在Windows 8 PC和Windows 7 PC之间传输文件


Have you installed Windows 8 on a spare PC and now need to get files from that PC to your Windows 7 PC, or vice versa? It is easy to network the two machines if they are both on your home network.

您是否在备用PC上安装了Windows 8,现在需要将文件从该PC传输到Windows 7 PC,反之亦然? 如果两台机器都在您的家庭网络中,则很容易将它们联网。

We’ll show you how you can share files between a Windows 8 PC and a Windows 7 PC by sharing a folder on the Windows 7 machine and then mapping to that folder in Windows 8 as a network drive.

我们将向您展示如何在Windows 8 PC和Windows 7 PC之间共享文件,方法是共享Windows 7计算机上的文件夹,然后映射到Windows 8中的该文件夹作为网络驱动器。

First, you need to share a folder on your Windows 7 PC. You could just share your C: drive and have access to all folders from Windows 8. However, we recommend you create a special folder for transferring files. That way, you limit access to your Windows 7 PC.

首先,您需要在Windows 7 PC上共享一个文件夹。 您可以只共享C:驱动器,并可以访问Windows 8中的所有文件夹。但是,我们建议您创建一个特殊的文件夹来传输文件。 这样,您就可以限制对Windows 7 PC的访问。

Create a new folder somewhere on your Windows 7 PC, right-click on it, and select Properties from the popup menu.

在Windows 7 PC上的某个位置创建一个新文件夹,右键单击它,然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。


On the Properties dialog box, click the Sharing tab and then click Advanced Sharing.



On the Advanced Sharing dialog box, click the Share this folder check box to turn on sharing for this folder. Then, click Permissions.

在“高级共享”对话框上,单击“共享此文件夹”复选框以打开此文件夹的共享。 然后,单击“权限”。


On the Permissions dialog box, you’ll see Everyone listed in the Group or user names list. You can leave that is there are other users on your Windows 7 PC who you want to have access to this folder from the Windows 8 PC. If that’s the case, click the Full Control check box in the Allow column to give full read and write privileges and click OK.

在“权限”对话框中,您将在“组或用户名”列表中看到“所有人”。 您可以离开,而您的Windows 7 PC上还有其他用户想要从Windows 8 PC上访问此文件夹。 如果是这种情况,请单击“允许”列中的“完全控制”复选框以提供完全的读取和写入权限,然后单击“确定”。

However, we will also show you how to restrict access on the Windows 8 PC to your user account only on your Windows 7 PC. Click on Everyone in the Group or user names list and click Remove.

但是,我们还将向您展示如何将Windows 8 PC上的访问限制为仅在Windows 7 PC上的用户帐户。 单击“组或用户名”列表中的“所有人”,然后单击“删除”。


Click Add.



On the Select Users or Groups dialog box, type your username for the Windows 7 PC in the Enter the object names to select box. Click Check Names.

在“选择用户或组”对话框中,在“输入要选择的对象名称”框中键入Windows 7 PC的用户名。 单击检查名称。


The Windows 7 computer name is added to your username. Click OK.

Windows 7计算机名称已添加到您的用户名中。 单击确定。


You’ll now see your username in the Group or user names list. Select it and click the Full Control check box in the Allow column to give yourself full read and write privileges for the folder and click OK.

现在,您将在“组或用户名”列表中看到您的用户名。 选择它,然后单击“允许”列中的“完全控制”复选框,以使您拥有该文件夹的完全读写特权,然后单击“确定”。


You are returned to the Advanced Sharing dialog box. Click OK to close it.

您将返回到“高级共享”对话框。 单击确定将其关闭。


Then, click Close to close the Properties dialog box for the folder.



Before mapping to your new shared folder on your Windows 7 PC, you need to know either the IP address of your Windows 7 PC or the computer name. To check the IP address for your PC, open the Start menu, type “cmd” (without the quotes) in the search box, and press enter when the “cmd.exe” link is highlighted in the results. At the command prompt, type the following command:

在映射到Windows 7 PC上的新共享文件夹之前,您需要知道Windows 7 PC的IP地址或计算机名称。 要检查PC的IP地址,请打开“开始”菜单,在搜索框中键入“ cmd”(不带引号),然后在结果中突出显示“ cmd.exe”链接时按Enter。 在命令提示符处,键入以下命令:

ipconfig /all

ipconfig /全部

You’ll see a list of connections display. It may be a long list, depending on how many LAN and wireless connections you have. Look through the list until you find an IP address for the appropriate adapter. We are using Windows 8 in a virtual machine using VMware, so the IP address we need to use is in the “Ethernet adapter VMware Network Adapter VMnet8” section.

您会看到一个连接列表显示。 可能会很长,具体取决于您拥有多少个LAN和无线连接。 浏览列表,直到找到适当适配器的IP地址。 我们正在使用VMware的虚拟机中使用Windows 8,因此我们需要使用的IP地址在“以太网适配器VMware Network Adapter VMnet8”部分中。


However, if you are running Windows 8 on a physical machine that is connected wireless to your home network, along with your Windows 7 machine, you’ll probably find the IP address you need to use in the “Wireless LAN adapter” section.

但是,如果您在与Windows 7计算机无线连接到家庭网络的物理计算机上运行Windows 8,则可能会在“无线LAN适配器”部分中找到需要使用的IP地址。


To check the name of your Windows 7 PC, right-click on Computer on the Start menu and select Properties from the popup menu.

要检查Windows 7 PC的名称,请右键单击“开始”菜单上的“计算机”,然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。


Your computer name is found in the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings section of the System window that displays.


NOTE: Make a note of both the computer name and the IP address for your Windows 7 PC. Even if you want to use the computer name, you should know the IP address in case using the computer name doesn’t work.

注意:记下Windows 7 PC的计算机名称和IP地址。 即使您想使用计算机名,也应该知道IP地址,以防使用计算机名不起作用。


Once you have the IP address and computer name for your Windows 7 PC, switch to your Windows 8 PC and click the Desktop tile on the Start screen.

获得Windows 7 PC的IP地址和计算机名称后,切换到Windows 8 PC并单击“开始”屏幕上的“桌面”磁贴。


Click the Windows Explorer icon on the Taskbar.



In the navigation pane on the Explorer window, right-click on Network and select Map network drive from the popup menu.



Select a drive letter to use from the Drive drop-down list. Enter either the path to the folder you shared on your Windows 7 PC using either the computer name or the IP address. The image below shows the IP address being used. Be sure to use two backslashes before the IP address or computer name and one before the name of the shared folder. If you want to reconnect to this folder every time you log into Windows 8, select the Reconnect at sign-in check box. Click Finish.

从驱动器下拉列表中选择要使用的驱动器号。 使用计算机名或IP地址输入Windows 7 PC上共享文件夹的路径。 下图显示了正在使用的IP地址。 确保在IP地址或计算机名称之前使用两个反斜杠,在共享文件夹名称之前使用一个反斜杠。 如果您想在每次登录Windows 8时重新连接到该文件夹​​,请选中“登录时重新连接”复选框。 单击完成。


As an example, the following image shows us connecting to the shared folder using the Windows 7 computer name.

例如,下图显示了使用Windows 7计算机名称连接到共享文件夹的过程。


You may see the following dialog box, if the connection is taking a while, or if it is not working.



If the Windows 7 PC was found, the Windows security dialog box displays. Enter your user name and password for the Windows 7 PC. If you selected to reconnect at sign-in when mapping the network drive, you might want to select the Remember my credentials check box, so log in to the folder on your Windows 7 PC will be automatic. Click OK.

如果找到Windows 7 PC,则会显示Windows安全对话框。 输入Windows 7 PC的用户名和密码。 如果在映射网络驱动器时选择在登录时重新连接,则可能需要选中“记住我的凭据”复选框,因此将自动登录Windows 7 PC上的文件夹。 单击确定。


You may see a message telling you that “Network discovery and file sharing are turned off.” If so, click the message and select Turn on network discovery and file sharing from the popup menu.

您可能会看到一条消息,告诉您“网络发现和文件共享已关闭。” 如果是这样,请单击该消息,然后从弹出菜单中选择“打开网络发现和文件共享”。


The Network discovery and file sharing dialog box displays, asking if you want to turn it on for all public networks. We recommend that you select No and only turn on network discovery and file sharing for private networks, for security reasons.

将显示“网络发现和文件共享”对话框,询问您是否要为所有公用网络打开它。 为了安全起见,我们建议您选择“否”,并且仅打开专用网络的网络发现和文件共享。


You should now see your shared folder from your Windows 7 PC under Computer in the Navigation pane in Windows Explorer.

现在,您应该从Windows 7 PC的Windows资源管理器中“导航”窗格中的“计算机”下看到共享文件夹。


Now, you can play around with Windows 8 and be able to transfer any files you create or download in Windows 8 to your Windows 7 PC, as well. You can also put files in the shared folder from your Windows 7 PC and copy them to your Windows 8 PC. This is useful for testing software you’ve already downloaded for Windows 7 in Windows 8.

现在,您可以使用Windows 8,也可以将在Windows 8中创建或下载的任何文件传输到Windows 7 PC。 您还可以从Windows 7 PC将文件放在共享文件夹中,然后将其复制到Windows 8 PC。 这对于在Windows 8中测试已为Windows 7下载的软件很有用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/107764/transfer-files-between-a-windows-8-pc-and-a-windows-7-pc/





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