wear手表软件合集_如何设置,调整和使用Android Wear手表



Android Wear is a rather useful addition to your arsenal of technology, but getting to know a completely new device can be overwhelming. Here’s everything you need to know about setting up, tweaking, and using your new Android Wear watch.

Android Wear是对您的技术库的一个非常有用的补充,但是要了解一个全新的设备可能会让人不知所措。 您需要了解所有有关设置,调整和使用新的Android Wear手表的信息。

NOTE: These instructions assume you’re using the latest version of Android Wear, 2.0. If your watch is still on Android Wear 1.5 and hasn’t updated, we’ve made notes on any differences you’ll encounter. In addition, if you’re using Android Wear with an iPhone, you’ll want to read our guide to iOS and Android Wear in addition to this one.

注意:这些说明假定您使用的是最新版本的Android Wear 2.0。 如果您的手表仍在Android Wear 1.5上且尚未更新,则我们会记录您可能遇到的任何差异。 此外,如果您将Android Wear与iPhone配合使用,则除此指南外 ,还需要阅读有关iOS和Android Wear的指南

如何将手表与手机配对 (How to Pair Your Watch with Your Phone)

When you first turn on your watch, you’ll be greeted with the welcome screen. Swipe to the left to choose your language and continue, swiping through the instructions until you see a code.

首次打开手表时,会出现欢迎屏幕。 向左滑动以选择您的语言并继续,在说明中滑动,直到看到代码。

On your phone, make sure Bluetooth is turned on, and download the Android Wear app from the Google Play Store and start it up. You should see the same code that appears on your watch face, as shown below. Tap it to pair your watch with your phone.

在手机上,确保蓝牙已打开,然后从Google Play商店下载Android Wear应用并启动。 您应该看到表盘上显示的相同代码,如下所示。 点按它即可将手表与手机配对。

You will see a popup on your phone asking to pair. Check the box to allow your watch to access your contacts and call history and tap Pair.

您会在手机上看到一个弹出窗口,要求配对。 选中该框以允许手表访问您的联系人和通话记录,然后点按“配对”。

Once paired, your watch may update its software, after which it will scan your phone for Android Wear-compatible apps and sync them.

配对后,您的手表可能会更新其软件,然后它将扫描您的手机以查找与Android Wear兼容的应用并进行同步。

While it does that, you may see a new notification on your phone to add your watch as a “trusted device” for Android’s Smart Lock feature. This allows you to unlock your phone without a PIN as long as it’s connected to your watch–which is very convenient. I recommend turning this on, so tap the notification and tap “Add a Trusted Device”.

这样做时,您可能会在手机上看到一条新通知,将手表添加为Android的Smart Lock功能的“受信任设备”。 只要您将手机连接到手表,就可以在没有PIN的情况下解锁手机-这非常方便。 我建议将其打开,因此点击通知,然后点击“添加受信任的设备”。


Your watch is now paired with your phone. It will take you through a brief tutorial, after which you’ll land on the default watch face, ready to start using it.

您的手表现在已与手机配对。 它会带您完成一个简短的教程,之后您将进入默认表盘,开始使用它。

如何更换表盘 (How to Change Your Watch Face)

Okay, let’s be honest–you’d like to learn how to use your watch, but before that, you’ll probably want to change the watch face. Don’t worry, it was the first thing we did too. To change your watch face, swipe your finger left or right. (If you’re still on Android Wear 1.5, press and hold on the watch face instead.) A sliding menu will pop up with all your watch face options. You can swipe left and right to see them all, and tap on a watch face to enable it.

好的,说实话–您想学习如何使用手表,但是在此之前,您可能需要更换表盘。 别担心,这也是我们要做的第一件事。 要更改表盘面,请向左或向右滑动手指。 (如果您仍在使用Android Wear 1.5,请按住表盘。)将弹出一个带有所有表盘选项的滑动菜单。 您可以左右滑动以查看全部内容,然后点击表盘将其启用。

Some watch faces may have extra settings, denoted by the gear icon under them. Tap the gear icon to access those extra settings. This could include anything from colors and styles to which information your watch face shows. For example, if you aren’t interested in how many steps you’ve taken, you can change that part of the watch face to show your next alarm instead.

某些表盘可能具有额外的设置,由其下方的齿轮图标表示。 点按齿轮图标可访问这些额外设置。 这可能包括从颜色和样式到表盘所显示信息的任何内容。 例如,如果您对已执行的步骤不感兴趣,则可以更改表盘的该部分以显示下一个警报。

Swipe from the left screen edge to exit and go back to your watch face.


You can also download new watch faces, but we’ll discuss that later in the guide. For now, it’s time to learn the basics.

您也可以下载新的表盘,但稍后将在指南中进行讨论。 现在,是时候学习基础知识了。

Android Wear的基本滑动和手势 (The Basic Swipes and Gestures of Android Wear)

To navigate Android Wear, you’ll use a series of swipes and taps.

要浏览Android Wear,您需要使用一系列的滑动和点击。

First, let’s talk about the watch face. Your watch actually has two “faces”. When you’re using the watch, you’ll see the full watch face, often including info like battery, weather, and the date. However, after a few seconds of inaction, the watch screen will go into “Ambient Mode”, dimming the screen and showing a more minimalist version of the face, without all the extra color and info. This helps save your watch’s battery, only showing you the info you need when you really need it.

首先,让我们谈谈表盘。 您的手表实际上有两个“面Kong”。 使用手表时,您会看到整个表盘,通常包括电池,天气和日期等信息。 但是,几秒钟不进行操作后,手表屏幕将进入“环境模式”,使屏幕变暗并显示更简约的脸部版本,而没有所有其他颜色和信息。 这有助于节省手表的电池电量,仅在真正需要时才显示所需信息。

When the watch is dimmed, Tap the screen (you may have to hold for half a second or so) to see the full version of your watch face. Some watches will also switch to the full watch face automatically when you turn your wrist to look at the watch, though in our experience with the Fossil Q Founder this was a little hit or miss.

手表变暗时,点按屏幕 (您可能需要按住半秒钟左右)以查看完整的表盘。 当您转动手腕看手表时,某些手表也会自动切换到完整的表盘,尽管根据我们使用Fossil Q Founder的经验,这可能会有些失误。

You can then wait a few seconds for the watch to re-dim, or press the face of the watch with your palm to dim the screen right away.


Swipe up from the bottom edge of the main watch face to view your notifications (if you have any). We’ll discuss more about notifications in the next section.

主表面的底部边缘向上滑动以查看通知(如果有的话)。 我们将在下一节中讨论有关通知的更多信息。

Swipe down from the top edge for the quick settings screen, which includes Airplane Mode, Do Not Disturb, Settings, and “Theater Mode”, which turns off the screen and notifications until you press the side button. (On Android Wear 1.5, you’ll have to swipe right and left to see some of these options.)

从顶部边缘向下滑动以进入快速设置屏幕,其中包括飞行模式,请勿打扰,设置和“剧院模式”,这将关闭屏幕和通知,直到您按下侧面按钮。 (在Android Wear 1.5上,您必须左右滑动才能看到其中一些选项。)

Press the button on the crown (or, on Android Wear 1.5, swipe in from the right edge) to access all your apps. You’ll see your recently used apps at the top, with a full list below it. (We’ll talk about apps later in this article). Android 1.5 users can can swipe right again to see your contacts list, and a third time to get to Google’s voice actions.

按下表冠上的按钮 (或在Android Wear 1.5上,从右边缘向内轻扫)以访问所有应用程序。 您会在顶部看到您最近使用过的应用,并在其下方找到完整列表。 (我们将在本文后面讨论应用程序)。 Android 1.5用户可以再次向右轻扫以查看您的联系人列表,第三次可以获取Google的语音操作。

通知如何运作 (How Notifications Work)

When you receive a notification, your watch will vibrate and a popup will appear showing a preview of the message or alert. You can tap on it to read the full message, or tap the shortcut at the bottom to perform a quick action (in this case, archiving the email). To dismiss a notification, swipe it left or right.

收到通知时,手表将振动,并出现一个弹出窗口,显示消息或警报的预览。 您可以点击它以阅读完整的消息,或者点击底部的快捷方式以执行快速操作(在这种情况下,将电子邮件存档)。 要关闭通知,请向左或向右滑动。

If you tap on it to read the full message, you can then swipe up from the bottom edge for more actions.


If you choose to reply to the message, you’ll get a few options: you can dictate a message with your voice, draw an emoji, or choose from one of Google’s many pre-written responses, like “Yes” or “On my way”. You can even use the watch-sized keyboard, which isn’t as bad as it seems (especially if you swipe with your finger rather than tap on each key).

如果您选择回复邮件,则会有以下几种选择:您可以用语音指示邮件,绘制表情符号,或从Google的许多预先写好的回复中选择一个,例如“是”或“在我的手上”办法”。 您甚至可以使用手表大小的键盘,它的外观并没有看上去的那么糟糕(特别是如果您用手指轻扫而不是轻敲每个键)。

If you have multiple notifications, you can scroll through them by swiping up. If you have “Wirst Gestures” enabled in Settings > Gestures, you can also flick your wrist toward you or away from you to scroll through them.

如果您有多个通知,则可以向上滑动以滚动浏览它们。 如果在“设置”>“手势”中启用了““ Wirst Gestures””,则还可以将手腕向自己的方向或向远离自己的方向滑动,以滚动浏览它们。


You can also “pivot” your arm up and down to select cards or go back. Essentially, this gesture acts the same as tapping/swiping to the right, and swiping to the left, respectively.

您也可以上下“旋转”手臂以选择卡片或返回。 本质上,此手势的作用与分别向右轻击/滑动和向左轻扫相同。


Lastly, you can shake your wrist back and forth to exist whatever screen you’re on and return to the watch face.


用声音控制一切 (Control Everything With Your Voice)

Like many Android phones, your watch can listen for commands from you. Either press and hold the crown button to bring up Google Assistant, or—if “Ok Google Detection” is turned on in Settings > Personalization, you can say “OK, Google” at any time to bring up Google Assistant. You can say any command out loud, but if you swipe up, Google gives a few examples in a list.

与许多Android手机一样,手表可以监听您的命令。 按住皇冠按钮以启动Google Assistant,或者-如果在“设置”>“个性化设置”中启用了“确定Google检测”,则可以随时说出“确定,Google”以启动Google Assistant。 您可以大声说出任何命令,但是如果向上滑动,Google会在列表中提供一些示例。

You can say things like:


  • Take a note…” to create a new note in Google Keep

    做笔记... ”可在Google Keep中创建新笔记

  • Remind me to…” or “Set a reminder…” to set a reminder for later

    提醒我... ”或“ 设置提醒... ”为以后设置提醒

  • Show me my steps” to see Google Fit data

    告诉我我的步骤 ”以查看Google Fit数据

  • Send a text to…” or “Email…” to send a message to one of your contacts

    向...发送文本 ”或“ 电子邮件... ”向您的联系人之一发送消息

  • Send a Hangouts message to…” to send a message with Google Hangouts.

    向...发送环聊消息 ”以通过Google环聊发送消息。

  • Agenda for today” or “Agenda for [date]” to see your upcoming calendar events

    今天的议程 ”或“ [日期]的议程 ”以查看您即将进行的日历活动

  • Navigate to…” to start navigating to an address, or to a location like “a gas station nearby”

    导航到... ”以开始导航到一个地址或“附近的加油站”之类的位置

  • Set a timer for…” or “Set an alarm for…” to set a timer or alarm. You can also “Start stopwatch” or “Show alarms“.

    通过“ 为…设置计时器 ”或“ 为… 设置闹钟 ”来设置计时器或闹钟。 您也可以“ 启动秒表 ”或“ 显示闹钟 ”。

  • Play music” to either launch your phone’s preferred music app, or start playing music with the Google Play Music app on your watch, without your phone connected. (You can change which Music app is used from Google Assistant’s settings on your phone.) Note: You’ll need Bluetooth headphones paired to your watch in order to listen to music on it.

    播放音乐 ”可启动手机的首选音乐应用,或者在未连接手机的情况下通过手表上的Google Play音乐应用开始播放音乐。 (您可以通过手机上Google助手的设置更改使用哪个“音乐”应用程序。)注意:您需要将蓝牙耳机与手表配对才能在手表上听音乐。

  • Start a workout“, “Start a run“, or “Start a bike ride” to start a workout in Google Fit

    开始锻炼 ”,“ 开始跑步 ”或“ 开始骑自行车 ”以在Google Fit中开始锻炼

There are lots of other things you can do, potentially even using third-party apps…as long as they support Google Assistant. (Android Wear 1.5 was slightly better with this, allowing you to pick default apps for voice commands under “Device Settings” in the Android Wear app on your phone.)

您还可以做很多其他事情,甚至可以使用第三方应用程序……只要它们支持Google Assistant。 (Android Wear 1.5在此方面略胜一筹,可让您在手机上Android Wear应用的“设备设置”下为语音命令选择默认应用。)

安装新的应用程序和表盘 (Install New Apps and Watch Faces)

Android Wear 1.5 just synced watch-friendly interfaces for the apps on your phone, but Android Wear 2.0 has its own Google Play Store complete with standalone watch apps. Slide over to see the apps on your watch, scroll down to Play Store, and search for the apps you want. Some apps have Wear-compatible counterparts, some don’t. If you scroll down on the main Play Store page, you can see which of your installed phone apps have Wear counterparts and install them right there, which is nice.

Android Wear 1.5只是同步了手机上适用于观看的界面,但Android Wear 2.0拥有自己的Google Play商店,其中包含独立的观看应用程序。 滑过以查看手表上的应用程序,向下滚动到Play商店,然后搜索所需的应用程序。 有些应用具有与Wear兼容的应用,有些则没有。 如果您在Play商店的主要页面上向下滚动,则可以看到哪些已安装的手机应用具有Wear对应功能,然后将其安装在该位置即可。

NOTE: Android Wear apps take a while to install, at least in our testing, so give them some time.

注意:至少在我们的测试中,Android Wear应用需要花一些时间安装,因此请花一些时间。

Alternatively, you can browse the Android Wear section of Google Play in your browser. There’s no way to search just Android Wear apps from the desktop (only your phone), but you can search for things like “watch face” to try and drill down in certain categories.

另外,您也可以在浏览器中浏览Google PlayAndroid Wear部分 。 无法从桌面(仅您的手机)上仅搜索Android Wear应用,但是您可以搜索“表盘”之类的内容来尝试对某些类别进行深入研究。

To use an app, just swipe from the right edge of the screen and tap on an app’s icon. Many will take advantage of your watch’s features in a way that’s even more convenient than their phone counterparts. For example, if you bring up a Google Keep note on your watch, it will stay on the screen, even if the watch dims. This is great if, for example, you’re using it as a grocery list–no more needing to constantly unlock your phone to check your list. Just glance at your watch.

要使用应用程序,只需从屏幕的右边缘滑动,然后点击应用程序的图标。 许多人将以比手机更方便的方式利用手表的功能。 例如,如果您在手表上调出一个Google Keep记事,即使手表变暗,它也会保留在屏幕上。 例如,如果您将其用作购物清单,则非常好-无需再不断解锁手机来检查清单。 看看您的手表。

调整您的Android Watch设置 (Tweak Your Android Watch’s Settings)

Your Android watch has quite a few options that let you customize your experience. To open the settings on your watch, swipe left to open the app drawer, and tap the Settings icon. (Alternatively, swipe down from the top and tap the Settings button.)

您的Android手表有很多选项,可让您自定义体验。 要打开手表上的设置,请向左滑动以打开应用程序抽屉,然后点击“设置”图标。 (或者,从顶部向下滑动,然后点击“设置”按钮。)

From the Settings app, you can adjust the brightness, change the font size, or turn certain features (like always-on screen or wrist gestures) on or off. At the bottom, under “System”, you can shut down or restart your watch when you aren’t using it.

在“设置”应用中,您可以调整亮度,更改字体大小或打开或关闭某些功能(例如始终显示屏幕或手腕手势)。 不用时,您可以在底部的“系统”下关闭或重新启动手表。

Under Connectivity, you can connect your watch to a Wi-Fi network in the settings, which will allow your watch to stay connected to your phone even if it’s out of Bluetooth’s short range. That way, you can leave your phone on the other end of the house, but still access all your apps from your watch.

在“连接性”下,您可以在设置中将手表连接到Wi-Fi网络,即使手表不在蓝牙的短距离范围内,也可以使手表保持与手机的连接。 这样,您可以将手机放在房子的另一端,但仍可以从手表访问所有应用程序。

Lastly, if you head to Settings > Apps, each app has a useful “Permissions” option that lets you decide what that app has access to. For example, I don’t use Google Fit, so I can block it from tracking my location and using sensors to count my steps. Some have reported this helps save battery.

最后,如果您转到“设置”>“应用程序”,则每个应用程序都有一个有用的“权限”选项,可让您决定该应用程序有权访问的内容。 例如,我不使用Google Fit,因此可以阻止它跟踪我的位置并使用传感器来计数步数。 有人报告这有助于节省电池。

You can tweak other watch settings on your phone. Open the Android Wear app and click the settings icon in the upper right-hand corner. You can adjust which calendars show up on your watch, block or unblock apps from sending notifications to your watch, mute alerts and calls on your phone whenever it’s connected to your watch, and more.

您可以在手机上调整其他手表设置。 打开Android Wear应用,然后点击右上角的设置图标。 您可以调整手表上显示的日历,阻止或取消阻止应用程序向手表发送通知,将手机连接到手表时使手机静音和拨打电话等。

At the top of the settings screen, under “Device settings”, tap on your watch’s name (in my case, “Q Founder”) to see device-specific options. You can turn off the always-on screen, tilt gesture, or unpair the watch from your phone. You can also see information about your watch’s battery and storage.

在设置屏幕顶部的“设备设置”下,点击手表名称(在我的情况下为“ Q Founder”)以查看特定于设备的选项。 您可以关闭常亮屏幕,倾斜手势或将手表与手机取消配对。 您还可以查看有关手表电池和存储的信息。

Android Wear can seem a little confusing and overwhelming at first, even for tech-savvy folks. After all, it’s an entirely new kind of device most of us have never used before. But once you get the hang of the basics and tweak the settings to your liking, it’s actually a very simple–not to mention useful–addition to your collection of tech tools.

刚开始,Android Wear似乎有些令人困惑和不知所措,即使对于精通技术的人而言。 毕竟,这是我们大多数人从未使用过的全新设备。 但是,一旦掌握了基础知识并根据自己的喜好对设置进行了调整,它实际上就是对您的技术工具集合的一种非常简单(更不用说有用)的添加。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241222/how-to-set-up-tweak-and-use-your-android-wear-watch/






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