

If it’s dark out and someone comes to your door, you probably can’t see them unless your porch light is on. Furthermore, if a potential burglar approaches your front door, a motion light can help scare them away.

如果天黑了,有人进了您的门,除非您的门廊灯开着,否则您可能看不到他们。 此外,如果一个潜在的盗贼接近您的前门,那么运动灯可以帮助将它们吓跑。

There are a handful of ways you can implement a motion-sensing front porch light. The cheapest way is to get one of those motion-sensing light socket adapters. However, they likely won’t even work in most porch light fixtures. If that’s the case, then you can completely upgrade the light fixture itself and get one that has built-in motion sensing capabilities.

您可以通过多种方法来实现运动感应前廊灯。 最便宜的方法是获得这些运动感应灯插座适配器之一。 但是,它们甚至可能无法在大多数门廊灯具中使用。 如果是这种情况,则可以完全升级灯具本身,并获得具有内置运动感应功能的灯具。

If you already have a few smarthome devices, though, making a motion-sensing setup is very easy. You could do this with a Nest Cam, Ring Doorbell, SkyBell HD, or even a motion sensor (basically anything that can sense motion), along with smart light bulbs like Philips Hue, Belkin WeMo, GE Link, Osram Lightify and more. The easiest solution would probably be to get a Hue Motion Sensor if you use Hue lights, as the setup is really easy and gives you a lot of control over what your lights do when they detect motion.

但是,如果您已经有一些智能家居设备,则进行运动感应设置非常容易。 您可以使用Nest Cam,Ring Doorbell,SkyBell HD甚至是运动传感器(基本上可以感应运动的任何东西),以及飞利浦Hue,Belkin WeMo,GE Link,Osram Lightify等智能灯泡来实现。 如果您使用色相灯,最简单的解决方案可能是获得色相运动传感器,因为该设置非常简单,并且可以在您的灯检测到运动时对其进行很多控制。

However, if you already have the necessary smarthome products, you can just go ahead and use those. For this tutorial, we’ll be using the Ring Doorbell as the motion sensor and a Philips Hue light bulb for our porch light, but if you have anything else, the tutorial will be easy to follow and tweak.

但是,如果您已经拥有必要的智能家居产品,则可以继续使用它们。 对于本教程,我们将使用环形门铃作为运动传感器,并使用飞利浦Hue灯泡作为门廊灯,但是,如果您还有其他内容,则该教程将易于遵循和调整。

To do this, we’ll be using IFTTT, which allows users to connect all sorts of products and services together that you normally wouldn’t be able to connect otherwise, which will likely be the case if you want one smarthome product to trigger another smarthome product. If you haven’t used IFTTT before, check out our guide to getting started for info on how to create an account, connect apps, and build recipes.

为此,我们将使用IFTTT ,它使用户可以将通常无法连接的各种产品和服务连接在一起,如果您希望一种智能家居产品触发另一种智能家居产品,则可能会出现这种情况。智能家居产品。 如果您以前从未使用过IFTTT,请查看我们的入门指南,以获取有关如何创建帐户,连接应用程序和构建配方的信息。

For your convenience, we’ve already created the necessary recipe in its entirety and embedded it below, so if you’re already an expert with IFTTT, just click the “Add” button. You’ll need to connect the Philips Hue channel and the Ring channel if they aren’t already.

为了方便起见,我们已经完整创建了必要的食谱并将其嵌入下面,因此,如果您已经是IFTTT的专家,只需单击“添加”按钮。 如果尚未连接Philips Hue频道和Ring频道,则需要将它们连接起来。

IFTTT Recipe: If motion is detected, turn on porch light connects ring to philips-hue

If you want to customize the recipe (which you’ll likely want to do if you want to use other devices besides Philips Hue or the Ring Doorbell), here’s how we created it. Start by heading to IFTTT’s home page and click “My Recipes” at the top of the page. Make sure you’re logged in.

如果您想自定义食谱(如果您想使用Philips Hue或Ring Doorbell以外的其他设备,则可能要这样做),这就是我们创建食谱的方式。 首先前往IFTTT的主页,然后单击页面顶部的“我的食谱”。 确保您已登录。


Next, click on “Create a Recipe”.



Click on “this” highlighted in blue.



Type “Ring” in the search box or find it in the grid of products and services below that. Click on it when you find it.

在搜索框中输入“环”,或在其下方的产品和服务网格中找到它。 找到它后单击它。


Next, on the “Choose a Trigger” screen, click on “New Motion Detected”.



Click on the drop-down menu and select your Ring Doorbell from the list (there will likely only be one to choose from anyway). Click on “Create Trigger”.

单击下拉菜单,然后从列表中选择“环形门铃”(无论如何,只有一个可供选择)。 点击“创建触发器”。

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Next, click on “that” highlighted in blue.


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Type “Philips Hue” in the search box or find it in the grid of products and services below that. Click on it when you find it.

在搜索框中输入“ Philips Hue”,或在其下方的产品和服务网格中找到它。 找到它后单击它。


Now you’ll choose what your porch light will do whenever motion is detected. In this case, click on “Turn on lights”.

现在,您将选择每当检测到运动时您的门廊灯将做什么。 在这种情况下,单击“打开灯”。


Next, you’ll choose which Hue bulb you want to turn on. Unfortunately, with IFTTT’s limitations with Philips Hue, you can either only select one bulb or all your Philips Hue bulbs–you can’t pick and choose multiple bulbs.

接下来,您将选择要打开的色相灯泡。 不幸的是,由于IFTTT对Philips Hue的限制,您只能选择一个灯泡或所有Philips Philips Hue灯泡,而不能选择多个灯泡。

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Luckily, you probably only have one porch light fixture that you’d want to turn on, so select it from the list and then click on “Create Action”.


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On the next page, give your recipe a custom title if you want and then click on “Create Recipe”. After that, the recipe will be live and from now on, whenever your Ring Doorbell detects any kind of motion, your porch light will automatically turn on.

在下一页上,根据需要为您的食谱指定一个自定义标题,然后单击“创建食谱”。 此后,该配方将生效,从现在开始,每当您的Ring Doorbell检测到任何动作时,您的门廊灯就会自动打开。

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Of course, the only downside to something like this is that the light will stay on until you manually turn it off, which is why just getting the Hue Motion Sensor might be the best bet. You can sort of fix this by creating another IFTTT recipe to have the light turn off every day at a certain time, or forget about the motion detection entirely and just have the light automatically turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn by using Routines in the Philips Hue app.

当然,类似的唯一缺点是直到您手动将其关闭之前,指示灯都会一直亮着,这就是为什么最好选择Hue Motion Sensor的原因。 您可以通过创建另一个IFTTT配方来解决此问题,方法是每天在特定时间关闭灯,或者完全不用进行运动检测,而只是通过使用Routines来自动在黄昏时打开灯并在黎明时关闭灯。飞利浦Hue应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/264922/how-to-automatically-turn-on-a-porch-light-when-motion-is-detected/

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