


When you sync your iPhone or iPad with iTunes, it creates a backup on your computer in case you lose your device–or get a new one. The problem is, they take up a lot of space. If you need to purge some old iTunes backups of your iOS devices to free up disk space, transfer the backups to a new computer, or put them in deep storage, you can–as long as you know where to look.

当您将iPhone或iPad与iTunes同步时,它会在您的计算机上创建备份,以防万一您丢失了设备或获得了新设备。 问题是,它们占用了大量空间。 如果您需要清除iOS设备的某些旧iTunes备份以释放磁盘空间,将备份转移到新计算机上或放入深度存储中,则可以-只要知道在哪里就可以找到。

You might be surprised how many old backups from old devices are lying around on your computer. Old backups of your current device you don’t need, old backups of devices you don’t even use anymore, and so on, can chew up quite a bit of disk space. Many people don’t realize that iTunes backups are complete backups, not incremental. This means If you backup three times, then the sum disk space chewed up is A + B + C, not A + the very minor changes between A, B, and C. That can eat up a lot of space on a small drive, so deleting them can free up quite a bit.

您可能会感到惊讶,您的计算机上散布着许多旧设备的旧备份。 您不需要的当前设备的旧备份,甚至不再使用的设备的旧备份,等等,可能会占用大量磁盘空间。 许多人没有意识到iTunes备份是完整备份,而不是增量备份。 这意味着如果您备份三遍,则消耗的总磁盘空间为A + B + C,而不是A +在A,B和C之间的很小的变化。这可能会吞噬小型驱动器上的大量空间,因此删除它们可以释放很多空间。

Further, if you get a new computer, you may want to transfer the backups to a new computer or create an offline backup. You can copy them to another desktop in order to use them with iTunes on that machine or you can also copy them to a backup server or external drive to secure them in a secondary backup location.

此外,如果您有一台新计算机,则可能需要将备份转移到新计算机或创建脱机备份。 您可以将它们复制到另一个桌面,以便在该计算机上与iTunes一起使用,也可以将它们复制到备份服务器或外部驱动器,以将其保护在辅助备份位置。

Unfortunately, especially if you’re using iTunes on Windows, the way iTunes stores backups is a bit on the cryptic side. Let’s look at where to find the backups and how to interact with them.

不幸的是,尤其是如果您在Windows上使用iTunes,iTunes存储备份的方式有点含糊不清。 让我们看看在哪里可以找到备份以及如何与它们交互。

iTunes在哪里存储iOS备份 (Where iTunes Stores Your iOS Backups)

Let’s start with the hard way to access these backups, since it works on both Windows and Mac. If you’re using a Mac, however, there is a much easier way, detailed at the end of this article–though it helps to know the hard way so you can navigate your way around.

让我们从访问这些备份的困难方式开始,因为它可以在Windows和Mac上运行。 但是,如果您使用的是Mac,则有一种更简单的方法(在本文结尾处进行了详细介绍),尽管它有助于您了解困难的方法,以便您可以四处浏览。

In Windows, the iTunes backup folder is located at:


C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Replace [username] with your Windows username.


In OS X, the iTunes backup folder is located at:

在OS X中,iTunes备份文件夹位于:

~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/

On both platforms, you will find sub-folders inside the Backup folder. Each of these sub-folders is a backup–but it isn’t immediately clear which is which, as the folders have rather cryptic names. Every time you make a local iTunes backup, iTunes makes a folder that is labeled with your iOS device’s Universal Device Identifcation number (UDID). This number is an alphanumeric string based on unique traits of your device and looks something like “9324f8cae1ed7af8f566c0ec19f309h92c31f343”.

在这两种平台上,您都可以在“备份”文件夹中找到子文件夹。 这些子文件夹中的每一个都是备份文件,但是由于文件夹的名称相当神秘,因此尚不清楚哪个文件夹是备份文件。 每次进行本地iTunes备份时,iTunes都会创建一个带有iOS设备的通用设备标识号(UDID)的文件夹。 该数字是基于设备独特特征的字母数字字符串,看起来像“ 9324f8cae1ed7af8f566c0ec19f309h92c31f343”。

You can check this UDID number (to avoid confusion if you have more than one iOS device), by plugging your device into iTunes and looking at the summary page for the device. There you’ll find an entry labeled “Serial Number”, as seen below.

您可以通过将设备插入iTunes并查看该设备的摘要页面来检查此UDID编号(以避免混淆,如果您有多个iOS设备)。 您会在此处找到一个标记为“序列号”的条目,如下所示。

Click on the serial number text and it will change into the UDID:


This alphanumer string is, in its entirety, the name of the backup folder within the directory we just pointed you at.


If there are multiple backups of the same device, the one with just the UDID for a name is the most current backup. Every older backup is renamed, at the time it is replaced with the updated backup, with the UDID + the date of the renamed backup.

如果同一设备有多个备份,则名称仅带有UDID的备份是最新的备份。 每个较旧的备份都会被重命名,在用更新的备份替换时,会带有UDID +重命名的备份的日期。

So if you backed up your iPhone today, and the last backup was July 1st, 2016 at 4:12:56 PM, then you would see at least two folders–one “9324f8cae1ed7af8f566c0ec19f309h92c31f343”, and one “9324f8cae1ed7af8f566c0ec19f309h92c31f343-20160701-161256”. The former would be the most recent backup, because it doesn’t have the extra numbers tacked on the end.

因此,如果您今天备份了iPhone,并且上次备份是2016年7月1日下午4:12:56,那么您将至少看到两个文件夹–一个“ 9324f8cae1ed7af8f566c0ec19f309h92c31f343”和一个“ 9324f8cae1ed7af8f566c0ec19f309h92c31f343-2016070”。 前者将是最新的备份,因为它的末尾没有多余的数字。

如何删除,移动或备份备份 (How to Delete, Move, or Back Up the Backups)

As we noted earlier, these backups are not incremental, so each backup is a full device backup. So if you have 12GB of data on your phone during backup #1, and 12GB of data on your phone during backup #2, the sum total of the backups is 24GB–not 12GB + the small changes. With that in mind, most people will want to do a little spring cleaning and purge old backups.

如前所述,这些备份不是增量备份,因此每个备份都是完整的设备备份。 因此,如果在备份#1期间手机上有12GB的数据,而在备份#2期间手机上有12GB的数据,则备份的总和为24GB,而不是12GB +微小的变化。 考虑到这一点,大多数人都想做一些Spring大扫除并清除旧的备份。

Windows和OS X:手动删除或复制文件夹 (Windows and OS X: Manually Delete or Copy the Folders)

If you’re on Windows, the only way to delete or copy an iTunes backup is to go to the backup directory we mentioned in the previous section, check the folder names for your device’s UDID, and do as you wish with the files. There is no mechanism in the Windows version of iTunes to interact with the backups beyond simply calling them up when restoring your device to a previous state.

如果您使用的是Windows,则删除或复制iTunes备份的唯一方法是转到上一节中提到的备份目录,检查设备UDID的文件夹名称,然后根据需要对文件进行操作。 Windows版本的iTunes中没有任何机制可以与备份进行交互,而不仅仅是在将设备恢复到以前的状态时调用备份。

If you want to free up space on your computer, you can safely delete any backup folder you no longer need. If, for example, there are multiple backups of your iPhone and you only want to keep the most recent backup, then you could keep the backup folder with your iPhone UDID alphanumeric name (the most current backup) and delete all the older backups with the UDID + time stamp. You can use the same method to back up the most recent backup on your external drive.

如果要释放计算机上的空间,则可以安全地删除不再需要的所有备份文件夹。 例如,如果您的iPhone有多个备份,而您只想保留最新的备份,则可以使用iPhone的UDID字母数字名称(最新备份)保留备份文件夹,并使用删除所有旧的备份。 UDID +时间戳。 您可以使用相同的方法备份外部驱动器上的最新备份。

In the screenshot above, you can see 4 iOS device backups with the two older backups (note the visible time stamp string stamped on the end). By deleting the selected files, we free up around 20GB of space and reduce our iOS backup footprint.

在上面的屏幕快照中,您可以看到4个iOS设备备份以及两个较早的备份(请注意在结尾处标记了可见的时间戳字符串)。 通过删除所选文件,我们可以释放大约20GB的空间并减少iOS备份空间。

仅限OS X:使用iTunes界面 (OS X Only: Use the iTunes Interface)

For reasons unknown, there’s an extra menu in the OS X version of iTunes that isn’t in the Windows version. If you launch iTunes, then select Preferences > Devices, you can see your backups in a nice little interface instead of the more cryptic folder view. Not only can you see the backups with easy-to-understand names like “John’s iPhone” or “iPad 2 Mini”, you can right click on each backup for additional options:

由于未知原因,iTunes的OS X版本中有一个额外的菜单,而Windows版本中没有。 如果启动iTunes,然后选择“首选项”>“设备”,则可以在一个漂亮的小界面中查看备份,而不是更加隐秘的文件夹视图。 您不仅可以看到带有易于理解的名称的备份,例如“ John's iPhone”或“ iPad 2 Mini”,还可以右键单击每个备份以获取其他选项:

There you can delete the backup, archive it (which allows you to move it to a different folder or drive), or “Show in Finder” to jump directly to the backup folder.


That’s all there is to it! We learned a little about UDID, that Apple doesn’t love Windows iTunes users as much, and by the end all backups were located and noted, deleted, or backed up to an additional location.

这里的所有都是它的! 我们了解了一些有关UDID的知识,即Apple不那么喜欢Windows iTunes用户,并且最终所有的备份都被定位并记下,删除或备份到其他位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263346/how-to-locate-back-up-and-delete-your-itunes-backups/






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