如果您在Facebook上使用SMS 2FA,则可以搜索您的电话号码

Flip phone
heisenburgphotos/Shutterstock 海森堡照片/快门

Look, we love 2FA (two-factor authentication) and want everyone to use it. But SMS-based 2FA isn’t the best choice, and now it’s even worse on Facebook because once enabled, it allows people to find you using your phone number.

您看,我们喜欢2FA(两因素身份验证),希望每个人都使用它。 但是基于SMS的2FA并不是最佳选择,现在在Facebook上甚至更糟,因为一旦启用,它便可以使人们使用您的电话号码找到您。

Back in the day, anyone could jump on Facebook and do a phone number search to find who specific people. If you had your phone number on your Facebook account, then you’d pop up with that search. But back in April of last year, this feature was removed in an effort to keep private data private (though apparently searching phone numbers still works in Messenger).

过去,任何人都可以跳上Facebook并进行电话号码搜索以找到特定的人。 如果您的Facebook帐户上有电话号码,则会弹出该搜索。 但是早在去年4月,便取消了此功能,以保持私人数据的私密性(尽管显然在Messenger中搜索电话号码仍然有效)。

But now it’s been discovered that if you use your phone number for SMS-based 2FA Facebook is using this to help people find you. While the phone number search function is still disabled, if you’re in someone’s contacts on their phone and upload that list, you’ll show up as a potential connection. Gross.

但是现在发现,如果您使用基于SMS的2FA的电话号码,Facebook正在使用它来帮助人们找到您。 虽然电话号码搜索功能仍处于禁用状态,但如果您在某人的电话中与他联系,并上载该列表,则将显示为潜在的连接。 毛。

Honestly, that’s such a load of crap. If the only reason you’re giving Facebook your phone number is to increase the security of your account and it’s in turn used to leverage more contact information, then that’s a big issue—one that wouldn’t exist if Facebook wasn’t so damn shady with your data. It’s pretty disgusting.

老实说,这真是令人讨厌。 如果您给Facebook提供电话号码的唯一原因是为了提高帐户的安全性,而又又利用它来利用更多的联系信息,那么这将是一个大问题-如果Facebook并非如此,那将是不存在的遮盖您的数据。 真恶心。

To add insult to injury, there’s no way to opt-out of this, either. You can help limit it by heading into Facebook Settings > Privacy and setting the “who can look you up using the phone number you provided” option to “Friends,” which is the most private option available. It’s a band-aid at best.

要增加对侮辱的伤害,也没有办法选择退出。 您可以通过进入Facebook设置>隐私并将“谁可以使用您提供的电话号码来查找您的内容”选项设置为“朋友”来帮助限制它,这是最私密的选项。 充其量是创可贴。

Facebook Settings

Otherwise, you’re left with a few choices: you could deactivate your Facebook account, which a lot of people simply aren’t willing to do; you could stop using 2FA, which we don’t recommend at all; or you could use another form of 2FA. If you don’t want to disable your account, then the latter option is by far the best. Keep in mind, however, that the damage has probably been done—your phone number is stored. This may not change a thing. Still, moving to a better security method that doesn’t involve your phone number is never a bad idea.

否则,您还有其他选择:您可以停用您的Facebook帐户,很多人根本不愿意这样做。 你可以停止使用2FA,这是我们完全推荐; 或者您可以使用另一种形式的2FA。 如果您不想禁用您的帐户,那么后一种选择是最好的选择。 但是请记住,损坏可能已经造成了-您的电话号码已存储。 这可能不会改变任何事情。 不过,采用一种不涉及您电话号码的更好的安全方法绝不是一个坏主意。

There are plenty of authenticator apps out there, but we’re big fans of Authy. It uses the same familiar code-based system that you’re used to using with SMS-based authentication, but instead of getting a text message with your code, you just fire up the Authy app and pull the code from there. We have an excellent guide to help you get started with Authy if this is your first time using it.

那里有很多身份验证器应用程序,但是我们是Authy的忠实拥护者。 它使用了与基于SMS的身份验证相同的熟悉的基于代码的系统,但是您无需启动代码并发送文本消息,而只需启动Authy应用并从中提取代码即可。 如果您是第一次使用Authy,我们将提供出色的指南,以帮助您入门。

To get your Facebook account set up with Authy, jump into FB’s settings, then Security and Login. (On mobile you can find this under Settings & Privacy > Settings.)

要使用Authy设置您的Facebook帐户,请跳至FB的设置,然后进入“安全性”和“登录”。 (在移动设备上,您可以在“设置和隐私”>“设置”下找到它。)

Facebook Settings

From there, scroll down to the Two-Factor Authentication section and click the Edit button in the “Use two-factor authentication” section.


Facebook two-factor authentication

From there you can set up an authentication app (or even better, use a security key).


Facebook two-factor authentication

And that’s it. Your account is even more secure than before, and Facebook isn’t going to use your phone number for anything you don’t want.

就是这样。 您的帐户比以前更加安全,Facebook不会将您的电话号码用于您不需要的任何东西。

via TechCrunch


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406696/if-you-use-sms-2fa-on-facebook-your-phone-number-is-searchable/

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