
If you’re trying to join a Zoom chat or Google Hangout, but can’t see the video or hear the audio, here are some troubleshooting tips to make the program work.

如果您尝试加入Zoom聊天或Google Hangouts,但看不到视频或听不到音频,请参考以下一些疑难解答技巧,以使程序正常运行。

By Whitson Gordon

通过 惠特森戈登

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, video calls are suddenly more crucial than ever. Instead of the occasional FaceTime while vacationing, your loved ones and livelihood require constant communication over Zoom and other chat apps. And that makes a finicky webcam twice as frustrating. We’re here to help you troubleshoot.

由于发生了COVID-19大流行,视频通话突然变得比以往任何时候都更为重要。 您的亲人和生计需要通过Zoom和其他聊天应用程序进行持续的通讯,而不是在度假时偶尔使用FaceTime。 这使得挑剔的网络摄像头倍受挫折。 我们在这里为您解决问题。

确保音频不静音且视频打开 (Ensure Audio Isn’t Muted and Video Is On)

Let’s start with a seemingly obvious but common issue. Some meetings may automatically mute your audio or video when you enter, or you may have accidentally clicked the wrong thing. Look for the camera and/or microphone icon in the chat program and click them to see if you’ve muted one or the other. It seems basic, but it’s an easy thing to miss.

让我们从一个看似明显但常见的问题开始。 某些会议在您进入时可能会自动使音频或视频静音,或者您可能不小心单击了错误的内容。 在聊天程序中查找相机和/或麦克风图标,然后单击它们以查看是否已将其中一个静音。 看起来很基本,但是很容易错过。

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Similarly, if you have a webcam slider or piece of tape covering the lens for privacy reasons, make sure you’ve opened or removed it. Otherwise, your colleagues will just see a black screen where your face should be. It’s embarrassing how much time I’ve spent troubleshooting before realizing I forgot to remove my webcam tape.

同样,如果出于隐私原因 ,您有摄像头滑块或胶带覆盖镜头,请确保已将其打开或卸下。 否则,您的同事只会在您的脸部出现黑屏。 令人尴尬的是,我花了多少时间进行疑难解答才意识到自己忘记删除网络摄像头磁带。

检查聊天中是否选中了两个设备 (Check That Both Devices Are Selected in Your Chat)

Sometimes, your video chat program will see multiple devices and select the wrong one for audio or video. For example, I’ve had Zoom try to route audio through my HDMI monitor instead of my speakers, preventing me from hearing anyone on a call.

有时,您的视频聊天程序会看到多个设备,并为音频或视频选择了错误的设备。 例如,我让Zoom尝试通过我的HDMI监视器而不是扬声器路由音频,从而阻止我听到有人打来的电话。

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Open your video chat’s settings and ensure the correct devices are selected for your webcam, audio input (aka your microphone), and audio output (aka your headphones or speakers). If you aren’t sure which is the correct device-sometimes they have rather generic names-try each one until you get a signal that works. It should remember the correct device the next time you try to chat.

打开视频聊天的设置,并确保为网络摄像头,音频输入(也称为麦克风)和音频输出(即耳机或扬声器)选择了正确的设备。 如果您不确定哪个设备正确,有时它们会使用通用名称,请尝试每个名称,直到获得有效的信号为止。 下次尝试聊天时,它应该记住正确的设备。

This is also a good way to ensure the highest quality audio for your voice. Just because you have a USB microphone plugged in doesn’t mean you’re using it, as chat programs might still default to your webcam’s built-in mic.

这也是确保语音质量最高的好方法。 仅仅是因为您插入了USB麦克风,并不意味着您正在使用它,因为聊天程序可能仍默认为网络摄像头的内置麦克风。

安装网络摄像头的驱动程序和软件 (Install Your Webcam’s Drivers and Software)

If your webcam does not appear in the list, it’s possible Windows isn’t recognizing the device. Click the Start menu, type Device Manager, and press Enter to see a list of hardware connected to your PC.

如果您的网络摄像头未出现在列表中,则可能Windows无法识别该设备。 单击开始菜单,键入设备管理器 ,然后按Enter以查看连接到PC的硬件列表。

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If you don’t see any options under Cameras, Imaging Devices, or Universal Serial Bus Controllers that correspond to your webcam-or you see something with a yellow exclamation point-you may need to install or update the drivers for your webcam hardware.


Even with Windows’ generic drivers installed, I had to install Logitech’s webcam software for my webcam to work, so head to the manufacturer’s support page to find the requisite software.


Windows and macOS both have privacy settings that allow you to block access to your webcam, and it’s possible this is interfering with your video chat.


检查您的隐私设置 (Check Your Privacy Settings)

In Windows, head to Settings > Privacy > Camera and make sure camera access is turned on for the apps you want. (You’ll need to scroll all the way to the bottom to see what desktop apps are allowed.) Read more about Windows’ webcam privacy here.

在Windows中,转到“设置”>“隐私”>“摄像头” ,并确保已打开所需应用程序的摄像头访问权限。 (您需要一直滚动到底部,以查看允许使用哪些桌面应用程序。) 在此处了解有关Windows网络摄像头隐私的更多信息。

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In macOS, head to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and click the lock in the bottom-left corner to make changes. After entering your password, look through the list on the left, making sure your video chat program is allowed to access the camera and microphone. You can also allow screen recording, access to files, and other permissions here.

在macOS中,转到系统偏好设置>安全和隐私 ,然后单击左下角的锁进行更改。 输入密码后,请浏览左侧的列表,确保允许您的视频聊天程序访问摄像头和麦克风。 您还可以在此处允许屏幕录像,访问文件和其他权限。

You should also check the same permissions in your browser. Most browsers have their own privacy settings allowing you to block camera access across the board, or for certain sites. In Chrome, for example, you can find these permissions under Settings > Privacy and Security > Site Settings.

您还应该在浏览器中检查相同的权限。 大多数浏览器都有自己的隐私设置,可让您阻止对摄像机的整体访问或某些站点的访问。 例如,在Chrome浏览器中,您可以在设置>隐私和安全>网站设置下找到这些权限。

By default, both Camera and Microphone should be set to Ask Before Accessing, but if it isn’t, you can change that here. If the camera is blocked on a specific site (like Zoom’s domain), you can fix that by visiting that site and clicking the lock icon in the address bar to allow camera and microphone access.

默认情况下,“摄像头”和“麦克风”都应设置为“ 访问前询问” ,但如果不是,则可以在此处进行更改。 如果摄像头被阻止在特定站点(例如Zoom的域)上,则可以通过访问该站点并单击地址栏中的锁定图标以允许摄像头和麦克风访问来解决此问题。

插入另一个USB端口或PC (Plug Into Another USB Port or PC)

Another tip from the basic-but-often-ignored files: if you’re using a USB webcam or microphone, make sure the USB port isn’t faulty. Plug your camera into another USB port and see if that helps. If it’s plugged into a USB hub, try plugging it directly into your PC instead.

基本但经常被忽略的文件的另一个提示:如果您使用的是USB网络摄像头或麦克风 ,请确保USB端口没有故障。 将相机插入另一个USB端口,看看是否有帮助。 如果已将其插入USB集线器,请尝试直接将其插入PC。

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If you have another PC on hand, try plugging your webcam into that machine too. If it doesn’t work there, it’s likely your webcam is broken or defective. If it does work in another PC, you know the problem lies somewhere on the original machine.

如果手边有另一台PC,也尝试将网络摄像头插入该计算机。 如果在该处不起作用,则可能是您的网络摄像头损坏或有缺陷。 如果它可以在另一台PC上运行,则说明问题出在原始计算机上。

尝试使用其他网络摄像头或麦克风 (Try Another Webcam or Microphone)

If the problem lies with your PC, it can help to try another webcam or microphone to see if the problem is system-wide or specific to a certain hardware setup. Try plugging in the headset that came with your phone to see if that microphone works properly.

如果问题出在您的PC上,则可以尝试使用另一个网络摄像头或麦克风来查看问题是否在系统范围内或特定于特定的硬件设置。 尝试插入手机随附的耳机,以查看该麦克风是否正常工作。

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If you don’t have an extra USB webcam lying around (who does?) you can turn your phone, Canon camera, or other devices into a webcam. If those work but your regular webcam doesn’t, you can narrow down the source of the problem a bit.

如果周围没有多余的USB网络摄像头(谁这样做),则可以将手机佳能相机或其他设备变成网络摄像头。 如果这些方法都能正常工作,但您的常规网络摄像头无法正常工作,则可以缩小问题根源。

重新安装并重新启动 (Reinstall and Reboot)

You may not remember, but most video chat services-even on the web-require you to install a small helper app the first time you use them. While I haven’t encountered a situation where reinstalling that software fixes my problem, it’s a standard troubleshooting step you should always take to minimize variables.

您可能不记得了,但是大多数视频聊天服务-即使在网络上-都要求您在首次使用它们时安装一个小型助手应用程序。 虽然我还没有遇到过重新安装该软件可以解决我的问题的情况,但这是标准的故障排除步骤,您应该始终执行该步骤以最大程度地减少变量。

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Head to the program’s website and download the latest version of the software-for example, you can manually grab Zoom’s software from the download page. Reinstall the program, restart your computer, and see if it magically springs back to life. You never know what weird problems can be lurking underneath.

前往该程序的网站并下载该软件的最新版本-例如,您可以从下载页面中手动获取Zoom的软件。 重新安装该程序,重新启动计算机,然后查看它是否神奇地恢复了活力。 您永远都不知道潜在的问题可能会潜伏在下面。

没运气? 尝试其他设备或聊天程序 (No Luck? Try Another Device or Chat Program)

I’ve overcome a lot of video chat quirks over the years, but some solutions still elude me. Google Hangouts, for example, only decides to work properly on random days, while my Chromebook is just not cooperative when it comes to piping audio through my headset. Sometimes, you can save yourself a lot of time by admitting defeat and using a different machine.

这些年来,我克服了许多视频聊天的怪癖,但是仍然有些解决方案无法解决。 例如,Google Hangouts仅决定在随机的几天内正常工作,而Chromebook在通过耳机传送音频时只是不配合。 有时,您可以接受失败并使用其他机器来节省很多时间。

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If you have the ability to try a different chat program, give that a go-there are plenty of great, free options out there. Or, if you’re on a company-mandated Zoom call, try calling in from your laptop or phone instead of your desktop. Even if it isn’t ideal as a long-term solution, it’ll allow you to get into the current call and spend time troubleshooting later.

如果您有能力尝试其他聊天程序,请尝试一下,那里有很多很棒的免费选项 。 或者,如果您正在公司要求的Zoom通话中,请尝试从笔记本电脑或手机而不是台式机进行通话。 即使它不是长期解决方案的理想选择,也可以让您进入当前通话并花一些时间在以后进行故障排除。

It’s possible your webcam is broken or defective, and you’ll need to contact the manufacturer for a replacement-or, if you’re handy with a screwdriver, fix it yourself.


Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/how-to-fix-video-chat-picture-or-sound-problems-61393c9bd887

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