
The global pandemic has had widespread effects, not just in how we go to work or go out to eat, but how we socialize and network in our local tech communities.


What impact does this have on our journeys and what can we do to make the best out of the current climate?


生活在大流行的世界中 (Living in a world of a pandemic)

Most of our lives have rapidly changed. While many in the tech community are fortunate enough to be able to work from home, the pandemic has changed how we communicate and socialize.

我们的大多数生活都在Swift改变。 尽管技术社区中的许多人很幸运,能够在家中工作,但这种大流行改变了我们沟通和社交的方式。

Where previously we were able to enjoy a bite to eat at a restaurant, now we don't have that option and have to order takeout. Where we once were able to go to a monthly meetup and hear about tech over some free pizza, now we watch virtually as we… pay for our own pizza.

以前我们可以在餐厅吃点东西,而现在我们没有选择,必须点外卖。 我们曾经能够每月参加一次聚会,并通过一些免费的披萨了解技术,现在我们几乎在观看…自己购买披萨。

这对我们作为开发人员有何影响? (How does this impact us as developers?)

While it’s challenging not to be able to go meet people in person at your local meetup, being quarantined has different impacts on different people.


Meetups and conferences are fun. Being able to communicate with others and build real relationships with others helps us all grow both personally and professionally. It’s a good way to network and make a friend at the same time.

聚会和会议很有趣。 能够与他人交流并与他人建立真实的关系有助于我们所有人的个人和职业发展。 这是同时联系并结交朋友的好方法。

Moving these events online means that personal connection won’t be the same. While a meetup would traditionally have some social time, now we get a one-way feed of the speaker’s talk with maybe an opportunity to hang out with people in the chat.

在线移动这些事件意味着个人联系将不一样。 传统上,聚会通常需要一些社交时间,但现在我们可以单向讲话者的演讲,并且有机会与聊天的人进行交流。

那在哪里离开我们? (Where does that leave us?)

This can be hard to cope with, but it doesn’t impact everyone the same. Some of us might be able to comfortably go meet others at a local meet up, but some of us, like myself, struggle with in-person events. Anxiety is real and it can hold us back and prevent us from being ourselves.

这可能很难应对,但并不会对每个人都产生影响。 我们中的一些人也许可以轻松地在当地聚会上与其他人见面,但是我们中的某些人(例如我自己)在面对面的事件中挣扎。 焦虑是真实的,它会使我们退缩并阻止我们成为自己。

The fact that these events are now online opens these communities up to people who might have been too uncomfortable to attend an in-person event. Instead of feeling too shy to chat during the social time, we’re still able to hold realtime conversations, but over Slack or Discord.

这些事件现在在线上的事实使这些社区向那些可能不愿意参加面对面事件的人开放。 与其在社交时间不至于太害羞聊天,我们仍然可以进行实时对话,但是可以通过Slack或Discord进行。

我们可以采取什么措施来利用我们的环境? (What can we do to take advantage of our circumstances?)

There’s two main perspectives to consider when figuring out what we can do to empower people in our communities — the organizers and the attendees.


As organizers, we should try to provide more opportunities for others to be social, whether that’s by maintaining a community through tools like Slack or Discord or inviting others to communicate during the event.


While some online meetups open up for questions or interact with the chat, some don’t, and it it feels simply like watching a video on Youtube.


As attendees, we should try to take advantage of events being held online by trying to communicate more with our peers. While it might be challenging to chat in person, sending a DM or sharing your thoughts through chat is a lower barrier of entry.

作为与会者,我们应该尝试通过与同行进行更多的交流来利用在线举办的活动。 面对面聊天可能很困难,但是发送DM或通过聊天分享您的想法是一个较低的准入门槛。

从长远来看,这对我们有什么帮助? (How can this help us in the long term?)

Being more social can help us in a variety of ways — it helps us grow individually and helps us learn from other’s experience. But it can also help us professionally.

更具社交性可以通过多种方式帮助我们-帮助我们个体成长,并帮助我们从他人的经验中学习。 但这也可以在专业上为我们提供帮助。

The fact of the matter is - if you don’t know anyone, you’re just another person on the list of thousands of applicants. Whether you meet someone at a meetup or had a quick chat with them in a Twitter DM, there’s a personal connection.

事实是-如果您不认识任何人,您就是数千名申请人中的另一个人。 无论您是在聚会上与某人见面,还是在Twitter DM中与某人快速聊天,都有个人关系。

Use that personal connection to your advantage. That might be the difference between you and another candidate who hasn’t said anything at all. It might mean more opportunities in the long run when that person thinks of you for their next job opening.

利用该人脉关系为您带来好处。 那可能就是您和另一名什么都没说的候选人之间的区别。 从长远来看,当该人想到您的下一份工作时,这可能意味着更多的机会。

But also, it can mean a new friend.  It won’t always open the door to that new job, but shared experiences and common interests bring people together, and that connection brings value.

但这也可能意味着一个新朋友。 它不会总是为新工作打开大门,但是共享的经验和共同的利益将人们聚集在一起,而这种联系带来了价值。

将这些课程应用于未来 (Applying these lessons to the future)

Overall, we as a community need to continue to come together and help each other grow. The more we support each other, the more we can provide value that impacts the world.

总体而言,我们这个社区需要继续团结起来,互相帮助。 我们相互支持的程度越高,我们提供的影响世界的价值就越大。

When the virus one day subsides and we begin to meet back in person, let’s not forget the lessons we learned about community building.


Let’s make sure we continue to make everyone feel welcome and able to be involved, whether they’re the ones in the physical audience or the ones hanging out on the livestream.


Make sure to engage with both audiences and let the virtual attendees feel like they're included in the conversation. Answer the questions that they're sending in chat. Pull them up on the screen to ask a question.

确保与两个受众互动,并让虚拟与会者感到自己已包含在对话中。 回答他们在聊天中发送的问题。 将它们拉到屏幕上,提一个问题。

We’re all in this together, let’s continue to build the best community we can.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-tech-communities-in-a-world-of-pandemic/

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