

Unit testing is not enough – so let's start using model-based testing to improve our workflows.


Software testing is an important phase in building a scalable software system that usually has critical functions, business flows/logic, and connected external entities. This distributed nature of software systems induces a certain level of complexity when writing tests for each unit, function, or flow.

软件测试是构建可伸缩软件系统的重要阶段,该系统通常具有关键功能,业务流程/逻辑以及连接的外部实体。 在为每个单元,功能或流程编写测试时,软件系统的这种分布式性质会引起一定程度的复杂性。

There are various types of testing approaches you can use. The best approach you can employ seamlessly is model-based testing. In simple terms, this means creating a model of your system (more like a digital twin that describes every aspect of the system) and generating a test against the model.

您可以使用多种测试方法。 您可以无缝采用的最佳方法是基于模型的测试。 简单来说,这意味着创建系统模型(更像是描述系统各个方面的数字孪生模型)并针对该模型生成测试。

什么是基于模型的测试? (What Is Model-Based Testing?)

First, we need to know that a model is basically the description and representation of how we expect the system to work. The system’s processes can be defined based on the series of input sequences, actions, functions, output, and flow of data starting from input to the output received.

首先,我们需要知道模型基本上是我们期望系统工作方式的描述和表示。 可以基于一系列输入序列,操作,功能,输出以及从输入到接收到的输出的数据流来定义系统的过程。

We must be able to determine all these behaviors while testing, and a model helps us do just that seamlessly. With that, we can then generate tests automatically based on the system models.

我们必须能够在测试时确定所有这些行为,并且模型可以帮助我们无缝地做到这一点。 这样,我们便可以基于系统模型自动生成测试。

Basically, model-based testing is a software testing technique in which the test cases are generated from a model that describes the functional aspects of the system under test. This is a new software testing method that employs a secondary, lightweight, time-efficient implementation of a software build which is called a model.

基本上,基于模型的测试是一种软件测试技术,其中从描述了被测系统功能方面的模型生成测试用例。 这是一种新的软件测试方法,该方法采用称为模型的软件构建的次要,轻量级,省时的实现。

We take this model coupled with the system requirements and generate efficient test cases. This software testing method is applicable to both hardware and software testing.

我们将此模型与系统需求结合起来,并生成有效的测试用例。 此软件测试方法适用于硬件和软件测试。

为什么以及如何改善工作流程 (Why and How It Improves Workflow)

Automating tests is unavoidable as it enables faster and more efficient software testing. You can streamline your workflow and use the latest development methodologies to improve it.

自动化测试是不可避免的,因为它可以实现更快,更有效的软件测试。 您可以简化工作流程并使用最新的开发方法进行改进。

Most software developers and teams find it challenging to create and update test cases in an environment of constantly changing dependencies and requirements.


From employing the simplest functional tests to heavyweight methods like E2E and so many others, there have been numerous testing methods designed for improving testing reliability and effectiveness.

从使用最简单的功能测试,以重量级的方法,如E2E和许多其他人 ,已经有不少测试方法专为提高测试的可靠性和有效性。

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these methods. However, these test cases have to be written manually for each scenario. Whenever there’s a change in the system requirements, you have to update each test case affected by the change.

这些方法绝对没有错。 但是,必须针对每种情况手动编写这些测试用例。 只要系统要求发生变化,就必须更新受更改影响的每个测试用例。

Below, you’ll find a graphical exemplification of the model-based testing process:


These models are used to generate automated test cases using MBT tools as they describe the expected behaviour of the system being tested.


We basically have two steps here:


  1. Creating models to describe the behavior and processes of the system.

  2. Using MBT tools like Spec Explorer, Graphwalker, fMBT or Modbat, to interpret the models and generate test scripts for automated testing.

    使用诸如Spec Explorer,Graphwalker,fMBT或Modbat之类的MBT工具来解释模型并生成用于自动测试的测试脚本。

When working with model-based testing, the model creation phase should be part of the software development life cycle and integrated as part of product design from the phase of requirements specification.


This allows the software development team to focus their attention on building a testable product and models that enhance user experience.Model-based testing can improve our workflow by:


  1. Reducing the time spent on writing tests and allowing developers to focus on writing models to cover system requirements only and build a testable application from the onset.

  2. Reducing test suite maintenance and generating more tests.

  3. Helping the team create automated scripts and increasing test coverage when used with testing tools and automation frameworks.


如何实施基于模型的测试 (How to Implement Model-Based Testing)

Implementing model-based testing can’t be introduced suddenly to a system, as it has to be done gradually. It will be too much to introduce it to the entire system’s processes and operations.

基于模型的测试的实现不能突然引入系统,因为它必须逐步完成。 将其引入整个系统的流程和操作将是太多了。

It’s best fitted for the initial stage of the product, as things are still very minute. It's easy to integrate with the system requirements then, because as things get bigger you get to update just the model.

因为事情仍然很微小,所以它最适合产品的初始阶段。 这样就很容易与系统需求集成,因为随着事情的发展,您只需要更新模型即可。

To implement model-based testing you have to start with creating the models. Models can can cover any level of requirements, from business logic to user story, and can be connected to each other.

要实施基于模型的测试,您必须先创建模型。 模型可以涵盖从业务逻辑到用户故事的任何级别的需求,并且可以彼此连接。

Then you can automatically generate test cases based on the models once they are done creating it. And of course, if you make any changes to the models, the tests will be updated automatically.

然后,一旦完成创建模型,您便可以基于模型自动生成测试用例。 当然,如果您对模型进行了任何更改,测试将自动更新。

You can easily integrate these tests into your CI processes and tools once you’re able to generate automated tests from models.


(Advantages of Model-Based Testing)

  1. Optimizes the software testing time and cost

  2. You can generate test scripts for each scenario with just a push of a button.

  3. This ensures the software testing team can communicate expected system behavior.

  4. Enables early detection of requirement irregularities.

  5. Automated test case generation and execution make the overall testing solution more efficient and less error-prone.

  6. It helps generate a minimal number of test cases to validate a given functional or data flow to ensure that the system under test works flawlessly and never does anything undesirable.

  7. Project maintenance is minute.


(Disadvantages of Model-Based Testing)

  1. Demands a high amount of investment as well as effort.

  2. Requires skilled and disciplined software tester.

  3. The first test case takes longer to generate as it requires more advance work than traditional manual testing.

  4. The learning curve of model-based testing is pretty steep and its complexity makes it harder to understand for beginners.


与UI测试有何不同 (How it's Different from UI Testing)

Basically we know what model-based testing is now, and we already figured out the benefits of using it over using the traditional testing method.


UI (User Interface/Frontend Testing) is a type of software testing that simply involves the process of testing the function of the user interface, making sure the interface of the system is reacting as it’s supposed to.

UI(用户界面/前端测试)是一种软件测试 ,仅涉及测试用户界面功能的过程,以确保系统界面能够按预期进行响应。

This process involves manual testing, and each test scenario has to be written by hand. Any changes made to the UI will break the whole test case unless it's updated along with the changes. It employs the use of WebDrivers and most times Selenium in order to fully simulate the way users interact with the interface and validate the expected output.

此过程涉及手动测试,并且每个测试方案都必须手动编写。 对UI所做的任何更改都会破坏整个测试用例,除非它与更改一起更新。 它充分利用了WebDrivers和大多数Selenium的用法,以完全模拟用户与界面的交互方式并验证预期的输出。

UI testing can be employed in any stage of the product as it clearly doesn’t have much requirement and the learning curve is very easy compared to MBT.


The cost of testing is quite low and could be ground down to zero. The time spent can also be little. Maintenance can be very high depending on the complexity of the product interface.

测试成本非常低,可以降低到零。 花费的时间也可以很少。 维护可能非常高,具体取决于产品界面的复杂性。

It doesn’t require a very skillful developer or software. Any developer with basic testing knowledge can pick this up. There are so many differences when you look into this more, however, both are good for different use cases.

它不需要非常熟练的开发人员或软件。 任何具有基本测试知识的开发人员都可以掌握。 当您对此进行更多研究时,有很多差异,但是,两者都适用于不同的用例。

结论 (Conclusion)

Model-based testing is a powerful, cost-efficient, and profitable technique for large businesses in the long run.


However, introducing this approach to large company processes can be a big challenge, especially when it involves overhauling their entire approach to software development and testing.


Model-based testing has to become a part of the development workflow, but this comes with its own challenges, including changes to the entire infrastructure. It also makes an already steep learning curve even more challenging.

基于模型的测试必须成为开发工作流程的一部分,但这带来了自身的挑战,包括更改整个基础架构。 这也使本已陡峭的学习曲线更具挑战性。

Luckily, there are some things that can help identify when model-based testing can really be useful. For example, if you have an infinite set of systems with requirements you can cover in different ways. Or if you have a distributed or reactive system, that can also be a reason to consider this approach.

幸运的是,有些事情可以帮助您确定何时基于模型的测试真正有用。 例如,如果您有无限多个具有要求的系统,则可以用不同的方式进行介绍。 或者,如果您有分布式或React性系统,那也可能是考虑使用此方法的原因。

Model-based testing can go a long way in testing and save significant time and effort when implemented properly.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/improve-your-workflow-using-model-based-testing/


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