

There are many tools and online resources that can help you to ensure that your web application meets all of the accessibility requirements.


一般 (General)

  • Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools  This is a Google Chrome extension that will add a new Accessibility sidebar pane in the Elements tab to the Chrome Developer tools. This new pane will display any properties that are relevant to the accessibility aspect of the element that you are currently inspecting. This extension also adds an accessibility audit that can be used to check whether the current web page violates any accessibility rules.

    Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools这是一个Google Chrome扩展程序,它将在Elements标签中向Chrome Developer工具添加一个新的Accessibility侧边栏窗格。 这个新窗格将显示与您当前正在检查的元素的可访问性方面相关的所有属性。 此扩展还添加了可访问性审核,可用于检查当前网页是否违反任何可访问性规则。

  • WAVE  This is another Chrome (and Firefox) extension that allows you to find accessibility defects on your web page.


  • aXe  This Google Chrome extension can find accessibility defects on your web page.

    斧头此Google Chrome扩展程序可以在您的网页上找到可访问性缺陷。

  • tota11y  An accessibility visualization toolkit that checks how your website performs with assistive technologies.


  • AccessLint  A GitHub app that checks your pull requests for accessibility issues.


色彩对比 (Color Contrast)

  • Check My Colours  This website checks if your website meets the accessibility requirements for color and contrast.


  • Color Oracle  This application simulates color blindness. It is available on Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Color Oracle此应用程序模拟色盲。 在Windows,Mac和Linux上可用。

  • Accessible Color Palette Builder  This website allows you to edit a color palette and will create a table showing all of the possible color combinations, telling you which ones are accessible and which combinations to avoid using.


  • WebAIM Color Contrast Checker  Website tool that allows you to test foreground and background color values and see if they pass AA and AAA color contrast ratios for small text and large text.


  • Randoma11y Color Generator  This is an ongoing app project that randomly generates AA accessible web color palettes and allows end users to up vote or down vote color combinations. This site is good for Web Designers/Web Developers when starting a project that does not have predetermined colors.

    Randoma11y颜色生成器这是一个正在进行的应用程序项目,它随机生成AA可访问的Web调色板,并允许最终用户进行投票或投反对票。 当启动没有预定颜色的项目时,此站点非常适合Web设计人员/ Web开发人员使用。

屏幕阅读器 (Screen Reader)

A screen reader is a software application with assistive technology that attempts to convey what people with normal eyesight see on a display to their users via non-visual means, like text-to-speech. Developers can utilize a screen reader to understand how a webpage can be made accessible to such people and develop the page accordingly. Some of the most well known and widely used screen readers are:

屏幕阅读器是一种具有辅助技术的软件应用程序,它试图通过非视觉方式(例如文本到语音)将具有正常视力的人看到的内容传达给用户。 开发人员可以利用屏幕阅读器来理解如何使此类人员可以访问网页并相应地开发页面。 一些最著名和广泛使用的屏幕阅读器是:

  • NVDA  NVDA(Non Visual Desktop Access) Screen reader is a Free & Open-source downloadable Screen Reader software for Windows OS.

    NVDA NVDA(非可视桌面访问)屏幕阅读器是可用于Windows OS的免费和开放源代码的可下载屏幕阅读器软件。

  • JAWS  JAWS(Job Access With Speech) is a computer screen reader program which is available as licensed software for Windows.

    JAWS JAWS(语音作业访问)是一种计算机屏幕阅读器程序,可以作为Windows的许可软件使用。

  • a11yproject  This site provides practical guides and examples for implementing accessible features and components during web development. The site contains how-tos, myths, tips, and recommended accessibility tools. The project is community-driven and can be contributed to on Github.

    a11yproject此站点提供了有关在Web开发过程中实现可访问的功能部件和组件的实用指南和示例。 该站点包含操作方法,神话,技巧和推荐的辅助功能工具。 该项目是社区驱动的,可以在Github上进行贡献。

  • ChromeVox  ChromeVox is a Chrome Browser extension which can be used to render Webpages as text-to-speech.

    ChromeVox ChromeVox是Chrome浏览器扩展程序,可用于将网页呈现为文本到语音转换。

更多资源 (More Resources)

You can find many more tools for accessible web design on this list made by the University of Minnesota Duluth.

在明尼苏达大学德卢斯大学(University of Minnesota Duluth)的这份清单上,您可以找到更多用于可访问的网页设计的工具。

For information on creating and verifying accessibility for PDF documents, see the Adobe XI Pro Guide

有关创建和验证PDF文档的可访问性的信息,请参阅《 Adobe XI Pro指南》。

This accessibility inspector by Mozilla, which is built into Firefox, can help check the accessibility of a webpage.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/accessibility-testing-tools-for-ada-compliance/






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