

Anyone with kids has likely been in this situation: you’re waiting somewhere—in line, at a restaurant, at the doctor’s office, etc.—and your kid just isn’t having it. Darling little Susie is really showing what she’s got, so you do whatever you can to get her to chill out, which usually means pulling out the ol’ smartphone, loading up YouTube, and handing it over.

任何有孩子的人都可能遇到这种情况:您正在某个地方等着排队—在餐厅,医生办公室等—而您的孩子却没有。 亲爱的小苏西(Susie)确实在展示她的能力,因此,您要尽一切努力让她放松一下,这通常意味着拿出所有智能手机,加载YouTube并交出。

This is great for a quick fix, and the odds are she already knows how to navigate the interface and watch all the Peppa Pig her little heart can handle. So precious.

这对于快速修复非常有用,而且很有可能她已经知道如何导航界面并观看她的小心脏可以处理的所有Peppa Pig 。 如此宝贵。

But there’s a much darker, less-often talked about side here: your YouTube viewing history. The next thing you know, you’re getting “Watch it again” suggestions for Bubble Guppies and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, “Recommended” episodes of Doc McStuffins, and all sorts of other junk that has nothing to do with, well, you.

但是这里有一个更黑暗,很少被谈论的方面:您的YouTube观看记录。 接下来,您会收到有关泡泡糖Kong雀鱼米老鼠俱乐部的 “重新观看”建议, Doc McStuffins的 “推荐”剧集以及与无关的所有其他垃圾。

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to avoid this scenario.


如何清除或暂停YouTube历史记录 (How to Clear or Pause YouTube History)

First, you can clear your YouTube History, so those videos don’t show up. However, you can also pause your YouTube history before you hand them the phone—thus ensuring those videos don’t show up in your history in the first place. There’s one downside: it also keeps your viewing habits out of your history. It’s up to you whether that’s worth it.

首先,您可以清除自己的YouTube历史记录,这样这些视频就不会出现。 但是,您也可以在将手机交给他们之前暂停YouTube历史记录,从而确保这些视频不会首先出现在您的历史记录中。 有一个缺点:这也使您的观看习惯脱离了历史。 这是否值得,取决于您。

To clear or pause your YouTube viewing and search history, navigate to the YouTube website, then click the History link. It’s worth mentioning here that this can’t be done from the app—it has to be done from the website, either on the desktop or the mobile site.

要清除或暂停您的YouTube查看和搜索历史记录,请导航至YouTube网站 ,然后单击“ 历史记录”链接。 这里值得一提的是,这不能通过应用程序完成,而必须通过网站(台式机或移动网站)完成。


You’ll be taken to the Watch History page, where, you’ll see a button to “Clear All Watch History” and “Pause Watch History”. One click of that second button and all videos viewing from there on out will be hidden from your viewing history (until you turn it back on).

您将被带到“观看历史记录”页面,在该页面上,您会看到“清除所有观看历史记录”和“暂停观看历史记录”的按钮。 一键单击第二个按钮,所有从那里开始观看的视频都将从您的观看历史记录中隐藏(直到您将其重新打开)。


To take this one step further, you can click the “Search History” tab, then click the clear or pause button there. This will prevent searches from being logged as well.

要进一步执行此步骤,您可以单击“搜索历史记录”标签,然后单击此处的清除或暂停按钮。 这也将阻止搜索记录。


Remember: you must re-enable these features in order to start logging searches and viewing history again!


更好的解决方案:YouTube Kids (The Better Solution: YouTube Kids)

Neither of those are really good long-term options, though. Instead, there’s a better solution: use the YouTube Kids app. I get the question covered here all the time, and I’m still shocked at how few people know about YouTube Kids.

不过,这些都不是真正好的长期选择。 相反,有更好的解决方案: 使用YouTube儿童应用程序 。 我一直都在这里回答这个问题,但对于很少有人知道YouTube Kids,我仍然感到震惊。


Basically, this is an official Google app—available for both iOS and Android—that is designed just for kids. It has a kid-friendly interface, parental controls, keeps adult content away from little eyes, and, maybe best of all, keeps all searches and watches out of your history. It’s a win-win-win.

基本上,这是一个官方的Google应用程序(适用于iOSAndroid ),仅适用于儿童。 它具有孩子友好的界面,父母控制功能,使成人内容远离小眼睛,而且最重要的是,它可以使所有搜索和监视都不受您的历史影响。 这是双赢。

First, install the app from your phone’s respective app store.



When you first fire up the app, you’ll have to set it up. I recommend doing this ahead of any sort of I’m-going-to-flip-my-lid-if-I-don’t-get-Peppa-soon crisis from your child.

首次启动应用程序时,必须进行设置。 我建议在我要从孩子身上摆脱佩佩很快发生的任何危机之前,先做我的事情。

The app will first ask you to enter a four-digit code that is spelled out on the screen—a simple form of security.



Once entered, a short walkthrough will begin. This tells you a little bit about YouTube Kids and how it works, then lets you set what age group little Bobby falls into.

输入后,将开始简短的演练。 这会告诉您一些有关YouTube Kids及其运作方式的信息,然后让您设置Bobby属于的年龄段。


Lastly, you can enable or disable search—if you leave it off, your child will basically only be able to watch what the app recommends for him or her. Your call here, but I like leaving it on.

最后,您可以启用或禁用搜索-如果不选择搜索,则您的孩子基本上只能观看该应用为他或她推荐的内容。 您的电话在这里,但我喜欢继续。

If you have a YouTube Red account, you can verify that in the next step, allowing you to save videos for offline playback. This is a great way to keep stuff stored on your device so young Henry doesn’t demolish your data cap on a Blaze and the Monster Machines binge.

如果您拥有YouTube Red帐户,则可以在下一步中进行验证,从而可以保存视频以供离线播放。 这是一种将内容存储在设备上的好方法,这样年轻的亨利不会因为Blaze和Monster Machines狂欢而破坏您的数据上限。


To confirm your Red account, just tap the “Send consent email” button. Once the email arrives, just input your activation code. Simple.

要确认您的红色帐户,只需点击“发送同意电子邮件”按钮。 电子邮件到达后,只需输入您的激活码。 简单。


From here, you can set a storage limit and video quality.



And with that, you’re all done. You can set time limits and other things in settings—each time you do this, you’ll have to first input a code like in the first step of the setup process. This should keep most younger little ones away from the settings, but as soon as they can read all is fair game. You’ve been warned.

这样,您就完成了。 您可以设置时间限制和设置中的其他内容-每次执行此操作时,都必须像在设置过程的第一步中一样首先输入代码。 这应该使大多数年幼的孩子远离设置,但只要他们能阅读所有内容,这是公平的游戏。 您已被警告。

The app works a lot like the YouTube app you know and love, so the learning curve (both for you and little Timmy) is essentially null—the interface is just designed for tiny humans. You can read more about YouTube kids in our feature on the subject, but these are the basics—which should get you watching videos in no time.

该应用程序的工作方式与您熟悉和喜爱的YouTube应用程序非常相似,因此学习曲线(对于您和小提米都是如此)基本上是无效的-该界面仅适用于微小的人。 您可以在我们的主题功能中阅读有关YouTube儿童的更多信息 ,但这只是基础知识-应该可以立即让您观看视频。


Now, go forth with this new knowledge and let young Herbert enjoy all sorts of Paw Patrol while you have a nice, relaxing dinner at The Waffle Hut.

现在,继续学习这些新知识,让年轻的赫伯特在The Waffle Hut享用美味,轻松的晚餐时,享受各种Paw Patrol

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/283299/how-to-keep-your-childs-videos-out-of-your-youtube-history/





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