


Image sharpening might just be the most underutilized digital photography trick this side of studying the histogram. Read on as we explain what image sharpening is, why we need it, what it does, and why you should be liberally applying it to your own images to banish fuzzy edges and make your images pop.

在研究直方图的这一方面,图像锐化可能只是利用最多的数码摄影技巧。 在我们解释什么是图像锐化,为什么需要它,它做什么以及为什么应该将它自由地应用到自己的图像上以消除模糊边缘并使图像弹出时,请继续阅读。

为什么图像恰恰是模糊的? (Why Exactly Are Images Fuzzy in the First Place?)

Before we dig into how to sharpen your images it is important to understand exactly why digital images even require sharpening in the first place. Digital images, both those created in a digital camera and by scanning images to create digital copies of analog works, suffer from limitations imposed by the digital device’s sensor.

在我们研究如何锐化图像之前,重要的是要准确地理解为什么数字图像甚至首先需要锐化。 数字图像,无论是在数码相机中创建的图像还是通过扫描图像以创建模拟作品的数字副本的数字图像,都受到数字设备传感器施加的限制。

While the limitations of the sensors in comparison with the human eye are numerous there is one particular limitation that creates overly soft or fuzzy images. The human eye is able to distinguish lines of contrast with incredible clarity and sharpness. The sensor of a digital camera, however, is limited by the number of pixels, or points of data, it can collect.

尽管与人眼相比,传感器的局限性很多,但存在一种特别的局限性,即会产生过于柔和或模糊的图像。 人眼能够以令人难以置信的清晰度和清晰度区分对比线。 但是,数码相机的传感器受到它可以收集的像素数或数据点的限制。

When the scene before it is higher resolution than it can capture (which it always is) it is forced to capture the average of what the individual pixels on the sensor see. The result is a fuzzing of images as the camera (or scanner) is forced to do the best it can with the limited amount of data it can capture.

当其之前的场景的分辨率高于其可以捕获的分辨率(通常是这样)时,它将被迫捕获传感器上各个像素所见的平均值。 结果是图像模糊不清,因为相机(或扫描仪)被迫在有限的可捕获数据量下尽其所能。

Let’s look at some digital mockups of this phenomenon to demonstrate the effect before moving on to working with actual photos. In the image below we’ve divided the space into two triangles, one black and one white.

在继续处理实际照片之前,让我们看一下这种现象的一些数字模型,以证明这种效果。 在下图中,我们将空间分为两个三角形,一个黑色和一个白色。

When viewed at a distance on your typical screen it looks like one crisp and continuous line between the black and white sections. Let’s pretend for the sake of demonstration that the image above is not a digital picture presented to you on a digital screen but the intersection of two spaces in the real world. Say two halves of a canvas that have been painted with extreme precision such that, even when viewed at a very close distance with a magnifying glass in hand, the line remains crisp and distinct. This line, then, is resolved by our eyes to its maximum resolution and we perceive it as very sharp and crisp.

在典型屏幕上远距离观看时,黑色和白色部分之间看起来像一条清晰而连续的线。 为了演示起见,我们假装上面的图像不是在数字屏幕上呈现给您的数字图片,而是现实世界中两个空间的交集。 说出两等分的油画,它们以极高的精确度进行了绘制,因此,即使使用放大镜在很近的距离处观看,线条仍保持清晰鲜明。 然后,这条线被我们的眼睛分辨为最大分辨率,我们认为它非常清晰锐利。

Let’s view the same mockup of two triangles as if it were captured by a very low-resolution image sensor. While the image above contains nearly 200,000 pixels, the image below is a representation of black and white space as if the degree of resolution was barely over 200 pixels.

让我们查看两个三角形的相同模型,就好像它们是由非常低分辨率的图像传感器捕获的一样。 尽管上面的图像包含近200,000像素,但是下面的图像代表了黑白空间,好像分辨率只有不到200像素。





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