

by Harshita Arora

通过Harshita Arora

For digital design, it’s important to know and understand how to use and how to combine different fonts. There’s a font for every mood!

对于数字设计,重要的是了解和理解如何使用以及如何组合不同的字体。 每种心情都有一种字体!

This post is going to give you a quick introduction to the biggest families in Typography: Serif and Sans Serif. And how, as a designer, you can choose the right fonts and combine them.

这篇文章将为您快速介绍排版中最大的系列:Serif和Sans Serif。 以及作为设计师的方式,您如何选择正确的字体并进行组合。

Let’s start!


衬线型家庭 (Serif Type Family)

The typeface Serif is differentiated from Sans Serif by the tiny little feet-like thingy called Serifs.

衬线字体Serif与Sans Serif的区别在于它们的小脚样小东西Serifs。

A lot of Serif typefaces that you’ll see will look a lot more traditional or conservative.


Origins: The reason they have these tiny feet is actually because of stone carving. Back in the days when people needed to carve out Latin letters in stone, the designer would usually paint the letters they wanted with a paintbrush. But the stonemasons would have to carve it out from that painting. And that stone carving created these serifs on the letters.

起源 :他们之所以拥有这些小脚,实际上是由于石雕。 在人们需要用石头雕刻出拉丁字母的时代,设计师通常会用画笔来绘制他们想要的字母。 但是石匠将不得不从那幅画中雕刻出来。 那个石雕在字母上创造了这些衬线。

People tend to use Serif typefaces for something quite serious. This is because of their traditional and conservative look and feel.

人们倾向于将Serif字体用于相当严重的事情。 这是因为它们具有传统和保守的外观。

Serif is further divided into four typeface families.


1.旧 样式 (1. Old Style)

This is the oldest Serif family. It includes fonts such as Adobe Jenson, Centaur, Goudy Old style, and many more. Their typeface is modeled on what text used to look like in the 1400s. Very old-looking.

这是Serif家族中最古老的一家。 它包括Adobe Jenson,Centaur,Goudy Old样式等字体。 他们的字体是根据1400年代以前的文字建模的。 很老。

2.过渡性 (2. Transitional)

This is a bit more modern-looking. This typeface family includes Times New Roman, Baskerville, Georgia, etc.

这看起来有点现代。 该字体家族包括Times New Roman,Baskerville,乔治亚州等。

3.现代 (3. Modern)

Even more modern-looking and classy-looking. This includes Didot, which is the typeface used for the title of Vogue magazine.

更具现代感和优雅气息。 其中包括Didot,这是Vogue杂志标题的字体。

4.平板衬线 (4. Slab-Serif)

They’re a type family with thick serifs. Examples of slab-Serif typefaces include American Typewriter, Archer, etc.

它们是带有粗衬线的类型家族。 平板Serif字体的示例包括American Typewriter,Archer等。

Now, how do you differentiate between these four major classes in the Serif Family?


It’s actually quite easy. Look at the first three families: Old style, Transitional, and Modern. Put them side-by-side. If you have a look at the thinnest versus the thickest part of the letters, you’ll see that as you progress from the older to the more modern types. You’ll see an increased difference in what we call the modulation of the typefaces. Concentrate on the O’s for example. Comparing the Old Style to the modern types, the thickness and thinness difference will be lesser compared to Modern.

实际上很容易。 看一下前三个家庭:旧样式,过渡样式和现代样式。 并排放置它们。 如果您看一下字母中最细的部分和最粗的部分,就会发现从较旧的字体到较现代的字体都是如此。 您会发现我们所说的字体调制方式之间的差异越来越大。 例如,专注于O。 将旧样式与现代样式进行比较,与现代样式相比,厚度和厚度差异将更小。

And a lot of this modulation comes from when people used to write with flat-nibbed pens.


What about Slab-Serif?


If you have a look at a Slab-Serif font, you’ll see there’s pretty much zero difference between the thickest and the thinnest parts of the font.


And it was designed intentionally like this. It’s one of the modern members of the Serif family. Yet, it doesn’t follow the rule of “more into the future you go, the greater the difference between the thickest and thinnest part of the font.” Slab-Serif was created for newspaper printing for clearer reading when the quality of the paper used to be poor.

它是故意设计的。 它是Serif家族的现代成员之一。 但是,它没有遵循“越走越远,字体的最粗和最细的部分之间的差异越大”的规则。 Slab-Serif专为报纸印刷而设计,当纸张质量较差时,可以使阅读更加清晰。

Sans-Serif类型家族 (Sans-Serif Type Family)

Sans-Serif differs from the Serif. It does not have serifs (the tiny little feet) or any decorative elements along the central beams and the top bars. Sans-Serif is slightly more modern than the serifs.

Sans-Serif与Serif不同。 它没有衬线(微小的小脚)或沿中心梁和顶杆的任何装饰元素。 Sans-Serif比衬线稍微现代一些。

They’re also subdivided into four families.


1.怪诞的 (1. Grotesque)

The oldest one. This includes News Gothic, Franklin Gothic, and more.

最古老的。 这包括News Gothic,Franklin Gothic等。

2.新怪诞风格(2. Neo-Grotesque:)

Slightly more modern. Helvetica and Ariel are examples.

稍微现代一点。 Helvetica和Ariel就是例子。

3.人文主义者: (3. Humanist:)

Even more in the future. Gill Sans is an example.

将来会更多。 Gill Sans是一个例子。

4.几何(4. Geometric:)

They’re based on geometric shapes. Futura is an example.

它们基于几何形状。 Futura就是一个例子。

How do you differentiate between the four?


Now, similar to the serifs, you can move from the older Grotesque family to the Neo-Grotesque to the Humanist. You can see the difference in the thickest and the thinnest parts of the font get more and more exaggerated. When you look at the Grotesque, it’s almost equidistant at all points. And when you look at the Humanist typefaces, you start to see the variation of the modulation.

现在,与衬线相似,您可以从较旧的怪诞家族转变为新怪诞家族,再到人道主义主义者。 您会看到字体最粗和最细的部分之间的差异越来越大。 当您看怪诞的东西时,它在所有点上几乎都是等距的。 当您查看人文主义字体时,您开始看到调制的变化。

In a Geometric typeface, the O’s are always perfectly round. The O’s look exactly like as if you draw with a protractor. And this typeface is a bit like Slab-Serif type. Even though it’s one of the modern typefaces in the family, it bucks the trend and pretty much has no modulation and is equidistant at all points.

在几何字体中,O总是完美的圆形。 O的外观与用量角器绘制时完全一样。 而且这种字体有点像Slab-Serif字体。 尽管它是该系列中的现代字体之一,但它却逆势而上,几乎没有任何调制,并且在所有方面都是等距的。

排版如何确定可读性 (How Typography Determines Readability)

Having a knowledge of the font families and their subfamilies helps with styling. But more importantly, it’s about readability. Design is both about function and form. What makes a typeface more readable?

了解字体家族及其子家族有助于样式设计。 但更重要的是,这与可读性有关。 设计既涉及功能又涉及形式。 是什么使字体更具可读性?

Humanist Sans-Serif is considered to be more readable than Grotesque. And the reasons are:

人文主义的Sans-Serif被认为比Grotesque更具可读性。 原因是:

  • Humanist typeface has more open shapes.

  • The inter-character spacing in the Humanist typeface is more than in Grotesque, making it slightly easier to read.

  • In the Grotesque typeface, the characters are ambiguous from each other. A lowercase ‘g’ and 9 in Grotesque look pretty similar, they’re all very square, adding more confusion and making it less readable. Whereas in the Humanist typeface, you can clearly differentiate between the characters.

    在怪诞的字体中,字符彼此是不明确的。 怪诞的小写字母“ g”和9看起来很相似,它们都很方形,增加了混乱,并使可读性降低。 而在人文主义字体中,您可以清楚地区分字符。

These are some factors that make fonts more readable. Now you can choose the typeface depending on the purpose.

这些是使字体更具可读性的因素。 现在,您可以根据目的选择字体。

如何组合字体 (How to combine fonts)

When you’re combining different typefaces, usually you’ll have a different typeface for the heading and a different one for the body. And this is to create a slight contrast and interest in your designs.

当您组合不同的字体时,通常您的标题将具有不同的字体,而正文将具有不同的字体。 这是为了在您的设计中产生一点对比和兴趣。

Some of the common rules that designers use when they combine different fonts :


  1. The Serifs and Sans-Serif work really well together. It tends to create a good design. Sans-Serif have slightly increased readability compared to Serifs. Which is why Sans-Serif is a great typeface for the body of text.

    Serifs和Sans-Serif的配合非常好。 它倾向于创建一个好的设计。 与Serifs相比,Sans-Serif的可读性略有提高。 这就是Sans-Serif是文本正文的绝佳字体的原因。

    Don’t combine a Serif with a Serif and a Sans-Serif with a Sans-Serif because it can look a little bland and undifferentiated.


  2. Too many fonts in one design is not a good thing. It ends up looking too strange. Stick to 2 fonts (one from Serif family and the other from Sans-Serif).

    一个设计中的字体太多不是一件好事。 最终看起来太奇怪了。 坚持使用2种字体(一种来自Serif家族,另一种来自Sans-Serif)。
  3. Appreciate the mood of the typeface just like colors. And don’t combine different moods together. Try to combine more modern fonts with modern fonts and older fonts with more traditional ones.

    就像颜色一样欣赏字体的气氛。 并且不要将不同的心情结合在一起。 尝试将更多现代字体与现代字体相结合,将较旧字体与更多传统字体相结合。

    If you get the mood of your typefaces, you start to create some incredibly beautiful designs.


    Things that you should keep similar: Mood and Time era of the font


    Things that you should contrast: Serif-ness (for instance, one font should be Serif and the other Sans-Serif) and Weights.


    Weight means how heavy or bold your text is. Most design software have a whole range of weights. For example, light, medium, bold, extra bold, and so on. Play around with different weights contrasting them to create interesting designs.

    粗细表示您的文字有多粗或粗。 大多数设计软件都具有整个权重范围。 例如,浅色,中等,粗体,超粗体等。 玩弄不同的砝码,对比它们以创建有趣的设计。

NEVER EVER use — Comic Sans, Papyrus, Viner, Kristen, Curlz. No matter what you’re designing, they’ll make your designs look terrible.

从未使用过-Comic Sans,Papyrus,Viner,Kristen和Curlz。 无论您在设计什么,它们都会使您的设计看起来很糟糕。

排版工具 (Tools for Typography)

  1. WhatFont


    A chrome extension that tells you the name of a font on any website.


  2. Font Squirrel


    I usually download fonts from here. They’re free for commercial use.

    我通常从这里下载字体。 它们是免费的商业用途。

That was a brief overview of the vast field of typography. Hope you learned interesting things that you can use in your designs! :)

那是对印刷术广阔领域的简要概述。 希望您了解了可以在设计中使用的有趣的东西! :)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-typography-determines-readability-serif-vs-sans-serif-and-how-to-combine-fonts-629a51ad8cce/


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