
Unity是Unity Technologies开发的跨平台游戏引擎,广泛用于2D和3D游戏开发,尤其在移动游戏领域备受欢迎。它支持C#脚本,提供2D和3D图形功能,以及各种平台的兼容性。Unity还涉及VR开发,提供丰富的服务如Unity Ads和Asset Store,便于开发者获取资源和发布作品。Unity的历史中,曾经支持Boo和UnityScript编程语言,但现在主要使用C#。其强大的功能和广泛的平台支持使其成为游戏开发者的理想选择。


Unity游戏开发 (Game Development with Unity)

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, which is primarily used to develop video games and simulations for computers, consoles and mobile devices. First announced only for OS X, at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in 2005, it has since been extended to target 27 platforms.

Unity是Unity Technologies开发的跨平台游戏引擎,主要用于为计算机,控制台和移动设备开发视频游戏和模拟。 在2005年的Apple全球开发者大会上,它仅针对OS X首次发布,此后已扩展到目标27个平台。

总览 (Overview)

Unity is an all purpose game engine that supports 2D and 3D graphics, drag and drop functionality and scripting through C#.


Unity is particularly popular for mobile game development and much of their focus is on mobile platforms. Unity3D’s 2D pipeline is a more recent addition to the engine, and is less mature than the 3D pipeline. Despite this Unity is an adequate platform for developing 2D games even when compared to other dedicated 2D engines, particularly if you plan to release the game across multiple mobile devices.

Unity在移动游戏开发中特别受欢迎,并且它们的大部分精力都放在移动平台上。 Unity3D的2D管道是引擎的最新添加,并且不如3D管道成熟。 尽管如此,即使与其他专用2D引擎相比,Unity还是一个足够的平台来开发2D游戏,尤其是当您计划在多个移动设备上发布游戏时。

Unity is also a good choice for VR development, although VR is a very small market at the moment. The mobile and PSVR markets are the largest in VR, and Unity is already well positioned to port games to many platforms such as PS4 and PC, or many different mobile markets.

Unity也是VR开发的一个不错的选择,尽管VR目前是一个很小的市场。 移动和PSVR市场是VR中最大的市场,Unity已经可以很好地将游戏移植到PS4和PC等许多平台或许多不同的移动市场。

The engine targets the following graphics APIs: Direct3D on Windows and Xbox One; OpenGL on Linux, macOS, and Windows; OpenGL ES on Android and iOS; WebGL on the web; and proprietary APIs on the video game consoles.

该引擎针对以下图形API:Windows和Xbox One上的Direct3D; Linux,macOS和Windows上的OpenGL; Android和iOS上的OpenGL ES; WebGL Web; 以及视频游戏机上的专有API。

Additionally, Unity supports the low-level APIs Metal on iOS and macOS and Vulkan on Android, Linux, and Windows, as well as Direct3D 12 on Windows and Xbox One. Within 2D games, Unity allows importation of sprites and an advanced 2D world renderer.

此外,Unity支持iOS和macOS上的低级API Metal和Android,Linux和Windows上的Vulkan,以及Windows和Xbox One上的Direct3D 12。 在2D游戏中,Unity允许导入精灵和高级2D世界渲染器。

For 3D games, Unity allows specification of texture compression and resolution settings for each platform that the game engine supports, and provides support for bump mapping, reflection mapping, parallax mapping, screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO), dynamic shadows using shadow maps, render-to-texture and full-screen post-processing effects.


Unity also offers services to developers, these are: Unity Ads, Unity Analytics, Unity Certification, Unity Cloud Build, Unity Everyplay, Unity IAP, Unity Multiplayer, Unity Performance Reporting and Unity Collaborate. Besides this, Unity has an asset store where the developer community can download and upload both commercial and free third party resources such as textures, models, plugins, editor extensions and even entire game examples.

Unity还为开发人员提供服务,这些服务包括:Unity广告,Unity分析,Unity认证,Unity云构建,Unity Everyplay,Unity IAP,Unity多人游戏,Unity性能报告和Unity协作。 除此之外,Unity还有一个资产商店,开发人员社区可以在其中下载和上传商业和免费的第三方资源,例如纹理,模型,插件,编辑器扩展甚至整个游戏示例。

Unity is notable for its ability to target games for multiple platforms. The currently supported platforms are Android, Android TV, Facebook Gameroom, Fire OS, Gear VR, Google Cardboard, Google Daydream, HTC Vive, iOS, Linux, macOS, Microsoft HoloLens, Nintendo 3DS family, Nintendo Switch, Oculus Rift, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation VR, Samsung Smart TV, Tizen, tvOS, WebGL, Wii U, Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Store, and Xbox One.

Unity以针对多个平台的游戏为目标而闻名。 当前支持的平台是Android,Android TV,Facebook Gameroom,Fire OS,Gear VR,Google Cardboard,Google Daydream,HTC Vive,iOS,Linux,macOS,Microsoft HoloLens,Nintendo 3DS系列,Nintendo Switch,Oculus Rift,PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita,PlayStation VR,三星智能电视,Tizen,tvOS,WebGL,Wii U,Windows,Windows Phone,Windows Store和Xbox One。

Unity is the default software development kit (SDK) for Nintendo’s Wii U video game console platform, with a free copy included by Nintendo with each Wii U developer license. Unity Technologies calls this bundling of a third-party SDK an “industry first”.

Unity是Nintendo Wii U视频游戏机平台的默认软件开发工具包(SDK),Nintendo随每个Wii U开发人员许可提供了免费副本。 Unity Technologies将此第三方SDK的捆绑称为“行业至上”。

接口 (Interface)

In picture above, you will notice five section:


  1. Section 1. Scene View: This is where you will be creating level for your game, scene or 3D project. All of your Game Objects will be placed and manipulated right here.

    第1节。 场景视图 :这里是您为游戏,场景或3D项目创建关卡的地方。 您所有的游戏对象都将在此处放置和操作。

  2. Section 2. Game View: This is where you will see your results, how your level or scene looks like. You need to have a Camera on the scene to see how it looks like. Sometimes its called Camera View.

    第2部分。 游戏视图 :您可以在其中查看结果,关卡或场景的外观。 您需要在现场有一个摄像头才能看到它的外观。 有时将其称为“相机视图”。

  3. Section 3. Hierarchy: This window will display all Game Objects placed directly on the scene. Basically everything that you see in Game View, needs to be listed here. This will include non-visual and visual game objects.

    第三部分: 层次结构 :此窗口将显示所有直接放置在场景上的游戏对象。 基本上,您在“游戏视图”中看到的所有内容都需要在此处列出。 这将包括非视觉和视觉游戏对象。

  4. Section 4. Project: This is your project window. Basically it show whats inside Assets folder on your disk. Everything from Game Objects, Scripts, Textures, Folders, Models, Audio, Video and etc… will be accessible from this window.

    第4部分: 项目 :这是您的项目窗口。 基本上,它显示磁盘上Assets文件夹中的内容。 从游戏对象,脚本,纹理,文件夹,模型,音频,视频等所有内容都可以从此窗口访问。

  5. Section 5. Inspector: This panel will display different attibutes and properties of selected Game Objects. Depending on the selection, the appropriate attributes and components will be listed.

    第5节。 检查器 :此面板将显示所选游戏对象的不同服装和属性。 根据选择,将列出适当的属性和组件。

值得注意的游戏: (Noteworthy Games:)

  • Assassin’s Creed: Identity

  • Temple Run Trilogy

  • Battlestar Galactica Online

  • Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

  • Inside

  • Cuphead


历史 (History)

Two other programming languages were supported: Boo, which was deprecated with the release of Unity 5 and UnityScript which was deprecated in August 2017 after the release of Unity 2017.1.

支持其他两种编程语言:Boo(在Unity 5发行版中已弃用)和UnityScript(在Unity 2017.1发行版后于2017年8月弃用)。

Unity formerly supported 7 other platforms including its own Unity Web Player.

Unity以前支持其他7个平台,包括自己的Unity Web Player。

Unity Web Player was a browser plugin that was supported in Windows and OS X only, which has been deprecated in favor of WebGL.

Unity Web Player是仅在Windows和OS X中受支持的浏览器插件,为了支持WebGL,已弃用了该插件。

Unity is the engine used by Rust, Kerbal Space Program, and Cup Head.

Unity是Rust,Kerbal Space Program和Cup Head使用的引擎。

有关Unity的更多信息: (More info on Unity:)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/unity-game-engine-guide-how-to-get-started-with-the-most-popular-game-engine-out-there/






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