如何充分利用Arlo Pro相机

If you have Netgear’s Arlo Pro camera system, the fully wireless capabilities are no doubt treating you well. However, there might be some other features that you’re missing out on.

如果您拥有Netgear的Arlo Pro摄像机系统,那么毫无疑问,完全无线功能将为您带来良好的体验。 但是,可能还缺少其他一些功能。

The Arlo Pro system does require a central hub that plugs into your router, but besides that, all cameras that you have set up can be completely wireless, since they run on battery power and use Wi-Fi for data transmission. But here are some other features that you might want to know about.

Arlo Pro系统确实需要一个可插入路由器的中央集线器,但是除此之外,您设置的所有摄像机都可以完全无线连接,因为它们依靠电池供电并使用Wi-Fi进行数据传输。 但是,您可能还需要了解其他一些功能。

快速轻松地安装和定位摄像机 (Mount & Position Cameras Quickly and Easily)

It can be a bit difficult position a camera perfectly without seeing the live view, especially when there’s a bit of a lag. However, Arlo Pro comes with a “Position Mode” that helps in these cases.

在没有实时取景的情况下,完美定位相机可能会有些困难,尤其是在有些滞后的情况下。 但是,Arlo Pro带有“位置模式” ,可以在这些情况下提供帮助。

Just head to Settings > My Devices and select the camera. Then tap on “Position Mode”. You’ll get a no-frills live view of the camera that’s a bit more responsive and less laggy, which helps you position a camera in no time.

只需转到“设置”>“我的设备”,然后选择相机。 然后点击“位置模式”。 您将获得实时的摄像机实时视图,它的响应速度更快,并且时间更短,这有助于您立即定位摄像机。

与其他家庭成员共享访问权限 (Share Access with Other Household Members)

You’re probably not the only one in your house who would benefit from receiving alerts and seeing the live view of your Arlo cameras. The good news is that you can share access with other people.

您可能不是家中唯一一个会从接收警报和看到Arlo摄像机的实时视图中受益的人。 好消息是您可以与其他人共享访问权限

Just open up the settings in the Arlo app and tap on “Grant Access”. From there, you can invite other household members to get the Arlo app and access your home’s camera feeds.

只需在Arlo应用程序中打开设置,然后点击“授权访问”即可。 在这里,您可以邀请其他家庭成员使用Arlo应用程序并访问您家中的相机供稿。

延长电池寿命 (Improve the Battery Life)

You can leave your Arlo cameras plugged in so that you never have to recharge them, but if you have them running off of battery power, it may be beneficial to make a charge last as long as possible.


There are several things you can do, like decrease the video quality, keeping the camera out of cold environments, making sure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection, and more. Check out our guide for the complete rundown.

您可以执行几项操作,例如降低视频质量,将相机置于寒冷的环境中,确保您具有牢固的Wi-Fi连接等。 请查看我们的指南以获取完整的摘要。

将录音下载到手机 (Download Recordings to Your Phone)

If there’s a specific recording that you want to save, the Arlo Pro system lets you do just that. It’s a great feature to use, since video recordings won’t be stored in the cloud forever.

如果您要保存特定的录音,则Arlo Pro系统可让您做到这一点。 这是一个很棒的功能,因为视频记录不会永远存储在云中。

Just open up the Arlo app and tap on “Library” at the bottom. From there, select the recording and hit “Download” at the bottom. The video will then save to your phone’s camera roll.

只需打开Arlo应用程序,然后点击底部的“库”即可。 从那里选择录音,然后单击底部的“下载”。 然后,视频将保存到手机的相机胶卷中。

将记录本地保存为备份 (Save Recordings Locally as a Backup)

If you’d rather just have all of your recordings saved locally to a flash drive or a hard drive, you can make that happen as well. Recordings will still be saved to the cloud, so think of this as a backup method of sorts.

如果您只想将所有录制内容本地保存到闪存驱动器或硬盘驱动器,则也可以做到这一点。 记录仍将保存到云中,因此可以将其视为一种备份方法。

Your Arlo Pro system will need to format the drive first, but after that you can navigate to Settings > My Devices > select the base station > Local Storage and then toggle on “USB Device Recording”.

您的Arlo Pro系统将需要首先格式化驱动器,但是之后您可以导航至设置>我的设备>选择基站>本地存储,然后打开“ USB设备记录”。

创建自定义记录模式 (Create Custom Recording Modes)

By default, there’s no recording mode that lets your Arlo cameras record motion but not send you an alert, which is where creating your own custom recording modes comes in handy.


To do this, tap on “Modes” at the bottom on the main screen, select your base station, and then tap on “Add a Mode”. Customize it how you want it and you’re off to the races.

为此,请点击主屏幕底部的“模式”,选择您的基站,然后点击“添加模式”。 随心所欲地对其进行自定义,即可开始比赛了。

重命名相机 (Rename Cameras)

When you first set up an Arlo Pro camera, they’re named by their serial numbers, which isn’t really all that helpful. Luckily, you can rename cameras to whatever you want.

首次设置Arlo Pro相机时,它们是用其序列号来命名的,实际上并没有那么大的帮助。 幸运的是,您可以将相机重命名为所需的名称。

Just navigate to Settings > My Devices and then tap on the camera you want to rename. From there, tap “Name” and enter in whatever name you want to give it.

只需导航至“设置”>“我的设备”,然后点击要重命名的相机。 在此处,点击“名称”,然后输入您想给它的任何名称。

禁用相机的麦克风 (Disable the Camera’s Microphone)

You probably don’t need the microphone enabled on some of your Arlo cameras, but thankfully you can disable the microphone if you want to and possibly squeeze out a bit more battery life.


Go to Settings > My Devices and tap on the camera you want to disable the microphone on. From there, select “Audio Settings” and toggle the microphone off. From that same screen you can also disable the camera’s speaker.

转到“设置”>“我的设备”,然后点击要禁用麦克风的相机。 从那里,选择“音频设置”并关闭麦克风。 在同一屏幕上,您还可以禁用相机的扬声器。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/341807/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-arlo-pro-cameras/

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