

by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

让我们一起探讨编程资源的领域 (Let’s explore the universe of programming resources together)

有很多免费的编程资源。 (There are a lot of free programming resources out there.)

Here’s a list of more than a thousand free programming books.


Here’s a list of hundreds of free online university courses on math, computer science, and engineering.


You could participate in one of dozens of major hackathons this month.


Or you could hang out with developers at one of more than a thousand hackerspaces around the globe.


Scattered throughout this universe of books, courses, hackathons, and hackerspaces are lifetimes-worth of programming knowledge and experience, available for free.


But you don’t have lifetimes to prepare for your career as a developer. So you’ll need to spend your time wisely, choosing the best resources that will help you build true proficiency in both the art and the science of building software. And you’ll want to ask questions. Lots of questions.

但是,您没有毕生准备为开发人员做职业。 因此,您需要明智地花费时间,选择最好的资源,这将帮助您真正掌握构建软件的艺术和科学水平。 您将要问问题。 很多问题。

我们已经建立了一条直线 (We’ve built a straight line)

Over the past 18 months, Free Code Camp’s open source community has begun the never-ending task of designing and maintaining a core programming curriculum.

在过去的18个月中,Free Code Camp的开源社区开始了设计和维护核心编程课程的永无止境的任务。

Thousands of people around the world are working through this curriculum together.


Our curriculum represents a “sane default” learning path. It has a clear entry point for people who are relatively new to programming, a clear endpoint (your first developer job), and no distracting electives or supplementary resources.

我们的课程表代表了“默认的”学习路径。 对于那些刚接触编程的人来说,它有一个明确的切入点,一个明确的终点(您的第一个开发人员工作),并且没有分散注意力的选修课或补充资源。

And hundreds of people have already gotten their first developer jobs as a result of patiently working their way through this curriculum.


自然界中没有直线 (In nature, there are no straight lines)

In practice, very few people stick to a linear path. It turns out that many of us enjoy embarking on side quests.

实际上,很少有人坚持线性路径。 事实证明,我们许多人都喜欢进行边际任务。

“Have you read Kyle Simpson’s You Don’t Know JS series yet?” a friend asks.

“您读过凯尔·辛普森(Kyle Simpson)的《 你不知道JS系列》吗?” 一位朋友问。

Or, “Columbia’s machine learning course is awesome! Have you taken it yet?”

或者,“哥伦比亚的机器学习课程很棒! 你拿走了吗?”

Or, “There’s this Internet-of-Things hackathon next weekend! Want to join my team?”

或者,“下周末将举办物联网黑客马拉松! 想加入我的团队吗?”

Developers need a hype-free, ad-free place where they can learn about these resources from others, and decide whether they’re a good fit for their goals and learning style.


没有“一种资源可以统治所有人” (There is no “one resource to rule them all”)

Free Code Camp isn’t a “one-stop shop.”

Free Code Camp不是“一站式商店”。

No such thing exists. Certainly not for a field as deep and dynamic as software development.

不存在这样的东西。 当然,它不像软件开发那样深入和动态。

Sure, there are courses that advertise themselves as “everything you need,” or claim they can help you “teach yourself C++ in 21 days.” The people selling you these notions just want to cash-in on your impatience and naivety.

当然,有些课程宣传自己为“您需要的一切”,或者声称它们可以帮助您“在21天内自学C ++”。 向您出售这些概念的人只想兑现您的不耐烦和天真。

You can’t learn everything there is to know in a month, or even in a year. Peter Norvig, the Berkeley professor who heads Google’s research efforts, thinks you can probably teach yourself programming in 10 years, though.

您不可能在一个月甚至一年内学到的所有知识。 伯克利负责Google研究工作的教授彼得·诺维格(Peter Norvig)认为,尽管如此,您可能可以在10年内自学编程

Free Code Camp has built a project-oriented curriculum that takes about one working year (2,080 hours). You’ll probably be able to get your first developer job long before you’ve finished it, but getting a job is just one early milestone in your progression toward becoming a proficient software developer.

Free Code Camp建立了一个面向项目的课程,该课程大约需要一个工作年(2,080小时)。 您很可能可以在完成第一笔工作之前就获得第一份工作,但是获得一份工作只是成为一名熟练的软件开发人员的一个早期里程碑。

星际编码资源天文台 (An intergalactic coding resource observatory)

So today, we’re announcing an extension of Free Code Camp’s open source community. A forum where you can discuss all of the great learning resources out there: books, video series, podcasts, online courses, even coding video games. All within the same safe, constructive environment that we’ve fostered in our chat rooms.

因此,今天,我们宣布扩展Free Code Camp的开源社区。 您可以在这个论坛上讨论所有出色的学习资源:书籍,视频系列,播客,在线课程,甚至是编写视频游戏的方法 。 所有这些都与我们在聊天室中营造的安全,建设性环境相同。

You’ll be able to discuss your favorite programming resources, discover new ones, and get help when you get stuck.


And the further you get in your programming journey, the more useful this forum will become. Software development is an ever-evolving field, and great programmers author resources that explore a long tail of new technologies every day.

而且您越深入编程之旅,这个论坛将变得越有用。 软件开发是一个不断发展的领域,伟大的程序员每天都会撰写资源,探索新技术的长尾。

为什么我们花了18个月才启动一个论坛 (Why it took us 18 months to launch a forum)

We didn’t want to launch a forum until we had a clear idea of what purpose it would serve. Tens of thousands of Campers are already hanging out with one another in our chat rooms and 1,000+ local Facebook groups. So why complicate things?

在我们明确知道该论坛的目的之前,我们不希望发起一个论坛。 数以万计的露营者已经在我们的聊天室和1000多个本地Facebook团体中互相闲逛。 那为什么使事情复杂化呢?

At first we considered letting the pedestrians define the walkways by structuring the forum around how people actually used it. This approach has worked well for Gitter, Medium, Reddit, and Facebook, where feedback from our campers and usage statistics have driven virtually every design decision we’ve made.

最初,我们考虑让步行者通过围绕人的实际使用方式来构建论坛来定义人行道 。 这种方法在Gitter,Medium,Reddit和Facebook上效果很好,在这里,来自我们的露营者和使用情况统计信息的反馈几乎推动了我们做出的每个设计决策。

With our forum, though, we don’t want to detract from other lively areas of the Free Code Camp community. Instead, we’re specifically setting out to create a “book club” of sorts, where people can engage in nuanced, long-form discussions about a variety of programming resources over time.

但是,通过我们的论坛,我们不想从Free Code Camp社区的其他活跃领域中分心。 取而代之的是,我们专门着手创建各种“读书俱乐部”,随着时间的流逝,人们可以就各种编程资源进行细微的,长期的讨论。

By structuring the conversation around specific resources, we hope to avoid a lot of “religious wars” that distract people from programming itself (Vim VS Emacs, Ruby VS Python, which version of Linux is the best, etc.)

通过围绕特定资源安排对话,我们希望避免引起人们分心的自己的编程战争(Vim VS Emacs,Ruby VS Python,最好的Linux版本,等等)。

Now you can discuss resources like O’Reilly programming books, Coursera courses, Code Wars algorithm puzzles, and Google tech talks, all in the same place, with the same group of people.

现在,您可以在同一地点,同一群人讨论O'Reilly编程书籍,Coursera课程,Code Wars算法难题和Google技术讲座等资源。

We also noticed that not everyone likes to get help with Free Code Camp challenges in our chat room, so we created an entire section of our forum specifically for doing this.

我们还注意到,并不是每个人都喜欢在我们的聊天室中获得有关Free Code Camp挑战的帮助,因此我们专门为此创建了整个论坛部分。

And don’t worry if you haven’t yet started reading your first programming book or working through your online programming course. You can post about anything related to programming, and our team of moderators will read it and categorize it for you.

如果您还没有开始阅读第一本编程书籍或完成在线编程课程,也不必担心。 您可以发布与编程相关的任何内容,我们的主持人团队将为您阅读并分类。

We even have an off-topic area called the Campfire Lounge, where you can post about anything — anything that doesn’t violate our code of conduct anyway ?

我们甚至有一个名为Campfire Lounge的题外区域,您可以在其中发布任何内容-任何不违反我们行为准则的内容?

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably like, “Where the heck is the link to the forum?”


All right, here it is: join our new forum.

好的,这里是: 加入我们的新论坛

You can one-click sign-in using your GitHub account.


If you liked this, click the? below. Follow me and Free Code Camp for more articles on technology.

如果您喜欢这个,请点击? 下面。 关注我和免费代码营,获取更多有关技术的文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/lets-explore-the-universe-of-programming-resources-together-77ff382a4c52/






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