2019新闻列表_每日新闻摘要:获取Windows 10的2019年5月更新



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Yesterday Microsoft announced the release of the Windows 10 May 2019 Update to everybody, Wyze announced an affordable smart light bulb, and Huawei won’t be able to use new ARM processors anymore.

昨天,微软宣布向所有人发布Windows 10 May 2019更新,Wyze宣布了一款价格合理的智能灯泡,而华为将无法再使用新的ARM处理器。

获取Windows 10的2019年5月更新 (Getting Windows 10’s May 2019 Update)

If you’ve missed our past coverage, the May 2019 Update introduced several notable features. For Pro users, the most exciting feature is, without a doubt, the Sandbox. But everyone should appreciate the new Light themespeed improvements, a cleaner start menu, and the ability to uninstall more built-in apps.

如果您错过了我们过去的报道,则2019年5月更新引入了几个显着的功能。 对于Pro用户而言,最令人兴奋的功能无疑是Sandbox 。 但是每个人都应该欣赏新的Light主题速度改进更简洁的开始菜单以及卸载更多内置应用程序的功能

Getting the update is straightforward, just open up the Windows Updates panel from Settings, click “Check for updates” and cross your fingers if you want it. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll see “Feature update to Windows 10, version 1930” with a link to “Download and install now” underneath that you’ll want to click.

获取更新非常简单,只需从“设置”中打开“ Windows更新”面板,单击“检查更新”,然后就可以了。 如果您是其中之一,则需要单击“在Windows 10的功能更新,版本1930”,并在其下方单击“立即下载并安装”链接。

Windows Update dialog showing May 2019 update.

Microsoft is throttling the release, so you may not see the update right away. Given that in the past, these large updates have introduced equally large problems, like deleting files, slowly rolling out the update is a good idea on Microsoft’s part.

Microsoft正在限制该版本,因此您可能不会立即看到该更新。 鉴于过去,这些大更新已引入了同样大的问题,例如删除文件,缓慢推出此更新对微软而言是个好主意。

Waiting isn’t a bad idea, but if you want to have the latest and greatest today, open up Windows Update. You may already see Windows 10 May 2019 Update (seriously Microsoft, maybe try dog names) as an option to install. If you don’t, try clicking check for updates. If that doesn’t work, you can reboot and try again. But you may have to wait until Microsoft opens the floodgates more. [ZDNet]

等待并不是一个坏主意,但是如果您想拥有最新的,最好的,请打开Windows Update。 您可能已经看到Windows 10 May 2019更新(严重的是Microsoft,也许尝试狗名)作为安装选项。 如果不这样做,请尝试单击检查更新。 如果那不起作用,您可以重新启动并重试。 但是您可能必须等到Microsoft进一步打开闸门。 [ ZDNet ]

And now, on to the rest of the news:


  • Wyze Announces a Cheap Smart Lightbulb: Wyze, makers of affordable Wi-Fi cameras and smarthome sensors, has another device for your home. This time it’s a smart bulb, and it’s super cheap. For $8 (or $30 for four) you get a bulb that’s dimmable and tunable. That’s a steal. [Digital Trends]

    Wyze宣布推出便宜的智能灯泡: Wyze,价格合理的Wi-Fi相机智能家居传感器的制造商,为您的家庭提供了另一种设备。 这次是一个智能灯泡,而且超级便宜。 只需8美元(或30美元,四个),您就可以得到可调光和可调光的灯泡。 那是偷。 [数字趋势]

  • Bose is bringing the Google Assistant to some of its speakers: Google and Bose say the Bose Home Speaker 500, Bose Soundbar 500 and 700, and the Bose Home Speaker 300 all get voice assistant love, and best of all the update is automatic. Nice and easy. [Droid Life]

    Bose正在将Google助理带到其某些扬声器中: Google和Bose说Bose家庭扬声器500,Bose Soundbar 500和700和Bose家庭扬声器300都获得了语音助手的青睐,并且最重要的是自动更新。 好,易于。 [ Droid Life ]

  • Google Assistant is rolling out to Messages: Google previously promised that it would bring Google Assistant to the Messages app. That’s finally happening, and users will notice new options in their text messages. The Assistant will offer advice about movies, music, and restaurants based on your conversation. Like Smart Replies, but maybe even Smarter. [9to5Google]

    Google Assistant正在向Messages推出: Google先前曾承诺将Google Assistant引入Messages应用程序。 这终于发生了,用户将在短信中注意到新的选项。 助手将根据您的对话提供有关电影,音乐和餐馆的建议。 像智能回复一样,但甚至更智能。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Huawei has a backup OS in mind; it’s Android without Google: Google pulled Huawei’s Android license, leaving the phone manufacturer up a creek without a paddle. Now the company says it has a backup OS in the works that can run Android apps. So basically Android without Google Apps, kind of like FireOS. If you’re thinking that means it’ll miss most of the best features of Android, well, you’d be right. [XDA Developers]

    华为有一个备份操作系统。 它是没有Google的Android: Google取消了华为的Android许可,这使手机制造商陷入了一片混乱。 现在,该公司表示其正在运行的备份操作系统可以运行Android应用程序。 因此,基本上没有Android的Android,有点像FireOS。 如果您认为这意味着它将错过Android的大多数最佳功能,那么您将是对的。 [ XDA开发人员]

  • ARM reportedly to stop work with Huawei: On the other hand, a backup OS may be moot without processors to power Huawei’s devices. According to a leaked memo, ARM has instructed its employees to stop working with Huawei. ARM’s designs form the basis for mobile processors in nearly all phones and tablets. That leaves Huawei with few if any good mobile processor options. [BBC]

    据报道,ARM停止与华为合作:另一方面,如果没有处理器为华为设备供电,则备用操作系统可能就无济于事了。 根据泄露的备忘录,ARM已指示其员工停止与华为合作。 ARM的设计构成了几乎所有手机和平板电脑中移动处理器的基础。 因此,华为几乎没有好的移动处理器选择。 [ BBC ]

  • Apple updated its MacBook Pro models with new processors and a redesigned keyboard: With little warning, Apple announced spec bumps for its 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pro models. The new models include 8th and 9th-generation processors and a keyboard that should prevent some of the issues Apple fans have experienced. [MacRumors]

    苹果使用新的处理器和重新设计的键盘更新了MacBook Pro机型:毫无预警,苹果宣布了其13英寸和15英寸MacBook Pro机型的规格提高。 新型号包括第8代和第9代处理器以及一个键盘,可以防止Apple粉丝遇到的某些问题。 [ MacRumors ]

  • Apple will expand its keyboard repair program: Speaking of the MacBook’s keyboard issues, in a near admission that the problem is worse than Apple has previously admitted to, the company is expanding its keyboard repair program to nearly all modern models. And that design change in the new models? Those keyboards are eligible too, so Apple must not be completely confident the problem is solved. [The Verge]

    苹果将​​扩大其键盘维修计划:说到MacBook的键盘问题,几乎承认该问题比苹果以前承认的要严重,该公司正在将其键盘维修计划扩展到几乎所有现代型号。 新模型中的设计发生了变化吗? 这些键盘也有资格使用,因此Apple不能完全确定问题已经解决。 [边缘]

  • Amazon made video games to increase worker productivity: 


    Amazon wants one-day delivery for all Prime Members. That means asking its warehouse employees to move faster and faster. The company hopes making a game out tedious picking tasks will speed up the process. Remember when mom told you to make a game out of cleaning the room? Like that, but with Tetris-style graphics. And mildly higher pay.

    亚马逊希望为所有Prime会员提供一日交付服务。 这意味着要求其仓库员工移动得越来越快。 该公司希望通过完成繁琐的挑选任务来加快游戏速度。 还记得妈妈告诉你要打扫房间吗? 这样,但带有俄罗斯方块风格的图形。 并且薪水略高。

    [The Washington Post]


Pop Quiz: What do you get when a White Dwarf star merges with any other star? If you answered “an awesome supernova,” you’re an astronomer buff who needs to read the latest news.

流行测验:当白矮星与其他任何恒星合并时,您会得到什么? 如果您回答“真棒超新星”,则说明您是一位天文学爱好者,需要阅读最新消息。

Scientists believe they have observed the results of two White Dwarf stars merging. Rather than exploding, as would be expected, a new star formed. More shockingly, the star is creating 10,000 mile-per-second winds. If our Sun blasted wind out that fast, it would reach the Earth in just over a day.

科学家认为,他们已经观察到两颗白矮星合并的结果。 并不是像预期的那样爆炸,而是形成了一颗新星。 更令人震惊的是,恒星正在制造每秒10,000英里的风。 如果我们的太阳以如此快的速度吹出风,它将在一天之内到达地球。

If that’s not crazy enough, this star is incredibly bright and hot. Picture our Sun. Now turn the brightness up a minor 40,000 times. And the temperature runs a balmy 360,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The visible part of our Sun is around 10,000 degrees by comparison.

如果这还不够疯狂,那么这颗星就令人难以置信地明亮又炽热。 想象我们的太阳。 现在将亮度调小40,000倍。 温度达到了华氏360,000华氏度。 相比之下,太阳的可见部分约为10,000度。

Discoveries like this are always fun and exciting. For everything we know and understand, there’s something new to be learned. And a greater understanding to be had. [Gizmodo]

这样的发现总是很有趣和令人兴奋。 对于我们所了解和理解的一切,都有一些新的东西要学习。 并且有一个更大的理解。 [ Gizmodo ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-getting-windows-10s-may-2019-update/






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