


You’re considering a mesh Wi-Fi network, because you’re sick of that one spot in your house not getting any reception. But does the convenience of these systems come with the same security as other routers?

您正在考虑使用网状Wi-Fi网络,因为您已经厌倦了房屋中的那个位置并没有收到任何信号。 但是,这些系统的便利性是否具有与其他路由器相同的安全性?

We understand why you might wonder this: mesh networks include multiple devices, and they’re just as much smarthome devices as they are routers (and smart devices have come under a lot of scrutiny for security). In addition, such systems—like the Google Wi-Fi System or the Eero Home Wi-Fi System—tend to obscure advanced settings, which might affect the security settings you can toggle.

我们理解为什么您可能会对此感到奇怪:网状网络包含多个设备,它们就像路由器一样是智能家居设备(并且智能设备已经受到很多安全性方面的审查)。 此外,此类系统(例如Google Wi-Fi系统Eero Home Wi-Fi系统)往往会掩盖高级设置,这些设置可能会影响您可以切换的安全设置。

It leaves us wondering: how secure are mesh networks? Here’s a quick rundown.

这让我们纳闷:网状网络的安全性如何? 这是一个快速的总结。

加密与其他路由器相同 (Encryption Is Identical to Other Routers)

If you’re worried about encryption, don’t be: mesh Wi-Fi systems use industry standard levels of protection. We’ve explained what Wi-Fi security settings mean, but the basic summary is you should be using WPA2 with AES security. That’s the exact specification major mesh Wi-Fi networks use at this point, and often they don’t even offer any alternatives. This is a good thing: there’s no reason to use anything but the most secure settings at this point.

如果您担心加密,请不要担心:网状Wi-Fi系统使用行业标准级别的保护。 我们已经解释了Wi-Fi安全设置的含义,但基本摘要是您应该将WPA2与AES安全性一起使用。 这就是主要网状Wi-Fi网络目前使用的确切规格,而且它们通常甚至没有提供任何替代选择。 这是一件好事:目前,除了最安全的设置之外,没有任何其他原因可以使用。

具有自动更新的集中式系统 (A Centralized System With Automatic Updates)

If you’re currently using a single router, you might be considering purchasing a Wi-Fi extender to reach more spots in your house, or even using a PC as a repeater. And while that’s not a bad idea, there’s one thing to consider: you’re now maintaining multiple different pieces of networking equipment.

如果您当前使用的是单个路由器,则可能要考虑购买Wi-Fi扩展器以到达家中的更多位置,甚至可以使用PC作为转发器。 尽管这不是一个坏主意,但需要考虑的一件事:您现在要维护多个不同的网络设备。

This might be okay if you’re the sort of person who loves thinking about networks, resolving conflicts, and tweaking things. If you’re not, a mesh Wi-Fi network gives you multiple pieces of identical hardware that work well with each other, meaning you only need to configure one system.

如果您是那种喜欢思考网络,解决冲突和调整事物的人,那可能没关系。 如果不是这样,则网状Wi-Fi网络为您提供了多个相互兼容的相同硬件,这意味着您只需要配置一个系统即可。

More importantly, mesh Wi-Fi systems install security updates automatically, and to all pieces of your network. This means security flaws, like the KRACK vulnerability revealed a few months ago, will be patched across you’re house without much intervention from you.

更重要的是,网状Wi-Fi系统会自动将安全更新安装到网络的所有部分。 这意味着安全漏洞(例如几个月前发现的KRACK漏洞)将在您的整个房屋中修补,而无需您的过多干预。

This is not the case if you’ve got a router and multiple extenders to maintain. You’d have to update the firmware on your router, then on each of your extenders, in order to lock things down. Mesh Wi-Fi networks are a lot easier to keep up-to-date, and keeping up to date is everything when it comes to security. Don’t overlook this.

如果您要维护一个路由器和多个扩展器,则不是这种情况。 您必须先在路由器上然后在每个扩展器上更新固件,才能锁定固件。 Mesh Wi-Fi网络更容易保持最新,并且保持最新是安全性的全部。 不要忽视这一点。

易于配置,具有良好的安全功能 (Easy to Configure with Good Safety Features)

Tech enthusiasts know how to access their router’s firmware: type the IP address and use the web interface to make changes. Most people, however, aren’t really aware that you can configure your router, and that means that they never do.

技术爱好者知道如何访问其路由器的固件:键入IP地址并使用Web界面进行更改。 但是,大多数人并没有真正意识到您可以配置路由器,这意味着他们永远也做不到。

Modern mesh Wi-Fi systems change that with easy-to-use smartphone apps. These make it simple for everyday users to do things like change WPA access codes, and make sure updates are being installed. Some even have easy-to-use parental control features, which can make the web a safer place for kids.

现代网状Wi-Fi系统通过易于使用的智能手机应用程序改变了这种情况。 这些使日常用户可以轻松地执行诸如更改WPA访问代码之类的操作,并确保已安装更新。 有些甚至具有易于使用的家长控制功能,可以使网络成为孩子的安全场所。

All of this helps keep you secure, but traditional router setups mean most people’s interaction with their router is unplugging it and plugging it back in. Most people never touch their router’s settings; a simple user interface can change that, which is a great thing for security.

所有这些都有助于确保您的安全,但是传统的路由器设置意味着大多数人与他们的路由器的交互是将其拔出并重新插入。 大多数人从不触摸路由器的设置。 一个简单的用户界面可以改变这一点,这对安全性而言是一件好事。

Of course, friendly user interfaces aren’t unique to mesh networks: many recent releases offer similar functionality. But mesh networks like Google Wi-Fi are the first to make managing multiple access points this easy, which is a big plus over managing a router and an extender. Combine this with generally secure default settings and you’ve got a more secure setup than most.

当然,友好的用户界面并不是网状网络所独有的:许多最新版本都提供类似的功能。 但是像Google Wi-Fi这样的网状网络是第一个使管理多个接入点变得如此容易的网络,这是管理路由器和扩展器的一大优点。 将其与一般安全的默认设置结合使用,您将获得比大多数安全的设置。

某些高级功能将不存在 (Some Advanced Features Won’t Be There)

Of course, for advanced users, the opposite might be true, because some settings are missing entirely and most mesh systems. If you’re the sort of user who swears by advanced security steps, like whitelisting MAC addresses, you might not love the stripped down user interface provided by Eero, Google Home, and other mesh Wi-Fi providers.

当然,对于高级用户而言,情况可能恰恰相反,因为某些设置会完全丢失,并且大多数网格系统都将丢失。 如果您是通过高级安全步骤(例如将MAC地址列入白名单)发誓的用户,那么您可能不喜欢Eero,Google Home和其他网状Wi-Fi提供商提供的精简用户界面。

It’s not relevant for the vast majority of users, but it’s worth knowing about before making an expensive purchase. And there are workarounds: you can use an Eero in Bridge Mode, for example, and still have access to advanced functionality provided by your current router. Our advice: do your research before making a purchase.

它与绝大多数用户无关,但是在进行昂贵的购买之前,有必要了解一下。 有一些解决方法:例如,您可以在网桥模式下使用Eero ,但仍然可以访问当前路由器提供的高级功能。 我们的建议:购买前先进行研究。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/336045/how-secure-are-mesh-wi-fi-networks/






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