owin 怎么部署在云中_在云中构建Windows安装程序

owin 怎么部署在云中

With pythonpackages.com I want to solve real problems for people today.


So here’s a proof of concept for building Windows installers quickly and easily “in the cloud” (i.e. without a Windows machine local). This article is mostly about the back end, as the front end is already documented.

因此,这里有一个概念证明,可以在“云中”(即没有本地Windows计算机)快速轻松地构建Windows安装程序。 本文主要涉及后端,因为已经记录了前端。

TL;DR: We’re moving from proof-of-concept phase to useful-service phase. If you find the demo interesting and want to help build something great, please consider purchasing one of our current plans.

TL; DR:我们正在从概念验证阶段过渡到有用服务阶段。 如果您觉得该演示很有趣,并且想帮助构建一些很棒的东西,请考虑购买我们当前的计划之一

步骤1:前往云端 (Step 1: To The Clouds)

For the purpose of the demo, I booted up a Windows server on Rackspace Cloud and started installing things. On the short list of things to install was:

出于演示目的,我在Rackspace Cloud上启动了Windows服务器并开始安装东西。 在要安装的东西的简短清单上是:

  • Python 2.7 from python.org.
  • GitHub for Windows from github.com (mainly for git.)
  • pythonpackages.com from bitbucket.org (free private repos!)
  • Microsoft compiler (free version, make sure to use the same one used to compile Python.)
  • Redis for Windows (Hell froze over, you can find this in Microsoft’s GitHub account: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/Redis.)
  • Vim.exe (which I copy to vi.exe because I hate typing vim.)
  • 来自python.org的Python 2.7。
  • 来自github.com的Windows的GitHub(主要是git。)
  • 来自bitbucket.org的pythonpackages.com(免费的私有存储库!)
  • Microsoft编译器(免费版本,请确保使用与编译Python相同的版本。)
  • 适用于Windows的Redis(陷入僵局,您可以在Microsoft的GitHub帐户中找到它: https : //github.com/MSOpenTech/Redis 。)
  • Vim.exe(由于讨厌输入vim,所以将其复制到vi.exe。)

Once I had all these things in place, I was able to:


  • Install pythonpackages.com (pip install -r requirements.txt.)
  • Compile and run Redis (Several projects bundled together in Visual Studio is apparently called a “solution”, how quaint!)
  • Start the site.
  • Start testing.
  • 安装pythonpackages.com(pip install -r requirements.txt。)
  • 编译并运行Redis(在Visual Studio中捆绑在一起的几个项目显然被称为“解决方案”,多么古怪!)
  • 启动站点。
  • 开始测试。

步骤2:修正所有错误 (Step 2: Fix all the bugs)

This step involved a lot of cursing:


  • Backslashes.
  • Lack of vi key bindings.
  • Other Windows-isms.
  • 反斜杠。
  • 缺少vi键绑定。
  • 其他Windows主义。

But I also praised my CoRD Remote Desktop Client because it worked awesome. Anyway, the bugs/issues I fixed (and didn’t fix) were roughly:

但是我也赞扬了我的CoRD远程桌面客户端,因为它很棒。 无论如何,我修复(但未修复)的错误/问题大致是:

  • Create new application on GitHub and configured keys accordingly.
  • Switch Stripe keys to testing.
  • Fix Python paths and other trivial changes, so the application can run `python setup.py bdist_wininst`.
  • JavaScript is completely broken for some reason I’ve yet to determine (haven’t looked yet, but guessing Windows path related).
  • 在GitHub上创建新应用程序并相应地配置密钥。
  • 将Stripe键切换到测试。
  • 修复Python路径和其他琐碎的更改,因此应用程序可以运行`python setup.py bdist_wininst`。
  • 由于我尚未确定的某些原因,JavaScript已完全损坏(尚未查找,但猜测与Windows路径有关)。

第三步:赢利! (Step 3: Profit!)

I have to admit: I was giddy when it started working, and I was able to create a Windows Installer for Pillow (Python Imaging Library fork). I was even happier when I ran the installer and it worked. That’s it. Next I hope to get some customers so I can keep the Windows box running, and make it available to the public.

我必须承认:当它开始工作时,我有点头晕,而且我能够为Pillow创建一个Windows Installer(Python Imaging Library fork)。 运行安装程序后,我什至更快乐。 而已。 下一步,我希望吸引一些客户,以便我可以继续运行Windows框,并将其提供给公众。

大图景 (Big Picture)

In case you are interested, the roadmap for beta Q3 is here. I will also mention that I recently used Dia (<3) to create this info-graphic, in hopes of better communicating what I’m trying to build. Check it out!

如果您有兴趣, 可以在此处找到beta Q3路线图 。 我还要提到的是,我最近使用Dia (<3)来创建此信息图形,以期更好地交流我要构建的内容。 看看这个!

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2012/08/building-windows-installers-in-the-cloud/

owin 怎么部署在云中

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