

There's one question I always get asked regarding Data Science:


What is the best way to master Data Science? What will get me hired?

掌握数据科学的最佳方法是什么? 什么会雇用我?

My answer remains constant: There is no alternative to working on portfolio-worthy projects.


Even after passing the TensorFlow Developer Certificate Exam, I’d say that you can only really prove your competency with projects that showcase your research, programming skills, mathematical background, and so on.


In my post how to build an effective Data Science Portfolio, I shared many project ideas and other tips to prepare an awesome portfolio. This post is dedicated to one of those ideas: building an end-to-end data science/ML project.

在我的文章“ 如何建立有效的数据科学组合”中 ,我分享了许多项目想法和其他技巧来准备一个很棒的组合。 这篇文章致力于这些想法之一:构建端到端数据科学/ ML项目。

议程 (Agenda)

This tutorial is intended to walk you through all the major steps involved in completing an and-to-end Machine Learning project. For this project, I’ve chosen a supervised learning regression problem.

本教程旨在引导您完成完成端到端机器学习项目的所有主要步骤。 在这个项目中,我选择了监督学习回归问题。

Here are the major topics covered:


  • Pre-requisites and Resources


  • Data Collection and Problem Statement


  • Exploratory Data Analysis with Pandas and NumPy


  • Data Preparation using Sklearn


  • Selecting and Training a few Machine Learning Models


  • Cross-Validation and Hyperparameter Tuning using Sklearn


  • Deploying the Final Trained Model on Heroku via a Flask App

    通过Flask App在Heroku上部署最终训练模型

Let’s start building…


先决条件和资源 (Pre-requisites and Resources)

To go through this project and tutorial, you should be familiar with Machine Learning algorithms, Python environment setup, and common ML terminologies. Here are a few resources to get you started:

要完成本项目和教程,您应该熟悉机器学习算法,Python环境设置和通用的ML术语。 以下是一些入门资源:

That’s it, so make sure you have an understanding of these concepts and tools and you’re ready to go!


数据收集和问题陈述 (Data Collection and Problem Statement)

The first step is to get your hands on the data. But if you have access to data (as most product-based companies do), then the first step is to define the problem that you want to solve. We don’t have the data yet, so we are going to collect the data first.

第一步是掌握数据。 但是,如果您有权访问数据(就像大多数基于产品的公司一样),那么第一步就是定义要解决的问题。 我们还没有数据,所以我们将首先收集数据。

We are using the Auto MPG dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Here is the link to the dataset:

我们正在使用UCI机器学习存储库中的Auto MPG数据集。 这是数据集的链接:

The data concerns city-cycle fuel consumption in miles per gallon, to be predicted in terms of 3 multivalued discrete and 5 continuous attributes.


Once you have downloaded the data, move it to your project directory, activate your virtualenv, and start the Jupyter local server.


You can download the data into your project from the notebook as well using wget :


!wget "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/auto-mpg/auto-mpg.data"

The next step is to load this .data file into a pandas datagram. For that, make sure you have pandas and other general use case libraries installed. Import all the general use case libraries like so:

下一步是将该.data文件加载到熊猫数据报中。 为此,请确保已安装熊猫和其他常规用例库。 像这样导入所有常规用例库:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Then read and load the file into a dataframe using the read_csv() method:


# defining the column names
cols = ['MPG','Cylinders','Displacement','Horsepower','Weight',
                'Acceleration', 'Model Year', 'Origin']
# reading the .data file using pandas
df = pd.read_csv('./auto-mpg.data', names=cols, na_values = "?",
                comment = '\t',
                sep= " ",
#making a copy of the dataframe
data = df.copy()

Next, look at a few rows of the dataframe and read the description of each attribute from the website. This helps you define the problem statement.

接下来,查看数据框的几行,并从网站上阅读每个属性的描述。 这可以帮助您定义问题陈述。

Problem Statement — The data contains the MPG (Mile Per Gallon) variable which is continuous data and tells us about the efficiency of fuel consumption of a vehicle in the 70s and 80s.


Our aim here is to predict the MPG value for a vehicle, given that we have other attributes of that vehicle.

鉴于 我们拥有该车辆的其他属性, 我们的目的是预测 车辆 的MPG值

使用Pandas和NumPy进行探索性数据分析 (Exploratory Data Analysis with Pandas and NumPy)

For this rather simple dataset, the exploration is broken down into a series of steps:


检查列的数据类型 (Check for data type of columns)

##checking the data info

检查空值。 (Check for null values.)

##checking for all the null values

The horsepower column has 6 missing values. We’ll have to study the column a bit more.

马力列有6个缺失值。 我们将不得不进一步研究该专栏。

检查马力列中的异常值 (Check for outliers in horsepower column)

##summary statistics of quantitative variables

##looking at horsepower box plot

Since there are a few outliers, we can use the median of the column to impute the missing values using the pandas median() method.

由于存在一些离群值,因此我们可以使用pandas median()方法使用列的中值来估算缺失值。

##imputing the values with median
median = data['Horsepower'].median()
data['Horsepower'] = data['Horsepower'].fillna(median)

在类别列中查找类别分布 (Look for the category distribution in categorical columns)

##category distribution

data["Cylinders"].value_counts() / len(data)

The 2 categorical columns are Cylinders and Origin, which only have a few categories of values. Looking at the distribution of the values among these categories will tell us how the data is distributed:

2个类别列是“圆柱体”和“原点”,它们只有少数几类值。 查看这些类别之间的值分布将告诉我们数据的分布方式:

相关图 (Plot for correlation)

##pairplots to get an intuition of potential correlations

sns.pairplot(data[["MPG", "Cylinders", "Displacement", "Weight", "Horsepower"]], diag_kind="kde")

The pair plot gives you a brief overview of how each variable behaves with respect to every other variable.


For example, the MPG column (our target variable) is negatively correlated with the displacement, weight, and horsepower features.


保留测试数据集 (Set aside the test data set)

This is one of the first things we should do, as we want to test our final model on unseen/unbiased data.


There are many ways to split the data into training and testing sets but we want our test set to represent the overall population and not just a few specific categories. Thus, instead of using simple and common train_test_split() method from sklearn, we use stratified sampling.

有很多方法可以将数据分为训练集和测试集,但是我们希望我们的测试集代表总体,而不仅仅是几个特定类别。 因此,我们使用分层采样 ,而不是使用train_test_split()简单且通用的train_test_split()方法

Stratified Sampling — We create homogeneous subgroups called strata from the overall population and sample the right number of instances to each stratum to ensure that the test set is representative of the overall population.

In task 4, we saw how the data is distributed over each category of the Cylinder column. We’re using the Cylinder column to create the strata:

在任务4中,我们看到了数据如何分布在Cylinder列的每个类别上。 我们使用Cylinder列创建层次:

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit

split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
for train_index, test_index in split.split(data, data["Cylinders"]):
    strat_train_set = data.loc[train_index]
    strat_test_set = data.loc[test_index]

Checking for the distribution in training set:


##checking for cylinder category distribution in training set

strat_train_set['Cylinders'].value_counts() / len(strat_train_set)

Testing set:


strat_test_set["Cylinders"].value_counts() / len(strat_test_set)

You can compare these results with the output of train_test_split() to find out which one produces better splits.


检查原点列 (Checking the Origin Column)

The Origin column about the origin of the vehicle has discrete values that look like the code of a country.


To add some complication and make it more explicit, I converted these numbers to strings:


##converting integer classes to countries in Origin 

columntrain_set['Origin'] = train_set['Origin'].map({1: 'India', 2: 'USA', 3 : 'Germany'})

We’ll have to preprocess this categorical column by one-hot encoding these values:


##one hot encoding
train_set = pd.get_dummies(train_set, prefix='', prefix_sep='')

测试新变量—分析每个变量与目标变量的相关性 (Testing for new variables — Analyze the correlation of each variable with the target variable)

## testing new variables by checking their correlation w.r.t. MPG
data['displacement_on_power'] = data['Displacement'] / data['Horsepower']
data['weight_on_cylinder'] = data['Weight'] / data['Cylinders']
data['acceleration_on_power'] = data['Acceleration'] / data['Horsepower']
data['acceleration_on_cyl'] = data['Acceleration'] / data['Cylinders']

corr_matrix = data.corr()

We found acceleration_on_power and acceleration_on_cyl as two new variables which turned out to be more positively correlated than the original variables.


This brings us to the end of the Exploratory Analysis. We are ready to proceed to our next step of preparing the data for Machine Learning.

这使我们进入探索性分析的结尾。 我们准备继续下一步,为机器学习准备数据。

使用Sklearn进行数据准备 (Data Preparation using Sklearn)

One of the most important aspects of Data Preparation is that we have to keep automating our steps in the form of functions and classes. This makes it easier for us to integrate the methods and pipelines into the main product.

数据准备的最重要方面之一是,我们必须保持函数和类形式的自动化。 这使我们更容易将方法和管道集成到主要产品中。

Here are the major tasks to prepare the data and encapsulate functionalities:


预处理分类属性-转换椭圆 (Preprocessing Categorical Attribute — Converting the Oval)

##onehotencoding the categorical values
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

cat_encoder = OneHotEncoder()
data_cat_1hot = cat_encoder.fit_transform(data_cat)
data_cat_1hot   # returns a sparse matrix


数据清理—电脑 (Data Cleaning — Imputer)

We’ll be using the SimpleImputer class from the impute module of the Sklearn library:


##handling missing values
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy="median")imputer.fit(num_data)

属性添加-添加自定义转换 (Attribute Addition — Adding custom transformation)

In order to make changes to datasets and create new variables, sklearn offers the BaseEstimator class. Using it, we can develop new features by defining our own class.

为了更改数据集并创建新变量,sklearn提供了BaseEstimator类。 使用它,我们可以通过定义自己的类来开发新功能。

We have created a class to add two new features as found in the EDA step above:


  • acc_on_power — Acceleration divided by Horsepower

    acc_on_power —加速度除以马力
  • acc_on_cyl — Acceleration divided by the number of Cylinders

    acc_on_cyl —加速度除以缸数
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

acc_ix, hpower_ix, cyl_ix = 4, 2, 0

##custom class inheriting the BaseEstimator and TransformerMixin
class CustomAttrAdder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, acc_on_power=True):
        self.acc_on_power = acc_on_power  # new optional variable
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self  # nothing else to do
    def transform(self, X):
        acc_on_cyl = X[:, acc_ix] / X[:, cyl_ix] # required new variable
        if self.acc_on_power:
            acc_on_power = X[:, acc_ix] / X[:, hpower_ix]
            return np.c_[X, acc_on_power, acc_on_cyl] # returns a 2D array
        return np.c_[X, acc_on_cyl]
attr_adder = CustomAttrAdder(acc_on_power=True)
data_tr_extra_attrs = attr_adder.transform(data_tr.values)

设置用于数字和分类属性的数据转换管道 (Setting up Data Transformation Pipeline for numerical and categorical attributes)

As I said, we want to automate as much as possible. Sklearn offers a great number of classes and methods to develop such automated pipelines of data transformations.

就像我说的,我们要尽可能地自动化。 Sklearn提供了大量类和方法来开发这种自动化的数据转换管道。

The major transformations are to be performed on numerical columns, so let’s create the numerical pipeline using the Pipeline class:


def num_pipeline_transformer(data):
    Function to process numerical transformations
        data: original dataframe 
        num_attrs: numerical dataframe
        num_pipeline: numerical pipeline object
    numerics = ['float64', 'int64']

    num_attrs = data.select_dtypes(include=numerics)

    num_pipeline = Pipeline([
        ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy="median")),
        ('attrs_adder', CustomAttrAdder()),
        ('std_scaler', StandardScaler()),
    return num_attrs, num_pipeline

In the above code snippet, we have cascaded a set of transformations:


  • Imputing Missing Values — using the SimpleImputer class discussed above.


  • Custom Attribute Addition— using the custom attribute class defined above.

  • Standard Scaling of each Attribute — always a good practice to scale the values before feeding them to the ML model, using the standardScaler class.


数值和分类列的组合管道 (Combined Pipeline for both Numerical and Categorical columns)

We have the numerical transformation ready. The only categorical column we have is Origin for which we need to one-hot encode the values.

我们已经准备好数值转换。 我们唯一的分类列是Origin,我们需要对其进行一次热编码。

Here’s how we can use the ColumnTransformer class to capture both of these tasks in one go.


def pipeline_transformer(data):
    Complete transformation pipeline for both
    nuerical and categorical data.
        data: original dataframe 
        prepared_data: transformed data, ready to use
    cat_attrs = ["Origin"]
    num_attrs, num_pipeline = num_pipeline_transformer(data)
    full_pipeline = ColumnTransformer([
        ("num", num_pipeline, list(num_attrs)),
        ("cat", OneHotEncoder(), cat_attrs),
    prepared_data = full_pipeline.fit_transform(data)
    return prepared_data

To the instance, provide the numerical pipeline object created from the function defined above. Then call the OneHotEncoder() class to process the Origin column.

对于实例,提供从上面定义的函数创建的数字管线对象。 然后,调用OneHotEncoder()类来处理Origin列。

最终自动化 (Final Automation)

With these classes and functions defined, we now have to integrate them into a single flow which is going to be simply two function calls.


  1. Preprocessing the Origin Column to convert integers to Country names:

##preprocess the Origin column in data
def preprocess_origin_cols(df):
    df["Origin"] = df["Origin"].map({1: "India", 2: "USA", 3: "Germany"})    
    return df

2.  Calling the final pipeline_transformer function defined above:


##from raw data to processed data in 2 steps

preprocessed_df = preprocess_origin_cols(data)
prepared_data = pipeline_transformer(preprocessed_df)prepared_data

Voilà, your data is ready to use in just two steps!


The next step is to start training our ML models.


选择和训练机器学习模型 (Selecting and Training Machine Learning Models)

Since this is a regression problem, I chose to train the following models:


  1. Linear Regression


  2. Decision Tree Regressor


  3. Random Forest Regressor


  4. SVM Regressor


I’ll explain the flow for Linear Regression and then you can follow the same for all the others.


It’s a simple 4-step process:


  1. Create an instance of the model class.

  2. Train the model using the fit() method.

  3. Make predictions by first passing the data through pipeline transformer.

  4. Evaluating the model using Root Mean Squared Error (typical performance metric for regression problems)

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

lin_reg = LinearRegression()
lin_reg.fit(prepared_data, data_labels)

##testing the predictions with first 5 rows
sample_data = data.iloc[:5]
sample_labels = data_labels.iloc[:5]
sample_data_prepared = pipeline_transformer(sample_data)

print("Prediction of samples: ", lin_reg.predict(sample_data_prepared))

Evaluating model:


from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

mpg_predictions = lin_reg.predict(prepared_data)
lin_mse = mean_squared_error(data_labels, mpg_predictions)
lin_rmse = np.sqrt(lin_mse)lin_rmse

RMSE for Linear regression: 2.95904


使用Sklearn进行交叉验证和超参数调整 (Cross-Validation and Hyperparameter Tuning using Sklearn)

Now, if you perform the same for Decision Tree, you’ll see that you have achieved a 0.0 RMSE value which is not possible – there is no “perfect” Machine Learning Model (we’ve not reached that point yet).

现在,如果对“决策树”执行相同的操作,您将看到已经实现了0.0 RMSE值,这是不可能的–没有“完美的”机器学习模型(我们还没有达到这一点)。

Problem: we are testing our model on the same data we trained on, which is a problem. Now, we can’t use the test data yet until we finalize our best model that is ready to go into production.

问题:我们正在根据训练的相同数据测试模型,这是一个问题。 现在,在最终确定可投入生产的最佳模型之前,我们无法使用测试数据。

Solution: Cross-Validation

解决方案: 交叉验证

Scikit-Learn’s K-fold cross-validation feature randomly splits the training set into K distinct subsets called folds. Then it trains and evaluates the model K times, picking a different fold for evaluation every time and training on the other K-1 folds.

Scikit-Learn的K折交叉验证功能将训练集随机分成K不同的子集,称为子折。 然后,它训练和评估模型K次,每次选择一个不同的折叠进行评估,然后训练其他K-1个折叠。

The result is an array containing the K evaluation scores. Here’s how I did for 10 folds:

结果是一个包含K个评估得分的数组。 这是我做10折的方法:

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

scores = cross_val_score(tree_reg, 
                         cv = 10)
tree_reg_rmse_scores = np.sqrt(-scores)

The scoring method gives you negative values to denote errors. So while calculating the square root, we have to add negation explicitly.

计分方法为您提供负值以表示错误。 因此,在计算平方根时,我们必须显式添加负数。

For Decision Tree, here is the list of all scores:


Take the average of these scores:


微调超参数 (Fine-Tuning Hyperparameters)

After testing all the models, you’ll find that RandomForestRegressor has performed the best but it still needs to be fine-tuned.


A model is like a radio station with a lot of knobs to handle and tune. Now, you can either tune all these knobs manually or provide a range of values/combinations that you want to test.

一个模型就像一个广播电台,带有很多旋钮来进行调节。 现在,您可以手动调整所有这些旋钮,也可以提供要测试的一系列值/组合。

We use GridSearchCV to find out the best combination of hyperparameters for the RandomForest model:


from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

param_grid = [
    {'n_estimators': [3, 10, 30], 'max_features': [2, 4, 6, 8]},
    {'bootstrap': [False], 'n_estimators': [3, 10], 'max_features': [2, 3, 4]},

forest_reg = RandomForestRegressor()

grid_search = GridSearchCV(forest_reg, param_grid,

grid_search.fit(prepared_data, data_labels)

GridSearchCV requires you to pass the parameter grid. This is a python dictionary with parameter names as keys mapped with the list of values you want to test for that param.

GridSearchCV要求您传递参数网格。 这是一个Python字典,其中参数名称作为键与您要测试该参数的值列表映射。

We can pass the model, scoring method, and cross-validation folds to it.


Train the model and it returns the best parameters and results for each combination of parameters:


检查功能重要性 (Check Feature Importance)

We can also check the feature importance by enlisting the features and zipping them up with the best_estimator’s feature importance attribute as follows:


# feature importances
feature_importances = grid_search.best_estimator_.feature_importances_

extra_attrs = ["acc_on_power", "acc_on_cyl"]
numerics = ['float64', 'int64']
num_attrs = list(data.select_dtypes(include=numerics))

attrs = num_attrs + extra_attrs
sorted(zip(attrs, feature_importances), reverse=True)

We see that acc_on_power, which is the derived feature, has turned out to be the most important feature.


You might want to keep iterating a few times before finalizing the best configuration.


The model is now ready with the best configuration.


评估整个系统 (Evaluate the Entire System)

It’s time to evaluate this entire system:


##capturing the best configuration
final_model = grid_search.best_estimator_

##segregating the target variable from test set
X_test = strat_test_set.drop("MPG", axis=1)
y_test = strat_test_set["MPG"].copy()

##preprocessing the test data origin column
X_test_preprocessed = preprocess_origin_cols(X_test)

##preparing the data with final transformation
X_test_prepared = pipeline_transformer(X_test_preprocessed)

##making final predictions
final_predictions = final_model.predict(X_test_prepared)
final_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, final_predictions)
final_rmse = np.sqrt(final_mse)

If you want to look at my complete project, here is the GitHub repository:


With that, you have your final model ready to go into production.


For deployment, we save our model into a file using the pickle model and develop a Flask web service to be deployed in Heroku. Let's see how that works now.

为了进行部署,我们使用pickle模型将模型保存到文件中,并开发将在Heroku中部署的Flask Web服务。 让我们看看它现在如何工作。

您需要部署什么应用程序? (What do you need to deploy the application?)

In order to deploy any trained model, you need the following:


  • A trained model ready to deploy — save the model into a file to be further loaded and used by the web service.

    训练有素的模型可供部署 -将模型保存到文件中,以供Web服务进一步加载和使用。

  • A web service — that gives a purpose for your model to be used in practice. For our fuel consumption model, it can be using the vehicle configuration to predict its efficiency. We’ll use Flask to develop this service.

    Web服务 -为您的模型在实际中使用提供目的。 对于我们的油耗模型,它可以使用车辆配置来预测其效率。 我们将使用Flask开发此服务。

  • A cloud service provider — you need special cloud servers to deploy the application. For simplicity, we are going to use Heroku for this (I'll cover AWS and GCP in other articles).

    云服务提供商 -您需要特殊的云服务器来部署应用程序。 为简单起见,我们将为此使用Heroku(在其他文章中将介绍AWS和GCP)。

Let’s get started by looking at each of these processes one by one.


保存训练好的模型 (Saving the Trained Model)

Once you’re confident enough to take your trained and tested model into the production-ready environment, the first step is to save it into a .h5 or .bin file using a library like pickle .


Make sure you have pickle installed in your environment.


Next, let’s import the module and dump the model into a .bin file:


import pickle

##dump the model into a file
with open("model.bin", 'wb') as f_out:
    pickle.dump(final_model, f_out) # write final_model in .bin file
    f_out.close()  # close the file

This will save your model in your present working directory unless you specify some other path.


It’s time to test if we are able to use this file to load our model and make predictions. We are going to use the same vehicle config as we defined above:

现在该测试我们是否能够使用此文件加载模型并进行预测。 我们将使用与上面定义的相同的车辆配置:

##vehicle config
vehicle_config = {
    'Cylinders': [4, 6, 8],
    'Displacement': [155.0, 160.0, 165.5],
    'Horsepower': [93.0, 130.0, 98.0],
    'Weight': [2500.0, 3150.0, 2600.0],
    'Acceleration': [15.0, 14.0, 16.0],
    'Model Year': [81, 80, 78],
    'Origin': [3, 2, 1]

Let’s load the model from the file:


##loading the model from the saved file
with open('model.bin', 'rb') as f_in:
    model = pickle.load(f_in)

Make predictions on the vehicle_config:


##defined in prev_blog
predict_mpg(vehicle_config, model)

##output: array([34.83333333, 18.50666667, 20.56333333])

The output is the same as we predicted earlier using final_model.


开发网络服务 (Developing a web service)

The next step is to package this model into a web service that, when given the data through a POST request, returns the MPG (Miles per Gallon) predictions as a response.


I am using the Flask web framework, a commonly used lightweight framework for developing web services in Python. In my opinion, it is probably the easiest way to implement a web service.

我正在使用Flask Web框架,Flask Web框架是用于在Python中开发Web服务的常用轻量级框架。 我认为,这可能是实现Web服务的最简单方法。

Flask gets you started with very little code and you don’t need to worry about the complexity of handling with HTTP requests and responses.


Here are the steps:


  • Create a new directory for your flask application.

  • Set up a dedicated environment with dependencies installed using pip.

  • Install the following packages:


The next step is to activate this environment and start developing a simple endpoint to test the application:


Create a new file, main.py and import the flask module:


from flask import Flask

Create a Flask app by instantiating the Flask class:


##creating a flask app and naming it "app"
app = Flask('app')

Create a route and a function corresponding to it that will return a simple string:


@app.route('/test', methods=['GET'])
def test():
    return 'Pinging Model Application!!'

The above code makes use of decorators — an advanced Python feature. You can read more about decorators here.

上面的代码利用了装饰器-一种高级的Python功能。 您可以在此处阅读有关装饰器的更多信息

We don’t need a deep understanding of decorators, just that adding a decorator @app.route on top of the test() function assigns that web service address to that function.


Now, to run the application we need this last piece of code:


if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
    app.run(debug=True, host=’', port=9696)

The run method starts our flask application service. The 3 parameters specify:

run方法将启动我们的flask应用程序服务。 3个参数指定:

  • debug=True — restarts the application automatically when it encounters any change in the code


  • host=’' — makes the web service public


  • port=9696 — the port that we use to access the application


Now, in your terminal run the main.py:


python main.py

Opening the URL in your browser will print the response string on the webpage:


With the application now running, let’s run the model.


Create a new directory model_files to store all the model-related code.


In this directory, create a ml_model.py file which will contain the data preparation code and the predict function we wrote here.

在此目录中,创建一个ml_model.py file ,其中将包含我们在此处编写的数据准备代码和预测函数。

Copy and paste the libraries you imported earlier in the article and the preprocessing/transformation functions. The file should look like this:

复制并粘贴您在本文前面导入的库以及预处理/转换功能。 该文件应如下所示:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer


def preprocess_origin_cols(df):
    df["Origin"] = df["Origin"].map({1: "India", 2: "USA", 3: "Germany"})
    return df

acc_ix, hpower_ix, cyl_ix = 3, 5, 1

class CustomAttrAdder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, acc_on_power=True): # no *args or **kargs
        self.acc_on_power = acc_on_power
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self  # nothing else to do
    def transform(self, X):
        acc_on_cyl = X[:, acc_ix] / X[:, cyl_ix]
        if self.acc_on_power:
            acc_on_power = X[:, acc_ix] / X[:, hpower_ix]
            return np.c_[X, acc_on_power, acc_on_cyl]
        return np.c_[X, acc_on_cyl]

def num_pipeline_transformer(data):
    numerics = ['float64', 'int64']

    num_attrs = data.select_dtypes(include=numerics)

    num_pipeline = Pipeline([
        ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy="median")),
        ('attrs_adder', CustomAttrAdder()),
        ('std_scaler', StandardScaler()),
    return num_attrs, num_pipeline

def pipeline_transformer(data):
    cat_attrs = ["Origin"]
    num_attrs, num_pipeline = num_pipeline_transformer(data)
    full_pipeline = ColumnTransformer([
        ("num", num_pipeline, list(num_attrs)),
        ("cat", OneHotEncoder(), cat_attrs),
    return full_pipeline    

def predict_mpg(config, model):
    if type(config) == dict:
        df = pd.DataFrame(config)
        df = config
    preproc_df = preprocess_origin_cols(df)
    pipeline = pipeline_transformer(preproc_df)
    prepared_df = pipeline.transform(preproc_df)
    y_pred = model.predict(prepared_df)
    return y_pred

In the same directory add your saved model.bin file as well.


Now, in the main.py we are going to import the predict_mpg function to make predictions. But to do that we are required to create an empty __init__.py file to tell Python that the directory is a package.

现在,在main.py我们将导入预测predict_mpg函数进行预测。 但是要做到这一点,我们需要创建一个空的__init__.py文件来告诉Python该目录是一个包。

Your directory should have this tree:


Next up, define the predict/ route that will accept the vehicle_config from an HTTP POST request and return the predictions using the model and predict_mpg() method.

接下来,定义将接受HTTP POST请求中的vehicle_configpredict/路线,并使用model和predict_mpg()方法返回预测。

In your main.py, first import:


import pickle
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from model_files.ml_model import predict_mpg

Then add the predict route and the corresponding function:


@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
    vehicle = request.get_json()
    with open('./model_files/model.bin', 'rb') as f_in:
        model = pickle.load(f_in)
    predictions = predict_mpg(vehicle, model)

    result = {
        'mpg_prediction': list(predictions)
    return jsonify(result)

Here, we’ll only be accepting POST request for our function and thus we have methods=[‘POST’] in the decorator.


  • First, we capture the data( vehicle_config) from our request using the get_json() method and store it in the variable vehicle.


  • Then we load the trained model into the model variable from the file we have in the model_files folder.


  • Now, we make the predictions by calling the predict_mpg function and passing the vehicle and model.


  • We create a JSON response of this array returned in the predictions variable and return this JSON as the method response.


We can test this route using Postman or the requests package and then start the server running the main.py. Then in your notebook, add this code to send a POST request with the vehicle_config:

我们可以使用Postman或requests包测试此路由,然后启动运行main.py的服务器。 然后在您的笔记本中,添加以下代码以使用vehicle_config发送POST请求:

import requests

url = “http://localhost:9696/predict"
r = requests.post(url, json = vehicle_config)

##output: '{"mpg_predictions":[34.60333333333333,19.32333333333333,14.893333333333333]}'

Great! Now, comes the last part: this same functionality should work when deployed on a remote server.

大! 现在,最后一部分介绍了:部署在远程服务器上时,该功能应该可以使用。

在Heroku上部署应用程序 (Deploying the application on Heroku)

To deploy this flask application on Heroku, you need to follow these very simple steps:


  1. Create a Procfile in the main directory — this contains the command to get the run the application on the server.

    在主目录中创建一个Procfile ,该文件包含在服务器上运行该应用程序的命令。

  2. Add the following in your Procfile:


web: gunicorn wsgi:app

We are using gunicorn (installed earlier) to deploy the application:


Gunicorn is a pure-Python HTTP server for WSGI applications. It allows you to run any Python application concurrently by running multiple Python processes within a single dyno. It provides a perfect balance of performance, flexibility, and configuration simplicity.

Gunicorn是用于WSGI应用程序的纯Python HTTP服务器。 它允许您通过在单个dyno中运行多个Python进程来同时运行任何Python应用程序。 它在性能,灵活性和配置简单性之间实现了完美的平衡。

Now, create a wsgi.py file and add:


##importing the app from main file
from main import app

if __name__ == “__main__”: 

Make sure you delete the run code from the main.py .


Write all the python dependencies into requirements.txt.


You can use pip freeze > requirements.txt or simply put the above-mentioned list of packages + any other package that your application is using.

您可以使用pip freeze > requirements.txt或简单地将上述软件包列表+您的应用程序正在使用的任何其他软件包放入列表中。

Now, using the terminal,


  • initialize an empty git repository,

  • add the files to the staging area,

  • and commit files to the local repository:

$ git init 
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Next, create a Heroku account if you haven’t already. Then login to the Heroku CLI:

接下来, 创建一个Heroku帐户(如果尚未创建)。 然后登录到Heroku CLI:

heroku login

Approve the login from the browser as the page pops up.


Now create a flask app:


heroku create <name of your app>

I named it mpg-flask-app. It will create a flask app and will give us a URL on which the app will be deployed.

我将其命名为mpg-flask-app 。 它将创建一个Flask应用程序,并为我们提供一个将在其上部署应用程序的URL。

Finally, push all your code to Heroku remote:


$ git push heroku master

$ git push heroku master

And Voilà! Your web service is now deployed on https://mpg-flask-app.herokuapp.com/predict.

还有Voilà! 现在,您的Web服务已部署在https://mpg-flask-app.herokuapp.com/predict上

Again, test the endpoint using the request package by sending the same vehicle config:


With that, you have all the major skills you need to start building more complex ML applications.


You can refer to my GitHub repository for this project.


And you can develop this entire project along with me:


下一步 (Next Steps)

This was still a simple project. For the next steps, I’d recommend you take up a more complex dataset – maybe pick up a classification problem and repeat these tasks until deployment.

这仍然是一个简单的项目。 对于下一步,我建议您使用更复杂的数据集-也许会遇到分类问题,并重复这些任务直到部署。

使用Harshit来查看数据科学 -我的YouTube频道 (Check out Data Science with Harshit — My YouTube Channel)

Here is the complete tutorial (in playlist form) on my YouTube channel where you can follow me while working on this project.


With this channel, I plan to roll out a couple of series covering the entire data science space. Here is why you should be subscribing to the channel:

我计划通过这个渠道推出一系列涵盖整个数据科学领域系列文章 。 这就是为什么您要订阅该频道的原因

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/end-to-end-machine-learning-project-turorial/






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