算法训练营 重编码_编码训练营后如何找到工作

算法训练营 重编码

by Roxy Ayaz

由Roxy Ayaz

编码训练营后如何找到工作 (How to get a job after a coding bootcamp)

Getting a tech job after a coding bootcamp is very possible, but not necessarily pain-free.


The days/weeks/months after a bootcamp is completed come with a learning curve of their own, and often include rejection and serious contemplations of what you’re doing with your life.


(Unless you come in with a job offer or some serious leads — lucky you!)


In the bootcamp, you learn more than you ever have in a short period of time. You will build strong foundations for learning how to code.

在训练营中,您将在短时间内学到更多。 您将为学习编码奠定坚实的基础。

However, you are not going to learn enough to pass most coding challenges. You will not be ready to have discussions where you confidently share your opinions on different languages and technologies. To top it all off, you might not have any professional technical experience to show your worth.

但是,您将学习不足以克服大多数编码挑战。 您将无法准备好进行讨论,就可以自信地就不同的语言和技术分享意见。 最重要的是,您可能没有任何专业技术经验来证明自己的价值。

You will feel like an imposter.


Due to your un-readiness, as well as some skeptics in the industry who doubt the legitimacy of these non-accredited programs, you are going to constantly be rejected for not meeting expectations.


It takes on average six months to find a job after a coding bootcamp. Thankfully, after nearly seven months, and moving across the country, my misery came to an end. I got (and have) a job that I love.

编码训练营后平均需要六个月才能找到工作。 值得庆幸的是,在将近七个月的时间里,我在全国各地流连忘返。 我得到(并且有一份)我爱的工作。

If you’re contemplating a12-week coding bootcamp, remember that it is not a quick $15k hack for changing the direction of your life because you are:

如果您打算进行为期12周的编码训练营,请记住,改变您的生活方向并不是$ 15,000的快速hack,因为您是:

A. not satisfied with you current job or personal life


B. not happy with how much you make


C. assuming you will find a job shortly after the program ends


D. somewhat curious/interested/intrigued about what tech is like


You have to really want this to make it to the end.


Quite a few students in my cohort went back to their old industry/job function after a few months post-bootcamp. Some have also gotten very coveted jobs — it honestly goes both ways!

训练营几个月后,我这个队列中的不少学生又回到了原来的行业/工作岗位。 有些人也获得了令人垂涎的工作-老实说,这是双向的!

Here are some tips to stay motivated and to help you land your first job after the coding bootcamp.


获得一些现实世界的志愿服务经验 (Get some real world experience volunteering)

It’s important to continue to improve your skills while also working on your team-working skills. Having your code out there that is actually in-production and in active use is the best way to prove yourself and contribute.

重要的是要继续提高自己的技能,同时还要提高团队合作能力。 将您的代码实际投入生产并在积极使用中,这是证明自己并做出贡献的最佳方法。

Taproot foundation connects nonprofit organizations with skilled volunteers.


I used this site to find opportunities in my area, as well as remotely. I worked as a frontend developer for a mental-health site, part-time, remotely.

我使用此站点在我所在的地区以及远程寻找机会。 我是一个兼职,远程的心理健康网站的前端开发人员。

My role was to convert Wireframes (created on Zeplin) to React components. I split my “free time” between job searching/interviewing and volunteering.

我的任务是将线框(在Zeplin上创建)转换为React组件。 我将“空闲时间”分配在求职/面试和志愿服务之间。

We had weekly conference calls and I was learning much faster and more efficiently than if I were to find another YouTube tutorial/project to follow along.


Not only was I contributing to a cause I cared about, I was given a lot of mentorship by my teammates and was also given some leeway if I had a busy week if I had something going on — such as interviews. Check it out here.

我不仅为自己关心的事业做出了贡献,而且我的队友给予了我很多指导,并且如果我在忙碌的一周中进行某些事情(例如面试),我还会有一些余地。 在这里查看

获得一些现实世界的经验 (Get some real world experience, in general)

Better than working solo, working on your own projects is being out there.


Be open to internships and apprenticeships. Many of them are open to bootcamp grads, and the chances of you getting accepted into those are much higher than landing a full-time job at the same company. The chances of you getting hired from completing an internship at the same company are very high too!

对实习生和学徒开放。 他们中的许多人都对训练营的毕业生开放,而被这些人录取的机会比在同一家公司从事全职工作的机会要高得多。 您在同一家公司完成实习的机会也非常高!

Ask around your network to see if anyone needs some help with something — maybe a professional website needs some fixing up, or ask a local business if you can offer some help. These are great to add to your portfolio!

询问您的网络,看看是否有人需要某些帮助—也许专业网站需要一些帮助,或者询问本地企业是否可以提供帮助。 这些很棒,可以添加到您的投资组合中!

有一个不错的投资组合网站-因为它正在被评估 (Have a decent portfolio site — because it is being judged)

This isn’t an industry where your resume tells all. Resumes are accompanied by websites. Those are your two assets, as you submit your faceless application.

这不是您的简历能说明一切的行业。 简历附有网站。 当您提交匿名申请时,这就是您的两项资产。

Your website is an ongoing showcase of some of your best work.


There is where you tell your story. Take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate competency and professionalism.

在这里您可以讲述自己的故事。 借此机会展示能力和专业精神。

During many interviews I went on, my website was commented on. My Medium articles were sometimes also mentioned.

在我进行的许多采访中,我的网站受到了评论。 有时还会提到我的中型文章。

Here is a checklist of things you should include:


❏ Bio/about section


❏ Projects (ideally deployed) with documented source code (Github)


❏ Downloadable resume


❏ Relevant social media profiles: LinkedIn, Twitter


❏ Easy-to-find contact information


❏ Custom web url


❏ Responsive design


Here is some inspiration.


有效使用LinkedIn (Use LinkedIn effectively)

LinkedIn is the face you put out to the world, so put yourself in a good light. Often, as soon as your application is considered, employers look at your LinkedIn.

LinkedIn是您向全世界展示的面Kong,因此请放心自己。 通常,一经考虑您的申请,雇主就会查看您的LinkedIn。

First things first, make sure your profile is complete, the more detail the better. Have a professional photo, a detailed bio and resume.

首先,请确保您的个人资料完整,越详细越好。 有专业照片,详细的简历和简历。

The more details you include about your work history, the less recruiters/hiring managers will have to guess about your background. The more chances you have for getting contacted.

您所包含的关于工作经历的详细信息越多,招聘人员/招聘经理就越不用猜测您的背景。 与您联系的机会更多。

Help recruiters find you by having the right preferences on the career interests section of LinkedIn where you can let recruiters know you are open to jobs. Put where you are in your job search, what job titles you are open to, what cities/locations and types of jobs you are open to.

通过在LinkedIn的职业兴趣部分中选择合适的偏好来帮助招聘人员找到您 ,在此您可以让招聘人员知道您愿意接受工作。 在您的工作搜索中放置您所处的位置,打开的职位名称,打开的职位的城市/位置和类型。

You can also look for mentors in your industry that you would like career advice from, sort of like a mentorship program. You can select what sort of preferences you have in order to get recommendations.

您也可以在行业中寻找您想要的职业建议的指导者,例如指导计划。 您可以选择要获得推荐的偏好类型。

You can choose to get advice from someone who is in your region, from your college, or is your 1st or 2nd degree LinkedIn connection.


参加社交活动,聚会,黑客马拉松 (Attend networking events, Meetups, Hackathons)

The key message here is to put yourself out there.




Do not hide behind a screen, applying to hundreds of applications and hoping for some good luck to kick in.


You are competing against thousands of bootcamp grads, who have the same tech experience as you, so go out there and put a face and personality to your name.


Meet people, attend events. I met great people who were also looking to increase their knowledge of tech, get a job, and some even helped me with my job search.

结识人们,参加活动。 我遇到了很棒的人,他们也希望增加他们的技术知识,找到工作,甚至有人帮助我进行求职。

A great way to find these types of events is by going on Meetup.com, and looking in the Tech group category. You can search by city or zip code.

查找此类事件的一种好方法是访问Meetup.com,然后在“技术”组类别中查找。 您可以按城市或邮政编码搜索。

(FYI: a lot of these events have free pizza, snacks and drinks!)


Add who you connect with on LinkedIn, and this will only help you be more relevant in recruiters’ searches.


Another great event to participate in is a Hackathon. Not only is it a great way to show that you are actively involved in the tech community, but you’ll acquire industry-related skills, learn more, and network with peers and industry-level experts.

参加的另一项重大活动是黑客马拉松。 这不仅是表明您积极参与技术社区的一种好方法,而且您还将获得与行业相关的技能,了解更多信息并与同行和行业级专家建立联系。

面试研究:编码挑战 (Study for the interview: coding challenges)

The hiring managers will certainly question whether you have the skills to take on the job, especially if you don’t have any prior professional tech experience.


Coding challenges range from the simple FizzBuzz challenge or something more complex, such as building an entire app. You’re going to have to spend extra time beyond the coding bootcamp

编码挑战既可以是简单的FizzBu​​zz挑战,也可以是更复杂的挑战,例如构建整个应用程序。 您将不得不在编码训练营之外花费更多时间

You can use this website to practice technical interview questions: https://interviewing.io/

您可以使用此网站练习技术面试问题: https : //interviewing.io/

I also practiced by going on Glassdoor and reading what questions people posted that they were asked. I’d practice those questions, and topics that they covered.

我还通过继续上Glassdoor并阅读人们发布的询问他们的问题来进行练习。 我会练习这些问题及其涵盖的主题。

Sometimes, they ask the exact same questions!


有一个支持小组可以依靠 (Have a support-group to lean on)

You can’t get through this without your friends. The best support I got was from other students from my cohort, or former bootcamp-graduates who understood my journey and pain points.

没有朋友,您将无法度过。 我得到的最好的支持是来自我队列中的其他学生,或者是了解我的旅程和痛苦点的前训练营的学生。

Personally, at times, it was a bit tough leaning on non-tech/bootcamp friends (and venting to them). Often my well-meaning friends would ask after just two months of unemployment, “how long do you think it will be before you go back to your old job?”

就个人而言,有时要靠非技术/新手训练的朋友(并向他们发泄)有点困难。 刚好两个月失业后,我的好朋友常常会问:“您认为回到工作岗位需要多长时间?”

But don’t let this discourage you…push on!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-a-job-after-a-coding-bootcamp-684aafbf4d4a/

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