python 新闻摘要_每日新闻摘要:AT&T表示5G的定价结构将类似于家庭互联网

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Right now, when you pay for a cellular plan, you typically get what you get when it comes to speed. AT&T says that 5G is going to change that, allowing users to pay more for faster speeds.

现在,当您为蜂窝网络计划付费时,通常可以从速度上得到收益。 AT&T表示5G将会改变这一现状,允许用户为更快的速度支付更多费用。

This sort of structure isn’t outside of anything we’re used to—that’s exactly how it has worked for home broadband for years. If you can handle 50 Mbps down, then you can save money. But if you want 200 Mbps or more, then you can shell out the funds to pay for that. It’s the way of the world.

这种结构并不超出我们习惯的范围,这正是多年来它在家庭宽带中的工作方式。 如果您可以处理50 Mbps的速度下降,那么可以节省金钱。 但是,如果您想要200 Mbps或更高的速度,则可以掏出钱来支付。 这就是世界之路。

But generally speaking, mobile speeds are the same no matter what. There are some exceptions here and there—like Cricket’s 3 Mbps unlimited plan, which costs less than the company’s 8 Mbps unlimited plan—but most carriers just let you get the maximum speed all the time.

但总的来说,无论什么速度,移动速度都是相同的。 到处都有一些例外情况,例如Cricket的3 Mbps无限计划,其价格低于该公司的8 Mbps无限计划,但是大多数运营商只是让您始终获得最高速度。

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, however, said during yesterday’s earnings call that he expects 5G pricing to “look something like the pricing regime you see in fixed line,” noting that customers “are willing to pay a premium for 500Mbps to 1Gbps speed and so forth.” It’s also expected that 5G service is going to cost more than the current 4G prices, though Stephenson didn’t touch on that during the call.

但是,AT&T首席执行官Randall Stephenson在昨天的财报电话会议上表示,他希望5G定价“看起来像您在固定线路中看到的定价机制”,并指出客户“愿意为500Mbps至1Gbps的速度支付溢价。 。” 预计5G服务的价格将比目前的4G价格高,尽管斯蒂芬森在通话中并未对此进行说明。

It’s also unclear whether or not AT&T (or any other provider, for that matter) will offer 5G speeds with unlimited mobile packages. I speculate that, at least initially, these will be capped—though it’s hard to say what these caps will look like. If they end up sticking with the current 2 GB/5 GB/10 GB plans that are relatively common now, you can expect to blow through that number pretty quickly with the faster speeds 5G is supposed to bring. Phenomenal cosmic power, itty-bitty living space.

还不清楚AT&T(或其他任何提供商)是否将提供5G速度和无限的移动套餐。 我推测,至少在最初,这些上限将受到限制,尽管很难说出这些上限是什么样子。 如果他们最终坚持目前比较普遍的当前2 GB / 5 GB / 10 GB计划,则可以预期5G应该带来的更快速度很快突破这个数字。 现象的宇宙力量,充实的生活空间

[Ars Technica]

[ Ars Technica ]

In other news, an Apple Watch survived six months in the sea, Google Fit comes to iOS, Zuck launched a podcast, Spigen offers a look at its Galaxy Fold prototype cases, and more.

在其他消息中,Apple Watch在海上幸存了六个月,Google Fit进入iOS,Zuck推出了播客,Spigen展示了其Galaxy Fold原型机壳,等等。

  • After six months at sea, this Apple Watch lives: A surfer lost his Apple Watch to the ocean. Six months later, he found it…still working. Dude. [Apple Insider]

    在海上航行六个月后,这款Apple Watch得以生存:一位冲浪者将他的Apple Watch丢到了大海。 六个月后,他发现它……仍在工作。 杜德[ Apple Insider ]

  • Google Fit on iOS: Google’s fitness app, which honestly barely gets any attention on Android, is now available on iOS. At least it ties into Apple Health, too. [Google Blog]

    iOS上的Google Fit: Google的健身应用(实际上在Android上几乎没有得到任何关注)现已在iOS上可用。 至少它也与Apple Health有关。 [ Google博客]

  • Zuck speaks: Mark Zuckerberg launched a podcast called “Tech and Society” where he’s going to talk about the social impact of technology and Facebook’s plans around those matters. I guess this is his attempt at being more transparent? [Engadget]

    扎克(Zuck)讲话:马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)发起了一个名为“技术与社会”的播客,他将在此谈论技术对社会的影响以及Facebook在这些问题上的计划。 我猜这是他试图变得更加透明的尝试吗? [ Engadget ]

  • Apple recalls plugs in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the UK: There’s an electrical shock risk. [CNET]

    苹果公司在香港,新加坡和英国召回了插头:存在触电危险。 [ CNET ]

  • Spigen’s Galaxy Fold cases break cover: Normally case “leaks” are pointless, but in the case of the ill-fated Galaxy Fold, it’s pretty neat to see how the unique folding aspect is approached. The cases are still in development, so these aren’t a final look. Not that it matters since the Fold is delayed indefinitely anyway. [The Verge]

    Spigen的Galaxy Fold外壳破盖:通常情况下,“泄漏”是没有意义的,但对于命运不佳的Galaxy Fold,可以很好地观察如何处理独特的折叠方面。 这些案例仍在开发中,因此并不是最终的外观。 这并不重要,因为无论如何折页都会无限期地延迟。 [边缘]

  • Brave gets ads: Brave, the browser that blocks all ads by default, is now pushing its own ad system. And get this: it pays users a 70% cut to look at them. [VentureBeat]

    勇敢者获得广告:勇敢者,默认情况下会阻止所有广告的浏览器,现在正在推进自己的广告系统。 并得到:向用户支付70%的费用以查看他们。 [ VentureBeat ]

  • Peloton’s playlist problems: Peloton recently got a slap on the wrist for using unlicensed music in its workouts. Now the company has switched to cheap, generic, and generally terrible music as a result. And users are pissed. Can’t really blame them—at $50 a month per user, you’d think they could afford real music. [Gizmodo]

    佩洛顿的播放列表问题:佩洛顿最近因在锻炼中使用未经许可的音乐而the了一下手。 现在,该公司已转向廉价,通用和普遍糟糕的音乐。 和用户生气。 不能真正责怪他们-每个用户每月50美元,您会认为他们负担得起真实的音乐。 [ Gizmodo ]

  • Qualcomm’s security snafu: 46 Qualcomm chips are vulnerable to a bug that allows attackers to pull private data and encryption keys from devices. A patch has since been released, but it’s hard to say when it will hit all affected Android devices—this is why timely updates are important, y’all. [ZDNet]

    高通公司的安全性: 46个高通公司的芯片容易受到漏洞的攻击,该漏洞使攻击者能够从设备中提取私人数据和加密密钥。 此后已经发布了补丁程序,但是很难说何时将其打到所有受影响的Android设备上,这就是为什么及时更新很重要。 [ ZDNet ]

  • Pirated devices are full of malware: In news that should shock no one, researchers found that pirated streaming devices are loaded with malware. Who’d a thunk? [CNET]

    盗版设备中充满了恶意软件:研究人员发现,盗版流媒体设备中装有恶意软件,这是一条不容惊动的新闻。 谁打过? [ CNET ]

  • Mario Kart Tour is coming: Nintendo is gearing up to release a closed beta for Android of the upcoming mobile game, with the full release hitting both Android and iOS devices this summer. [Mario Kart Tour]

    Mario Kart Tour即将到来:任天堂正准备为即将到来的手机游戏发布Android的封闭测试版,完整版本将于今年夏天在Android和iOS设备上亮相。 [马里奥赛车]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a potato? Boy do we have good news for you: the Idaho Potato Commission’s Big Idaho Potato Hotel is now an Airbnb. For just $200 per night, you can see what life is like on the inside. The inside of a potato. [Digital Trends]

您是否想过住在马铃薯里会是什么样? 男孩,我们有好消息要给您吗:爱达荷州马铃薯委员会的爱达荷州马铃薯大酒店现在是Airbnb 。 每晚只需$ 200,您就可以看到室内的生活。 土豆的里面。 [数字趋势]


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