


Dad and Child with Tablet
fizkes/Shutterstock 笛子/快门

iPads are great tablets for kids, but they don’t come packed with apps for children. You can make your child’s iPad experience better with these apps for reading, language, creativity, watching, and relaxation.

iPad是适合儿童使用的平板电脑 ,但它们并没有附带适用于儿童的应用程序。 这些阅读,阅读,语言,创造力,观看和放松的应用程序可以使您的孩子的iPad体验更好。

阅读应用 (Apps for Reading)

The best access to free reading for kids on an iPad is also the best place in real life: the library. Most libraries have minimal requirements and online registration. Hoopla, Libby, OverDrive, and Kindle all work with most local libraries, while Sora is an app that focuses mostly on content from school libraries. When it comes to teaching kids to read, apps like Khan Academy Kids, Starfall, and Homer can provide lessons for kids working with a family member.

在iPad上为孩子们提供免费阅读的最佳途径也是现实生活中的最佳场所:图书馆。 大多数图书馆的要求和网上注册要求最低。 HooplaLibbyOverDriveKindle均可在大多数本地图书馆使用,而Sora是一款应用程序,主要关注学校图书馆的内容。 在教孩子阅读方面, Khan Academy KidsStarfallHomer等应用程序可以为与家人一起工作的孩子提供课程。

Khan Academy Kids
Khan Academy Kids

These library apps are some of the best places to look for free comics. There are also plenty of comic-specific apps out there that feature tons of kid-appropriate content, including Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, and comiXology. Madefire’s proprietary comic book reading software syncs motion, sound, and 3D effects with the comics reading experience. The Madefire iPad app is a great resource for adults and kids to read exciting stories for free. ComicFlow is great if you want to upload your own .cbr, .cbz, and .pdf files for them to read.

这些图书馆应用程序是寻找免费漫画的最佳场所。 那里还有很多专门针对漫画的应用程序,其中包含大量适合儿童的内容,包括Marvel UnlimitedDC UniversecomiXology 。 Madefire的专有漫画阅读软件可将动作,声音和3D效果与漫画阅读体验同步。 Madefire iPad应用程序是成人和儿童免费阅读精彩故事的绝佳资源。 ComicFlow如果您想上传自己的.cbr,.cbz和.pdf文件,为他们读的是巨大的。

语言应用 (Apps for Language)

Kids and their spongy brains make for some of the most adept language learners around. Duolingo for Kids is a great way to refine their skills in English or to expand them to Spanish or French. If your little geek wants to learn languages for computers instead of humans, ScratchJr and Kano Code teach the basic principles behind computer science and programming. These apps give kids the tools to build their own games or stories in a format that’s easy for anyone to understand.

孩子们及其海绵状的大脑造就了周围一些最熟练的语言学习者。 Duolingo for Kids是提高英语技能或将其扩展为西班牙语或法语的绝佳方法。 如果您的小怪胎想要学习计算机语言而不是人类语言,则ScratchJrKano Code讲授计算机科学和编程背后的基本原理。 这些应用程序为孩子们提供了以任何人都易于理解的格式来构建自己的游戏或故事的工具。

Kano Code
Kano Code

发挥和创造力的应用 (Apps for Playing and Creativity)

The creativity, problem-solving, and cooperative social skills that video games develop in kids and adults cannot be underestimated. Minecraft has been the most popular paid game on iPad for years now, and with good reason. The freedom to create, build, and adventure lets kids bring their imagination to life.

电子游戏在儿童和成人中发展起来的创造力,解决问题的能力和合作社交能力不可低估。 Minecraft多年来一直是iPad上最受欢迎的付费游戏,这有充分的理由。 创造,建造和冒险的自由使孩子们可以将他们的想象力带入生活。

Toca Boca is a series of award-winning edutainment games with apps aimed at creativity, design, engineering, science, and more. Sago Mini is a subscription-based collection of games for preschoolers who are still learning the basics of life, language, and interactivity. ABC Mouse is a similarly priced collection of thousands of engaging activities that cover most school subjects.

Toca Boca是一系列屡获殊荣的寓教于乐游戏,其应用程序面向创造力,设计,工程,科学等。 Sago Mini是面向仍在学习生活,语言和互动基础知识的学龄前儿童的基于订阅的游戏集合。 ABC Mouse是一套定价相似的收藏,涵盖数千种活动,涵盖大多数学校科目。

Toca Boca Apps
Toca Boca Apps
Toca Boca应用

观看应用 (Apps for Watching)

While the technology to inject Moana directly into the child is still under development, the iPad offers plenty of apps for kids to watch their favorite programming free from intrusive ads and inappropriate content. Disney+ and Netflix are the most popular paid subscriptions, though parental controls on the latter are highly recommended. PBS Kids Video, PlayKidsDisneyNOW, BrainPop, and Smithsonian Channel are some of the best of many apps with educational or otherwise kid-friendly content to watch for free on your iPad.

虽然将Moana直接注入儿童的技术仍在开发中,但iPad提供了许多应用程序,使孩子们可以观看自己喜欢的节目,而不会出现干扰性广告和不当内容。 迪士尼+Netflix是最受欢迎的付费订阅,尽管强烈建议对后者进行家长控制PBS Kids VideoPlayKidsDisneyNOWBrainPopSmithsonian Channel是具有教育性或儿童友好性内容的许多应用程序中最好的,可以在iPad上免费观看。

放松的应用 (Apps for Relaxation)

Excessive screen use can lead to restlessness and mental health issues for everyone, but most especially children. Help your kids regulate screen time, and use some mindfulness apps made for kids like Stop, Breathe & Think Kids, or Moshi Twilight Sleep Stories. Most mindfulness or meditation apps are of a kid-friendly nature to begin with, so setting them up in Calm, Headspace, or similar apps can help them cope with all the trials and tribulations of youth.

过度使用屏幕可能导致所有人(尤其是儿童)的躁动和心理健康问题。 帮助您的孩子调节屏幕时间,并使用专为孩子准备的正念应用程序,例如Stop,Breathe&Think KidsMoshi Twilight Sleep Stories 。 首先,大多数正念或冥想应用程序都具有儿童友好的性质,因此,将它们设置在CalmHeadspace或类似的应用程序中可以帮助他们应对青少年的所有考验和磨难。

Breathe Kids
Stop, Breathe & Think Kids

Kids often love finding their own ways of keeping busy with tablets. These apps can help you make the screen a healthier and more welcoming place for you and your kids.

孩子们经常喜欢找到自己忙于平板电脑的方式。 这些应用程序可以帮助您为您和您的孩子们打造一个更健康,更温馨的屏幕。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/665484/31-great-ipad-apps-for-kids/


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