


Your credit score determines the interest rate that lenders charge you for debt (and whether you can secure a loan at all). That means your credit score affects everything major you buy—your car, your house, and even your education. It makes sense not only to track your credit score but also take the necessary steps to improve it. These apps will help you do both.

您的信用评分决定了放款人对您的债务收取的利率(以及您是否可以全部获得贷款)。 这意味着您的信用评分会影响您购买的所有主要商品,包括您的汽车,房屋,甚至您的学历。 不仅要跟踪您的信用评分,而且还要采取必要的措施来改善它。 这些应用程序将帮助您实现这两个目标。

检查我的信用分数会影响我的信用分数吗? (Will Checking My Credit Score Impact My Credit Score?)

No. Checking your credit score is usually a “soft request” or a “soft pull,” which means it does not affect your credit score. This is different from “hard requests,” that do affect your credit score; those happen when you do things like apply for credit cards or loans. Credit Karma has a great article highlighting the difference between the two types of requests if you’d like to learn more.

不能。检查您的信用分数通常是“软请求”或“轻拉”,这意味着它不会影响您的信用分数。 这与“硬性要求”不同,后者确实会影响您的信用评分; 当您做诸如申请信用卡或贷款之类的事情时,这些事情就会发生。 如果您想了解更多信息,Credit Karma的一篇精彩文章着重介绍了两种类型的请求之间的区别。

And with that, let’s get to the apps.


Credit Karma:最适合大多数人 (Credit Karma: Best for Most People)


Credit Karma is perhaps the most popular free service for checking your credit score and it’s the one we think is best for most people. Creating an account is quick, and you don’t even need to share your credit card number. The score is updated weekly and fetched with a “soft pull” so that your credit score is not impacted at all.

Credit Karma可能是最受欢迎的免费服务,可用来检查您的信用评分,这是我们认为最适合大多数人的一项服务。 创建帐户非常快捷,您甚至不需要共享信用卡号。 分数每周更新一次,并通过“软拉”获取,因此您的信用分数完全不会受到影响。

Credit Karma pulls your credit report from Equifax and TransUnion—both of which use VantageScore 3.0. Your credit report will include a report card, which will list the factors that affect your credit score. You can check your credit score any number of times and changes in your score will tell you if your score is improving or not. Credit Karma lets you check in on the different accounts that make up your credit report so you can always see what’s up on your report.

Credit Karma从Equifax和TransUnion(两者都使用VantageScore 3.0)中提取您的信用报告。 您的信用报告将包括一张报告卡,其中将列出影响您信用评分的因素。 您可以任意次数检查信用评分,并且评分的变化将告诉您评分是否在提高。 Credit Karma可让您签入构成信用报告​​的其他帐户,以便您始终可以查看报告中的内容。

Credit Karma’s iOS and Android app also alert you about any important changes to your credit score and also let you report disputes if you find any.

Credit Karma的iOSAndroid应用程序还会提醒您信用评分的任何重要变化,如果发现任何争议,还可以报告您的纠纷。

薄荷:还不错,尤其是如果您已经在使用薄荷 (Mint: Not Bad, Especially if You’re Already Using Mint)


Mint is a well-known personal finance service with helpful apps that let you check your accounts and your current financial status on the go. In 2016, Mint added a feature for checking your credit score and you can access it from the iOS and Android apps.

Mint是一项著名的个人理财服务,具有实用的应用程序,可让您随时随地查看帐户和当前财务状况。 在2016年,Mint添加了一项检查信用评分的功能,您可以从iOSAndroid应用程序中访问它。

The Mint Credit Score service is free. It’s available once per quarter and pulls an Equifax three-bureau score (Equifax, TransUnion, Experian). You get your credit score and a summary of your credit report.

薄荷信用评分服务是免费的。 它每季度可用一次,并获得Equifax三局得分(Equifax,TransUnion,Experian)。 您将获得信用评分和信用报告摘要。

Mint also offers a Mint Credit Monitor service for $16.99 a month. It gives you a monthly Equifax score from all three bureaus, a full monthly credit report, identity monitoring, and many more features.

Mint还提供Mint Credit Monitor服务,每月16.99美元。 它为您提供了所有三个局的每月Equifax分数,完整的每月信用报告,身份监控以及许多其他功能。

In general, we recommend Credit Karma over Mint’s service. Even though Credit Karma only offers your score and report from two bureaus (Equifax and TransUnion), you get updates much more often. If you specifically need the Experian report or if you’re already using Mint, then Mint’s service might work better for you.

一般而言,我们建议您使用Credit Karma而非Mint的服务。 即使Credit Karma仅从两个局(Equifax和TransUnion)提供您的分数和报告,但您获得更新的频率更高。 如果您特别需要Experian报告,或者您已经在使用Mint,则Mint的服务可能会更好。

益百利(Experian) :有限,但免费且对益百利得分有用 (Experian: Limited, but Free and Useful for Experian Scores)


You might have noticed that both the apps we’ve discussed so far use the Experian credit rating model. Wouldn’t it be great to get your credit information directly from them? Well, you can. Experian offers a free credit reporting service that’s available on their iOS and Android apps. You can get an updated Experian Credit Report from either app every 30 days.

您可能已经注意到,到目前为止我们讨论的两个应用程序都使用Experian信用评级模型。 直接从他们那里获取您的信用信息不是很好吗? 好吧,可以。 益百利提供免费的信用报告服务,可在其iOSAndroid应用程序上使用。 您每30天可以从任一应用程序获取更新的Experian信用报告。

您应该为您的信用分数付款吗? (Should You Pay for Your Credit Score?)

Since you can find out your credit score for free on the apps discussed above, you might wonder if it is useful to pay for your credit score.


The vast majority of the time, the answer is no; free credit score apps should be just fine. One big exception to that is if you’re going to apply for a mortgage. Mortgage lenders sometimes use different versions of a FICO score and it’s helpful to know which version the lender is using before applying. A few points difference in a score can affect your interest and even slight changes to interest can make a big impact on long-term loans like mortgages. You can see the difference yourself using the CFPB Mortage Rate Tool. Ordering a FICO score directly from the source can show you multiple versions of your score.

在绝大多数情况下,答案是否定的。 免费的信用评分应用程序应该很好。 一大例外是,如果您要申请抵押。 抵押贷款人有时会使用FICO分数的不同版本,这有助于在申请之前知道贷款人所使用的版本。 分数的几个点差异可能会影响您的利息,甚至利息的微小变化也会对抵押等长期贷款产生重大影响。 您可以使用CFPB抵押率工具自己查看差异。 直接从来源订购FICO分数可以显示分数的多个版本。

Image Credit: one photo/Shutterstock

图片来源:一张照片/ Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/370356/the-best-free-credit-score-apps/


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