您不知道Android的ES File Explorer可以做的19件事

ES File Explorer provides Android phone users a fully-featured file manager that explores phones, PCs, and Macs by leveraging LAN, FTP, and Remote Bluetooth.

ES File Explorer为Android手机用户提供了一个功能齐全的文件管理器,该文件管理器通过利用LAN,FTP和远程蓝牙来浏览手机,PC和Mac。

It includes all the basic file management functions you’d expect from a file manager, but apart from that it also functions as application manager, cloud storage client (compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and more), FTP client, and LAN Samba client. Far from being a free and lightweight mobile app, it’s quite feature rich compared to other file manager apps available on Google play.

它包括您希望文件管理器提供的所有基本文件管理功能,但除此之外,它还可以用作应用程序管理器,云存储客户端(与Dropbox,Google Drive,OneDrive等兼容),FTP客户端和LAN Samba客户端。 与Google Play上提供的其他文件管理器应用程序相比,它远非免费,轻量级的移动应用程序,但功能相当丰富。

ES File Explorer入门 (Getting Started with ES File Explorer )

The user interface of ES File Explorer is quite intuitive, partly because of some similarities in the feature set with File Explorer for Windows and also because it does not require a complicated setup. The upper section of this app gives you overall information about the number of images, music, movies, apps, and summary of the storage used by these contents. It also features shortcuts for quick access to bookmarks, tools, and network related tools.

ES File Explorer的用户界面非常直观,部分原因是File File for Windows的功能集存在一些相似之处,并且还因为它不需要复杂的设置。 此应用程序的上部为您提供有关图像,音乐,电影,应用程序的数量以及这些内容使用的存储摘要的总体信息。 它还具有用于快速访问书签,工具和与网络相关的工具的快捷方式。

Slide the toolbar from left to right to highlight five interesting sections of this app. The “Favorite” section has a built-in app for browsing Facebook, YouTube, and Google services. The “Local” section allows you to explore your device’s SD card storage and modify and organize your files and folders easily.

从左向右滑动工具栏,以突出显示该应用程序的五个有趣部分。 “收藏夹”部分具有一个内置应用程序,用于浏览Facebook,YouTube和Google服务。 “本地”部分使您可以浏览设备的SD卡存储,并轻松修改和整理文件和文件夹。

The “Library” section allows you to browse and perform useful actions on your images, music, movies, documents, and apps stored in your device. The “Network” section has many options to let your Android device connect with your computer wirelessly. The “Tools” section is populated with useful utilities such as a download manager, SD card analyst, music player, and recycle bin.

“库”部分使您可以浏览设备中存储的图像,音乐,电影,文档和应用程序并对其执行有用的操作。 “网络”部分具有许多选项,可让您的Android设备通过无线方式与计算机连接。 “工具”部分填充了有用的实用程序,例如下载管理器,SD卡分析器,音乐播放器和回收站。

Slide the toolbar from right to left to reveal a window manager page. From here you can create a new window, close the current window, and manage default window and clipboard settings. On the bottom section you’ll notice a toolbar wherein you can manage windows, do basic and advanced search, and create new file, folder, server, or FTP connections.

从右向左滑动工具栏以显示窗口管理器页面。 在这里,您可以创建一个新窗口,关闭当前窗口,并管理默认窗口和剪贴板设置。 在底部,您会注意到一个工具栏,您可以在其中管理窗口,进行基本和高级搜索以及创建新的文件,文件夹,服务器或FTP连接。

The options in the bottom toolbar can change depending on where you are in the app and what you are doing. For example — if you are in the network section and click “New”, then this app will tell you to add a new server.

底部工具栏中的选项可能会根据您在应用程序中的位置和正在执行的操作而更改。 例如,如果您在“网络”部分中,然后单击“新建”,则此应用程序将告诉您添加新服务器。

1.批量重命名文件或文件夹 (1. Batch Rename Files or Folders )

ES File Explorer allows you to rename files in bulk on your Android device. First go to the location where you want to rename files or folders, and then tap and press until you see a checkmark on the file or folder. When your first file is checked press the “checkmark” button on the app to select multiple files at once. Now tap the “Rename” button.

ES File Explorer允许您在Android设备上批量重命名文件。 首先转到要重命名文件或文件夹的位置,然后点击并按直到看到文件或文件夹上的对勾。 当您的第一个文件被选中时,请按应用程序上的“复选标记”按钮以一次选择多个文件。 现在点击“重命名”按钮。

A new window “Batch Rename” will appear. You can assign filename + number, add a starting number, or you can add any name before your original filename.

将会出现一个新窗口“批量重命名”。 您可以分配文件名+数字,添加起始号码,也可以在原始文件名之前添加任何名称。

2.多次复制和粘贴 (2. Copy and Paste Multiple Times )

ES File Explorer has a powerful clipboard which allows users to paste files and folders multiple times. Select your files and press “Copy” or “Cut” on the toolbar. Now paste that file in the chosen destination.

ES File Explorer具有功能强大的剪贴板,允许用户多次粘贴文件和文件夹。 选择文件,然后在工具栏上按“复制”或“剪切”。 现在,将该文件粘贴到所选的目标位置。

After you copied something press the “Windows” button on the toolbar and tap “Clipboard” on top right corner of the app to see the files stored in your clipboard. You can paste the contents of the clipboard to any directory as many times as you want.

复制内容后,请按工具栏上的“ Windows”按钮,然后点击应用程序右上角的“剪贴板”以查看存储在剪贴板中的文件。 您可以根据需要将剪贴板的内容粘贴到任意目录多次。

Once you are done press the “Clear” button to clear the clipboard. If you exit from the app at that moment then your clipboard will be cleared automatically.

完成后,按“清除”按钮清除剪贴板。 如果您此时退出应用程序,则剪贴板将自动清除。

3.搜索本地文件 (3. Search Local Files )

ES File Explorer gives users an option to search files on their device by keyword or category. To search by keywords, click “Search” on the toolbar and type your keywords (such as mp3, text, PDF, and more) to search for files. To search by category click the “search icon” on the top corner and select the category (images, audio, video, apk, document).

ES File Explorer使用户可以选择按关键字或类别在其设备上搜索文件。 要按关键字搜索,请单击工具栏上的“搜索”,然后键入关键字(例如mp3,文本,PDF等)以搜索文件。 要按类别搜索,请单击右上角的“搜索图标”,然后选择类别(图像,音频,视频,apk,文档)。

If you can’t find your files for some reason you can perform an advanced search where you can search for files according to their size and the date they were modified or created.


4.更改文件夹属性 (4. Change Folder Properties )

If you have rooted your device then you can use root explorer in ES File Explorer to change folder properties. Slide the toolbar from the left, go to “Tools” section and tap “Root Explorer.” Select “Mount R/W” to mount your system files as R/W. Then select your system folder and tap on “Properties” to change permissions.

如果已将设备植根,则可以在ES File Explorer中使用root资源管理器来更改文件夹属性。 从左侧滑动工具栏,转到“工具”部分,然后点击“根资源管理器”。 选择“挂载R / W”以将系统文件挂载为R / W。 然后选择您的系统文件夹,然后点击“属性”以更改权限。

5.更改视图和文件和文件夹的排序 (5. Change View and Sorting of Files and Folders )

Just like File Explorer for Windows, the ES File Explorer app allow users to change the view and sort order of files and folders. Press the “View” button on the toolbar to change the view and sort as shown in the screenshot.

就像Windows的File Explorer一样,ES File Explorer应用程序允许用户更改文件和文件夹的视图以及排序顺序。 按下工具栏上的“查看”按钮即可更改视图和排序,如屏幕截图所示。

6.在Android设备上打开并创建Zip文件 (6. Open and Create Zip files on an Android Device )

Compressing multiple files into a single ZIP file can be very convenient. Depending on what you’re compressing, it can significantly shrink the size of the files. If you’re storing lots of files locally on your Android device, compressing them can save your precious storage space.

将多个文件压缩为单个ZIP文件可能非常方便。 根据您要压缩的内容,它可以大大缩小文件的大小。 如果您要在Android设备上本地存储大量文件,则对其进行压缩可以节省宝贵的存储空间。

If you need to send files over a mobile data connection then compressing them beforehand may also keep your data usage down. ES File Explorer can create and open zip files on an Android device easily and once you start creating zip files on your Android device, you don’t have to rely on your computer all the time.

如果您需要通过移动数据连接发送文件,则事先压缩它们也可以降低数据使用量。 ES File Explorer可以轻松地在Android设备上创建和打开zip文件,并且一旦您开始在Android设备上创建zip文件,就不必一直依赖计算机。

7.在您的Android手机上安装USB驱动器 (7. Mount a USB Drive on Your Android Phone )

Most (if not all) Android devices use a USB connection for charging and transferring files, and thus conveniently work with pen drives, too. So if you’ve got photos and videos to transfer—or a movie to watch on a long plane ride overseas—you don’t have to limit yourself to a laptop or wait for the long transfer process. Simply plug in your pen drive and start watching the movie.

大多数(如果不是全部)Android设备使用USB连接来充电和传输文件,因此也可以方便地使用笔式驱动器。 因此,如果您要传输照片和视频,或者要在海外长途飞行中观看电影,则不必局限于笔记本电脑,也不必等待漫长的传输过程。 只需插入您的笔式驱动器即可开始观看电影。

You’ll need a physical USB OTG (On-the-Go) cable with a male microUSB connector-to-female full size USB port, rooted Android device, and two apps: StickMount to mount the pen drive and ES File Explorer as a file manager. To perform the necessary steps we have an article on how to use a USB drive with your Android device. While the cable is a tad bit bulky, it’s still convenient if you travel a lot or have a flaky Internet connection.

您将需要一条物理USB OTG(On-the-Go)电缆,带有一个公头microUSB连接器到母头的全尺寸USB端口,扎根的Android设备以及两个应用程序: StickMount,用于将笔式驱动器和ES File Explorer作为文件管理器。 为了执行必要的步骤,我们有一篇文章介绍了如何在您的Android设备使用USB驱动器 。 虽然电缆有点笨拙,但如果您经常旅行或互联网连接不稳定,仍然很方便。

8.将本地视频从您的Android设备流式传输到Chromecast (8. Stream Local Video From Your Android Device to a Chromecast )

Most people know Chromecast because it lets you easily stream Netflix, YouTube, and other video services to your TV using your phone as a remote control. With a little help from the Chromecast plugin, available for ES File Explorer, you can send videos stored on your Android device to a big flat screen TV. To make this thing work, we have an article on how to easily cast local media files from Android to the Chromecast.

大多数人都知道Chromecast,因为它使您可以使用手机作为遥控器轻松地将Netflix,YouTube和其他视频服务流式传输到电视上。 在可用于ES File Explorer的Chromecast插件的一点帮助下,您可以将存储在Android设备上的视频发送到大屏幕平板电视。 为使此功能正常工作,我们有一篇文章介绍了如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

9.在您的Android手机上编辑主机文件 (9. Edit the Hosts File on Your Android Phone )

Like Windows, Android also has a hosts file to map host names to IP addresses. But if you want to block a particular website for your children, you can simply edit the hosts file by mapping the website name to localhost i.e., your own Android device.

与Windows一样,Android也有一个主机文件,可将主机名映射到IP地址。 但是,如果您想为孩子阻止特定的网站,则可以通过将网站名称映射到本地主机(即您自己的Android设备)来简单地编辑主机文件。

You can get to your host file by browsing down to “device > system > etc >hosts.” Select the hosts file and choose “More > Open As” a text file. Now you can edit the host file using the ES note editor and put the localhost IP address ( in front of the domain name of the website you want to block.

您可以通过向下浏览到“设备>系统>等>主机”来获取主机文件。 选择主机文件,然后选择“更多>另存为”文本文件。 现在,您可以使用ES注释编辑器编辑主机文件,并将localhost IP地址(放在要阻止的网站的域名前面。

10.创建具有密码保护的加密文件或文件夹 (10. Create an Encrypted File or Folder with Password Protection )

Android devices come with a whole bunch of security options, like passwords or visual pattern locks to stop others from accessing your device. But what if you need another layer of security for sensitive files? The best approach will be to encrypt those files with a password. Long press the folder and tap “More > Encrypt.”

Android设备提供了很多安全选项,例如密码或可视模式锁定,以阻止其他人访问您的设备。 但是,如果您需要敏感文件的另一层安全保护,该怎么办? 最好的方法是使用密码加密这些文件。 长按文件夹,然后点击“更多>加密”。

Set your password and choose “Encrypt file name” if you desire. Press the “decrypt” button to decrypt all the files. Once decrypted the file won’t be encrypted automatically, you have to encrypt them manually. Check “Use same password for next encryption” so that next time when you encrypt a folder it will not ask you to set a password again.

设置密码,然后根据需要选择“加密文件名”。 按“解密”按钮解密所有文件。 解密后,该文件将不会自动加密,您必须手动对其进行加密。 选中“使用相同的密码进行下一次加密”,以便下次对文件夹进行加密时,它不会要求您再次设置密码。

11.从图库中隐藏媒体 (11. Hide Media from the Gallery )

For those times when your smartphone ends up in a friend’s hands, having the ability to keep certain content private could be considered essential. Being Linux-based, Android already offers a primitive and totally working solution for making certain files and folders accessible only to a file manager app, and nothing else. The first trick is to make a new folder and put a period in front of its name. It doesn’t matter how you name it, putting a period before the folder name basically tells Android to forget this folder and never look inside of that folder. This means files hidden inside won’t show up in the gallery or office apps and the like.

在您的智能手机最终落在朋友的手中的情况下,具有将某些内容保密的能力可能被认为是至关重要的。 Android基于Linux,已经提供了一种原始且完全可行的解决方案,使某些文件和文件夹只能由文件管理器应用访问,而没有其他访问。 第一个技巧是制作一个新文件夹,并在其名称前加上句点。 命名的方式无关紧要,在文件夹名称前加一个句号基本上可以告诉Android忘记该文件夹,并且永远不要在该文件夹的内部查看。 这意味着隐藏在其中的文件不会显示在图库或办公室应用程序等中。

The second option is to hide the media file within an already existing folder by creating a “.nomedia” file inside it. To do this go to the location where all your photos are stored. Click the “New” button and select “File.” Now rename this file as .nomedia with no extension or quotations. This will hide all media from any app that tries to interact with them. ES File Explorer has a “Hide List” feature, but it is not a recommended method since it only hides the file from ES File Explorer but will still show up everywhere else.

第二个选项是通过在其中已存在的文件夹中创建一个“ .nomedia”文件来隐藏该媒体文件。 为此,请转到存储所有照片的位置。 单击“新建”按钮,然后选择“文件”。 现在将此文件重命名为.nomedia,不带扩展名或引号。 这将隐藏所有尝试与之交互的应用程序中的所有媒体。 ES File Explorer具有“隐藏列表”功能,但不建议使用此方法,因为它仅从ES File Explorer隐藏文件,但仍会在其他任何地方显示。

12.一次管理或卸载多个应用 (12. Manage or Uninstall Multiple Apps at Once )

ES File Explorer allows you to manage multiple apps easily. To uninstall multiple apps at once, slide the toolbar from the left and tap “Library > App.” From the address bar select “User Apps,” and then press and check the first app you want to uninstall. Keep checking other apps you want to uninstall and tap the “Uninstall” button. All of the selected apps will be uninstalled one by one.

ES File Explorer使您可以轻松管理多个应用程序。 要一次卸载多个应用,请从左侧滑动工具栏,然后点击“库>应用”。 从地址栏中选择“用户应用程序”,然后按并检查要卸载的第一个应用程序。 继续检查您要卸载的其他应用程序,然后点击“卸载”按钮。 所有选定的应用程序将被一一卸载。

If you want to extract the APK of a particular app, check the app and select “Backup” from the toolbar. Green means you have backed up the version you have installed. Red means the version you have backed up is older than the one you installed. Black means you haven’t backed up that app. APK files are a type of archive file in zip format packages based on the JAR file format. So if you have backed up a particular app as APK, you can extract their various resources such as images, sound files, and other assets.

如果要提取特定应用程序的APK,请检查该应用程序,然后从工具栏中选择“备份”。 绿色表示您已备份已安装的版本。 红色表示您备份的版本比您安装的版本旧。 黑色表示您尚未备份该应用程序。 APK文件是基于JAR文件格式的zip格式软件包中的一种存档文件。 因此,如果您已将特定的应用程序备份为APK,则可以提取其各种资源,例如图像,声音文件和其他资产。

13.删除预装的系统应用程序 (13. Remove Pre-installed System Apps )

Like Windows PCs, many Android phones come with a bloatware. Bloatware is software pre-installed by the phone’s manufacturer or the carrier the phone is sold on. These pre-installed apps take up valuable space on your phone. Pre-installed apps can be disabled, but you have to root your device in order to remove them.

像Windows PC一样,许多Android手机都带有bloatware 。 Bloatware是由手机的制造商或销售手机的运营商预先安装的软件。 这些预安装的应用会占用您手机上的宝贵空间。 可以禁用预安装的应用程序,但是您必须root您的设备才能删除它们。

To uninstall system apps slide the toolbar from the left, tap “Tools > Root Explorer” and select “Uninstall system app” from the pop up menu. A window will open with a list of all system apps, select the app you want to uninstall and tap “Uninstall” button.

要卸载系统应用程序,请从左侧滑动工具栏,点击“工具>根资源管理器”,然后从弹出菜单中选择“卸载系统应用程序”。 将打开一个窗口,其中包含所有系统应用程序的列表,选择要卸载的应用程序,然后点击“卸载”按钮。

If you have any doubt then you can also backup the app as well as their data. To do that tap “Tools > Root Explorer” and select “Backup app and data” from the pop up menu. Now select any system app you want to backup, you’ll notice that its data will backup as well. To restore app data go to “Library > Apps,” press “address bar” to switch from “User Apps” to “Backed-up Apps.” Select the app you backed up and install them with their cached data.

如果您有任何疑问,也可以备份应用程序及其数据。 为此,请点击“工具>根资源管理器”,然后从弹出菜单中选择“备份应用程序和数据”。 现在,选择要备份的任何系统应用程序,您会注意到其数据也将备份。 要恢复应用程序数据,请转到“库>应用程序”,按“地址栏”从“用户应用程序”切换到“备份的应用程序”。 选择您备份的应用程序,并使用其缓存的数据进行安装。

14.在Android上控制您的文件和文件夹 (14. Take Control of Your Files and Folders on Android )

If you have lots of files on your device then keeping a track on what is useful becomes quite tough. You don’t know which folder consumes the most space or how many files are stored in that folder. ES File Explorer has a unique feature called SD card analyst which will let you see the total disk capacity, the shared capacity, and the free space.

如果您的设备上有很多文件,那么跟踪有用的文件就变得很困难。 您不知道哪个文件夹占用最多的空间或该文件夹中存储了多少文件。 ES File Explorer具有一项独特的功能,称为SD卡分析程序,可让您查看总磁盘容量,共享容量和可用空间。

ES File Explorer has another useful feature called recycle bin to restore accidentally deleted files. Slide the toolbar from the left, go to “Tools” and enable “Recycle Bin.” Tap the button to go to the recycle bin page. Once you are in this page press the file or folder to either delete or restore them.

ES File Explorer具有另一个有用的功能,称为回收站,用于还原意外删除的文件。 从左侧滑动工具栏,转到“工具”并启用“回收站”。 点击按钮进入回收站页面。 进入此页面后,请按文件或文件夹删除或还原它们。

One very useful feature in Windows PC is that you can enable icons on folders to identify them easily. Slide the toolbar from the left and enable “Show icons on folder”. If you found any folder not associated with any app, then you have to set them up manually. Long press the folder and tap “More > Associate app” button. Select the app icon from the list of apps installed on your device and click “OK”.

Windows PC中一项非常有用的功能是,您可以启用文件夹上的图标以轻松识别它们。 从左侧滑动工具栏,然后启用“在文件夹上显示图标”。 如果找到与任何应用程序都没有关联的任何文件夹,则必须手动设置它们。 长按文件夹,然后点击“更多>关联应用”按钮。 从设备上安装的应用程序列表中选择应用程序图标,然后单击“确定”。

15.将文件直接保存到各种云服务 (15. Save Files Directly to Various Cloud Services )

ES File Explorer allows you to save and access files directly from various cloud services instead of using the app, and it works with Dropbox, Box, SugarSync, OneDrive, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Yandex, Baidu NetDisk, and MediaFire.

ES File Explorer允许您直接从各种云服务中保存和访问文件,而无需使用该应用程序,它可与Dropbox,Box,SugarSync,OneDrive,Google Drive,Amazon S3,Yandex,百度NetDisk和MediaFire一起使用。

Slide the toolbar from the left and choose the “Network” option. Click the “New” button and a list of all the compatible services will appear on the screen. Select the service you want to add and then authenticate your account with ES File Explorer. Now you can browse the remote file system and perform all the basic file operations like you would with your local files.

从左侧滑动工具栏,然后选择“网络”选项。 单击“新建”按钮,所有兼容服务的列表将出现在屏幕上。 选择要添加的服务,然后使用ES File Explorer对帐户进行身份验证。 现在,您可以浏览远程文件系统并执行所有基本文件操作,就像处理本地文件一样。

16.从计算机浏览存储在Android设备上的文件 (16. Browse the Files Stored on Your Android Device From the Computer )

ES File Explorer allows you to browse Android device files right from the computer. If your computer and Android device are in the same WiFi network, then you can manage your device files wirelessly without a client. Slide the toolbar from the left and choose “Network > Remote Manager” to get to the remote manager page. Press the “Turn On” button and you will be given an FTP address starting with “ftp://”.

ES File Explorer使您可以直接从计算机浏览Android设备文件。 如果您的计算机和Android设备位于同一WiFi网络中,则无需客户端即可无线管理设备文件。 从左侧滑动工具栏,然后选择“网络>远程管理器”以进入“远程管理器”页面。 按下“打开”按钮,您将获得一个以“ ftp://”开头的FTP地址。

Type this address on the address bar of File Explorer on your PC to access the files on your PC. If you are using Mac, then from Finder click “Go > Connect to Server”. In the new window enter your server address and click “Connect”. The “Remote Manager” offers quite a few advanced options. You can change the port manually to any number from 1025 to 65534, if you desire. Click “Set Root Directory” to choose any directory of your choice. Click “Set Manage Account” and give any username and password you want. You will be asked for these credentials when you browse your device from a PC or Mac.

在PC上“文件资源管理器”的地址栏上键入此地址,以访问PC上的文件。 如果您使用的是Mac,则在Finder中单击“转到>连接到服务器”。 在新窗口中输入您的服务器地址,然后单击“连接”。 “远程管理器”提供了许多高级选项。 如果需要,可以将端口手动更改为1025到65534之间的任何数字。 单击“设置根目录”以选择所需的任何目录。 单击“设置管理帐户”,然后输入所需的任何用户名和密码。 从PC或Mac浏览设备时,系统会要求您提供这些凭据。

17.通过LAN和SFTP浏览和传输文件 (17. Browse and Transfer Your Files via LAN and SFTP )

The LAN feature in ES File Explorer can stream media files, view remote pictures, and operate files between your Android device and SMB server. Before you begin, get your IPv4 address and make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi. ES File Explorer can access any shared folders on your LAN network, including from any other computers on the network.

ES File Explorer中的LAN功能可以在Android设备和SMB服务器之间流式传输媒体文件,查看远程图片并操作文件。 在开始之前,请获取您的IPv4地址并确保已连接到Wi-Fi。 ES File Explorer可以访问LAN网络上的任何共享文件夹,包括从网络上的任何其他计算机上访问。

If you don’t have any shared folders, then you have to set them up, using our tutorial on how to share your network with advanced sharing in Windows and complete all the necessary steps. To access your shared folder from the Android device, slide the toolbar from the left and choose “Network > LAN.” Click the “New” button and enter the details:

如果没有任何共享文件夹,则必须使用我们的教程来设置它们,有关如何在Windows中使用高级共享功能共享网络并完成所有必要步骤。 要从Android设备访问共享文件夹,请向左滑动工具栏,然后选择“网络>局域网”。 点击“新建”按钮并输入详细信息:

a. Domain: Leave Blank b. Server: Type your IPv4 address c. Username: Type the name of your current Windows User Account d. Password: Type the password you use to sign into Windows when you start your computer

一种。 域:留空b。 服务器:键入您的IPv4地址c。 用户名:输入当前Windows用户帐户的名称d。 密码:启动计算机时键入用于登录Windows的密码

Now you can find all the computers on your network and access their shared folders easily. You can even perform all the basic file operations to move file and folders wirelessly from your Android device to the computer.

现在,您可以找到网络上的所有计算机,并轻松访问它们的共享文件夹。 您甚至可以执行所有基本文件操作,以将文件和文件夹从您的Android设备无线移动到计算机。

In a similar way you can use ES File Explorer to access your files on Mac and PC. On your Mac open “System Preferences”, select “Sharing”, and from the left hand pane check “Remote Login”. To the right you will see something along the lines of “ To log in to this computer remotely, type ssh computername@IP Address”.

您可以通过类似的方式使用ES File Explorer在Mac和PC上访问文件。 在Mac上,打开“系统偏好设置”,选择“共享”,然后从左侧窗格中选择“远程登录”。 在右侧,您将看到类似“要远程登录到此计算机,键入ssh computername @ IP地址”的内容。

On your Android device choose “Network > FTP” and select SFTP from the pop-up box. Now enter all the details:

在您的Android设备上,选择“网络> FTP”,然后从弹出框中选择SFTP。 现在输入所有详细信息:

a. Server: Put the address that you got from the Remote Login settings. b. Leave Port as 22 c. Enter your credentials in the username and password box. d. Leave Encoding as Auto e. For “Display as”, choose any name as you wish

一种。 服务器:输入从“远程登录”设置中获得的地址。 b。 将端口设置为22 c。 在用户名和密码框中输入您的凭据。 d。 将“编码”保留为“自动e”。 对于“显示为”,根据需要选择任何名称

Click “OK”, and now you can access the files on your Mac from your Android device easily.


18.浏览和管理远程相册中的照片 (18. Browse and Manage Photos from a Remote Album )

ES File Explorer lets you browse and manage photos stored on your Flickr, Instagram, and Facebook account easily. Slide the toolbar from the left and choose “Library > Images.” Click the address bar to switch the location from “Local” to “Net”. Click “New Account” and authenticate your account with any photo storage service you like.

ES File Explorer使您可以轻松浏览和管理存储在Flickr,Instagram和Facebook帐户中的照片。 从左侧滑动工具栏,然后选择“库>图像”。 单击地址栏,将位置从“本地”切换到“网络”。 单击“新帐户”,然后使用您喜欢的任何照片存储服务对您的帐户进行身份验证。

19.将文件或文件夹发送到其他Android设备 (19. Send Files or Folders to Other Android Device )

The most convenient mode of file transfer between two mobile devices is Bluetooth, however Bluetooth is only useful when we need to transfer a few files of fairly small size. If you want to transfer a fairly large number of larger files then it can take lot of time.

两个移动设备之间最方便的文件传输模式是蓝牙,但是蓝牙仅在我们需要传输一些较小文件的情况下才有用。 如果您要传输大量的较大文件,则可能要花费大量时间。

You can send files from one Android device to another using the “Send by LAN” feature in ES File Explorer. To make this setup work, connect the two Android devices to the same Wi-Fi network. If you don’t have WiFi then you can even connect them with the device’s hotspot.

您可以使用ES File Explorer中的“通过局域网发送”功能将文件从一个Android设备发送到另一设备。 要使此设置生效,请将两个Android设备连接到同一Wi-Fi网络。 如果您没有WiFi,那么您甚至可以将它们与设备的热点连接。

On the Android device that you want to send files from, select the files and tap “More > Send”. If both devices are connected to each other and ES File Explorer is opened on both devices, you will see the second Android device in the list. Now tap the “Send” button and the receiver will get an accept notification to allow the incoming file transfer. Send by LAN is also available in the share context menu, with this you can share files to other Android devices in single tap.

在您要从中发送文件的Android设备上,选择文件,然后点击“更多>发送”。 如果两个设备都相互连接,并且在两个设备上都打开了ES File Explorer,则您将在列表中看到第二个Android设备。 现在点击“发送”按钮,接收方将收到接受通知,以允许传入文件传输。 共享上下文菜单中还提供了“通过局域网发送”,您可以通过单击将文件共享到其他Android设备。

ES File Explorer is a full-featured file manager app for Android. In this article we have shown you various things you can do with this app, which you may or not be aware of. If you have any questions or have any methods you want to share, let us know in the comments below.

ES File Explorer是用于Android的全功能文件管理器应用程序。 在本文中,我们向您展示了您可能不知道的使用此应用程序可以执行的各种操作。 如果您有任何疑问或想要分享的方法,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/221582/19-things-you-didnt-know-androids-es-file-explorer-can-do/

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