

Mark Weiser, CTO of Xerox Corp’s Palo Alto Research Center, said in 1991: “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” Weiser proved prescient: satellite-based cell phones and the internet are examples of profound, invisible technologies.

施乐公司Palo Alto研究中心首席技术官Mark Weiser在1991年说:“最深刻的技术是那些已经消失的技术。 他们将自己编织到日常生活的结构中,直到无法与之区分。” 事实证明,魏瑟(Weiser)是有先见之明的:基于卫星的手机和互联网是深刻的,看不见的技术的例子。

In the future, ambient intelligence will be similarly profound, yet invisible. Just as ambient music plays in the background to enhance an environment, ambient intelligence is embedded in a user’s immediate environment (or ambience). The ambience is embedded with a range of sensors, making the environment intelligent and ready to respond to user desires and needs. Ambient intelligence, once fully evolved, will have major consequences for many industries, including patient care and assisted living. Seniors will gain increased independence with ambient intelligence and their critical care providers will be kept informed with real-time data.

将来,环境智能将同样深刻而又无形。 正如环境音乐在后台播放以增强环境一样,环境智能也嵌入在用户的直接环境(或环境)中。 该环境嵌入了一系列传感器,使环境智能化并随时可以响应用户的需求。 一旦全面发展,环境智能将对许多行业产生重大影响,包括患者护理和生活协助。 老年人将通过环境情报获得更大的独立性,并且其重症监护提供者将获得实时数据的通知。

Excellent connectivity within our homes along with internet-connected devices are helping us map behavioral data about ourselves. The idea is to push the sensors and computing into the background or into the ambience, while actions a user needs help with or information a user requires can be brought into the foreground using robotics or an interface that displays information. Ambient intelligence has the goal of enhancing the experiences of people carrying on with their daily routines and activities in intuitive ways.

家庭内部的出色连接性以及与互联网连接的设备正在帮助我们绘制有关自己的行为数据。 这个想法是将传感器和计算推到后台或环境中,而用户需要帮助的动作或用户需要的信息可以使用机器人或显示信息的界面带入前台。 环境智能的目标是以直观的方式增强人们日常工作和活动的体验。

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Photo by Fabian Hurnaus from Pexels
PexelsFabian Hurnaus

环境智能的功能包括: (Features of ambient intelligence are:)

1. Sensors and devices are embedded in the environment


2. The system, acting as a whole, is context-aware


3. Each environment is personalized to space and to the user’s needs


4. The system is adaptive and evolves over time


5. The system has anticipatory capabilities


6. Intelligence is distributed across the environment (like smart dust)


环境情报系统以四种方式起作用:感知,推理,行动和交互。 (Ambient intelligence systems act in four ways: sensing, reasoning, acting, and interacting.)

1. Sensing: This could be wired or wireless. Sensors are either independent or embedded in a device (such as wearable or smartphone).

1. 感应:可以是有线或无线的。 传感器是独立的或嵌入在设备(例如可穿戴设备或智能手机)中。

2. Reasoning: Systems will be programmed to ‘reason’ and deliver user functionalities such as:

2. 推理:系统将被编程为“推理”并提供用户功能,例如:

· Activity recognition and prediction


· Ability to interpret and recognize the context of each activity


· Suggesting a decision or course of action


· Centralized sending and computing versus distributed sensing and computing


3. Acting: This generally refers to changing an attribute of the environment (like turning off the lights or opening a door). It can also refer to a robot movement, like vacuuming, or a user notification, like prompting someone to make a decision.

3. 代理:这通常是指更改环境的属性(例如关闭灯或打开门)。 它也可以指机器人运动,例如吸尘,或用户通知,例如提示某人做出决定。

4. Interacting: There are multiple forums through which ambient intelligence will interact with users. These include devices (like web, mobile, or wearable), home fixtures (like washing machines, refrigerators or wall panels), and natural user interfaces (speech, gestures, touch, motion, facial expressions, and emotions.)

4. 互动:环境情报将通过多个论坛与用户互动。 这些设备包括设备(例如网络,移动设备或可穿戴设备),家用电器(例如洗衣机,冰箱或墙板)和自然用户界面(语音,手势,触摸,运动,面部表情和情绪)。

实施与趋势 (Implementation & Trends)

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Photo by Huseyn Kamaladdin from Pexels
PexelsHuseyn Kamaladdin

Ambient intelligence will improve mobility, nutrition, energy, and resource use, waste management, and many other fields. Systems will begin in smaller spaces, like homes or cars, and expand to workplaces, restaurants, airports, and stations. Eventually, they will be embedded across larger open areas and smart cities. They will be adopted at varied paces across different nations, depending on their approaches and regulations for privacy, cybersecurity, and control (government versus private).

环境智能将改善流动性,营养,能源和资源使用,废物管理以及许多其他领域。 系统将开始于较小的空间,例如家庭或汽车,并扩展到工作场所,饭店,机场和车站。 最终,它们将被嵌入到更大的开放区域和智慧城市中。 它们在隐私权,网络安全和控制(政府与私人)的方法和法规上将在不同国家/地区以不同的速度采用。

Per technology trends, ambient intelligence is already becoming a reality. Mobile networks are becoming faster and have less latency, an estimated 50 billion smart devices are now online and wearables are experiencing significant growth. These are all key enablers of the ambient intelligence systems described earlier.

根据技术趋势,环境智能已经成为现实。 移动网络正在变得越来越快,延迟越来越少,估计现在有500亿智能设备在线,并且可穿戴设备正经历显着增长。 这些都是前面所述的环境智能系统的关键推动因素。



While ambient intelligence is currently in an early stage, enabling technologies are coming into place rapidly and growing exponentially. Once ambient intelligence reaches a mature state, we will be able to communicate with devices naturally efficiently. Human-machine interactions could potentially become more intuitive and efficient than human-to-human interactions. Computers and smart devices will also ‘converse’ with each other, with delegated authority from their human users. This could reduce peoples’ ‘cognitive load’, allowing them to focus on activities that are more complicated, fun, or meaningful.

尽管环境智能目前尚处于早期阶段,但使能技术正在Swift出现并呈指数增长。 一旦环境智能达到成熟状态,我们将能够自然有效地与设备进行通信。 人机交互可能比人机交互变得更加直观和高效。 计算机和智能设备也将在人类用户的授权下彼此“对话”。 这可以减轻人们的“认知负担”,使他们能够专注于更复杂,更有趣或更有意义的活动。

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Lansaar Research的使命是帮助公司创造新价值并发现新的商业模式。 我们与客户合作,以​​发现新兴机会并开发可行的新产品,以推动市场成功。 在这里了解更多。

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翻译自: https://codeburst.io/what-is-ambient-intelligence-4478d369a32c






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