

by Prarthana S. Sannamani

通过Prarthana S.Sannamani

用故事讲解JavaScript的var,let和const变量 (JavaScript’s var, let, and const variables explained with a story)

In this article, we will explore the history of var in JavaScript, the need for let and const, and the differences between them.

在本文中,我们将探讨JavaScript中var的历史, letconst的需求以及它们之间的区别。

This post consists of two sections: Fictional piece and Technical explanation.


The fictional piece is intended to ease beginners into the concepts, but several parts are simplified and do not always present an accurate 1:1 analogy.


Let’s start!


三个变量的故事 (A tale of three variables)

JavaScript town was a bustling town beside the sea with a commercial district filled with high rise buildings.


Since time immemorial, the residents of JavaScript town used Vary boxes to store their valuables, especially their prized gold marbles. To do so, the residents had two options:

自远古时代起,JavaScript镇的居民就使用Vary盒子存放他们的贵重物品,尤其是珍贵的黄金大理石。 为此,居民有两种选择:

  1. They could place the gold marbles directly in the box (pass by value)

  2. If they had a large number of gold marbles so that they would not fit in the box, they could place a special piece of paper in the box, which indicated where they had stored them. For example, the piece of paper could say “second drawer in the storage cabinet” (pass by reference)

    如果他们有大量的金色大理石,以致它们无法放入盒子中,则可以在盒子中放一张特殊的纸,指明它们的存放位置。 例如,一张纸上可能写着“储物柜中的第二个抽屉”(通过引用)

Since the town prided itself on law and order, they set up several rules and procedures.


店铺规则 (Rules for shops)
  1. To maintain the serenity of the town, shops could be built only on hills (functions create their own local scope)

  2. The only exception to Rule 1 was the special shop at sea level (global scope).

  3. A shop could have inner shops to help cover the rent (nested functions). However, each inner shop was required to be on a higher hill than the landlord shop’s hill (local function scope).

    商店可以有内部商店来帮助支付租金(嵌套功能)。 但是,每个内部店铺都必须位于比房东店铺的山高的地方(当地职能范围)。
  4. A shop could have “special offer” counters, such as “If you are over 20 years old, buy a special box here.” And “For (every) child of your family, buy a kid’s box here” (other blocks such as if and loops).

    一家商店可能设有“特价”柜台,例如“ If您超过20岁,请在这里购买一个特殊的盒子。” 还有“ For您家的(每个)孩子来说of在这里购买一个孩子的盒子”(其他街区,例如if和loops)。

  5. Each shop was required to have a “declaration-initialization” counter with a guard at the entrance, who maintained a registration log book (hoisting at the top of corresponding scope).

  6. Each shop could have unlimited “assignment” counters with a shop assistant, who would place a resident’s gold marbles in the box.

盒子市场监管规则 (Rules for box market regulation)
  1. The boxes could be purchased only from the sea level special shop or from a shop on the hills (variable can have global or local scope).

  2. At the sea level or on any hill, residents could own ONLY a single colored Vary box (duplicate identifiers not allowed).


  3. The Vary box could never be empty from the moment it was created. It had to contain cotton (undefined) or gold marbles at all times (effect of hoisting).

    自创建之日起, Vary框就永远不能为空。 它必须始终包含棉花( undefined )或金色大理石(提升效果)。

  4. Once a resident exited a shop (and hence, descended the hill), all boxes they purchased in it disappeared (end of variable’s scope).

居民购买“ Vary”盒子的程序 (Procedure for residents to buy the `Vary` boxes)

We will follow the journey of a resident, John, in this article.


  1. John enters the shop and declares what color of Vary box he desires to buy at the “declaration-initialization” counter. The guard notes this in his registration book.

    约翰进入商店,并在“申报初始化”柜台上宣布想要购买哪种颜色的Vary盒子。 保安员在他的登记簿中记录了这一点。

  2. The guard conjures the colored Vary box, fills it with cotton and hands it to John.


  3. John gets a ticket for his turn and when it arrives, he heads to the “assignment” counter. Until then, he can hold his box but cannot place his gold marbles in it.

    约翰得到轮到他的车票,到时,他去了“分配”柜台。 在此之前,他可以拿着盒子,但不能在盒子里放金弹。
  4. At the counter, John hands over his box and gold marbles to the shop assistant, who removes the cotton, places the gold marbles inside and hands it back to him.


Naturally, these rules brought along peculiar problems.


  1. With long waiting times for the “assignment” counter, John would forget that he had not placed his gold marbles in his box yet. He would open it to brag to his friends and find only cotton. Bummer!

    约翰在等待“分配”柜台的时间很长时,会忘记他还没有将金色大理石放在盒子里。 他会打开它向朋友吹嘘,只发现棉花。 mm!
  2. Often, John would forget that he had already bought a certain colored box in a shop and newly register for the same colored box again. This would instantly result in the disappearance of his existing box (and gold marbles!!), followed by the guard conjuring a new box filled with cotton. No warning! This was especially prevalent at the “special offers” counters.

    通常,约翰会忘记自己已经在商店里购买了某个彩盒,然后又重新注册了该彩盒。 这将立即导致他现有的盒子(和金色弹珠!)消失,随后警卫人员将一个新盒子装满棉花。 没有警告! 这在“特别优惠”柜台上尤其普遍。

You can imagine how frustrating this situation was. With the residents of JavaScript town losing their marbles, the Town Council decided to take action.

您可以想象这种情况多么令人沮丧。 随着JavaScript镇的居民失去大理石,镇议会决定采取行动。

In a grand Town Meeting in 2015, they proudly introduced two new boxes: Lety and Consty.

在2015年的一次大型城镇会议上,他们自豪地推出了两个新包装盒: LetyConsty

They also introduced the other major change: the removal of “special offer” counters from Lety and Consty shops. Instead, these counters were upgraded to inner shops, which were built on a hill inside the shop.

他们还介绍了另一个重大变化:从LetyConsty商店中删除“特价”柜台。 相反,这些柜台被升级为内部商店,内部商店建在商店内部的小山上。

购买“ Lety”和“ Consty”盒子的规则 (Rules for purchasing `Lety` and `Consty` boxes)
  1. John enters the shop and declares what type and color of box he desires to buy at the “declaration” counter. The guard notes this in his registration book. This information hazily appears on the huge wall clock, which can be seen, but not used, and is referred to as the “temporal dead zone”.

    约翰进入商店,并在“声明”柜台上声明了他想要购买的盒子的类型和颜色。 保安员在他的登记簿中记录了这一点。 该信息模糊地出现在巨大的挂钟上,可以看到但没有使用,被称为“临时死区”。
  2. John gets a ticket for his turn. Since the box is not created at declaration, it is not available for use.

    约翰轮到他了。 由于该框不是在声明时创建的,因此无法使用。

This is where Lety and Consty purchase rules diverge.


Lety规则: (`Lety` rules:)
  1. Once John’s turn arrives, he heads to the “initialization” counter.

  2. At the counter, John has the choice to buy an empty Lety box, or buy a Lety box and have his gold marbles placed inside it immediately.


  3. Depending on his choice, the shop assistant conjures the Lety box, and fills it with cotton or hands it over to the “assignment” counter, where John’s gold marbles are placed inside it.


`Consty`规则 (`Consty` rules)

Consty boxes are extremely special. Lined with a layer of gold inside and sealed with a lock, these boxes are so dear to the shop assistants that they refuse to sell them without knowing what exactly will be placed in them.

Consty盒子非常特别。 这些盒子内衬有一层黄金,并用锁密封,对售货员是如此珍爱,以至于他们拒绝出售它们而又不知道它们到底要放什么。

  1. Once John’s turn arrives, he heads to the “initialization-assignment” counter.

  2. John is required to hand over his gold marbles to the shop assistant, who conjures the colored Consty box, places the gold marbles inside, and locks the box forever.


If you remember, John could directly place his gold marbles in the box or place a special piece of paper which indicated the location of his gold marbles.


  1. If he places his gold marbles inside the Consty box, he cannot add or remove them anymore. They are locked forever.

    如果他将自己的金色大理石放在Consty框中,则无法再添加或删除它们。 他们永远被锁定。

  2. However, if he places the special piece of paper, it is a little different. While he cannot replace the paper, he can add or remove his gold marbles at the location he has specified on the paper.

    但是,如果他放特殊纸,则有些不同。 尽管他不能更换纸张,但是他可以在纸张上指定的位置添加或移除他的金弹珠。

Let’s go back to the peculiar problems that prompted the invention of Lety and Consty boxes, and decide if they are resolved.


With long waiting times for the “assignment” counter, John would forget that he had not placed his gold marbles in his box yet. He would open it to brag to his friends and find only cotton. Bummer!
约翰在等待“分配”柜台的时间很长时,会忘记他还没有将金色大理石放在盒子里。 他会打开它向朋友吹嘘,只发现棉花。 mm!

Since Lety and Consty boxes are not created until John heads over to the “initialization” or ”initialization-assignment” counter, respectively, he knows he does not have the box, and thus, does not try to use it. Even if he does, loud alarms installed in the shops start ringing to alert him of the fact.

由于LetyConsty框是在John分别转到“初始化”或“初始化分配”计数器之前才创建的,因此他知道自己没有该框,因此不会尝试使用它。 即使他这样做,商店中安装的响亮警报也会响起,以提醒他这一事实。

Often, John would forget that he had already bought a certain colored box in a shop and newly register for same colored box again. This would instantly result in the disappearance of his existing box (and gold marbles!!), followed by the guard conjuring a new box filled with cotton. No warning! This was especially prevalent at the “special offers” counters.
通常,约翰会忘记自己已经在商店里购买了某个彩盒,然后又重新注册了该彩盒。 这将立即导致他现有的盒子(和金色的大理石弹珠!)消失,接着是警卫人员召唤出一个装满棉花的新盒子。 没有警告! 这在“特别优惠”柜台上尤其普遍。

This is handled by the removal of the “special offers” counters and the introduction of the below rule:


Once a resident registers for a certain colored box at the “declaration”desk in the Lety or Consty shops, he cannot re-register for the same colored box anymore in that shop! If he does, loud alarms will start blaring.

一旦居民在LetyConsty商店的“声明”柜台注册了某个彩色框,他就无法在该商店重新注册相同的彩色框! 如果他这样做,响亮的警报将开始刺耳。

These wonderful new boxes and rules bought peace and serenity to JavaScript Town once again, and everyone lived happily ever after.

这些奇妙的新盒子和规则再次为JavaScript Town带来了和平与安宁,从此以后每个人都过着幸福的生活。

深入技术细节 (Diving into the technical details)

Let’s go over the technical aspects of var, let and const to understand the story.


If you are unfamiliar with hoisting and scope (function-level and block-level), I recommend that you read my previous article here.


Here is an extract to understand the hills analogy I have used above:


To increase our understanding of block level and function level scope, let us consider the analogy of hills. Assume that global scope is the land at sea level and local scopes are hills. If you stand on top of a hill, you can see (access) variables below your altitude. However, if you are sea level, you cannot see (access) variables at a higher altitude.
为了增加对块级别和功能级别范围的理解,让我们考虑一下希尔的类比。 假设全球范围是海平面上的土地,本地范围是山丘。 如果您站在山顶上,可以看到(进入)海拔以下的变量。 但是,如果您处于海平面,则无法在更高的高度看到(访问)变量。

In C++, every block {} results in the formation of a new hill (local scope), at an altitude one level higher than the one it is enclosed in. Nested blocks result in multi-level hills.

在C ++中,每个块{}都会形成一个新的山(局部作用域),其高度比其所围成的山高1层。嵌套的块会形成多层山。

In JavaScript, only a function results in the formation of a new hill (local scope). Other blocks such as if blocks are present on the same altitude.

在JavaScript中,只有函数会导致形成新的小山(本地范围)。 其他街区(例如, if街区位于同一高度)。

Therefore, if a variable is declared on a certain hill (block), it can be accessed from that hill (block) and all hills (blocks) above it.

变量的生命周期 (Life cycle of a variable)

Declaration Phase: Registration of a variable in its scope, which can be global/function/block scope. In this phase, no memory is allocated yet.

声明阶段 :在变量范围内注册变量,该变量可以是全局/功能/块范围。 在此阶段,尚未分配内存。

Initialization Phase: Allocation of memory for the variable, where a binding is created, and the variable is initialized with undefined.

初始化阶段 :为变量分配内存,在此创建绑定,并使用undefined初始化变量。

Assignment Phase: Assignment of a value to the variable.

分配阶段 :将值分配给变量。

It is important to note that variable declaration and declaration phase are not the same!


A variable declaration is a statement such as var a.

变量声明是诸如var a类的语句。

The declaration phase is a step carried out by the JavaScript compiler. In this step, when the compiler encounters a variable declaration, it declares/registers it in its corresponding scope (if the declaration does not already exist). Later on, the code generated by the compiler is executed by the JavaScript engine.

声明阶段是JavaScript编译器执行的步骤。 在此步骤中,当编译器遇到变量声明时,它将在其相应的范围内声明/注册它(如果声明尚不存在)。 稍后,由编译器生成的代码由JavaScript引擎执行。

变种 (var)

  1. global scope or function scope

  2. value can be updated

  3. can be re-declared

  4. hoisted: registered in the scope, and initialized with undefined


Below is a simple example where we initialize a variable, update its value, and re-declare it.


// Hoistedconsole.log(a); // undefined
var a = 10;console.log(a); // 10
a = 20; // value updated: OKconsole.log(a); // 20
var a = 30; // re-declared: OKconsole.log(a); // 30

At the top of the scope, all variables are declared in their corresponding scope and initialized with a value of undefined. Registration and initialization are coupled. Thus, variable a is available for use from the top of the scope. So when we try to access the value of a before it is declared, it does not throw an error. Rather, undefined is printed. This is known as variable hoisting.

在作用域的顶部,所有变量都在其对应的作用域中声明,并使用undefined值初始化。 注册和初始化是耦合的。 因此,变量a可从范围的顶部使用。 因此,当我们尝试在声明a之前访问其值时,它不会引发错误。 而是打印undefined 。 这称为可变提升。

Below is an example that shows the function scope of var.


function outerFunc() {  var a = 10;  if (a > 5) {    var a = 20;    console.log(a); // 20  }  console.log(a); // 20}

Variable a is initially declared in the scope of outerFunc. Since the if block does not create a new scope, when we re-declare variable a, the earlier variable a gets wiped away and a new variable a gets created with a value of 20.

变量a最初在outerFunc的范围内声明。 由于if块不会创建新的作用域,因此当我们重新声明变量a ,较早的变量a会消失,而创建的新变量a的值为20

Accidental re-declaration of var variables is a common mistake developers make due to silent re-declaration and confusion in understanding function scope.



  1. block scoped

  2. value can be updated

  3. cannot be re-declared

  4. hoisted but not initialized


Below is a simple example where we initialize a variable, update its value, and try to re-declare it.


console.log(a); //   ReferenceError: a is not defined
let a = 10;console.log(a); // 10
a = 20;console.log(a); // 20
let a = 30; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared

Updating a let variable is allowed. However, if you try to re-declare it, you encounter a SyntaxError. This protects developers from silent and accidental re-declaration of variables.

允许更新let变量。 但是,如果尝试重新声明它,则会遇到SyntaxError 。 这样可以保护开发人员免于无声且无意间重新声明变量。

Are let variables hoisted?


This is a tricky question. The internet is divided on this: there are arguments for both sides. Some developers believe that let (and const) variables are not hoisted, because they cannot be accessed before their declaration statement is reached, unlike var. However, this answer really depends on your definition of hoisting. If hoisting is the coupling of the declaration and initialization phases of a variable at the top of its corresponding scope, then let and const variables are not hoisted.

这是一个棘手的问题。 互联网对此有分歧:双方都有争论。 一些开发人员认为, let (和const )变量不会被悬挂,因为与var不同,无法在到达声明语句之前访问它们。 但是,这个答案实际上取决于您对起重的定义。 如果提升是变量的声明和初始化阶段在其相应范围的顶部耦合,则letconst变量不会被提升。

However, after reading several opinions and not being any closer to the truth, I decided to go with MDN’s definition of hoisting.


let bindings are created at the top of the (block) scope containing the declaration, commonly referred to as "hoisting". (MDN)

let绑定在包含声明的(块)作用域的顶部创建,通常称为“提升”。 (MDN)

According to this definition, the answer to our question is yes. let variables are hoisted, but they are not initialized with undefined. Thus, they exist in a time period called the “Temporal Dead Zone” from the start of the block until their definition is evaluated. Trying to access them in TDZ throws a ReferenceError, as seen in the example.

根据这个定义,我们问题的答案是肯定的。 悬挂let变量,但不使用undefined初始化它们。 因此,它们从块的开始一直存在到称为“临时死区”的时间段,直到评估其定义为止。 如示例所示,尝试在TDZ中访问它们会引发ReferenceError

Below is an example that shows block scope of let.


function outerFunc() {  let a = 10;  if (a > 5) {    let a = 20;    console.log(a); // 20  }  console.log(a); // 10}

The first declaration of variable a is in the scope of outerFunc. The if block creates a new scope, and when we make the second declaration of variable a, it gets registered in the new scope. This is independent from the outerFunc scope. Hence, a separate variable a is created, and we can observe that changes to the inner variable a do not affect the outer variable a.

变量a的第一个声明在outerFunc的范围内。 if块创建一个新的作用域,当我们对变量a进行第二次声明时,它将在新作用域中注册。 这与outerFunc范围无关。 因此,创建了一个单独的变量a ,我们可以观察到对内部变量a更改不会影响外部变量a

This allows developers to easily create temporary variables inside condition and looping blocks, without having to search if the variable already exists in the function.


const (const)

  1. block scoped

  2. binding is immutable (but value may or may not be changed)

  3. cannot be re-declared

  4. hoisted but not initialized


Below is a simple example where we initialize a variable, try to update its value, and try to re-declare it.


console.log(a); //  ReferenceError: a is not defined
const a = 10;console.log(a); // 10
a = 20; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
const a = 30; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared
const b; // SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

Similar to let variables, const variables are hoisted, but not initialized with undefined. Trying to access them in the Temporal Dead Zone throws a ReferenceError.

let变量类似, const变量是悬挂的,但不使用undefined初始化。 尝试在临时死区中访问它们会引发ReferenceError

If we try to initialize a const variable without an assignment, as in the example above for const b; , we encounter a SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration. Similarly, we cannot re-declare const variables. It leads to a SyntaxError.

如果我们尝试在没有赋值的情况下初始化const变量,如上面const b;的示例所示const b; ,我们SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration遇到SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration 。 同样,我们不能重新声明const变量。 它导致一个SyntaxError

Let’s temporarily hold off our discussion of updating const variables.


Below is an example of block level scope of const variables:


function outerFunc() {  const a = 10;  if (a > 5) {    const a = 20;    console.log(a); // 20  }  console.log(a); // 10}

The above behavior is similar to let variables, where a new scope is created for the if block, and hence, changes to the inner variable a do not affect the outer variable a.


Let’s return to the discussion of updating const variables.


There is a common misunderstanding that const variables hold constant values, and cannot ever be updated. However, const works differently.

常见的误解是const变量具有常量值,并且永远无法更新。 但是, const工作方式有所不同。

After the initial assignment, the binding of const variables is immutable., and therefore, the reference to what is stored inside the const variable cannot be modified. In the simplest terms, this means you cannot have a statement with just the const variable on the left hand side, followed by an equal sign = , and a new value on the right hand side.

初始分配后, const变量的绑定不可变的 ,因此,无法修改对const变量内部存储内容的引用 。 用最简单的术语来说,这意味着您不能拥有在左侧具有const变量,后跟等号=以及在右侧具有新值的语句。

However, whether the value can be updated depends on what is stored in it. Let’s consider the two cases:

但是,该值是否可以更新取决于其中存储的内容。 让我们考虑两种情况:

  1. Primitive data type: Boolean, Null, Undefined, Number, String, Symbol

  2. Objects


If a variable is assigned a primitive data type, the data type gets passed by value. Hence, if we have a statement let x = 10 , we can visualize x containing the Number 10.

如果为变量分配了原始数据类型,则该数据类型将通过value传递。 因此,如果我们有一个let x = 10的语句,我们可以可视化包含数字10 x

If a variable is assigned an object, the object is passed by reference. Hence, if we have a statement let x = [1,2,3], x does not contain the array [1,2,3] . Instead, it contains a reference (address) of where the array [1,2,3] is stored in memory after its creation. Hence, we can visualize x containing an address such as 5274621.

如果为变量分配了对象,则该对象将通过reference传递。 因此,如果我们有一个语句let x = [1,2,3] ,则x不包含数组[1,2,3] 。 相反,它包含数组创建后在内存中存储的数组[1,2,3]的引用(地址)。 因此,我们可以可视化包含地址(例如5274621 x

Let’s see examples from primitive and object data types:


// Booleanconst a = true;a = false; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
// Nullconst b = null;b = 10; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
// Undefinedconst c = undefined;c = 10; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
// Numberconst d = 50;d = 100; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
// Stringconst e = 'hello';e = 'world'; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
// Symbolconst f = Symbol('foo');f = 100; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

As we can see above, trying to update the value of any primitive data type results in a TypeError.


/* Arrays are stored by reference.Hence, although the binding is immutable, the values are not. */
const c = [1,2,3];
c.push(10); // No errorconsole.log(c); // [1,2,3,10]
c.pop(); // No errorconsole.log(c); // [1,2,3]
c = [4,5,6]; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

As we can see above, we can push and pop items from the array since this only modifies the contents of what the const variable is pointing to, but does not try to overwrite the contents of the const variable itself. However, if we try to update the binding of the const variable by re-assigning it a completely new array c = [4,5,6], it throws a TypeError.

正如我们在上面看到的,我们可以从数组中推送和弹出项目,因为这只会修改const变量指向的内容,而不会尝试覆盖const变量本身的内容。 但是,如果尝试通过为const变量重新分配一个全新的数组c = [4,5,6]来更新const变量的绑定,则会抛出TypeError

/* Objects are stored by reference.Hence, although the binding is immutable, the values are not. */
const d = { name: 'John Doe', age: 35};
d.age = 40; // Modifying a property: No errorconsole.log(d); // { name: 'John Doe', age: 40};
d.zipCode = '52534'; // Adding a property: No errorconsole.log(d); // { age: 40, name: "John Doe", zipCode: '52534; }
d = { name: 'Mary Jane', age: 25}; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

As we can see above, we can modify and add properties to the object since this only modifies the contents of what the const variable is pointing to, but does not try to overwrite the contents of the const variable itself. However, if we try to update the binding of the const variable by re-assigning it a completely new object d = { name: 'Mary Jane', age: 25 };, it throws a TypeError.

正如我们在上面看到的,我们可以修改对象并向其添加属性,因为这只会修改const变量指向的内容,而不会尝试覆盖const变量本身的内容。 但是,如果我们尝试通过为const变量的绑定重新分配一个全新的对象d = { name: 'Mary Jane', age: 25 };来更新const变量的绑定d = { name: 'Mary Jane', age: 25 }; ,则抛出TypeError

我什么时候应该使用什么? (When should I use what?)

JavaScript now has three kinds of variables, and a natural question is wondering when to use what.


After the introduction of block-scoped let , the usage of var is generally discouraged to avoid confusion with function level scope, accidental re-declarations, and hoisting bugs with undefined value. Unless you have a compelling reason to use function scope of var, use let.

在引入块作用域的let ,通常不建议使用var以避免与函数级别范围,意外的重新声明以及undefined值的错误的混淆。 除非您有充分的理由使用var函数范围,否则请使用let

Use const to hold values that are facts, such as const PI = 3.14, or values that should strictly remain unmodified for the entire execution of the program.

使用const可以保存事实值,例如const PI = 3.14 ,或者在整个程序执行期间应严格保持不变的值。

A common programming approach consists of developers starting off by declaring all variables with const , and progressively converting them to let variables if the need arises. Personally, I start with let variables, and convert them to const variables if I see the need. There is no set approach, and you should use what works best for your code.

一种常见的编程方法是,开发人员首先使用const声明所有变量,然后在需要时逐步将其转换为let变量。 就个人而言,我先从let变量开始,然后在需要时将它们转换为const变量。 没有固定的方法,您应该使用最适合您的代码的方法。

If you have time, I strongly suggest that you read the fictional piece again as it will cement the connections in your mind with the additional technical knowledge.


Thank you for reading! I hope you learned something new, and I would love to receive feedback.

感谢您的阅读! 希望您能学到新知识,也希望收到反馈。

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跟随我的Twitter 在这里 ,和LinkedIn 在这里













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