


Yesterday, the internet went wild when Dell published specs for its latest laptop that included a reference to a new Windows 10 version: “Windows 10 Home Ultra.” ZDNet, Thurrott (premium content), and Forbes were quick to report, dissect, and offer up possibilities, but it wasn’t long before Microsoft put out an official statement: “There is no new version of Windows called Windows 10 Home Ultra.”

昨天,戴尔发布了其最新笔记本电脑的规格,其中包括对新Windows 10版本的引用:“ Windows 10 Home Ultra”,从而使互联网变得疯狂。 ZDNetThurrott (高级内容)和《福布斯》很快就进行了报告,剖析并提供了可能性,但不久之后微软发布了官方声明:“没有称为Windows 10 Home Ultra的Windows新版本。 ”

Noticeably, that leaves a lot of wiggle room for a new version of Windows by a different name. Technically if the company released “Windows 10 Ultra”, that statement would still be valid.

值得注意的是,这为使用不同名称的Windows新版本留出了很大的摆动空间。 从技术上讲,如果该公司发布了“ Windows 10 Ultra”,则该声明仍然有效。

That’s what makes Microsoft’s latest blog post all the more interesting. What started as standard affair covering new laptops and devices turned into a description of a new modern OS. Microsoft laid out a vision for the future where new devices would require a modern OS that provided “enablers and delighters.”

这就是使Microsoft最新博客文章更加有趣的原因。 最初涵盖新笔记本电脑和设备的标准事务变成了对新现代操作系统的描述。 微软提出了一个未来的愿景,即新设备将需要能够提供“使能和愉悦”功能的现代操作系统。

Microsoft clarified “enablers and delighters” as an OS that updates in the background, invisibly and without interruption. It went on to describe an OS that is “secure by default” with separation between “state” and “operating system.” Other buzzwords included “always connected,” “cloud-connected,” and “sustained performance” (a reference to battery life).

Microsoft澄清了“使能者和取悦者”,因为它是一种在后台进行无形且无间断更新的操作系统。 它继续描述了一个“默认情况下是安全的”操作系统,其中“状态”和“操作系统”之间是分开的。 其他流行语包括“始终连接”,“云连接”和“持续性能”(指电池寿命)。

The word you don’t see in the two paragraphs describing this new modern OS is “Windows.” It’s a curious omission, but that doesn’t mean Microsoft won’t name this OS Windows, we’ve been reporting on Windows Lite and Windows Core for some time now, and they could fit the bill.

在描述此新型现代操作系统的两段中没有看到的单词是“ Windows”。 这是一个奇怪的遗漏,但这并不意味着Microsoft不会将此操作系统命名为Windows,我们已经有一段时间在Windows LiteWindows Core上进行了报道,并且它们可能符合要求。

We’ll have to wait for Microsoft to move from vague talk of a vision to future to concrete details of a vision for now to learn more. [Microsoft]

我们将不得不等待Microsoft从关于愿景的模糊谈论过渡到现在的愿景细节,以了解更多信息。 [微软]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Amazon sold an unannounced phone to a lucky buyer: Motorola has a new phone coming, the Moto Z4. The company hasn’t announced it yet, but we know about it because Amazon briefly listed it for sale and delivered it to somebody quick enough to hit that buy button. The buyer was kind enough to upload an unboxing video so check that out. [CNET]

    亚马逊将一款未宣布的手机卖给了一位幸运的买家:摩托罗拉推出了一款新手机Moto Z4。 该公司尚未宣布,但我们知道这件事,因为亚马逊短暂地列出了要出售的商品,并Swift将其交付给某人以按“购买”按钮。 买方善良地上传了拆箱视频,因此请检查一下[ CNET ]

  • The new Echo Show is a cute little thing: Today Amazon announced a new Echo Show coming in late June. It sports a 5-inch screen and a physical shutter for its camera that you can easily see in the closed position. Given its size, Amazon likely intends this for your office or bedroom as opposed to the kitchen. The device is on sale now for $90 undercutting the Google Nest Home Hub. [The Verge]

    新的Echo Show很可爱:今天,亚马逊宣布将于6月下旬发布新的Echo Show。 它带有一个5英寸的屏幕和一个物理快门,您可以在关闭位置轻松看到它。 鉴于其尺寸,亚马逊可能打算将其用于您的办公室或卧室,而不是厨房。 该设备现在的售价为90美元,低于Google Nest Home Hub。 [边缘]

  • Now you can delete Echo recordings with your voice:  We think Google leads the pack when it comes to voice assistant privacy, but Amazon is stepping up its game. Rolling out today, you’ll soon be able to delete your recent voice recordings by asking Alexa. You can either say “delete what I just said” or “delete everything I said today.” Just a straight “delete everything I ever said” isn’t in the cards right now, but here’s hoping. Unfortunately, the voice commands are opt-in. Nothing’s perfect. [Engadget]

    现在您可以用自己的声音删除Echo录音:我们认为Google在语音助手隐私方面处于领先地位,但亚马逊正在加紧努力。 今天推出,您很快就可以通过询问Alexa删除最近的录音。 您可以说“删除我刚才说的话”或“删除我今天说的话”。 只是现在还没有出现直接“删除我曾经说过的一切”的想法,而是希望。 不幸的是,语音命令是可选的。 没有完美的。 [ Engadget ]

  • Twitter wants a new Tweeter in Chief:  Are you good at Twitter? No wait, are you amazing at Twitter? The company is looking for someone to take over the @Twitter handle, and it laid out the requirements on its careers page. Refreshingly there’s no mention of degrees and plenty of requests for passion, writing capability, and social savviness, which is sensible. [Twitter]

    Twitter想要一位新的Tweeter总负责人:您擅长Twitter吗? 不用等待,您在Twitter上感到惊讶吗? 该公司正在寻找接管@Twitter的人,并在其职业页面上列出了要求。 令人耳目一新的是,没有提及学位,并且对激情,写作能力和社交技巧的要求很高,这是明智的。 [推特]

  • Intel’s laptop prototype is a wild, transforming, dual-screened beast: Asus’s Zenbook Pro Duo is almost old news, Intel has a concept that puts its dual-screen setup to shame. Rather than just sticking a second screen right above the keyboard, this laptop can also stand up. An extra hinge between the keyboard and screen means it can fold upwards, raising the two screens. Asus’s saving grace? This “honeycomb glacier” device is just a proof of concept. [The Verge]

    英特尔的笔记本电脑原型是一种狂野的,不断变化的,双屏的野兽:华硕的Zenbook Pro Duo几乎是个老新闻,英特尔的理念使其双屏设置变得可耻。 这台笔记本电脑不仅可以站立在键盘上方的第二个屏幕上,还可以站立起来。 键盘和屏幕之间的额外铰链意味着它可以向上折叠,从而抬起两个屏幕。 华硕的救赎恩典? 这种“蜂窝冰川”装置只是概念的证明。 [边缘]

  • Google teases upcoming info about Stadia: Stadia, Google’s upcoming game streaming platform, has a lot of unknowns. What games will it support? How much will it cost? When will it launch? What hardware is needed (if any)? The list goes on. The official Stadia Twitter account says information for pricing, games, and launch details are coming soon—not soon enough if you ask us. [Variety]

    谷歌戏弄即将到来的有关Stadia的信息:即将推出的Stadia,谷歌即将推出的游戏流媒体平台,还有很多未知数。 它会支持哪些游戏? 它要花多少钱? 什么时候推出? 需要什么硬件(如果有)? 清单继续。 Stadia的官方Twitter帐户表示,有关价格,游戏和发布细节的信息即将推出-如果您询问我们,还不够快。 [品种]

  • Another day, another hack—this time it’s Flipboard’s turn: Flipboard, the news aggregator service, announced that intruders made their way into the company’s servers and stole email addresses, user names, and encrypted passwords. The hackers had access for about nine months, and the company is taking the usual steps of resetting passwords and hiring outside help. [CNET]

    改天,又是另一次黑客入侵-这次轮到Flipboard了:新闻聚合服务Flipboard宣布入侵者闯入该公司的服务器并窃取了电子邮件地址,用户名和加密密码。 黑客已经有大约9个月的访问时间,该公司正在采取重置密码和雇用外部帮助的常规步骤。 [ CNET ]

  • Google rolls out new dining and translation features to Lens: Google’s Lens app is getting a few new tricks up its sleeve. Soon, you’ll be able to point your camera at a menu, and the Lens app will feature favorite dishes that other restaurant goers have enjoyed. You’ll see reviews, photos and more. If you’re travel frequently, you may enjoy the next new feature, point your camera at a sign or menu and the Google Lens translates the text for you. Pretty neat! [Digital Trends]

    Google为Lens推出了新的就餐和翻译功能: Google的Lens应用程序将为您提供一些新的技巧。 很快,您就可以将相机对准菜单,并且Lens应用程序将提供其他餐馆游客喜欢的最喜欢的菜肴。 您会看到评论,照片等等。 如果您经常旅行,则可能会喜欢下一项新功能,将相机对准标志或菜单,然后Google镜头会为您翻译文字。 很简约! [数字趋势]

For years, the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) set the standards for HTML and its future iterations. But Apple, Mozilla, and Opera disagreed with the group’s direction in the past and formed a group called Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).

多年来,万维网联盟(WC3)设定了HTML及其未来迭代的标准。 但是Apple,Mozilla和Opera过去不同意该小组的发展方向,并成立了一个名为Web超文本应用程序技术工作组(WHATWG)的小组。

That group led to a change in direction: where the WC3 had intended to move HTML to XHTML (a variant of HTML formatted like XML), we ended up with HTML5. The browser vendor group changed over time (it’s now composed of Apple, Mozilla, Microsoft, and Google), but it continued to push for its direction over WC3’s. Often the browser vendors would include new standards before WC3 had officially approved them.

该小组导致了方向的改变:WC3打算将HTML迁移到XHTML(类似于XML格式HTML的变体)的地方,我们最终得到了HTML5。 随着时间的推移,浏览器供应商组发生了变化(现在由Apple,Mozilla,Microsoft和Google组成),但它继续向WC3方向发展。 在WC3正式批准它们之前,浏览器供应商通常会包含新标准。

Now WC3 is handing over HTML and DOM standards to that group, giving these large companies control of future web standards. On the one hand, WC3’s approval had almost been a formality for some time now, and this puts an end to a distracting tug of war. On the other, plenty of people will be wary of the big four browser companies having so much power over the future of the web. [ZDNet]

现在,WC3正在将HTML和DOM标准移交给该小组,从而使这些大公司可以控制将来的Web标准。 一方面,WC3的批准几乎已经是一段时间了,这结束了分散注意力的拉锯战。 另一方面,很多人会警惕四大浏览器公司对网络的未来拥有如此强大的力量。 [ ZDNet ]







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