

Lately I've been trying to analyze how long it takes me to learn a new skill. During the process I came across a widely touted theory, highlighted in a 1993 psychology paper and popularized by Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers. It says that anyone can master a skill with 10,000 hours of practice.

最近,我一直在尝试分析学习新技能需要多长时间。 在此过程中,我遇到了一个广受吹捧的理论,该理论在1993年的心理学论文中得到了强调,并被Malcolm Gladwell的书Outliers推广 它说任何人都可以通过10,000个小时的练习来掌握一项技能。

What?! 10,000 hours? That's equivalent to five years of practice. But many of us have learned something that didn't take us close to that long, right? And in fact, other studies have actually proved Malcolm Gladwell's theory wrong.

什么?! 10,000小时? 这相当于五年的实践。 但是我们中的许多人学到了一些东西,这些东西并没有使我们走那么久,对吗? 实际上,其他研究实际上证明了马尔科姆·格拉德威尔的理论是错误的。

What we need is the right way and the right approach to learning anything we want to learn. These four techniques that I'll discuss here will help you acquire any skill.

我们需要的是正确的方法和正确的方法来学习我们想要学习的任何东西。 我将在这里讨论的这四种技术将帮助您掌握任何技能。

解构技能 (Deconstruct the skill)

The first thing to do is to deconstruct the skill you want to learn. Decide exactly what you want to be able to do when you are done, and then look into the skill and break it down into smaller and smaller pieces.

首先要做的是解构您想学习的技能。 准确确定完成后想要做的事情,然后研究该技能并将其分解为越来越小的部分。

Most of the things we think of as skills are actually a big bundle of skills that require us to do a lot of different things. The more you can break apart the skill the more you can decide exactly which parts of the skill will help you get to exactly what you want. Then you can practice those bits first.

实际上,我们认为技能中的大多数东西都是一大堆技能,需要我们做很多不同的事情。 您越能分解技能,就越能准确地决定技能的哪些部分将帮助您准确地获得所需的知识。 然后,您可以先练习这些位。

If you practice the most important things first, you will be able to improve your performance the fastest.


学习足够自我纠正 (Learn Enough to Self Correct)

Get a few resources on what exactly you want to learn. It could be books, videos or some online courses – but don't use them to procrastinate. You don't need to get 10 books on programming and then say "when I am done with these books on programming I will start practicing." That's procrastination.

获得一些您想确切学习的资源。 它可能是书籍,视频或一些在线课程,但不要用它们拖延。 您不需要拿10本编程书籍,而是说:“当我读完这些有关编程的书籍后,我便会开始练习。” 那太拖延了。

And it won't be too funny when, after reading those resources without practicing, you see that you don't actually know anything.


What you need to do instead is learn enough to self correct. Learning becomes better when you know when you have made a mistake so that you can do something different.

相反,您需要做的是学习足够的知识以自我纠正。 当您知道自己犯了错误时,学习就会变得更好,以便您可以做一些别的事情。

This is simply to say, you should learn by doing. You wouldn't say you are learning when you aren't doing anything. The real learning comes when you try to do or practice whatever you are learning. The more you do, the more you learn and the more you discover other things to learn.

这只是说,你应该边做边学。 您什么也不做就不会说正在学习。 真正的学习来自于您尝试去做或练习所学的东西。 您做的越多,学到的东西就越多,发现其他要学习的东西也就越多。

合作学习 (Learn by Collaborating)

Another way of learning is by collaborating. You learn more when you collaborate with people. By collaborating, you get to learn different ways or steps to complete a problem, and you can solve that problem quickly.

另一种学习方式是通过合作。 与人合作时,您会学到更多。 通过协作,您可以学习解决问题的不同方法或步骤,并且可以快速解决该问题。

Personally, I really learnt a lot by collaborating with people of like minds and that are advanced in the skill I am learning. It's a good way to learn fast and get to know some techniques you wouldn't find on your own. In the course of collaborating with people, you tend to teach what you know and learn what you don't know.

就个人而言,通过与志同道合且在我所学技能方面很先进的人的协作,我确实学到了很多东西。 这是一种快速学习并了解一些自己无法找到的技术的好方法。 在与人合作的过程中,您倾向于教您所知道的知识,并学习您所不知道的知识。

Collaboration is most effective when you collaborate with people in the same field of the skill you are trying to learn. It also helps to work with people you know are very good in that skill. The more you collaborate, the more you'll know about what you think you know.

当您与尝试学习的技能相同领域的人进行协作时,协作最有效。 它也有助于与您知道该技能非常好的人一起工作。 您合作的次数越多,您对自己认为的知识就会越了解。

休息一下 (Take Breaks)

It's important to rest when you need a break. It actually makes you more productive than working while you are tired or weak.

需要休息时休息很重要。 实际上,与劳累或虚弱时相比,它可以使工作效率更高。

Conclusively, with other studies that proved the 10,000 hour rule wrong, I agree with Josh Kaufman's theory.


The first 20 hours you use on a skill makes you good to a reasonable extent - Josh Kaufman
技能使用的前20个小时可以使您在一定程度上达到良好状态-Josh Kaufman

Using the above techniques I have mentioned, along with spending 20 hours practicing a skill, you can get reasonably good. You can also read up on some other tips on learning a new skill here.

使用上面提到的技巧,再花20个小时练习一项技巧,您可以获得相当不错的成绩。 您还可以在此处阅读有关学习新技能的其他一些技巧。

I hope you pick up that skill you have always wanted to learn and start mastering it now.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-learn-a-new-skill/






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