杰夫贝佐斯 西装_每日新闻摘要:太空人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)

杰夫贝佐斯 西装

杰夫贝佐斯 西装

Yesterday, Amazon big man Jeff Bezos took the stage in Washington, DC to unveil Blue Moon, the first lunar lander from his company Blue Origin. Bezos wants to take stuff—and people!—to the moon. I’m so into this.

昨天,亚马逊大个子杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)在华盛顿特区登台亮相,宣布了蓝月亮(Blue Moon),这是他公司Blue Origin的首个登月器。 贝索斯想把东西和人带到月球上。 我很喜欢这个

Bezos has bankrolled Blue Origin for nearly 19 years with the goal of making space travel both more affordable and more reliable. The ultimate goal is to allow private trips to space, where Bezos one day hopes to colonize. “It’s time to go back to the moon, this time to stay,” Bezos said yesterday during the announcement. Blue Moon is the first step in making that dream a reality.

贝索斯(Bezos)为“蓝色起源(Blue Origin)”提供了近19年的资金,其目标是使太空旅行更加经济实惠和更可靠。 最终目标是允许私人旅行到太空,贝佐斯有一天希望在那里定居。 贝索斯(Bezos)昨天在声明中说:“是时候重返月球了,这次是留下来了。” 蓝月亮是实现梦想的第一步。

The Blue Moon lander will be capable of autonomously navigating space, and soft-landing up to 6.5 metric tons on the surface of the moon. And Bezos wants to get it there by the year 2024—the same year NASA plans to return to the moon. They should have a moon party. That would be neat.

蓝月亮着陆器将能够自主导航太空,并能够在月球表面软着陆多达6.5公吨。 贝佐斯希望在2024年之前实现这一目标,即美国宇航局计划在同一年重返月球。 他们应该开一个月亮派对。 那太好了。

So why does Bezos think the moon can sustain people? Because it has ice, it’s close, and getting resources from Earth to the moon is “easy” because of low gravity. According to Bezos, “this is Maui on its best day all year long. No rain, no storms, no earthquakes.” I mean, when you put it that way, who wouldn’t want to go?

那么,贝佐斯为什么认为月亮可以维持人的生命呢? 因为它有冰,所以很近,并且由于重力低,从地球到月球获取资源是“容易的”。 根据贝佐斯的说法,“这是毛伊岛一年四季最好的一天。 没有下雨,没有暴风雨,没有地震。” 我的意思是,当您这样说时,谁不想去?

Bezos isn’t the only ultra-rich person in the world trying to make it to space, either. Elon Musk has Space X, which has already had successful launches and landings with Falcon Heavy, and Virgin Group wildman Richard Branson has Virgin Galactic with the goals of building a commercial spacecraft to help people vacation on places that aren’t Earth.

贝索斯也不是世界上唯一试图进入太空的超富翁。 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)拥有已经与猎鹰重型(Falcon Heavy)成功发射和降落的Space X,维珍集团(Virgin Group)的野人理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)拥有维珍银河(Virgin Galactic),其目标是制造商用航天器,以帮助人们在非地球的地方度假。

Seriously though, this is cool. If someone would’ve told 12-year-old me that we’d be talking about sending people to the moon to just to hang out, I would’ve freaked. Now if we can only learn from the mistakes that we’ve made here on Earth to not, you know, destroy other planets, that would be good. [Wired, The Verge, CNET]

说真的,这很酷。 如果有人会告诉12岁的我,我们正在谈论要把人们送上月球只是为了出去玩,那我一定会吓坏了。 现在,如果我们只能从我们在地球上犯下的错误中吸取教训,而不是摧毁其他星球,那将是一件好事。 [有线边缘CNET ]

在其他新闻中 (In Other News)

Virtual Desktops are coming to Chrome OS in version 76, Google is gearing up to accept cash payments in the Play Store, Apple wants you to “do one last great thing” with your iPhone, and more.


  • Virtual Desktops in Chrome OS will be available in 76: We’ve been keeping a close eye on the development of virtual desktops in Chrome OS, and it looks like they’re getting pretty close to prime time. According to a developer session at Google I/O this week, they’ll be available starting in Chrome OS 76. Awesome. [About Chromebooks]

    Chrome操作系统中的虚拟桌面将于76年推出:我们一直在密切关注Chrome操作系统中的虚拟桌面的开发,看起来它们已经接近黄金时段。 根据本周在Google I / O上的开发人员会议,它们将从Chrome OS 76开始可用。太棒了。 [关于Chromebook ]

  • Cash money in Google Play:  A new feature called “deferred payments” will let users buy apps then pay for them later by walking into a convenience store and dropping cash money. [Android Police]

    Google Play中的现金付款:一项名为“延期付款”的新功能将允许用户购买应用,然后通过走进便利店并放下现金来付款。 [ Android警察]

  • Apple wants you to trade in your iPhone: When it comes time to get a new iPhone, Apple wants you to trade your old one in so it can be refurbished and “put it back into the world.” Or, if it’s at the end of its life, be recycled. The new ad talking up the trading program is seriously one of the best ads I’ve ever seen. Really tugs on the heartstrings. Well done, Apple. [YouTube]

    苹果希望您以iPhone进行交易:当要购买新iPhone时,苹果希望您以旧iPhone进行交易,以便对其进行翻新并将其“重新投放世界”。 或者,如果使用寿命已尽,请回收利用。 讨论交易计划的新广告是我见过的最好的广告之一。 真正拉动心弦。 干得好,苹果。 [ YouTube ]

  • Netflix buys StoryBots: If you have young kids, you’ve probably seen StoryBots on Netflix (perhaps even multiple times). Good news! Netflix purchased the brand so these little robots will become a mainstay on the streaming service. My little guy loves it, so I’m excited about this. [Engadget]

    Netflix公司购买StoryBots:如果你有年幼的孩子,你可能已经看到在Netflix的(甚至多次)StoryBots。 好消息! Netflix购买了该品牌,因此这些小型机器人将成为流媒体服务的中流tay柱。 我的小家伙喜欢它,对此我感到很兴奋。 [ Engadget ]

  • iFixit tears down the Pixel 3a: Turns out it’s more repairable than the Pixel 3 since it’s made of plastic and lacks water resistance. Still, it only got a 6/10 for repairability. [CNET]

    iFixit拆解了Pixel 3a:事实证明它比Pixel 3更具修复性,因为它是由塑料制成且缺乏防水性。 尽管如此,它的可修复性只有6/10。 [ CNET ]

  • At I/O, Google talks Fuchsia: Android and Chrome lead Hiroshi Lockheimer opened up about Google’s “secret” project Fuchsia at Google I/O, saying that “Fuchsia is about just pushing state of the art” and not about replacing Android or Chrome OS. Curious. [The Verge]

    谷歌在I / O上谈论紫红色: Android和Chrome领导者Hiroshi Lockheimer在谷歌I / O上公开了谷歌的“秘密”项目紫红色,他说“紫红色只是在推动最先进的技术”,而不是取代Android或Chrome操作系统。 好奇。 [边缘]

If you regret not buying a brand new iPod back when Steve Jobs first announced it, boy do we have good news for you. A mint, factory-sealed original iPod is up for sale on eBay. It’s been sitting in a box, unopened, waiting for someone to buy it for 18 long years. And right now it can be yours for just $19,995. What a bargain. [eBay via MacRumors]

如果您后悔史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)首次宣布购买新的iPod感到后悔,那么我们对您有好消息吗。 出厂前已出厂的薄荷造的原始iPod在eBay上有售。 它一直坐在盒子里,没有打开,等待有人购买它长达18年之久。 而现在,只需$ 19,995美元就可以买到。 这真是个便宜货。 [ eBay通过MacRumors ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-jeff-bezos-space-man/

杰夫贝佐斯 西装

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