

We take your privacy seriously. And we give you full control over your data.

我们把你的隐私当回事。 而且,我们可以完全控制您的数据。

freeCodeCamp doesn't show you ads or sell your data to anyone. Our nonprofit is instead supported by thousands of donors - many of whom have learned to code on freeCodeCamp, gotten developer jobs, and want to help you do the same.

freeCodeCamp不会向您显示广告或将您的数据出售给任何人。 相反,我们的非营利组织得到了数千名捐助者的支持-许多捐助者已经学会了使用freeCodeCamp进行编码,获得了开发人员的工作,并希望帮助您做到这一点。

freeCodeCamp是否收集匿名数据? (Does freeCodeCamp collect anonymous data?)

When you use use the website, we may collect some anonymous data so we can understand how people are using freeCodeCamp, and basic facts like which browser they're using.


freeCodeCamp在什么情况下会收集个人数据? (In what situations does freeCodeCamp collect personal data?)

If you create a freeCodeCamp account, we will collect some personal data so we can follow your progress toward earning developer certifications, and so you can customize your developer portfolio.


我可以匿名使用freeCodeCamp吗? (Can I use freeCodeCamp anonymously?)

Yes. You can access all of freeCodeCamp's articles, videos, podcasts, and interactive coding lessons without creating an account. And if you don't create an account, we won't collect any personal data about you.

是。 您无需创建帐户即可访问freeCodeCamp的所有文章,视频,播客和交互式编码课程。 如果您不创建帐户,我们将不会收集有关您的任何个人数据。

This said, if you want to earn freeCodeCamp's developer certifications, you will need to create an account so we can follow your progress through our curriculum.


如果我创建一个帐户,您将收集什么数据? (If I create an account, what data will you collect?)

We'll ask you for your email address so you can use it to sign into freeCodeCamp, and so we can send you announcements and helpful programming-related links.


When you create an account on freeCodeCamp, we publish a developer portfolio page for you on If you want, you can add details about yourself, like your name, geographic location, and a link to your personal website.

当您在freeCodeCamp上创建帐户时,我们将在freeCodeCamp.org上为您发布开发人员投资组合页面。 如果需要,可以添加有关您自己的详细信息,例如您的姓名,地理位置以及指向您个人网站的链接。

By default, your developer portfolio will show which freeCodeCamp lessons you have completed and when you completed them. It will also show your code solutions for our algorithm challenges, links any projects you've submitted, and any developer certifications you've earned.

默认情况下,您的开发人员产品组合将显示您已完成哪些freeCodeCamp课程以及您何时完成这些课程。 它还将显示针对我们算法挑战的代码解决方案,链接您提交的所有项目以及您获得的所有开发人员认证。

You have full control over your data, and can set any of these details to private, or delete them at any time.


您说我可以完全控制自己的数据。 到底是什么意思? (You said I have full control over my data. What does that mean, exactly?)

It means that at any time, you can download all of your data in a convenient JSON format.


You can control which data shows up on your developer portfolio.


You can also delete any of your personal data, or even delete your entire account.


当我从freeCodeCamp删除我的个人数据时,真的将其从freeCodeCamp的服务器中删除了吗? (When I delete my personal data from freeCodeCamp, is it really deleted from freeCodeCamp's servers?)

Yes. When you delete personal data from freeCodeCamp, we immediately delete it from our servers.

是。 当您从freeCodeCamp中删除个人数据时,我们会立即从服务器中将其删除。

We make emergency backups of our database every day, and we delete each of these backups after a few days. So within a few days, your personal data won't even exist in our backups.

我们每天都对数据库进行紧急备份,几天后我们将删除每个备份。 因此,几天之内,您的个人数据将甚至不存在于我们的备份中。

freeCodeCamp是否符合欧洲的GDPR隐私法规? (Does freeCodeCamp meet Europe's GDPR privacy regulations?)

Yes. freeCodeCamp respects the privacy rights covered by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our legal team has studied the GDPR, and we've built new features to comply with all of its rules.

是。 freeCodeCamp尊重法规(EU)2016/679(欧盟通用数据保护法规,GDPR)所涵盖的隐私权。 我们的法律团队已经研究了GDPR,并且已经建立了新功能来遵守其所有规则。

Even though GDPR only protects European citizens, freeCodeCamp is extending these protections to everyone all over the world.


freeCodeCamp has organized all the information that GDPR requires us to give you into this easy-to-read question-and-answer format. Our goal is to inform you of your specific rights to access data, erase it, port it, rectify it, and object to automated decision-making.

freeCodeCamp整理了GDPR要求我们提供的所有信息,以这种易于阅读的问答形式。 我们的目标是告知您您有权访问,擦除,移植,纠正和反对自动决策的特定权利。

谁可以访问我的个人数据? (Who has access to my personal data?)

Even though freeCodeCamp has thousands of volunteers, none of those people have access to your private data.


freeCodeCamp has a few full-time staff, some of whom work directly on our databases. They have the ability to view your private data, but only do so when providing you with technical support.

freeCodeCamp有一些专职人员,其中一些直接在我们的数据库上工作。 他们有能力查看您的私人数据,但只有在为您提供技术支持时才能查看。

As for the personal data that you choose to share on your developer portfolio, anyone on the internet can see it by navigating to your developer portfolio's public URL. Again, we've given you full control over what parts of your developer profile are public.

至于您选择在开发人员投资组合中共享的个人数据,互联网上的任何人都可以通过导航到开发人员投资组合的公共URL来查看。 同样,我们已完全控制了您的开发者资料的哪些部分是公开的。

什么是freeCodeCamp的捐助者隐私政策? (What is freeCodeCamp's Donor Privacy Policy?)

freeCodeCamp will not share our donors' names or personal information with anyone outside of our nonprofit organization's team. Donors may choose to display that they are donating to freeCodeCamp on their freeCodeCamp profile. Otherwise, donor information will only be used to process donations and send email confirmations. This policy applies to any written, verbal, or electronic communication.

freeCodeCamp不会与我们非营利组织团队以外的任何人共享我们捐助者的姓名或个人信息。 捐赠者可以选择在其freeCodeCamp配置文件上显示他们正在捐赠给freeCodeCamp。 否则,捐赠者信息将仅用于处理捐赠和发送电子邮件确认。 本政策适用于任何书面,口头或电子通讯。

其他组织可以访问我的数据吗? (Can any other organizations access my data?)

We don't sell your data to anyone. In order to provide service to you, your data does pass through some other services. All of these companies are based in the United States.

我们不会将您的数据出售给任何人。 为了向您提供服务,您的数据确实会通过其他一些服务。 所有这些公司都位于美国。

We use Amazon Web Services, Azure, and mLab for our servers and databases. You can read the privacy policy for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and mLab.

我们将Amazon Web Services,Azure和mLab用于我们的服务器和数据库。 您可以阅读Amazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzuremLab的隐私政策。

We use Stripe and PayPal to process donations. You can read the privacy policy for Stripe and for PayPal.

我们使用Stripe和PayPal处理捐赠。 您可以阅读StripePayPal的隐私政策。

We use the CloudFlare and Netlify Content Delivery Networks so that freeCodeCamp is fast in all parts of the world. You can read the privacy policy for CloudFlare and Netlify online.

我们使用CloudFlare和Netlify内容交付网络,以便freeCodeCamp在世界各地快速发展。 您可以在线阅读CloudFlareNetlify的隐私政策。

We use Auth0 to sign you into freeCodeCamp. You can read the privacy policy for Auth0 online.

我们使用Auth0将您登录到freeCodeCamp。 您可以在线阅读Auth0的隐私政策

We use Google Analytics to help us understand the demographics of our community and how people are using freeCodeCamp. You can opt out of Google Analytics on freeCodeCamp by installing this browser plugin. You can read the privacy policy for Google Analytics online.

我们使用Google Analytics(分析)来帮助我们了解社区的人口统计信息以及人们如何使用freeCodeCamp。 通过安装此浏览器插件,您可以选择在freeCodeCamp上退出Google Analytics(分析)。 您可以在线阅读Google Analytics(分析)的隐私权政策

For your convenience, we give you the option to sign in using GitHub, Google, or Facebook if you don't want to use your email address to sign in. If you choose to use one of these sign in options, some of your freeCodeCamp data will be shared with these companies. You can read the privacy policy for GitHub and for Google and for Facebook.

为了方便起见,如果您不想使用电子邮件地址登录,我们为您提供了使用GitHub,Google或Facebook登录的选项。如果您选择使用这些登录选项之一,则一些freeCodeCamp数据将与这些公司共享。 您可以阅读GitHubGoogleFacebook 的隐私政策

我对我在freeCodeCamp上的隐私有疑问。 (I have questions about my privacy on freeCodeCamp.)

We're happy to answer them. Email us at

我们很高兴为您解答。 给我们发电子邮件:

我如何了解更改? (How can I find out about changes?)

This version of freeCodeCamp’s privacy questions and answers took effect May 25, 2018.


freeCodeCamp will announce the next version by email. In the meantime, freeCodeCamp may update its contact information in these questions and answers by updating this page ( freeCodeCamp may change how it announces changes in a future version of these questions and answers.

freeCodeCamp将通过电子邮件宣布下一版本。 同时,freeCodeCamp可以通过更新此页面(来更新其在这些问题和解答中的联系信息。 freeCodeCamp可能会更改其在这些问题和解答的未来版本中宣布更改的方式。

就是这样,伙计们。 了解您的隐私权,并在那里安全! (That's all, folks. Know your privacy rights, and stay safe out there!)







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