



Just like many of the other Internet of Things appliances that have been slowly trickling into our homes over the past several years, smart washers are a new class of device that can hook up to your smartphone or tablet via an app, and transmit vital data about their daily operation to you in realtime.


But how do they work, and do you really need to drop all that extra coin for just a few added features?


什么是“智能”洗衣机? (What is a “Smart” Washer?)

First off, it helps to know what distinguishes a regular digital clothes washer/dryer combo from a “smart” washer.


While many of the latest washers you’ll find at your local Sears or Best Buy will have full-color touchscreens that you can use to acutely customize your laundry cycle, only a select few also contain the option to hook themselves up to your home’s WiFi network for additional capability. By linking either with the Nest thermostat or their own proprietary iOS and Android apps, smart washers can do everything from alerting you when a load is finished and needs to be transferred over, to using “smart tumble” features which will keep your clothes wrinkle-and-mildew free until you get back home.

虽然您在当地的Sears或Best Buy会发现许多最新的洗衣机将配备全彩触摸屏,您可以使用它们来自定义洗衣周期,但只有少数几个还包含将自己连接到家庭WiFi的选项网络以提供其他功能。 通过与Nest恒温器或他们自己专有的iOS和Android应用程序链接,智能洗衣机可以完成所有工作,从在负载完成并需要转移时提醒您,到使用“智能滚筒”功能,这些功能将使您的衣服保持皱纹。和防霉菌,直到您回到家。

One of the biggest problems that most people have with doing laundry from their home is that for the most part; they can’t leave until it’s totally done. If you leave a set of wet clothing in a washer more than an hour past when the cycle completes, you run the risk of your clothes starting to take on a mildew musk, which sort of defeats the purpose of washing them in the first place. Similarly, if you leave your clothes in the dryer too long after it’s done, everything inside will wrinkle, leaving you with another half of a day ironing out every last garment until the process is finally done.

大多数人在家中洗衣服时遇到的最大问题之一就是大部分情况。 他们不能离开,直到完全完成。 如果在周期结束后一个多小时内将一套湿衣服放在洗衣机中,则可能会冒着霉菌麝香的危险,而这首先会破坏洗衣服的目的。 同样,如果完成后将衣服放在烘干机中的时间过长,里面的所有东西都会起皱,剩下半天时间熨平最后一件衣服,直到最终完成该过程。


Smart washers are able to notify you via an app as soon as the load is done, and at your command, will lightly tumble the clothes every couple of minutes to be sure they have enough air flowing through until you have the opportunity to intervene. The same bonuses can be applied to the dry cycle as well, lightly moving the clothes around indefinitely until the dryer detects you’ve come back home via your link to the local WiFi.

智能洗衣机能够在完成加载后立即通过应用程序通知您,并且在您的命令下,洗衣机每隔几分钟会轻轻翻动一次,以确保它们有足够的空气流通,直到您有机会进行干预为止。 同样的奖励也可以应用于干燥周期,无限期地轻轻移动衣服,直到烘干机通过与本地WiFi的链接检测到您已经回家。

Last, if your smart washer is one of the few that fall under the “Works With Nest” moniker, the two can actually talk to each other without your intervention needed at all. The thermostat, which tracks whether or not you’re in the home automatically, will tell the washer whether or not anyone is around to move things over. If not, the air-tumble cycles will be automatically initiated, giving you as much time as you need to run to the store, drop the kids off at soccer practice, and still make it back in time to avoid any laundry from stinking up the joint or putting your iron to work.

最后,如果您的智能洗衣机是“与巢一起工作”绰号中的少数几个,那么两者实际上可以彼此对话,而无需您的干预。 温控器会自动跟踪您是否在家中,它将告诉洗衣机是否有人在附近移动物品。 如果不是这样,将自动启动空气循环周期,从而为您提供足够的时间去商店,让孩子们在足球练习中下车,并仍能及时退回,以免衣物弄脏衣服联合或使您的铁工作。

你需要一个吗? (Do You Need One?)

Not really. Sure, if you’re someone who finds yourself doing laundry while also running errands on a Sunday, then having the knowledge of when each load is done and needs to be moved over can be the difference between a fresh-smelling set of sheets and a mildewy pile of clothes that needs to be run through twice.

并不是的。 当然,如果您发现自己在周日还差事时洗衣服,那么知道每一次装载何时完成以及需要转移的知识可能是新鲜气味的床单和一堆发霉的衣服,需要穿两次。

But you could just set a reminder on your phone, or even ask Siri to do it for you. Just tell Siri “Remind me to change the wash in 45 minutes”. You’ve just saved a ton of money over buying a smart washer.

但是您可以在手机上设置提醒,甚至可以要求Siri为您做提醒。 只需告诉Siri“提醒我在45分钟内更换洗手液即可”。 您刚刚购买了智能洗衣机,节省了很多钱。


According to the manufacturers, the adoption of smart washers hasn’t been nearly as rapid as they may have hoped. According to a statement from appliance giant Whirlpool, the company has been struggling to convince consumers of the value that smart washers have over traditional setups.

根据制造商的说法,智能洗衣机的采用并没有像他们希望的那样快。 根据家电巨头惠而浦(Whirlpool)的一份声明,该公司一直在努力让消费者相信智能洗衣机比传统洗衣机具有更多的价值。

One of the biggest problems is that smart washers can often be multitudes more expensive than their standard counterparts, with most topping over $1,500 just for the individual washer or dryer. Not only that, but the company’s own “WashSquad” app – which just debuted at last year’s CES, has already been pulled from the app store due to a lack of user interest and a number of reported issues getting it to connect properly in the first place.

最大的问题之一是,智能洗衣机的价格通常比标准洗衣机贵很多,其中大多数仅针对单个洗衣机或烘干机的价格就超过1,500美元。 不仅如此,该公司自己的“ WashSquad”应用程序-去年在CES上首次亮相,由于缺乏用户兴趣以及许多已报告的问题使其无法在第一时间正确连接的原因,已经从应用程序商店撤出。地点。

Comparatively, you should only expect to pay about $1,000 for a solid machine with almost all of the same features – just a lack of WiFi connectivity. Why a chip or two costs an extra $500 at the least is still up for debate, but many believe it’s the companies themselves simply trying to upsell a product that looks like it’s a luxury, when it could just end up being another gimmick that’s hooked itself onto the Internet of Things train in the hopes that the consumer wouldn’t notice.

相比之下,您只希望为一台几乎具有所有相同功能的坚固机器(仅缺少WiFi连接)支付约1,000美元。 为什么一两个芯片至少要多花500美元仍然有待商but,但许多人认为这是公司本身只是在试图推销看起来像是奢侈品的产品,而这最终可能会成为另一个引人入胜的头到物联网火车上,希望消费者不会注意到。

So then, it seems at least in the case of smart washers, the level of convenience you get out of them is not exactly worth the initial cost of entry. Sure, it’s a neat idea to have a pair of appliances that text you whenever you need to pay attention to them, but the price difference is enough to scare off all but the most IoT obsessed among us.

因此,看来,至少对于智能洗衣机而言,从洗衣机中获得的便利水平并不完全值得您最初购买。 当然,有两套设备可以在您需要关注的时候向您发送短信,这是一个很好的主意,但是价格差异足以吓跑我们中除痴迷于物联网之外的所有物联网。

Image Credits: Whirlpool 1, 2, Samsung


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/236286/what-is-a-smart-washer-and-do-i-need-one/






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