序本身的全部:针对其他通知的一系列自定义。 安装完成后,Converbration将指导您完成一个简单的设置,在该设置中,您将授予它通知访问权限和阅读短信的权限。 这些都是Converbration要做的事所必需的,因此,如果您对此不满意,那么此应用程序不适合您。

Once that’s all done, it’ll give you a brief overview of what the app is all about, along with four quick examples of what to expect from different types of notifications. You can test it out with both sounds and vibrations here—I personally prefer the latter because the sounds can get obnoxious pretty fast, but it’s really personal preference.

完成这些操作后,它将为您简要介绍应用程序的全部内容,并提供四个快速示例,说明从不同类型的通知中可以获得什么。 您可以在此处同时使用声音和振动进行测试-我个人更喜欢后者,因为声音会很快变得令人讨厌,但这确实是个人喜好。

From there, the main app screen is pretty much just a big Settings button. But this is where all the magic really happens.

从那里开始,主应用程序屏幕几乎只是一个大的“设置”按钮。 但这就是所有魔术真正发生的地方。

Tapping into this menu lets you really take control of how Converbration works. But since it’s extremely granular, I’ll just give you a brief overview of each category so you can set things up yourself. If there’s one thing Converbration is, it’s personal.

轻触此菜单,即可真正控制混响的工作方式。 但是,由于它非常详细,所以我只给您简要概述每个类别,以便您自己进行设置。 如果说“混响”是一回事,那是个人的。

It starts with the Notification Style, which is where you’ll customize the more general way Converbration will work. There’s only one option for Sounds, as it then just uses a tone to do what it does. The rest of the options are for vibration patterns, which seems to be the real focus of the app. The default setting is “Quick,” which makes the most sense. If you’re looking for full control, however, check out the “Custom” option—it’s crazy granular.

它从“通知样式”开始,在该样式中,您可以自定义更通用的“混响”工作方式。 声音只有一个选项,因为它只使用一种音调来完成它的工作。 其余选项用于振动模式,这似乎是该应用程序的真正重点。 默认设置为“快速”,这是最有意义的。 但是,如果您希望完全控制,请查看“自定义”选项-这非常疯狂。

Next is the Context & Emotion category, which is where you can control how Converbration reacts to the context of each message. You can specify reactions to emergency messages, questions, positive or negative emotions, NSFW messages, money, and yes or no responses. Setting this section up will let you figure out what a message is about just by feeling it. Super cool.

接下来是“上下文和情感”类别,您可以在其中控制“混响”对每个消息上下文的React。 您可以指定对紧急消息,问题,正面或负面情绪,NSFW消息,金钱,是或否响应的React。 设置本节将使您仅通过感觉就能知道消息的含义。 超酷。

You can also choose to ignore simple things, like “k” or “lol,” as well as identical message or simple typo-corrections. It’s smart enough to know the difference, which is cool.

您还可以选择忽略简单的内容,例如“ k”或“ lol”,以及相同的消息或简单的错字校正。 知道其中的区别很聪明,这很酷。

The Custom Filters section allows you to set up filters for specific words or phrases. You can then choose to ignore (or never ignore) these phrases, as well as assign specific vibration patterns to them.

“自定义过滤器”部分允许您设置特定单词或短语的过滤器。 然后,您可以选择忽略(或永不忽略)这些短语,以及为其指定特定的振动模式。

Sleep Mode lets you specify hours when Converbration doesn’t do its normal thing so you can sleep or otherwise take a break from constant and numerous vibrations. It also has a settings to “still notify if urgent,” so notifications will still come through normally if they’re important.

睡眠模式可让您指定“混响”无法正常进行的时间,以便您可以入睡或以其他方式摆脱持续不断的大量振动。 它还具有“即使在紧急情况下仍会通知”的设置,因此,如果重要的话,通知仍会正常通过。

Finally, there are the System Settings. This is where you’ll quickly enable or disable Converbration and specify other options, like having Converbration settings also reflect on Android Wear and override the phone’s silent mode.

最后,有系统设置。 您可以在此处快速启用或禁用“混响”并指定其他选项,例如让“混响”设置也反映在Android Wear上并覆盖手机的静音模式。

Finally, there’s a button at the bottom right corner that lets you check out all these settings with a test notification. It comes in handy when trying to get everything set up initially.

最后,右下角有一个按钮,可让您通过测试通知检出所有这些设置。 在尝试最初设置所有内容时,它会派上用场。

Of course, there’s a catch: the free version only offers 500 notifications per month. If you want or need more than that, you’ll have to cough up some money. Like many new apps, Converbration uses a subscription model: $0.99 for a month, $1.99 for three months, or $3.99 for a full year.

当然,有一个陷阱:免费版每月仅提供500条通知。 如果您想要或需要的不止于此,您将不得不掏钱。 像许多新应用一样,Converbration使用订阅模式:每月0.99美元,三个月1.99美元或全年3.99美元。

Overall, Converbration is a unique way to tackle Android notification customization, thought it’s not perfect. For example, I’d like to see a way to apply certain vibration settings to specific contacts instead of just certain messages. It seems like it could be more valuable to know who is texting you without touching your phone than what is being said, though I can see why both would be good.

总的来说,Converbration是一种解决Android通知定制问题的独特方法,因为它并不完美。 例如,我希望看到一种将特定振动设置应用于特定联系人而不只是特定消息的方法。 似乎知道是发短信而不触摸手机比说什么更有价值,尽管我可以理解为什么两者都很好。


android 自定义通知





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