亚马逊云 语音验证_每日新闻摘要:亚马逊永远保留您的语音记录

亚马逊云 语音验证

亚马逊云 语音验证

Every time you speak to Alexa, it sends a recording of your voice to Amazon’s servers. If you’ve ever wondered how long Amazon keeps that transcript, the company has an answer for you. Indefinitely—or until you delete the data manually.

每次您与Alexa通话时,都会将您的语音记录发送到Amazon的服务器。 如果您想知道亚马逊保留该笔录多久,该公司将为您提供答案。 无限期-或直到您手动删除数据。

Alexa isn’t always recording everything you say. Most of the time, it just listens for the wake word (Alexa, Echo, or Computer), but once you do say that wake word, everything that follows is recorded and sent to Amazon’s servers. The cloud servers are the real intelligence behind Alexa; they parse what you say and then send an appropriate response.

Alexa并不总是记录你说的话。 在大多数情况下,它仅侦听唤醒词(Alexa,Echo或计算机),但是一旦您说出该唤醒词,随后的所有内容都会被记录并发送到Amazon的服务器。 云服务器是Alexa背后的真正智能。 他们解析您的发言,然后发送适当的回复。

What wasn’t clear is what happened after. We knew that Amazon kept the recording for an unspecified amount of time. Having the transcripts are useful for improving the service, and you can even listen to your requests as well. But we didn’t know if Amazon ever deleted the data.

尚不清楚之后发生了什么。 我们知道亚马逊将录音保留了一段未指定的时间。 拥有成绩单对于改善服务很有用,您甚至还可以收听您的请求。 但是我们不知道亚马逊是否曾经删除过数据。

Amazon recently answered that question in a letter to Senator Chris Coons, and you may not like what it has to say:


We retain customers’ voice recordings and transcripts until the customer chooses to delete them.


That is, if you don’t go out of your way to delete your data, Amazon won’t either. It will keep your voice recordings forever. You can, of course, choose to delete the data manually. Amazon did go on to specify that when you do this, your voice recording truly is removed. But some underlying data may be kept when necessary. If, for instance, you asked Alexa to purchase something, then transaction data is saved for purchase records purposes.

也就是说,如果您不遗余力地删除数据,Amazon也不会。 它将永久保留您的语音记录。 当然,您可以选择手动删除数据。 亚马逊确实继续指出,当您执行此操作时,您的语音记录确实会被删除。 但是,必要时可以保留一些基础数据。 例如,如果您要求Alexa购买某件商品,则保存交易数据以用于购买记录。

If you ordered an Uber or Lyft, while Amazon deletes the actual recording of your voice requesting the service, the outside companies, like Uber, still have a record that you used the service, and your pickup and dropoff point and any other information Amazon shared with the third-party company. It isn’t clear from Amazon’s answer if the company shares a copy of your voice recording with skill developers.

如果您订购了Uber或Lyft,而Amazon删除了请求该服务的语音的实际记录,则外部公司(如Uber)仍然保留了您使用该服务的记录以及您的接送点以及Amazon共享的任何其他信息与第三方公司。 从亚马逊的答案尚不清楚,该公司是否与技能开发人员共享您的录音副本。

Deleting your data is, thankfully, rather simple and you can even do so by voice now. We’d still like to see Amazon follow in Google’s footsteps and stop retaining voice recordings sent to cloud servers by default. [CNET]

幸运的是,删除数据非常简单,您甚至可以立即通过语音删除数据。 我们仍然希望看到Amazon跟随Google的脚步,并默认停止保留发送到云服务器的语音记录。 [ CNET ]

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The Hubble telescope continues to provide us with fascinating data and beautiful images. Sometimes it gives us both at once.

哈勃望远镜继续为我们提供引人入胜的数据和精美的图像。 有时它一次给我们两个。

Hubble managed to capture an image of an exploding star. The star in question is named Eta Carinae, and 170 years ago it was the second brightest star in the sky. But it faded over time, and now it’s much harder to see with the naked eye.  We’ve known Eta Carinae was going through a series of explosions, and suspect the suspect that three stars are the cause, all bound together by gravity.

哈勃设法捕获了一颗爆炸恒星的图像。 这颗恒星被命名为Eta Carinae,170年前它是天空中第二颗最明亮的恒星。 但是随着时间的流逝,它逐渐消失了,现在用肉眼很难看清。 我们知道Eta Carinae正在经历一系列爆炸,并怀疑是由恒星束缚在一起的三颗恒星。

Now, while observing the star, Hubble spotted an eruption and discovered a change. Where we had a good understanding of what gasses Eta Carinae ejected in the past, now scientists can see evidence of new gasses, such as magnesium. Along with that change, scientists saw a much larger and faster explosion than had been seen in the past. Now, NASA thinks the star eventually die in a supernova explosion.

现在,在观察恒星时,哈勃发现了一次喷发并发现了一个变化。 在我们对Eta Carinae过去排出的气体有很好的了解的地方,现在科学家可以看到新气体的证据,例如镁。 伴随着这一变化,科学家看到了比过去更大,更快的爆炸。 现在,NASA认为这颗恒星最终会在超新星爆炸中死亡。

NASA released images of the recorded explosions, and you should go take a look. []

NASA发布了爆炸记录的图像,您应该去看看[ ]


亚马逊云 语音验证





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