



We’ve talked about all the ways you can add your own music to the iTunes/iCloud ecosystem, but did you know its closest competitor in the streaming space Spotify can do the same thing? By fuddling with a just few settings between your desktop and mobile devices, you can make any local files accessible from wherever you are in the world in an instant.

我们已经讨论了将自己的音乐添加到iTunes / iCloud生态系统的所有方法,但是您知道它在流媒体空间中与之最接近的竞争对手Spotify可以做到这一点吗? 通过仅在桌面设备和移动设备之间进行一些设置,您就可以立即从世界上的任何地方访问任何本地文件。

将本地音乐添加到桌面客户端 (Adding Local Music to the Desktop Client)

First, make sure the song or songs you want to add are properly synced up in your desktop client and have been either recorded yourself, or you own the DRM rights to share it among multiple devices. Any songs with DRM restrictions will not be able to sync with the Spotify service and will only open in media players that are designed to put in DRM requests with central servers.

首先,请确保您要添加的歌曲在桌面客户端中已正确同步,并且已被自己录制,或者您拥有DRM权限可在多个设备之间共享。 任何具有DRM限制的歌曲将无法与Spotify服务同步,并且只能在旨在向中央服务器发出DRM请求的媒体播放器中打开。

For Windows users, Spotify will automatically scan your Downloads, Documents, and Music folders for any potential tracks that might be stored on the machine. Mac users will need to load any files they want into their iTunes, My Music, or Downloads folder if they expect the service to catch them on its own. Any other folders can be added by going into Preferences, scrolling down to “Local Files” and clicking “Add a Source”, near the bottom.

对于Windows用户,Spotify将自动扫描您的下载,文档和音乐文件夹,以查找可能存储在计算机上的任何潜在曲目。 Mac用户如果希望该服务自行捕获,则需要将所需的任何文件加载到iTunes,“我的音乐”或“下载”文件夹中。 可以通过以下方式添加任何其他文件夹:进入“首选项”,向下滚动到“本地文件”,然后单击底部附近的“添加源”。

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With the folder added, any non-DRM restricted music contained within will be immediately imported into the Spotify library, found under the “Local Files” tab in the main menu tree.


创建一个新的播放列表 (Create a New Playlist)

Once you’ve added the music to your desktop’s library, you’ll need to create a new playlist to put it into. As an example, we’ve created a new playlist with the name “Synced”, with the song “Step Inside” by Rameses B by clicking the “New Playlist” button down in the bottom left-hand corner of the Windows desktop client.

将音乐添加到桌面库后,您需要创建一个新的播放列表以将其放入。 例如,我们单击Windows桌面客户端左下角的“新建播放列表”按钮,创建了一个名为“已同步”的新播放列表,并带有Rameses B的歌曲“ Step Inside”。

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Once the playlist is ready, jump back over to the Local Files tab, and add the song you want synced to the playlist you intend on streaming from.


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同步到“离线播放” (Sync to “Play Offline” )

You can do this either on your phone/mobile device or in the desktop client itself, but either way once you have all your local files linked to a playlist that you can access across each of your connected devices, toggle the “Play Offline” switch in the top right hand corner, seen here:


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Be sure that when you activate the toggle, both your desktop and the device you wish to sync to are both on the local WiFi network. Spotify will attempt to communicate licenses and DRM requests over this protocol, and the system won’t let you sync anything unless both are tied to the same wireless MAC address. 

确保在激活切换开关时,台式机和希望同步到的设备都在本地WiFi网络上。 Spotify将尝试通过此协议传达许可证和DRM请求,除非您将两者都绑定到相同的无线MAC地址,否则系统将不允许您进行任何同步。

This process can take anywhere from 30 seconds to several hours, depending on the size of your playlist and the fidelity of the songs inside. Once complete, you’ll now be able to access your local files on any devices which are registered to your account, as well as mix them up with as many songs as you’d like from Spotify’s streaming archive to create one of a kind listening experiences of your very own!

此过程可能需要30秒到几个小时不等,具体取决于播放列表的大小和内部歌曲的保真度。 完成后,您现在就可以在注册到您帐户的任何设备上访问本地文件,并将它们与Spotify流媒体存档中所需的任意数量的歌曲混合在一起,以创建一种聆听方式自己的经历!


故障排除 (Troubleshooting)

As of the latest update for Spotify mobile, users have been reporting some issues with getting the songs they’ve added on the desktop to appear as playable when checking the playlist from their phones. There have been a number of proposed fixes, and when writing this article I found myself searching for the same answers as it took some doing to get everything up and running smoothly.

从Spotify mobile的最新更新开始,用户一直在报告一些问题,这些问题使他们在桌面上添加的歌曲在从手机中查看播放列表时显示为可播放。 已经提出了许多建议的修复程序,在撰写本文时,我发现自己在寻找相同的答案,而这需要花费一些时间才能使一切正常运行。


If you can’t get the song to sync, you might try temporarily disabling your local firewall (some detect the communication as a malicious package), or at the very least, enabling UPnP services so the ports on your router are open between the phone and your desktop. Alternatively, you can go in yourself to open the following IP addresses on port 4070:

如果您无法同步歌曲,则可以尝试暂时禁用本地防火墙(有些将通信检测为恶意软件包),或者至少启用UPnP服务,以便路由器之间的端口在电话之间打开和您的桌面。 或者,您可以自己打开端口4070上的以下IP地址:


Once these are cleared, you should have no problems getting the sync system to stream any local files from your desktop to your phone or tablets around the globe!


Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

图片来源: Wikimedia Commons

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/223024/how-to-add-your-own-music-to-spotify-and-sync-to-mobile/


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