


Fiber Internet is the latest change to the way data is transferred around the globe. It’s much faster than cable, way faster than dial-up, and can carry large amounts of data in a single line, often reaching multiple terabits of data transfer fairly easily.

光纤互联网是全球数据传输方式的最新变化。 它比电缆快得多,比拨号速度要快得多,并且可以在一条线路中传输大量数据,通常很容易达到多个数据传输的目的。

光纤之前:DSL和电缆 (Before Fiber: DSL and Cable)

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) used the existing telephone lines to transmit data, which were usually made of copper. DSL is slow, old, and has been phased out for the most part in favor of cable, but it remains in some rural areas. The average speed for DSL is around 2 Mbps.

数字用户线(DSL)使用现有的电话线来传输数据,该数据通常由铜制成。 DSL速度较慢,较旧,并且已在很大程度上淘汰了DSL,但仍在某些农村地区使用。 DSL的平均速度约为2 Mbps。

Cable internet uses coaxial cable, also made from copper, and is generally bundled with the same cables used to run the television network. This is why many ISPs offer bundled plans with a TV subscription and Internet Access. The average speed for cable varies but ranges from around 20 Mbps to 100 Mbps

电缆互联网使用的同轴电缆也由铜制成,通常与用于运行电视网络的电缆捆绑在一起。 这就是为什么许多ISP提供捆绑计划以及电视订阅和Internet访问的原因。 电缆的平均速度有所不同,但范围从20 Mbps到100 Mbps

纤维革命 (The Fiber Revolution)

Fiber optic cables use small glass fibers to transmit data using pulses of light. The light travels much like electricity would through a copper wire, but the advantage is that fiber cables can carry multiple signals at once. They’re incredibly small, so they’re often bundled into larger cables called “fiber optic trunk cables,” each containing multiple fiber lines. Fiber cables carry huge amounts of data, and the average speed that you’ll see at your house is around 1 Gbps (often called “gigabit internet”).

光纤电缆使用小型玻璃纤维通过光脉冲传输数据。 光的传播就像通过铜线的电流一样,但是优点是光缆可以一次传送多个信号。 它们非常小,因此通常捆扎成更大的电缆,称为“光纤干线电缆”,每条电缆包含多根光纤线。 光纤电缆承载着大量数据,您在家中所见的平均速度约为1 Gbps(通常称为“千兆互联网”)。

Fiber trunk cables form most of the backbone of the modern internet, and you’ll see the benefits of them even if you don’t have “fiber internet.” This is because the Internet Exchange Points (IXPs)—the switching and routing stations that connect your house to the rest of the world—use fiber optic trunk lines to connect to other IXPs.

光纤干线电缆构成了现代互联网的大部分主干,即使没有“光纤互联网”,您也会看到它们的好处。 这是因为Internet交换点(IXP)(将您的房屋连接到世界其他地方的交换和路由站)使用光纤干线连接到其他IXP。

But when it comes time to connect all the houses in the city to your local IXP (a run usually referred to as “the last mile”), your service provider will usually run traditional coaxial cable to your house. This run becomes the bottleneck for your internet speed. When someone says they have “fiber internet,” what they mean is that the connection from their house to the IXP is also using fiber, eliminating the speed limit of copper cable.

但是,当需要将城市中的所有房屋都连接到本地IXP(通常称为“最后一英里”)时,您的服务提供商通常会使用传统的同轴电缆连接房屋。 这种运行成为您互联网速度的瓶颈。 当有人说他们拥有“光纤互联网”时,其意思是从房屋到IXP的连接也使用光纤,从而消除了铜缆的速度限制。

纤维的局限性 (The Limits of Fiber)

There’s a reason fiber Internet isn’t common—cost. Fiber is a lot more expensive to run and doesn’t justify the cost when cable lines are often already available. For most people, the 20-100 Mbps speed they get on cable is enough, as most downloads from the internet aren’t going to max out that connection anyway.

光纤互联网不常见的原因是成本。 光纤的运行成本要高得多,而且当电缆线路通常已经可用时,这并不能证明其成本合理。 对于大多数人来说,他们通过电缆获得20-100 Mbps的速度就足够了,因为从Internet上进行的大多数下载无论如何都不会最大限度地利用这种连接。

Your speed is only as good as the weakest link, and while fiber is certainly better than copper, a lot of times you won’t see an increase in actual download speeds because of limits on the server from which you’re downloading. An app like Steam downloading a 10 GB game seems like it would take only a few seconds on 1000 Mbps fiber connection, but in reality you’ll only get around 50 Mbps maximum speed from Steam’s servers.

您的速度仅与最弱的链接一样好,尽管光纤肯定比铜缆要好,但由于要下载的服务器的限制,很多时候您不会看到实际下载速度的提高。 像Steam这样的应用程序下载10 GB游戏时,似乎在1000 Mbps光纤连接上只需要几秒钟,但实际上,您只能从Steam的服务器上获得大约50 Mbps的最大速度。

If you’re using an application that can take advantage of the increased speed, or have multiple computers in the house, then fiber might be a good option for you. Right now, though, it remains a service only available in a few select cities.

如果您正在使用可以利用提高速度的应用程序,或者家里有多台计算机,那么光纤可能是您的理想选择。 不过,目前,它仍然仅在部分选定的城市提供服务。

Image Credits: bluebay/Shutterstock, Flegere/Shutterstock, Anucha Cheechang/Shutterstock

图片来源: bluebay / Shutterstock, Flegere / Shutterstock, Anucha Cheechang / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/355136/what-is-fiber-internet-and-how-is-it-different/


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