


Apple has a “Find My AirPods” tool that lets you view their location on a map. You can even make your AirPods play a surprisingly loud beeping sound if they’re powered on.

Apple有一个“查找我的AirPods”工具,可让您在地图上查看其位置。 如果打开电源,甚至可以使AirPods发出惊人的蜂鸣声。

This feature is part of Apple’s “Find My iPhone” tool, which also allows you to find lost iPads and Macs. You can access it in two ways: by using the Find My iPhone app on an iPhone or iPad, or by signing into the iCloud.com/find website on a PC or Mac.

此功能是Apple“查找我的iPhone”工具的一部分 ,该工具还允许您查找丢失的iPad和Mac。 您可以通过两种方式访问​​它:通过在iPhone或iPad上使用“ 查找我的iPhone”应用程序 ,或通过在PC或Mac上登录iCloud.com/find网站。

Launch the app or visit the website, and then sign in with your Apple ID. If your AirPods were paired with an iPhone or iPad associated with your Apple ID, they’ll appear in the list under “My Devices.”

启动该应用程序或访问网站,然后使用您的Apple ID登录。 如果您的AirPods与与您的Apple ID相关联的iPhone或iPad配对,它们将显示在“我的设备”下的列表中。

If your AirPods are powered on, they’ll appear as “Online” here. AirPods only appear as online if they’re in range of your iPhone or iPad, if they’re out of the case, and if they have battery power. If the AirPods are out of range of your device, are in the AirPod case, or are out of battery power, they’ll appear as “Offline” instead.

如果您的AirPods处于开机状态,它们将在此处显示为“在线”。 AirPods仅在它们位于iPhone或iPad的范围内,不在包装内并且具有电池电量时才显示为联机。 如果AirPods超出设备范围,在AirPod外壳中或电池电量不足,则它们将显示为“脱机”。

If your AirPods are offline for whatever reason, you can tap them and you may be able to see their last known location. This gives you an idea of the last place you used your AirPods, which is a good place to start looking for them. In some cases, you won’t be able to see their last known location at all and you’ll just see an image of AirPods over a gray map of the world.

如果您的AirPods出于任何原因脱机,则可以点按它们,也许可以看到它们的最后一个已知位置。 这使您对使用AirPods的最后一个地方有个了解,这是开始寻找它们的好地方。 在某些情况下,您将根本看不到它们的最后一个已知位置,而只会在灰色的世界地图上看到AirPods的图像。

Remember that the last known location isn’t a bulletproof feature. For example, let’s say you last used your AirPods at your office. Before heading home, you put the AirPods in their charging case and took it with you. If you drop your AirPods on the street on your way home, their “last known location” will still be your office because that’s the last place they were online and connected to your phone.

请记住,最后一个已知位置不是防弹功能。 例如,假设您上一次在办公室使用AirPods。 在回家之前,您将AirPods放入充电盒中并随身携带。 如果您在回家的路上将AirPods放在街道上,则它们的“最后知道的位置”仍将是您的办公室,因为那是他们最后一次联机并连接到您的手机。

If your AirPods appear to be online, you can tap them in the list and view their location on a map. This will be near your iPhone or iPad, of course. Tap the “Play Sound” button to play a very loud beeping sound on each AirPod. This helps you find the AirPods if you’ve lost them somewhere nearby. The beep sounds louder than you’d expect it to be coming from the tiny AirPods, and will increase in volume as it plays.

如果您的AirPods似乎在线,则可以在列表中点按它们,然后在地图上查看其位置。 当然,这将在您的iPhone或iPad附近。 点击“播放声音”按钮,在每个AirPod上播放非常响亮的提示音。 如果您将AirPods丢到附近某个地方,这可以帮助您找到它们。 哔哔的声音比您预期的要大,它来自微小的AirPods,并且在播放时音量会增加。

Warning: Ensure you don’t have the AirPods in your ears when you tap this button. For example, if you’re looking for a single lost AirPod and still have the other one in your ear, remove it before continuing. The loud sound could damage your hearing.

警告 :当您点击此按钮时,请确保您的耳朵中没有AirPods。 例如,如果您正在寻找一个丢失的AirPod,而另一只耳朵仍然在耳边,请在继续操作之前将其删除。 声音过大可能会损害您的听力。

You can tap the “Mute Left” and “Mute Right” buttons here to mute an AirPod after you’ve found it, which makes the second one easier to pinpoint. Tap “Stop Playing” to stop the sound when you’ve found your AirPods.

找到AirPod后,您可以在此处点按“向左静音”和“向右静音”按钮以使AirPod静音,这使第二个AirPod更易于查明。 找到“ AirPods”后,点按“停止播放”以停止播放声音。

It’s harder to find lost AirPods than a lost iPhone. While iPhones are always online (unless they’re turned off), AirPods are dependent on your iPhone or iPad and don’t communicate when they’re in their case. If you do lose your AirPods, be sure to pull out the Find My iPhone app and try playing a  sound on them as soon as possible to ensure you can find them before they lose battery power.

与丢失的iPhone相比,找到丢失的AirPods更加困难。 尽管iPhone始终在线(除非关闭了它们),但AirPods取决于您的iPhone或iPad,并且在使用时不会进行通信。 如果您确实丢失了AirPods,请确保拔出“查找我的iPhone”应用并尝试在它们上播放声音,以确保在电池耗尽之前可以找到它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349101/how-to-find-your-lost-airpods/






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