facebook 关注的人_如何取消隐藏您以前隐藏的Facebook新闻源中的人

facebook 关注的人

facebook 关注的人

Facebook might be updating menus and interfaces left and right, but that sure doesn’t mean they make them easier to use in the process. The poor menu design and vague terminology makes it pretty difficult to make changes (or to undo those changes), in many cases. Read on as we help a reader liven up their news feed by returning previously hidden friends to the forefront.

Facebook可能正在左右更新菜单和界面,但这并不意味着它们使它们在此过程中更易于使用。 在许多情况下,不良的菜单设计和模糊的术语使更改(或撤消那些更改)变得非常困难。 请继续阅读,以帮助读者通过将以前隐藏的朋友带到最前沿来增强他们的新闻动态。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

This isn’t much of a life-or-death problem, to be sure, but it’s one that’s a bit frustrating. Last year when a lot of my Facebook friends were constantly posting heated political stuff, I started checking the “I don’t want to see this” and “Unfollow” entries in my feed a lot. All said and done, I “muted” or whatever you want to call it a whole lot of people. In hindsight, I might have been a bit hasty with the cone of silence and now I’d like to liven the old news feed back up again.

可以肯定的是,这并不是一个生死攸关的问题,但这是一个令人沮丧的问题。 去年,当我的许多Facebook朋友不断发布激烈的政治内容时,我开始大量检查Feed中的“我不想看到此”和“取消关注”条目。 总而言之,我“静音了”,或者您想称呼它为很多人。 事后看来,我可能对沉默之锥有些草率,现在我想重新利用旧的新闻反馈。

The only problem is… I can’t figure out how to do it. I’ve looked in every menu and sub-menu and I can’t find a list of the people I’ve muted. I found a list of people I’ve blocked (which has no entries) so that’s pretty useless. What do I do? Surely there must be a list I can actually look at, right?

唯一的问题是……我不知道该怎么做。 我已经查看了每个菜单和子菜单,但找不到我静音的人的名单。 我找到了我阻止的人的列表(没有条目),所以这毫无用处。 我该怎么办? 当然,必须有一个我可以实际查看的列表,对吗?

Facebook Frustrated


There is, in fact, a list. You shouldn’t feel at all bad for not finding this list because it’s hidden in the most ridiculous place that we’re 99 percent sure the average use would never accidentally stumble upon. When logged into your Facebook account on a computer (not a mobile device) navigate to your news feed. Look at the list of entries on the far left menu (that’s where you’ll see things like “News Feed” and “Messages” directly under your profile picture.

实际上,有一个列表。 您根本不会为找不到这份清单感到难过,因为它被隐藏在最荒谬的地方,我们有99%的把握确定平均使用绝不会偶然发现。 在计算机(而非移动设备)上登录Facebook帐户后,导航至新闻源。 查看最左侧菜单上的条目列表(在该菜单中,您会在个人资料图片的正下方看到“新闻摘要”和“消息”之类的内容。

If you hover your mouse directly to the left of the “News Feed” link, a tiny gear will appear:


Click on that gear and a little “Edit Settings” box will pop up off it. Click “Edit Settings” and you’ll be taken to the “Edit News Feed Settings” box like so:

单击该齿轮,将弹出一个小的“编辑设置”框。 点击“编辑设置”,您将被带到“编辑新闻源设置”框,如下所示:

There’s the master list of all the people you’ve unfollowed and hidden posts from. You can simply click the “x” beside their name to remove them from the hidden list and then click “save.” An alternate way to achieve the same end (but far more tedious if you need to do it for more than a few people) is to visit the person’s Facebook profile page. There’s a Follow/Unfollow button located in the lower right corner of each person’s cover photo that you can toggle.

这里是您未关注和隐藏的所有人员的主列表。 您只需单击其名称旁边的“ x”即可将其从隐藏列表中删除,然后单击“保存”。 实现相同目标的另一种方法(但如果您需要多个人使用,则更加繁琐)是访问该人的Facebook个人资料页面。 每个人的封面照片的右下角都有一个“关注/取消关注”按钮,您可以对其进行切换。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/193427/ask-htg-how-do-you-unhide-people-in-your-facebook-news-feed-youve-previously-hidden/

facebook 关注的人

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